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分娩镇痛   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分娩镇痛是医学发展和社会发展的需要,该文通过对分娩疼痛产生的原因、分娩镇痛的方式进行综述与分析,得出了如下结论:最有效的分娩镇痛方式是建立在非药物性镇痛的基础上,采用药物镇痛,其中可行走镇痛方式最有发展前途。  相似文献   

我国立法应确认现实交付、简易交付、拟制交付三种交付类型,不规定指示交付和占有改定。简易交付是真正意义上的观念交付,而指示交付和占有改定只是当事人之间的约定并不具有物权法上的物权效力。  相似文献   

纳米粒给药载体系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物可降解聚合物纳米粒用于给药载体系统具有广阔的前景 .综述生物可降解聚合物纳米粒给药载体领域的最新进展 :包括纳米粒制备技术、载药方法、表面修饰及特性  相似文献   

Ethnocultural factors play a significant role in the association between stressors and the onset of illness as well as in the use of health services and in the adaptation to serious illness. Social work students, particularly in health concentrations, must be sensitive not only to the myriad cultural characteristics of native born Americans of various ethnicities who have experienced some acculturation to dominant cultural values, but also to the traditions of recent immigrants who have not yet made the transition.  相似文献   

河北省是农业大省,农产品的总产量居全国前列.目前已建成和发展了一批各具特色的农业主导企业,包括农产品批发市场、加工厂、零售企业.笔者认为只有完善了农产品的配送体系,才能经济高效地组织农产品的储运,提供优质的保管、包装、加工、配送、信息服务,促进地区经济的快速增长,促进连锁经营的发展,实现规模效益,促进电子商务物流的发展.发展我省农业经济,建立配送体系成为迫切需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

交付作为物权变动的方式分为现实交付和观念交付.我国<物权法>确立了指示交付这种观念交付形态.指示交付在发挥物的效用和节约交易成本方面有其积极作用.但由于指示交付是一种非现实交付,公示性较弱,因而有必要对其适用条件作以探讨.  相似文献   

无单放货是长期困扰海上货物运输实践的重要问题。无单放货保函没有改变无单放货的违法性,承运人应对正本提单持有人承担第一性责任;《鹿特丹规则》下凭指示放货的规定将一定条件下的无单放货行为合法化并为承运人创设了新的诉权,但承运人对无单放货承担第一性责任的法律地位没有变化。  相似文献   

铜是植物必需的营养元素,在光合、呼吸、抗氧化、细胞壁代谢及激素反应方面发挥着重要作用,然而过量的铜对植物是有害的,因此铜在植物细胞内的运输和分布是被严格调控的.最新研究发现,铜运输的组成及调控系统均能影响铜蛋白的表达;铜运输元件的缺陷研究也显示铜在细胞生长过程起重要作用.  相似文献   

The history of distance learning, traditionally a peripheral university activity, is briefly traced. The advent, first of the British Open University with its renovated philosophy of distance learning, and then of the new information and communication technologies and their application to distance education, has led to a revalorization of open and distance education. These technologies are rapidly blurring the distinction between traditional higher education and distance learning. Various techniques of distance learning are described, particularly the electronic classroom and the electronic library. These techniques, based as they are on text transmission, stand to improve the reading comprehension and writing skills of students even as they make radical changes in the positions, relative to one another, of students and teachers. At the same time, the ease of electronic writing may lead to a decrease in required intellectual rigour, chat rooms producing chatter rather than serious ideas. Also, the economies of scale available via the information and communication technologies may lead to serious cut‐backs in traditional higher education provision.  相似文献   

视频课件资源大规模分发新架构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在下一代宽带教育网信息高速公路建成之后,如何更好地为我国高等院校、科研院所的师生提供宽带主流应用以及相关的资源服务,是目前迫切需要解决的问题,而如何更好地实现大规模视频课件资源的共享和分发服务和相关应用则是其中的一个关键问题.已有的CDN和P2P技术是目前资源分发的主要技术,二者各有优势和不足.在这个背景下,本文提出新型的基于CDN-P2P混合模式的视频课件资源大规模分发技术架构,重点设计了总体架构,阐述了主要实现机制,包括用户引导机制、CDN内容分发机制、课件在终端的P2P分发机制等.基于新型架构,本文设计了CDN-P2P混合分发实现方案,分析了资源分发流程,最后总结了全文,展望了CDN-P2P混合模式的视频课件资源分发技术的发展前景.  相似文献   

研究利用Visual Basic6.0和SQL Server2000开发物流送货管理系统的方法.该系统包括订货、送货和报表管理,使接受订货和发出订货更为省力,防止订货和送货出现差错,提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

信息传递与辛亥革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古代中国,信息传递的方式十分落后;直到晚清才出现了近代的电讯业。通过回顾近代中国电讯业的创设,可以看出电报这种传统手段在清末政治生活中的重要作用。辛亥革命之所以迅速取得胜利,与革命党人充分利用它开展反清斗争密切相关。  相似文献   

文章从一则案例出发,分析实践做法和现行法律规定,认为商品房交付使用条件是竣工验收合格,如果当事人另外约定"需要提交竣工验收备案表",则应依当事人约定。  相似文献   


The American health care system is in the midst of unprecedented changes under the name of “managed care,” including preauthorizations for care, cost and outcome accountability, formulary regulations and restrictions, and corporation of multi-professional collaboration. How to prepare practitioners for new responsibilities in such a time of exponential change while preserving professional values and priorities is the rightful concern of mental health educators. This paper identifies and examines some fundamental professional skills as essential criteria for assessing the preparation of social work professionals for the new mental health care environment. They are (1) communication skills, (2) cultural competency, and (3) state-of-the-art treatment. The paper also discusses the manner in which rapid scientific advance, managed-care environments, and changing patterns of practice might test, extend and alter traditional pillars of professional competence. Finally, it is stressed that social work education should prepare professionals to distinguish between constructive and destructive aspects of managed care and should teach the moral imperative to confront harmful practices.  相似文献   

An institutional evaluation of flexible delivery can lead to improvements in education practice, and gives the institution the opportunity to re-focus its strategic intent and correct practices that are contrary to that intent. In this paper, flexible delivery as a strategic emphasis of Universal College of Learning (UCOL) is outlined. The evaluation of the strategy's implementation is then described through the process, results and future directions of flexible delivery at UCOL. Flexible delivery was evaluated across the institution by interviewing heads of faculty and lecturers and mailing a questionnaire to students. The results are discussed not only in relation to distinct areas for improvement but also to the concept of drift from the original strategy. It is suggested that all tertiary institutions aiming to improve their practice when using flexible forms of course delivery should undertake similar evaluations on a regular basis.  相似文献   

水针局部注射用于分娩镇痛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过对89例应用水针分娩镇痛的病例进行分析,得出这种分娩镇痛方法简便,可以明显减少痛苦、降低剖宫产率,而对新生儿无影响,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

对远程教育条件下教学通道构建的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育教学效果的提高与师生的交流与沟通密切相关。为了提高师生交互质量,人们加强了对教学过程的设计。但在实践中,教学设计主要集中在对教学信息本身的逻辑设计,而对促进教学信息传递效果的附加信息的设计较少,从而影响教学效果。本文从传播学的角度,对教学通道的概念进行了再认识,在借鉴网络技术和心理学在信息交互上的处理方式后,提出了构建教学通道、提高教学效果的新思路。  相似文献   

Electronic learning delivery systems discussed include satellite networks, teleconferencing, Internet/Intranet networks, desktop multimedia, electronic performance support systems (EPSS), transportable audio/video (i.e., systems relying primarily on physically transportable audio-and videotaped materials), and the electronically enhanced classroom. Selecting one of these systems can be a daunting task when all relevant issues are considered. The selection model described in this article narrows the choices to the system most likely to be instructionally, economically, and technologically appropriate. After establishing working definitions, the model suggests four stages of user activity: 1) Assessing several important overall factors, including outcomes and conditions of learning, economics, synchronicity and location, and organizational culture; 2) Rating the importance of several learning system attributes to the training project; 3) Selecting the system that most ideally supports the attributes which the user has rated as important; and finally, 4) Validating the selection by reviewing the final choice in light of first stage overall factors.  相似文献   

实际配送路径选取的多目标参考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物流配送的路径选取中,最短距离已经不再是唯一的参考,还要考虑时间的最短和流量的允许.以一批食品由无锡汽车北站配送到易初爱莲为例,经实际测量算得,根据最短路径和根据最短时间都应走汽车北站、锦仑大酒站、梁溪大桥、红星桥、沃尔玛再到易初爱莲.指出只有在费用流量都可以的前提下取得的距离和时间的双优才是最好的运输方案.  相似文献   

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