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The perceptual and cognitive processing demands involved in comprehending complex animations can pose considerable challenges to learners. There is a tendency for learners to extract information that is highly perceptually salient but neglect less conspicuous information of crucial relevance to the building of a quality mental model. This study investigated the effectiveness of self-generated drawing for learning from an animation illustrating a scientific phenomenon, the so-called “Newton’s Cradle.” Participants were 199 students in grade seven, randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: self-generated drawing, traced/copied drawing, and no drawing. All participants were asked to produce an explanation of the animation for both immediate and delayed posttests. The results revealed the superiority of self-generated drawing in supporting animation comprehension at both testing times compared to the other two conditions, which did not differ from each other. In addition, comprehension of the animation was related to the quality of self-generated drawings. Specifically, the depiction of information characterized by low perceptual salience but high conceptual relevance to the phenomenon predicted comprehension and retention over time.  相似文献   

动画就是指连续运动的影像。动画是具有着丰富的表现内容和手段的。而动画角色也就是相当于电影中的演员,它左右着整部影片的好坏与否,是整部影片的核心。它担负着整个故事的演绎和情节的推进,也表达着故事的核心内容和思想内涵。设计者在设计动画角色造型的同时也是在表达自己的思想内涵。一个成功的优秀的动画角色是可以凭借其鲜明的性格特点,夸张的外型特征和丰富的文化底蕴来获得观众的好感和认可的。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的快速发展,高等职业教育应对其专业课程进行整合,增加一些以实践为主的新知识和新技能,以适应企业岗位技能的新要求。动漫设计专业具有起步晚,发展快的特点。我们将从社会实际需求出发完成这次改革,确立以就业为目标的教学导向,调整课程设置,突出对学生综合设计应用能力的培养。  相似文献   

一部动画是否成功,很大程度上取决于动画中人物的造型,人物造型不仅能够促进一部动画成功,还可以让动画展现出它不一样的地方,一个好的造型能够为动画增添色彩,一个出色的造型能够为动画加分,让动画超出原本所能达到的效果,尤其是教师在教学生时,教师应该让学生知道,造型对于动画也是非常重要的,锻炼学生的品味,和不一样的思维能力,同时还要锻炼学生的想象力,让学生头脑相出好的造型,大胆的设计符合该动画的造型,让观众感到该动画与其他动画与众不同之处,提高学生的专业知识,提高学生在动画造型中的造诣。  相似文献   

概述了纺织复合材料及其性能,说明了纺织:良合材料与工业设计的关系。基于工业设计理论,分析了纺织复合材料的产品造型设计。列举了一些纺织复合材料产品造型设计的实例。认为通过工业设计,纺织复合材料可以更好地为大众服务并推动自身发展。  相似文献   

当前多数开设艺术设计专业的学校,设计教育自身构架和系统的适应性不足,以致学生缺少实践的平台,实践经验不足.本文将项目教学法引入艺术设计教学方法中,并介绍了其构成,及其应注意的相关事项.  相似文献   

浅淡艺术设计专业创新人才培养途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教育改革提出了创新型、复合型人才的培养目标,艺术设计,从而提升学生的竞争力。艺术设计专业,以其特殊性,更成为这种创新型培养目标的现代教育改革的先行者。本文在分析当前艺术设计专业创新人才培养现状的基础上,结合艺术设计专业办学的特点,提出艺术专业创新型人才的培养新模式,以期为各方提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Axiomatic design (AD) and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) are widely used in conceptual design. Both of them have limitations, however. We presented an integrated model of these two methods to increase the efficiency and quality of the problem solving process for conceptual design. AD is used for systematically defining and structuring a problem into a hierarchy. Sometimes, the design matrix is coupled in AD which indicates the functional requirements are coupled. TRIZ separation principles can be used to separate non-independent design parameters, which provide innovative solutions at each hierarchical level. We applied the integrated model to the heating and drying equipment of bitumen reproduction device. The result verifies that the integrated model can work very well in conceptual design.  相似文献   

基于网络平台的教学模式设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对网络教学平台及教学方法的研究分析,设计了一套基于网络平台的教学模式,提出了弹性化、个性化、层次化的网络教学新途径。  相似文献   

随着大规模集成电路技术和计算机技术的不断发展,电子技术得到了飞速发展,电子设计自动化(EDA)技术,加速了现代高科技发展的进程_从微电子技术、微电脑技术到信息技术等领域,EDA技术的含量正以惊人的速度上升,在电子系统设计上产生了具有里程碑意义的飞跃,为大规模可编程逻辑器件的应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨可理解性输出在提高大学生英语写作中的作用。该研究对象为贵州大学英语专业的二年级学生,受试学生被分为控制组和受试组。研究者在实验期间对控制组的学生按照该课程规定的教学大纲和教学计划进行日常授课及布置相关练习,而对受试组的学生除了日常授课之外,在巩固操练环节则根据他们的实际水平及需要布置相应的可理解性输出。结果发现,可理解性输出能激发学习者的元语言功能,提高他们的认知效率和语用能力,是把陈述性知识储量转化为实际写作能力的重要过程。  相似文献   

针对数字信号处理及DSP技术教学中的困难,设计1个FIR数字滤波的综合实验.采用窗函数法,借助Matlab程序设计语言,设计FIR数字滤波器,应用DSP汇编语言编程实现该滤波器.实践表明,该实验设计使学生能更好地理解和掌握该课程的基本理论,并能提高学生的工程应用能力,提高本课程的授课效果,提高学生分析问题、解决问题和动手能力,使学生通过本课程的学习更加适应工作的需要.  相似文献   

结合实际设计工作,总结出半挂车轴荷分配的一种优化设计方法,并建立起相应的数学模型。  相似文献   

当代国外职业决策理论模型解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,受决策研究和心理学理论的影响,特别是以信息加工为代表的认知心理学的影响,在批判早期职业决策理论的基础上,职业心理学家提出了新的职业决策理论和模型。与早期的理论模型相比,这些理论和模型扩展了职业决策的范围,也更加关注职业决策是如何做出的,职业决策的过程和机制等问题。  相似文献   

装潢艺术设计专业教学模式改革探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,装潢艺术设计教学中存在职能缺憾、思维方向错位、重技法轻创意、实践教学环节薄弱等问题。为更好地实现培养目标,必须从课程体系、教学内容与授课方式、实践教学等方面进行改革,构建新的教学模式。  相似文献   

Based on Fuller's model, a gradation design is presented for the load-carrying capacity of an asphalt mixture with stone-to-stone contact. The coarse aggregate gradation, fine aggregate and filler gradation are respectively designed for their different effects on an asphalt mixture with stone-to-stone contact. The equation of coarse aggregate gradation is deduced from the Fuller's model. Fine aggregate gradation is calculated by using Fuller's equation. The asphalt mixture with the 16 mm maximum size of aggregate is verified. When the coefficient of coarse aggregate gradation is 0.35 and fine aggregate gradation is 0.25, the volume parameters of asphalt mixture meet the technical specifications. Moreover, the high temperature stability and crack resistance at low temperature are all well.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to study on a more fine-grained level how processing a picture facilitates learning from text. In Experiment 1 (N = 85), results from a drawing task revealed that the global spatial structure of a pulley system picture was extracted even from its brief inspection (for 600 ms, 2 s). In Experiment 2 (N = 105), students who initially inspected the pulley system picture (for 600 ms, 2 s, or self-paced) had better comprehension of the system's functions and made more eye movements in line with the system's global spatial structure when listening to text than students who listened to text only. In Experiment 3 (N = 39), students who first saw the picture (for 2 s) processed written text of the pulley system's spatial structure more efficiently than students who read text only. Results suggest that global spatial information extracted from the picture was used as a mental scaffold to facilitate mental model construction.  相似文献   

陶瓷艺术设计教育,是以陶瓷为媒介和一定的学术侧重而展开的教育活动。对高职陶瓷艺术设计教育而言,在继承陶瓷艺术悠久的历史文化传统的基础上,运用"3+3"人才培养模式,为社会培养出应用型高素质技能人才,是我国当前高职教育发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

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