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“沧桑运河,千古通州,钟灵毓秀。”一条大运河蜿蜒流经中原大地,古通州就依偎在大运河河畔。猴年伊始,北京东郊通州区大营村这座古风犹存的农庄迎来了10多位在中国外局供职的外国专家。春节是中国的传统节日,贴春联、放鞭炮、包饺子寓意着老百姓对平安祥和生活的一种企盼。大年初五,金发碧眼、服装鲜艳的外国朋友的到来,给这座村庄带来了新奇与快乐;外国专家和村民们一起逛庙会,到村民的小别墅中做客……仿佛推开了一扇扇充满情趣的民谷之窗。伴着院落里“噼噼啪啪”不绝于耳的鞭炮声,吃着热气腾腾刚出锅的饺子,外国朋友在中国体验了一个原汁原味、团团圆圆、快快乐乐的中国年。  相似文献   

阿列克谢耶夫汉学研究建立在对中国国情文化实际考察和作品译介研究基础之上,从而形成阿列克谢耶夫对中国历史文化及其发展特征的独到而深刻的见解。他基于破除欧洲中心论的比较文化思想,力求使中国文学和西方文学得到有机的统一。  相似文献   

Like Dr.Bethune,Dr.Rosenfeld cameto China to help the dying and woundedwhen the country was facing hard times.Their selfless dedication to the Chinese people'scause has strengthened the friendshipbetween the countries from generation andgeneration.In the fall of 1992,the executive vicepresident of the Austrian Federal Parliamentcame to China,leading a delegation com-  相似文献   


In August 2001, Yu Qiuyu and his wife came to visit Cixi, his hometown in Zhejiang Province. Yu is a famed scholar in China and author of several bestseller prose collections. The following is the coverage of our reporter, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Yu during their visit. The great scholar started his study in a small village where only his mother knew how to read and write. Villagers came from near and afar to Yu's mother when they needed to have letters written or their bookkeeping updated. Yu began to write letters for villagers when he was in the  相似文献   

Art history has lost and rediscovered semiotics several times since the 1950s, and at the moment writers employ an eclectic mixture of theories derived mainly from Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Sanders Peirce. Of the two, Peirce is possibly the more influential model, on account of his tripartite theory of iconic, indexical, and symbolic signs. (The Saussurean model is identified more closely with the poststructuralist moment in art history, beginning in the 1970s.) The question of semiotics is once again topical now that visual culture is consolidating as a discipline, because the new field can choose from a wide range of semiotic practices – or it can choose to bypass semiotics altogether. This essay is a contribution to that current state of affairs. My principal point is that Peirce is much stranger than he is taken to be: he is idiosyncratic and demanding, and at times outlandishly hermetic. For most of what art history and visual studies aim to do, Peirce is simply not necessary; and when he is pertinent, he is so mainly as a model for concertedly logical thinking of a sort that is rare in visual studies or art history.  相似文献   

While many scholars have studied the impact mergersand acquisitions have had on market concentrationlevels in various industries, few have addressed theconsumer book market, an important U.S. culturalindustry. This paper: (1) defines the consumer bookmarket; and (2) using consumer book mergers, salesdata, the U.S. Department of Justice's 1992 mergerguidelines, the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index, andfour-firm and eight-firm concentration ratios testswhether an illegal level of market concentration or aviolation of Justice's antitrust guidelines wereevident in 1995 and 1996. Data on market entrybarriers, outputs, and prices are also analyzed.  相似文献   

In light of China's recent ascent as the world's second largest economy, this article critically engages with current U.S. public discourses around China. In particular, we explore how Orientalist knowledge about China is appropriated within neoliberal contexts. Our ideological analysis of news regarding China in the New York Times revealed three themes: (a) The Shoppers' Republic of China; (b) China's responsibility to consume; and (c) China as the space outside international law. Our analysis underpins the relevance of theorizing the interplay between Orientalism and neoliberalism in contemporary U.S. mainstream discourses of China.  相似文献   

本文首先从s.526卷尾所署的闰月切入,然后结合敦煌写卷、敦煌石窟等原始材料,认为卷中的阴氏夫人是张承奉的母亲,阿郎是张承奉,该写卷产生于张承奉时期,这个时期有一位阴姓的国舅.该写卷所反映的州主阿郎和和尚尊师之间的紧张关系,以及纪年未用中原年号等变化,正符合张承奉时期由于金山国的建立随之而带来的宗教政策以及与中原政权关系上的变化.最后断代在912年.  相似文献   

Jing Shuping, a business veteran, has witnessed the ups and downs of China's private business. Born into a rich businessman's family in 1918, Jing Shuping dreamed of becoming a journalist in his teenage years. Even today he still often wonders what would have become of him if he had landed the job in the press circle.  相似文献   

In a market characterized by a very large number of consumers, irregularly and infrequently choosing from a constantly changing menu of possibilities, widely available impartial information and advice would be expected to make a significant impact on demand. In the U.S. in 2003, however, there was zero correlation between critical ratings for films and gross box office earnings. For movies released on more than 1,000 screens, critical ratings were indeed positively related to gross earnings, and, together with production budgets and the number of opening screens, explained more than half the variance. But films with only limited opening release received higher average ratings. This is especially the case for foreign movies and documentaries but also true for American films, whose ratings, though positively related to the box office, seldom have enough influence to propel a movie into later wide exhibition or high earnings.
Timothy KingEmail:

This study uses the Academy Awards as a window to look into how cultural differences influence the reception of U.S. movies in East Asia. Following the recent research on the concept of cultural discount and the argument that the Academy Awards are indicators of cinematic qualities and achievement, the research questions focus on whether different types of cinematic qualities and achievement would be discounted by cultural differences to different extents. More specifically, a distinction between drama and non-drama awards is made, and it is argued that the cinematic qualities and achievement indicated by the drama awards are likely to be relatively more culturally specific and hence more likely to be discounted by cultural differences. The empirical analysis examines the box office performance of 585 U.S. movies from 2002 to 2007 in nine East Asian markets. It shows that non-drama awards relate positively to box office receipts, but drama awards relate negatively to box office receipts. Moreover, the negative relationship between drama awards and box office receipts is stronger in countries more culturally distant from the U.S. The findings are therefore highly supportive to the conceptual arguments. Other implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the spring 2004,Professor Xie Ruidancame all the way from Hong Kong to revisit hishometown Pingyang in Zhejiang.The professor’sfather was Xie Xiaxun(1887—1987),the famousChinese chess champion quite active in the firsthalf of the 20th century.Among his father’sdocuments,the son tumbled on a chess gamerecord played by Dr.Sun Yat—Sen years ago. The record serves as witness to history.XieXiaxun the king of Chinese chess visited  相似文献   

清光绪六年(1880),出身外交背景家庭的乔利通过选拔考试,来到北京英国使馆,以翻译生的身份学习汉语,并通过阅读《红楼梦》以提高汉语学习效率。两年之后,乔利开始了在中国各地领事馆任职的外交生涯。光绪十八、十九年(1892、1893),时任英国驻澳门副领事的乔利翻译出版了两卷本的《红楼梦》(前56回),该译著没有汉学学术背景,而是一种为来华西人提供汉语学习的辅助读本。乔利的翻译策略忠实而又灵活,更能从积极健康的教辅语料角度"净化"原著中低俗淫秽的内容。乔利译本流传至今已有120余年,但是仍然具有重要的文献学、语言学和文学翻译史价值。  相似文献   

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