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This paper analyses the changes found in students’ involvement in homework throughout the four grade levels of compulsory secondary education in Spain (ages 12–15). It also analyses the relationship between the changes in students’ involvement in homework throughout schooling and motivational and emotional variables related to homework. Findings indicated that: (a) the amount of homework completed and homework time management diminished slightly throughout the grade levels researched; however, this result is clearer in terms of the amount of homework completed; (b) prior academic achievement is significantly related to the variables associated with students’ involvement in homework; (c) the motivational and affective variables researched explained statistically significant variance related to two of the three dependent variables associated with involvement in homework; and (d) the association between the motivational and affective variables and involvement in homework is lower.  相似文献   


Una de las demandas psicopedagógicas más importantes del profesor de Educación Secundaria se centra en cómo abordar nuevas estrategias para “enseñar a aprender” a los alumnos. Tanto la acción tutorial del profesor como la intervención psicopedagógica se han orientado tradicionalmente hacia la enseñanza de “técnicas de estudio”. Recientemente, se están popularizando otro tipo de actuaciones focalizadas más bien en el desarrollo de los prerrequisitos cognitivos del alumno mediante la implemntación de los llamados “Programas de Enseñar a Pensar”. En este trabajo hemos comparado la eficacia de estos dos tipos de programas en cuanto a su capacidad para mejorar las estrategias de comprensión del alumno, y en relación a una tercera propuesta que integra componentes de ambos y añade otros elementos que pueden posibilitar su mejor aprovechamien to en contextos curriculares, especialmente en el marco de los “Programas de Diversificación Curricular” del sistema educativo español.  相似文献   

First-year higher education (HE) students experience different challenges during their studies. These challenging learning situations can trigger self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, which students use to handle these situations. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate (a) first-year HE students’ cognitive, motivational and emotional challenges experienced in both individual and collaborative learning situations and (b) the relationship between SRL skills and experienced learning challenges. Participants included 107 first-year pre-service teachers. Data consisted of students’ self-reports via (a) open-ended answers on a challenge questionnaire and (b) Likert-scale items from MSLQ and MRS questionnaires. Based on students’ SRL profiles, differential effects on the challenging experiences were investigated. The results show that different aspects related to students’ cognition, motivation, emotions and well-being were challenging for students. Also, connections were found between students’ SRL skills and the types of experienced learning challenges. Students with high SRL reported fewer learning challenges related to motivational aspects and more challenges related to cognitive aspects than students with low SRL.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(2):169-181

El siguiente estudio pretende analizar cómo interpretan profesores y estudiantes de secundaria la tarea de anotación, y además poner en relación la conceptualización de aquellos profesores que enseñan este procedimiento con su actuación en el aula, así como con los apuntes de sus alumnos.

Los resultados obtenidos muestran que a) tanto profesores como estudiantes consideran la toma de apuntes como una técnica de ayuda al estudio que debería utilizarse para personalizar la información; b) los apuntes de los estudiantes en general son literales e incompletos; y c) en clase, la mayoría de los profesores limitan su enseñanza a “decir” como deben tomarse los apuntes, de forma bastante asistemática, con lo que se favorece escasamente que los estudiantes tomen sus propias decisiones respecto qué, cuándo y cómo anotar.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between sociometric types, behavioural categories and academic achievement in a sample of 1,349 compulsory secondary education students (51.7% boys), ranging in age from 12 to 16 years. The students’ sociometric identification was performed by using the Programa Socio and academic performance was measured by school marks provided by teachers in the subjects of Spanish language, mathematics and average academic performance. The results show that sociometric types were significant predictors of academic achievement, as students who were rated positively by their peers (popular, leaders, collaborators and good students) were more likely to have high academic achievement (in mathematics, Spanish language and average academic achievement) than students rated negatively by peers (rejected-aggressive, rejected-shy, neglected and bullies).  相似文献   

The pedagogical integration of computing is interesting in educational contexts based on the contributions of Seymour Papert and Wing’s concept of computational thinking. Integrating arts in education can lead to the design of activities using Scratch combined with devices. The main goal is to evaluate the integration of computational thinking in art education making use of technological resources, sensor cards and minicomputers, with a student-centred pedagogical approach. This research assesses the results of a control group of 35 students and an experimental group of 109 students in four different schools, using Mann-Whitney’s U-test for independent samples assessing ‘Active Learning’, ‘computational concepts’ and ‘fun’ scales. Applying data triangulation, and consistent with design-based research, the results of interviews and focus groups reinforced the results obtained in the aforementioned test, providing validity to the study. There are advantages regarding student interest, motivation and commitment related to programming technologies in art and education, particularly pedagogical sessions with music. Handling devices, sensors and Raspberry Pi provides participating students with a factor of commitment and enthusiasm, with significant improvements. Working with coding and devices brings an additional advantage in the development of computational thinking and digital competence. The results show an increase in creativity and artistic competence related to the ability to create music from the activities and technological resources described in the technological intervention.  相似文献   

In the search for an educational system that enables students to achieve the best academic results, it is extremely important to explore the perception of the main educational agents: students and teachers. Therefore, the objectives of this paper were: (a) to analyse primary school student and teacher perceptions of students’ competency-based learning; (b) to assess the possible differences between them; and (c) to test hypothetical models for predicting learning according to their perception. The participants were 8,513 students from 58 schools and 1,010 teachers from 110 schools. Overall, both teachers and students reported high scores of perception. However, the perception of the students was higher than that of the teachers, except for the digital competence. While the results showed differences in perception between both prediction models of competency-based learning, both groups perceived the competences of autonomy and personal initiative, digital competence, social competence and citizenship, and lifelong learning as core elements of their perception. In this regard, initial and ongoing teacher training in innovative pedagogical models is needed to enable the development of these competences, which are predictors of perceived learning.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(4):411-421

Se parte de las teorías de metas y atribucional, con los objetivos de comprobar si, en las clases de Educación Física, se persiguen las mismas metas encontradas en situaciones deportivas, averiguar si las adscripciones causales propuestas en la teoría atribucional se emplean para explicar el rendimiento y analizar las posibles relaciones entre metas y atribuciones. Los 203 estudiantes de E.S.O. que componen la muestra respondieron al POSQ (Roberts, Treasure y Balagué, 1998) y al Cuestionario de Atribuciones (de elaboración propia). Los resultados indican que las metas de los estudiantes en clase de Educación Física son similares a las halladas en contextos deportivos, que sus atribuciones encajan en la tipología de la teoría atribucional y que ambas variables están relacionadas.  相似文献   


This study analyses whether narrative skill and the perception of values/countervalues among students in primary school vary according to the structure (narrative vs non-narrative) of the episodes of fiction viewed, the grade age (third and sixth, 8–12 years old), sex and attentional level. With this purpose in mind, quantitative and qualitative methodologies were implemented. The most noteworthy results include the higher narrative skill and perception of values/countervalues of students in the sixth grade of primary school and those who viewed an episode with a narrative structure. The conclusion is that when addressing narrative skills and the education in values/countervalues from the formal and informal spheres, special importance should be attached to the structure of the fiction contents, given that it can to some extent help students make the messages meaningful in terms of values and countervalues.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(87):27-45

El artículo analiza la situación de los servicios psicopedagógicos en el territorio gestionado por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, con la intención de identificar los aspectos positivos y negativos que esta práctica tiene y deducir de ello posibles líneas de mejora. En primer lugar se revisan los diferentes tipos de servicios que intervienen en las distintas etapas escolares, tanto desde el punto de vista de su composición y estructura como desde las funciones que tienen adjudicadas. La segunda parte del artículo plantea los que consideramos principales retos y dificultades con los que se enfrenta en este momento la intervención psicopedagógica. Uno de ellos se refiere a la necesidad de la situación de los servicios psicopedagógicos en el territorio gestionado por el Ministerio dar prioridad a determinados ámbitos de intervención frente a otros. Se analizan también las diferencias entre los modelos internos y externos de asesoramiento. El tercer problema se refiere a la necesidad de constituir equipos interdisciplinares para la intervención psicopedagógica ya que el tipo de conocimiento necesario no se reúne en un único profesional. Esta reflexión conduce, en cuarto lugar, a replantearse algunos aspectos de la formación inicial de los psicopedagogos. Finalmente se revisa el reto que las administraciones tienen en la planificación de estos servicios para asegurar una coordinación con los restantes apoyos externos a la escuela.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(3):445-461

Este artículo se centra en la implementation del Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social (PRPS) a través de las clases de Educación Física (EF) en cinco centros de Educación Primaria. Se ha realizado una utilization-focused evaluation dirigida a evaluar sus fortalezas, limitaciones y aspectos susceptibles de mejora. La obtención de datos se llevó a cabo mediante la realización de una doble entrevista semiestructurada y un grupo de discusión con los profesores que implementaron el PRPS. El trabajo concluye que los principales puntos fuertes del PRPS son su aplicabilidad al contexto escolar y la capacidad de promover su desarrollo profesional. Entre las limitaciones se señala la secuenciación temporal de su aplicación, las creencias de los alumnos respecto a la EF y sus dificultades para la reflexión y el diálogo. Por último, entre los aspectos susceptibles de mejora se hace alusión a la necesidad de implicar al conjunto de la comunidad educativa y al entorno familiar, así como la conveniencia de iniciar la aplicación del programa a edades más tempranas.  相似文献   


This paper is a review of studies about processes and secondary school students’ difficulties with these processes when they use information to answer questions. The PISA program uses this kind of task-oriented reading situation to evaluate reading literacy, which is also a common reading situation in educational settings. Four key strategies are identified to successfully perform this kind of task: decide how to read the information, comprehend the task, decide when to search for information in order to solve the task, and self-regulate that search process. Moreover, this paper provides accurate information about the students’ difficulties in becoming skilled readers when they use information to answer questions. This information might help teachers and educational counselors in the design of interventions to improve reading literacy in schools.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper were twofold: (a) to analyse primary school teachers’ perceptions of the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum; and (b) to test a hypothetical prediction model about the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum according to their perceptions. The participants were 1,010 teachers from 110 schools. The results showed that the teachers need training on this new competency-based approach to teaching, learning and evaluation. The hypothetical prediction model confirmed the high predictiveness of pre-service teacher education and continuous professional development regarding the proper development of the main elements of competency-based learning which contribute to achieving the purposes of today’s education. One of the possible recommendations that could facilitate the inclusion of the key competences in the curriculum according to their perception is teacher training geared towards pedagogical models adapted to the reality of teaching today which optimize teachers’ professional performance and students’ academic achievement.  相似文献   

En este artículo reflexionamos sobre algunas experiencias pedagógicas interculturales que han significado transformaciones profundas en nuestras prácticas como investigadoras, docentes y extensionistas de la Universidad Nacional de Salta, transitando contextos rurales y aislados en el norte de Argentina, por más de veinte años. Prestamos especial atención a dos experiencias desarrolladas, una en la región andina y otra en el llamado Umbral al Chaco, con comunidades guaraníes. Problematizamos las concepciones sobre interculturalidad y ponemos en cuestión ciertos significados y metodologías dominantes en el campo de la investigación educativa y la formación docente para la educación intercultural.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the impact of peer mediation programmes at a secondary school, as compared to another centre that did not have any such programme. The impact would be evaluated by means of three levels of variables: pro-victim attitudes, the roles adopted by the youngsters and the school climate (this last item was analysed from two perspectives: that of the pupils and that of the teachers). In order to attain this goal, students from 12 to 14 years old (N = 323) and 17 teacher-tutors were administered different questionnaires in Time 1 (baseline, prior to intervention) and Time 2 (after programme intervention). Results highlight the validity of peer mediation programmes when it comes to fostering pro-victim attitudes, preventing the increase of negative roles and improving the school climate.  相似文献   

The Spanish Heritage Education Observatory (SHEO) comprises two successive R&D&I projects whose goal is to trace, sort through, inventory, analyse and evaluate heritage education programmes produced both in Spain and in the international sphere from 2000 up to the present moment. In terms of research and knowledge transfer, SHEO’s main result has been its integration into the National Education and Heritage Plan — a specific programme devoted to heritage education research and heritage teaching innovation.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(3):299-313

El estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el efecto de un programa de educación artística realizado con niños de 6–7 años en el juicio estético musical, en las habilidades musicales de discriminación auditiva, y de reproducción rítmica. Se empleó un diseño experimental con medidas pretest-postest y grupos de control. La muestra se constituyó con 135 sujetos de 1 er curso de Educación Primaria, de los cuales 89 fueron experimentales y 46 fueron asignados a la condición de control. La intervención se compone de 21 sesiones de 90 minutos de duración, en las que se trabajan tres lenguajes artísticos: visual, sonoro-musicaly dramático. Antes y después de la intervención se administraron los TMN y el RER con el objeto de evaluar las distintas variables dependientes. Los resultados de los MANCOVAs de las diferencias postest-pretest sugieren que el programa mejoró significativamente el juicio estético melódico y la discriminación de modificaciones melódicas.  相似文献   

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