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The purpose of this paper is to examine the dialogical and creative character of pedagogic work by analyzing the affinities between Martin Buber's I‐Thou relation and Lev Semenovich Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development. Backed up by empirical studies on the teacher‐student relation, we understand that education can only result in students' development if meaningful processes are undertaken. The paper asserts that education shall primarily aim at promoting relational possibilities.  相似文献   

基于最近发展区理论的幼儿园教学有效性思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
幼儿园教学有效性标准是评价我国学前教育质量的重要参考指标。最近发展区(ZPD)虽然为儿童"潜在发展水平"提供一个宽度信息,但对这一区域具体如何识别和测量却并未给出解决方案。为解决这一困境,本文引入"强的最近发展区"这一新的概念作为评价有效教学的关键指标,并为其赋予新的内涵。这一内涵主要体现在:在整个教学活动中,儿童要经过持续的努力和多次的尝试;儿童在解决问题的时候需要一定的支持;儿童要完成或部分完成任务。  相似文献   

阅读教学一直以来都是大学英语教学的重点,但对利用网络英语资源来培养学生的阅读能力还没有给予足够的重视.大学英语网络阅读教学可以结合维果茨基的“最近发展区”理论,从教师的指导作用、学生间的合作阅读以及改变阅读教学评价方法等几方面入手,促进学生英语阅读能力的提高.  相似文献   

“最近发展区”理论是维果茨基关于儿童发展与教学的理论,也是国内教育领域研究和介绍比较多的显学,但综观这些研究,立足原著对“最近发展区”理论开展文本研究的并不多见.本文就是采用文本研究和阐释学的方法,试图通过对原著的深度挖掘、澄清、指认和阐释,力求全面准确地把握维果茨基教育理论的精神实质,并从中寻得对我国当下课程改革、教学改革的若干新解和启示.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨如何灵活运用维果茨基"最近发展区"理论,结合高职学生的实际,设计"互动协作式"英语口语课堂。活用"最近发展区"理论设计高职口语课堂任务,不仅可以使课堂气氛活跃、提高学生参与的积极性,更重要的是激发每个学生的潜能,促进其互动,并在互动中相互学习,"自主地"收获知识,逐步提高其英语口语表达能力。  相似文献   

In this article I focus on the mediational role of communicative activity in the co-construction of meaning involved when pupils write collaboratively. I explore the developmental nature of peer intermental or social activity within a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) by drawing on perspectives from sociocultural theory and the dialogical aspects of some classroom activity. Vygotsky’s concept of the ZPD is viewed as a tool used to produce forms of instruction that lead pupils’ psychological development. I identify three planes of communicative activity relating to physical, semiotic and intrapersonal tool usage in order to develop an analysis of two secondary school pupils involved in the shared activity of producing a co-constructed text.  相似文献   

基于前苏联教育家维果茨基的"最近发展区理论",根据高职非英语专业学生的英语学习特点,分析如何把最近发展区理论应用在英语自主学习上,帮助学生在自主学习上取得最近发展区的持续性发展,培养学生自主学习英语的能力。  相似文献   

维果茨基是苏俄早期一位杰出的心理学家,社会文化历史学派的创始人。他提出的“最近发展区”理论指出了儿童认知发展的两种水平:实际的发展水平和潜在的发展水平。认为教学应该走在发展的前面,引导发展。在该理论的影响下,新的教育理念与模式如支架式教学模式、交互式教学模式以及学习能力的动态评估等层出不穷,对教育教学实践产生了巨大而深远的影响,并从理论与实践双重层面给予我们深刻的启示。  相似文献   

教育的意义在于"人"的生成,最近发展区的教育意蕴在于:最近发展区是促进人发展的基本规律,对"人"的生成具有重要作用,是确定教育目的的依据,更是高效教育教学的关键。先行组织者是促进儿童最近发展区的跨越和不断发展的手段。  相似文献   

This article describes a national school improvement project involving five compulsory schools for hard‐of‐hearing pupils, located in different parts of Sweden. Using action research, the teachers tried to change the communication patterns among the pupils by changing their own classroom practices, In this process the teachers tested and used different tools, such as writing, shadowing and facilitating each other, over a three‐year period. The purpose of this article is to examine how tools used in action research can be used to promote learning in relation to the concept of the zone of proximal development. The theoretical framework of the study is based on action research, as a collaborative way of creating knowledge, and on sociocultural learning theories. The basic assumption is that teachers, by using different tools, also challenge each other’s learning. The results show the importance of internalising tools that become owned by individuals or communities of practise. To be able to assume an active role in the zone of proximal development, and to produce knowledge collaboratively, a meaning‐making process was needed. It was found that this could be realised if the participants had an awareness of how to function as a critical friend among colleagues. Furthermore, the results revealed that, by using different tools, different voices can be heard. Three categories of voices were identified.  相似文献   

美术欣赏课程是公共艺术教育中不可或缺的艺术类修读课程,高校面向各专业学生开设该课程,目的是普及艺术教育知识、提高学生艺术审美及恩辨能力。然而该课程的实际情况是大部分学生仅为修满该课程学分,对课程积极性不高,教学效果大打折扣。基于此,针对高校公共美术欣赏课程,在维果茨基的最近发展区理论启示下,对高校公共美术欣赏课程的教学模式展开探讨。  相似文献   

This paper identifies an overarching strategy that consultants can use to focus institutional level development work: the institutional zone of proximal development (IZPD). The paper explicates the IZPD concept following Vygotsky (1978). The case study of distance education course development in tertiary education in Bhutan illustrates the six processes within the IZPD that supported successful implementation. Evidence showed that the consultancy had contributed to the institutionalisation of change. Three implications for consultants using the IZPD are presented. The concept of the IZPD is new to the development literature.  相似文献   

"最近发展区"概念解析及其对幼儿园教学的启示   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
维果斯基提出“最近发展区”的概念旨在阐述教学与儿童发展之间深刻而内在的联系,揭示教学发挥此种积极作用的前提、途径与机制。幼儿教师应当十分警惕“有教学就有儿童发展”的错误观念。应把师幼互动作为教学活动设计的核心,应充分发挥相比于儿童而言的作为“更有能力者”的积极作用。  相似文献   

维果茨基"最近发展区"理论对合唱教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维果茨基"最近发展区"理论对合唱教学具有重要的指导意义.该理论提供了在合唱教学中确定学生"最近发展区"的方式方法,提供了在"最近发展区"实施最佳教学的策略,使学生实现良好的螺旋式发展,以提高合唱教学质量,最大程度地促进学生智力技能的发展.  相似文献   

Sharpening a tool for teaching: the zone of proximal development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) provides an important understanding of learning, but its implications for teachers are often unclear or limited and could be further explored. We use conceptual analysis to sharpen the ZPD as a teaching tool, illustrated with examples from teaching critical thinking in zoology. Our conclusions are the following: teachers should assign tasks that students cannot do on their own, but which they can do with assistance; they should provide just enough assistance so that students learn to complete the tasks independently and, finally, teachers can increase learning gains by providing learning environments that enable students to do harder tasks than would otherwise be possible and by assigning the hardest tasks students can do with assistance. This analysis provides a sharp and useful tool for supporting learning across all curriculum areas.  相似文献   

"社会文化—活动"理论源于维果茨基的研究,现已在西方得到了很大发展。该理论反对简单思维,以对于心智的重新理解为突破点,认为心智既涉及内心活动,又涉及外在行为,由个人观念和他人经验或公共知识等文化要素共同构成;心智既属于个体,也分布在群体之中。学习是主体跨越其最近发展区的过程,当代"社会文化—活动"理论中的最近发展区已经从儿童学习拓展到成人学习,从单向流通拓展到共同建构,从能力差距拓展到概念差距。学习可相应地理解为不断重构实践模型的过程、生成个人理论的过程和参与共同体实践的过程。  相似文献   

文章以教育信息化2.0为背景,旨在借助智能技术可视化地诊测内隐于学生心中的最近发展区,解决教师精准定位教学起点和补教内容等问题。利用文献研究方法发现,社会知识与个体认知之间可以借助语言符号进行转化。研究结果表明:准确诊测学生最近发展区的基本原理,就是将学生现有基础水平同其需要达到的学习目标进行比对,再以认知地图方式找出其可视化的差距。其技术实现原理为:采用Spring MVC技术,推送易、中、难测试题,区分出学生基础水平层次,再将学生残缺和模糊不清的知识点进行可视化补教导航。运用这些原理进行教学实验研究,得出了以下结论:(1)通过分层推送练习题,可准确定位学生最近发展区,有针对性地促进其发展;(2)根据学生最近发展区现状,可实现全班大面积的个性化智能教学导航;(3)针对入门教学特征,需要进行认知地图可视化导航设计,针对教学难点,需要开展解题智能可视化导航设计。  相似文献   

There is increasing acknowledgement that differences exist in the levels of achievement of boys and girls in English primary schools, as evidenced by performances in National Curriculum tests at Key Stages 1 and 2. This article briefly examines the nature of these differences, both nationally and specifically within the context of a pilot study of four schools in different socio-economic contexts. Some of the underlying factors behind these differential achievements are considered, particularly within the context of literacy issues and of boys' constructions of masculinity. An analysis of the approaches towards creating a context for achievement of both girls and boys in these four schools is then offered, with a focus on pedagogic, organizational and socio-cultural strategies. It is suggested that, while intervention strategies which have the potential to raise the achievement levels of boys (and girls) are being successfully developed in each pilot school, there is as yet only limited evidence to suggest how and why these interventions are most effective, and indeed, how these interventions might be successfully adapted and transferred to other school contexts.  相似文献   

The article interrogates current international development constructs of childhood, rights, vulnerability, and schooling in light of the daily experiences of two Malawian children affected by HIV/AIDS. It aims to better understand how development efforts targeted at these children function in practice, and suggests that current development discourses and frameworks may sometimes operate to make the lives of vulnerable children and communities harder and less secure. New frameworks for international HIV/AIDS development programming are needed that conceptualize the child and community as part of global educational, social, political, and economic systems that can fuel inequality as well as improve life experiences.  相似文献   

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