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来自浙江省天台县的姚沁,1995年10月参加了美国国际小姐选美大赛,从全世界130个国家、162名佳丽中脱颖而出,戴上国际小姐的“皇冠”,并获最上镜头小姐称号。1998年,姚沁被邀请到北京,《人民日报》发表文章称她是“和平大使”。  相似文献   

Anti-graffiti protection is becoming a common practice in many urban buildings, especially in areas of social decay. When Cultural Heritage objects are affected by graffiti, the application of anti-graffiti products can result not only in an unsatisfactory result but also in an irreversible damage of an invaluable cost. The materials commonly found in these constructions are very frequently porous and present different types of decay forms. For this reason, the protection of these materials should be carefully considered. This paper proposes a criterion to decide on the suitability and durability of an anti-graffiti product prior to its application in a porous surface of a protected building. Performance classifications are defined for a series of properties including colour and gloss, and hydric and durability properties, and minimum acceptable values or reductions in these properties are recommended.  相似文献   

Financial imagination plays a fundamental, yet ambivalent role in the establishment of hierarchies within and between business schools, and in business life at large. This study examines this process in the ‘middle tier’ of business education: that is, in the social space in which students and instructors understand themselves to occupy a ‘mid-range’ position within an order of excellence and success. Largely articulated through business school rankings, this order strongly relies on the centrality of the financial curriculum, proficiency in which is understood as both a proxy for smartness and a sign of moneymaking capacity. In the ‘middle tier’, this order manifests in the form of an anxiety: an order that, though legitimate, is thought not to be attained, or hardly attainable. The study draws from ethnographic investigation in a ‘middle tier’ business school with attention to how finance is made sense of in relation to an alternative curriculum, and in connection with the aim of ‘making it to the top’. A comparison with a ‘top tier’ business school allows furthering understanding of how the order of business schools relies on the anxiety of finance in order to reproduce an acquiescence to dominant financial imagination.  相似文献   

This article details how an intercultural partnership between a grassroots nonprofit organization and a critical cultural communication scholar was forged and maintained via complementary epistemic stances of engagement. The NPO members’ stance was grounded in la consciencia broadly defined and border logics linked to the use of emotive narratives and strategic Spanish, while for myself an ethic of speaking with was comprised of self-reflexivity, self-examination of positionalities, dialogic relationship building, and an enactment of care in representing community members. Ultimately, tuning into the importance of decoloniality via an ethic of speaking with and the necessary strategy of delinking allowed for two intercultural partners to work together toward social justice in the borderlands.  相似文献   

吴捷是一个残疾人,追求梦想,为自己的生命注入艺术的斑斓色彩。从另一个角度讲,他的十年笋壳梦,也生动诠释了中国民间艺术是如何丰富如何变得多彩而出人意料。正是有无数像他这样的民间艺术工作者,在田头,在海岛,在大山,在村野,不断探索新的艺术形式,不断创造出新的作  相似文献   

从湖州的赤脚医生到美国的医学博士,美国整体医学研究所所长、国际著名的临床针灸师兼神经生理学家与时间生物学家金观源40年“磨”一针,20年来,在大洋彼岸的美国,孜孜不倦地传播中医文化—  相似文献   

Youjung Shin 《Minerva》2018,56(2):231-257
This paper aims to show the historical contingency of policy entrepreneurship in science by analyzing the case of brain research in South Korea during the last decade of the 20th century. This decade saw an increasing emphasis placed upon the development of information technology and its use for societal changes. The rise of the “Information Society” in Korea was an important context for shaping the field of brain research as an amalgam of multiple disciplines which led to the passage of the Brain Research Promotion Act; the first law in the world enacted to promote brain research. This paper, through focusing on in what context someone takes up an entrepreneurial role, shows how the concept of interdisciplinarity has been shaped by, and how it has influenced the development of brain research and its related policy measures in Korea. It ultimately reveals the contingent and transient aspect of a policy entrepreneur and his effect on building a new field.  相似文献   

In the exhibition ‘One-Way Ticket (2015)’, New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) presented African-American artist Jacob Lawrence’s series Migration (1941). However, despite a curatorial intention to do otherwise, MoMA’s exhibition diminished Lawrence as an artist and his Migration series as art by defining Lawrence as an African-American ‘painterly-historian’, rather than an American artist looking to an international art scene. This article examines ‘One-Way Ticket’ and compares Migration with exhibitions of Otto Dix’s 1924 Der Krieg series to demonstrate the racial bias undergirding even an honest attempt to pay homage to an artist outside of a white modernist mainstream. With the acknowledgement of profound differences in impact and scale, this article contends that there is a parallel between MoMA’s ‘One-Way Ticket’ and the consistent assumption of African-American otherness to a white norm undergirding today’s climate of racial unrest.  相似文献   

E.P. Thompson's work on working-class formation is widely recognized as one of the crucial contributions to Marxist historiography in the twentieth century. His emphasis on notions of agency and subjectivity is intimately linked to a radical recasting of the socialist agenda against the objectivism of an earlier, ‘orthodox’, Marxism and of a later, and more theoretically sophisticated, structuralism. Thompson's conception of working-class agency as the primary element in historical materialism parallels Antonio Negri's theorization of proletarian subjectivity as an expansive process of collective self-constitution. In particular, Negri's analysis of ‘power’ as an autonomous dynamic of social creation offers an essential development of Thompson's ideas and a fresh theoretical template for the political re-actualization of radical humanism.  相似文献   

孙轶 《文化交流》2009,(11):64-68
我有蓝色的眼睛/我早已看过《西游记》和《道德经》……我有个中国灵魂/我上辈子一定是中国人/你们叫我老外/我却叫你们同胞们……  相似文献   

在前后两届全国十大紫砂名壶评选中,前一届他以作品《云开旭日照苍松》跻身其中,这一届又以《梅竹提梁壶》中奖,连续两届获此殊荣,实属不易。此人名叫周荣金,40多岁,已是宜兴紫砂工艺二厂的高级工艺美术师。难怪壶艺泰斗吕尧臣给他题词:“难得壶徒”;另一位壶艺大师谭泉海为他题词:“扬紫艺为荣,捏砂泥成金”;评上全国十大能工巧匠的徐安碧以书相赠:“砂海人才济济,壶徒别有创意”。这些题词既是对年轻有为的周荣金的评价,又是对他的激励。  相似文献   

Conclusions Palestinian teachers at the pre-collegiate level who participate in the CEEPAT programme will, it is hoped, learn to place new emphasis on enhancement of their students' analytical skills and discourage an identification of knowledge with memorisation. For their part, Palestinian professors who have been trained to teach in the programme will presumably constitute a growing reservoir of talent which may be expected to raise the quality of Palestinian university education. Plans are now under way to give all Palestinians teaching under the auspices of CEEPAT an opportunity to attend an annual, three-week winter seminar in Gaza and/or a summer seminar in the United States, both of which will focus on issues of pedagogy and methodology. Such professors can be expected to pass on their new understanding of teaching via discussion to their colleagues and to their university students, thereby spreading an important pedagogical method to other segments of the Palestinian... community. 7 CEEPAT clearly has the potential to make a significant contribution to the elevation of educational standards in Palestine at a time of major historical change.In Palestine, higher education of quality is obviously a very serious business. It is understood that it underlies any possibility of individual betterment, economic development, or the evolution of an independent Palestinian state. If ever the Israeli occupation is completely terminated and the present financial crisis of the universities is solved, Palestinian university and post-baccalaureate training may reasonably be expected to become fully competitive on an international scale.  相似文献   

Analysing the work of Spanish composer Francisco López and the Belgian film maker Thierry Knauff's 2000 production, Wild Blue: notes à quelques voix, this paper aims to go beyond the Deleuzean methodology that it employs. Deleuze argues, in Difference and Repetition, that artistic production deploys an active form of repetition that creates difference in itself and not a banal Platonic form of repetition based on an originary identity. Finding this process at work in the texts studied, we argue that of vital importance in these works and (although it is not explicitly stated) in Deleuze's own theory here is a reflection on the concept of texture. In deploying an artistic form of repetition that is infused with a deep sense of texture, both López and Knauff distance their works from the documentary realm in which they appear to be grounded. This, however, only increases their potential political efficacy which, rather than working according to extensive and limited, therefore, principles, is transmitted via an intensive mode.  相似文献   

社区博物馆自引入以来,一直被理解为一种保护地域文化与生活的乘载工具,对经济议题缺乏研究,使我国社区博物馆实践普遍充满挫败感,直接导致社区博物馆理念在我国的不适与质疑。以此为切入点,通过社区博物馆与内生式发展理念的融合研究,从背景解读,理念的载体、进化、本土化及其彼此关联进行分析,提出了社区博物馆理念架构下的内生式发展是我国乡村地域可持续发展的理想形式,并结合日本乡村地域创生实例以期对我国本土化实践的启迪。  相似文献   

这是一个全国社区的文化品牌。她已成为中国和谐社区群体的一个缩影,展示中国普通百姓文化生活的一个窗口,也是“城市社区重塑”的鲜活样本。  相似文献   

"小游璐!你用筷子夹菜试试看……"3月22日中午,在龙游县福利院食堂内,保育员童爱玲亲热地招呼一名从美国明尼苏达州回龙游探亲的10岁女童游璐。只见女孩腼腆地笑着,右手相当熟练地用竹筷夹住点心盘中一片龙游发糕往嘴里塞,边嚼边竖起左手大拇指,并朝阿姨们做鬼脸,  相似文献   

淘气包 梁思成年轻时是学建筑专业的,但他在音乐和绘画方面都有很好的修养。他在美国宾夕法尼亚大学留学时,宾大要求学生自己设计作品,他的第一件作品便是给林徽因做了面仿古铜镜。那是用一个现代的圆玻璃镜面,镶嵌在仿古铜镜里合成的。铜镜正中刻着两个云冈石窟中的飞天浮雕,飞天的外围是一圈卷草花纹,花环与飞天组合成完美的圆形图案,图案中间刻着:徽因自鉴之用,思成自镌并铸喻其晶莹不珏也。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential pitfalls for academic research associated with goal displacements in the implementation of goals and indicators of research commercialization. We ask why patenting has come to serve as the key policy indicator of innovative capacity and what consequences this has for the organization of academic research. To address these questions, the paper presents a case study from Denmark on, firstly, why and how the 1999 Danish ‘Act on Inventions’ introduced patenting as a central instrument to Danish science policy and, secondly, the effects the Act has had on Danish university organization and research practices. We trace why and how commercialization was introduced as an important objective in Danish science policy since the 1980s. The increased focus on patents is explained as an isomorphic adjustment to an international ‘science policy field,’ manifested in particular through OECD statistics, where patenting has come to serve as a key metric in international rankings. In a second step, we examine what effects the patenting requirements have had on organization and research practice at a Danish university. We show that in practice ‘number of patents’ changed from serving as an indicator of innovative capacity to being a policy goal in itself, thus in effect producing a goal displacement that is potentially damaging for both academic research and innovation capacity of the surrounding society. As a consequence of this goal displacement, active scientists now increasingly engage in patenting primarily as a means to fulfill organizational targets and to increase their ‘fundability,’ rather than to promote commercial applications of their research. In conclusion, we discuss how these unfulfilled policy ambitions have led to a retrospective redefinition of policy goals rather than an adjustment of the actual policy tools.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between Italian municipalities’ spending on culture in the 1990s and 2000s and a number of political variables—such as a left/right dummy, an election-year dummy and a term-limit indicator—controlling, among other things, for economic and socio-demographic characteristics of the population, the level of human capital and instruction, proxies of social capital, the extent of private financing of cultural provisions and touristic and artistic relevance. We use a panel-data regression analysis and find that, indeed, some determinants of public expenditures on culture are political. In particular, we identify an electoral cycle in which the incumbent spends less on culture in an election year. This result is robust for variations in the empirical model accounting for both the persistence and spatial interdependence of cultural expenditures by municipalities.  相似文献   

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