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培养观察能力是中学科学教学的主要任务之一.作者认为,使学生掌握正确的观察方法是培养科学观察能力的基础,训练观察品质是培养学生科学观察能力的突破口,使学生养成勤观察、多观察的习惯是培养科学观察能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

英语阅读教学越来越受到重视。影响中学生英语阅读能力的因素很多。本文认为 ,中学英语教学中培养阅读能力的主要途径是精读和泛读。培养阅读能力应以语言知识为基础 ,背景知识为前提 ,语篇知识为手段 ,完形填空、短文改错、写作等训练为必要的补充  相似文献   

The well‐documented increase in student mental health issues in Australia and growing recognition of the need for education to play a part in students’ identity formation prompted this study. The research reported in this article sought to identify specific elements of the school climate that were likely to influence the interplay of adolescent health and development and students’ identity formation. The aim was two‐fold. First, the study examined the relationships between students’ perceptions of the school climate and self‐reports of wellbeing, resilience and moral identity; and, second, the interrelationships between the three outcome variables were explored. Two surveys, one to assess students’ perceptions of features of the school climate, and another to assess students’ wellbeing, resilience and moral identity, were administered to 618 Year 11 students from 15 independent schools in South Australia. Structural equation modelling was used to investigate hypothesised relationships between students’ perceptions of their school climate and self‐reports of wellbeing, resilience and moral identity. Our results indicated statistically significant and positive relationships between school‐climate factors and each of the three outcome variables. Further, indirect relationships (mediated largely by resilience) were found between school‐climate factors and students’ wellbeing. Our findings could be used to guide schools in building tangible, purposeful environments that engender well‐balanced, positive, resilient citizens with strong moral identities.  相似文献   

U.S. national data show that American Indians earn lower math and science scores than other ethnic/racial groups. In the current study, a brief, self-affirmation intervention was aimed at increasing science motivational beliefs in American Indian middle school students (n?=?212, Mage?=?12.7 years). Students, each read a biography of a successful scientist who was matched to them on both ethnicity and gender; ethnicity but not gender; gender but not ethnicity; or no match. Students then wrote a short essay describing traits they shared with the scientist. Pre- and post-intervention science self-efficacy, individual interest, and goal orientations were measured to assess intervention efficacy immediately following the intervention and one week later. Results revealed no benefits of the intervention in increasing motivational beliefs for students in any experimental condition. We discuss the fragile fidelity of self-affirmation interventions and conditions that might be necessary for intervention success.  相似文献   

如何提高学困生的学习动机水平对提高其学习成绩具有重要意义.然而近年来针对初中英语学困生的学习动机的研究还不多见.该文从提高初中英语学困生学习动机水平的角度入手,并借鉴各动机学派的研究成果对如何激发学困生学习动机进行了系统的探究.针对初中生的特点和英语学科的特性,改变学困生对英语学习价值的认识、原有爱好与学习嫁接、丰富学习内容和创造学习氛围等.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study examined the outcomes of a multicultural course on school psychology students’ feelings of empathy and sensitivity toward members of different racial and ethnic groups. It also investigated students’ perceptions of how the course would influence their future practice as school psychologists. Ethnic identity awareness was explored across ethnic groups and in relation to students’ feelings of empathy and sensitivity toward members of different racial and ethnic groups. Results showed differences in ethnic identity awareness between White and non‐White participants, significant increases in areas of feelings of empathy and sensitivity at posttest, and significant positive correlations between measures of ethnic identity awareness and feelings of empathy and sensitivity. Additionally, a content analysis of the participants’ reflection papers highlighted three key themes: (1) importance of a safe learning environment, (2) increased social awareness, and (3) putting theory into practice. Implications for school psychology training programs to prepare culturally competent practitioners will be discussed as well as limitations and future directions for research.  相似文献   

School transitions are important phases in students’ educational experiences. The current study aimed to explore the trajectories of academic and social motivation across the transition from elementary to middle school. Participants (N = 415) were sampled from six elementary schools; 55% transitioned after sixth grade (transition) and 45% remained at the same school (no-transition). The students reported academic and social goals and perceived teacher goal emphasis at four time points over two successive years. A growth curve analysis revealed that students who transitioned reported a greater decline in mastery goals and an increase in performance-approach goals. Students from no-transition schools reported higher initial levels for all social goals, with a steeper decline in seventh grade. Perceived teacher goal emphasis was associated with social development goals over time. Practitioners should be aware that school transitions may influence academic motivation but may not similarly influence social motivation.  相似文献   

Teaching has become a very challenging profession with the requirements to provide appropriate individualised instruction in large and diverse classes. Problem behaviours displayed by students with special needs exacerbate the difficulties. This is especially true and intense in physical education, where students are exposed to extreme emotional situations under physical demands. Classwide peer tutoring (CWPT) is an evidence‐based teaching strategy that involves programmed interactions between peers and holds promise for the education of students at risk who display antisocial behaviours. This article discusses the implementation and modification of CWPT in third and eighth grades in a K‐12 inner‐city charter school in the USA, directed towards students who have special educational and social needs. First, the two CWPT applications are described. Second, authors share the students’ reactions to the pedagogy. Third, based on students’ responses and the teacher's accumulated experience delivering CWPT, the article discusses how to tailor CWPT better to each of the grade levels.  相似文献   

本研究采用分层随机抽样方法,对五所高中各年级学生进行考试焦虑、学习方法及其它相关因素的测量和调查;对1405个有效样本进行了统计处理,发现学习方法、考试焦虑程度影响学业成绩;父母的职业、母亲的化程度对学生的学业成绩有影响;家庭经济收入、是否独生子女与学生的学业成绩无关;任学生干部累计年限越长,学业成绩优秀率越高。  相似文献   

随着世界各国在经济、文化等领域的交往不断加深,英语的使用范围不断扩大.因此,在英语教学中,培养学生的英语交际能力显得越来越重要.如何立足于课堂,提高初中学生的口语能力,笔者谈点粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

This paper examines students’ achievement and interest and the extent to which they are predicted by teacher knowledge and motivation. Student achievement and interest are both considered desirable outcomes of school instruction. Teacher pedagogical content knowledge has been identified a major predictor of student achievement in previous research, whereas teacher motivation is considered a decisive factor influencing students’ interest. So far, however, most research either focused on knowledge or motivation (both on the students’ as well as the teachers’ side), rarely investigating them together or examining the instructional mechanisms through which the supposed effects of teacher knowledge and motivation are facilitated. In the present study, N = 77 physics teachers and their classes in Germany and Switzerland are investigated utilizing a multi‐method approach in combining data obtained from test‐instruments (teacher pedagogical content knowledge, student achievement) and questionnaires (teacher motivation, student interest, student perceived enthusiastic teaching) as well as videotaped instruction (cognitive activation rated by observers). Multi‐level structural equation modeling was used to support the assumptions that teacher pedagogical content knowledge positively predicted students’ achievement; the effect was mediated by cognitive activation. Teachers’ motivation predicted students’ interest which was mediated by enthusiastic teaching as perceived by students. Neither did teacher pedagogical content knowledge predict students’ interest, nor teacher motivation students’ achievement. This implies that in order to improve students’ cognitive as well as affective outcomes, both teachers’ knowledge but also their motivation need to be considered. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 54:586–614, 2017  相似文献   

为探讨初中生学习自我控制能力与父母教养方式之间的关系,对643名初中生进行问卷调查。结果显示:父母教养方式对初中生自我控制力的发展起到重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines stability and change during the elementary-to-middle school transition, focusing on adolescents’ experiences of home–school dissonance because of real or perceived differences between home/self and values within the school context. Relationships were hypothesized between exacerbation and amelioration of dissonance, middle school mastery and performance goal practices, and students’ perceptions thereof. The sample consisted of 274 African-American and 284 European-American (49% female) students. Middle school teachers (N = 236) provided data on school academic practices. Multilevel growth curve analysis indicated significant variance among the 10 middle schools regarding change in dissonance. Both mastery-focused middle school practices and students’ perception of middle school classrooms as more performance and less mastery focused than elementary classrooms were significant predictors of change in dissonance. Path-analyses evidence pointed to the mediational role of school belonging on the relationship between perception of classroom mastery goals and dissonance. Path analyses revealed direct and indirect effects of perception of classroom performance goals on dissonance and school belonging. This paper highlights the importance of creating inclusive learning environments that minimize social comparison saliency and validate students for who they are.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - Academic language has been identified as an important focus for instructing students about the quality of written composition they need to be successful in college and career....  相似文献   

采用问卷调查形式,研究了初中生学习理科课程的学习动机与学习策略的发展情况.经过标准比数据处理,结果发现初中生在理科课程学习中内、外动机是相互促进的,二者对学习策略的影响都很显著.学习理科课程时监控策略运用最多,而精加工策略运用水平不高,这可能与传统的教学方式有关.  相似文献   

The authors examined the big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) on academic self-concept (ASC) using different indicators of academic ability (i.e., achievement test, cognitive ability test, grades corrected for grading-on-a-curve effects, uncorrected grades). They investigated under what circumstances grades are suitable indicators of academic ability in BFLPE research. The sample comprised 730 sixth-grade students from 30 classes belonging to the top track of the German secondary high school system. Using multilevel models, all indicators of academic ability exhibited negative contrast effects on ASC at class level (i.e., BFLPE). The authors found the strongest effects for corrected grades, followed by achievement tests, cognitive ability, and, finally, uncorrected grades. Thus, the study provides evidence for the usage of grades within BFLPE research for investigating the BFLPE.  相似文献   

Parents play a key role in developing their children's academic motivation, and parents of children with gifts and talents also may face additional parenting challenges that are less commonly faced by parents of average‐ability learners whose needs are more readily met in the school setting. School psychologists may be charged with addressing these issues, despite having little or no training on the needs of families of high‐ability learners. We use the lens provided by the self‐determination theory of motivation to consider how social–environmental climates created by parents can promote or impede the academic motivation of students with gifts and talents. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本研究对大连市23615名初一学生进行了学习适应性调查、基本能力测验和学科期末测验,然后采用逐步建立多层线性模型的方法,探索了学习适应性对不同学科学业成绩的调节作用。研究结果显示:学习适应性对学业成绩具有直接影响和调节作用。在控制了学生性别等基本变量后,学习适应性对学业成绩有显著的正向预测作用,并且,学习适应能够调节性别与学业成绩、基本能力与学业成绩的关系,学习适应水平越高,不同性别学生学业成绩的差异越小,基本能力对学业成绩的预测作用相对减弱。  相似文献   

This study examines middle school students’ learning and motivation as they engaged in a new media enriched problem-based learning (PBL) environment for middle school science. Using a mixed-method design with both quantitative and qualitative data, we investigated the effect of a new media environment on sixth graders’ science learning, their motivation, and the relationship between students’ motivation and their science learning. The analysis of the results showed that: Students significantly increased their science knowledge from pretest to posttest after using the PBL program, they were motivated and enjoyed the experience, and a significant positive relationship was found between students’ motivation scores and their science knowledge posttest scores. Findings were discussed within the research framework.  相似文献   

在全球化的今天,高中英语教学越来越需要注重学生自主学习能力的培养,对此,高中英语教学需要教师转变教学理念和教学方式,为学生创设自主学习的环境,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯,指导学生用英语阅读、思维,以促进学生自主学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

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