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The study was conducted with a group of 5 and 6 year old children in one playschool in Reykjavík, Iceland. The purpose of the study was to shed light on what life in an Icelandic playschool is like for the children attending the program, finding out their views on why they attend playschool, what they do and learn in playschool, what the adults do there, what they enjoy and what they don't like, and what they can or cannot decide in playschool. The study used varied research methods, such as group interviews, children's photographs, children's pictures, and a questionnaire using a cardboard game, to discover children's perceptions and opinions. The results of the study revealed that the children had strong opinions about their playschool life and expressed them clearly.  相似文献   

Recent research on cognition demonstrates how significant it is to listen to and hear what children say about their experience. When we understand what they analyse about the daily events of school, we get a very different picture of what they go through than the official policies would suggest. Children have clear insights into the formal and informal aspects of school. This article summarises some of their thoughts about the curriculum, about how they are taught and what they learn about themselves and society through their experience.  相似文献   

People know what they do; they frequently know why they do what they do; but what they don't know is what what they do does . (Michel Foucault, quoted in Dreyfus & Rabinow, 1983, p. 187)  相似文献   

技术社会互动理论是诸多技术与社会关系理论中的一种。以此来研究教育技术与教育的互动机制,意味着单独地看待教育技术的进化或者教育的演变都是不全面的。从教育技术和教育互动的历史来审视互动后的教育技术和教育,它们各自改变了什么,并预测它们将以何种方式继续改变。  相似文献   

解决中学生写作文无话可说的问题,让他们写"熟悉的生活"与观察到的事物难以收到成效,因为"熟悉的生活"和观察到的事物不等于他们心头想说的话.只有引导他们写"心灵的碰撞"、写对事物的感想和对生活的领悟才是正确的办法,因为这些正是他们想要表达的思想感情,这样作符合于作文的本质规律,能收到多方面的效果.  相似文献   

胡瑗是把发而为善与慎言慎行作为外王之术看待的,也是作为管理者或统治者的技能看待的。他认为,国家安治与否主要取决于统治者,统治者特别是王者的一言一行对于国家的稳定与发展会产生重要影响;同时,社会安定,小人仍然存在,国家危机仍然存在,所以统治者应该慎言慎行。此外,领导活动涉及许多机密,而机密之事,非同小可,所以统治者也必须慎出言语,周密行事,尤其要养成良好的保密习惯。  相似文献   

Children are often assumed to be more confused than adults are about the origin of self-generated memories (e.g., what they did or thought). The present experiments showed evidence in support of this assumption but only under some circumstances. In Experiment 1, 6- and 9-year-olds were as good as adults in distinguishing what they did from what they saw someone else do. However, children had particular trouble distinguishing what they did from what they imagined doing. Confusion between performed and imagined actions was evident across a range of actions. Clustering data also showed that information about origin is part of the memory for an event; all subjects recalled actions according to who performed what action (Experiment 1). Further, the presence of person categories as a basis for organization reduced clustering based on action class more for children than for adults (Experiment 1 vs. 2). Collectively, these findings indicate that children become sensitive to some distinctions in memories sooner than they do to others.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):66-69

An experienced faculty member and a relatively new one spent a semester in a mentoring partnership in which each taught a section of the same course. The two instructors regularly sat in on each other's classes and met for weekly debriefing sessions. In this paper they reflect on what they did, what they learned, and what lessons the experience might hold for other mentor-mentee pairs.  相似文献   

教学反思是教师对自己教学行为的内省和剖析,是从自己的经历中学习,从而进行自我调控。它有助于促进教师教学能力的发展和专业水平的提高。教师写教学反思必须实话实说,成败得失记录在案;及时反馈师生两方面的情况;综合分析教与学的关系;找准要点,写出活动中的某些特点;捕捉灵感,写随机生成的动态性教学资源和遐想;最后,可进行深度反思,写出有效性的建议。  相似文献   

This study examines how pre-service teachers think about disconnections between what they believe about teaching, what they learn in their university coursework, and what they observe of behaviour management practices in public school classrooms. Based on the reflective writings of teacher education students at an urban Midwestern university in the United States, this narrative research leads to a deeper understanding of how teacher educators can support and challenge future teachers in their ability to think critically and thoughtfully in developing their identities as future educators.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question: To what extent do tertiary teachers and students have similar understandings of what engages students in classroom settings? It employs data from a funded research project in Aotearoa New Zealand that draws on selected questions from two surveys. One survey asked students how important nine selected teacher behaviours were in engaging them in learning, the other asked teachers what priority they put on these behaviours and how important they thought they were to students. The selected questions were drawn from an extensive research literature identifying teacher behaviours that engaged students. The article reports that teachers and students had some similar but more dissimilar perceptions about what engages students. Suggested reasons for the differences are discussed.  相似文献   

科学有效的诊断性测试对网络环境下的英语教学与评估具有正面反拨效应。诊断性测试的结果可以成为判断和了解网络英语学习者的理解水平、表达障碍及其困难成因的重要依据。诊断性测试可体现学生网络学习的全过程,是实施英语素质教育的有效方法。  相似文献   


Placement mentors’ role increasingly implies demonstrating to student teachers how research-based knowledge in combination with experience-based knowledge may be relevant in teachers’ professional work. This is a challenge. Placement mentors are often unsure how to make sense of research-based knowledge. Frequently there is a mismatch between what they say they can do and what they actually show they are able to do. This paper explores how placement mentors’ reasoning is formed by their lack of power to define what research-based knowledge consists of. The analysis in this paper is based on an investigation of the epistemological premises that placement mentors rely on when they validate research-based knowledge. The theoretical–analytical point of departure is Michel Foucault’s conception of power-knowledge.  相似文献   

马库斯关于自我图式、可能自我、工作的自我概念等观点形成了自我的社会认知理论。自我图式是个体对源于过去经验的自我的认知类化,能够组织和引导个体与自我有关的信息加工过程。可能自我代表了个体可能成为的、喜欢成为的、担心成为的自我,它具有联系自我认知与动机、与自我情感的重要作用。工作的自我概念是在当前的思维和记忆中处于活跃状态的自我概念。马库斯及其同事的跨文化研究表明,文化与人格是相互建构的。  相似文献   

现在的大学无机化学教学以相当于新高考的选考内容为基础。改革后大多数选考科目包含化学的专业(类)在一定时期内相当多录取考生没有选考化学,他们掌握了学考内容,对选考内容生疏。新形势需要新的衔接措施:着眼于学生终身可持续发展,以树立严谨学习态度、养成良好学习方法和提高自身学习能力为目标,激发学习兴趣,与学考内容相衔接,因材施教,确保学生切实掌握教学内容;实行隐性分层教学方法,应对学生化学基础的巨大差别。  相似文献   

"十四五"是迈向教育现代化的第一个五年,是教育高质量发展新阶段的第一个五年,科学制定教育科学研究"十四五"发展规划至关重要。文章基于天津市教育科学"十三五"发展专项调研,以"做了什么""做得怎样""存在什么问题"及"下一步的对策"为主线,全面呈现天津市教育科学"十三五"发展概况,查找存在的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   

文章剖析了少数民族学生在学习汉语的过程中,长期得不到解决的一些“怪”现象。如:两个认识的字组在一起就不知是什么意思;听得懂而表达不出来;听得懂,说得明白,但写不出来等。针对这些现象应采取的方法及措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、调查等方法,以南阳市为基本研究对象,从参加体育健身项目、练习频度、锻炼时间、活动场所等方面入手,研究影响内陆城镇中老年妇女这类人群参加体育活动的因素,提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

中国山水画是以自然为范本,强调师法自然,从自然中选取素材,汲取灵感。中国画家游历山川,眼看心记。注重感受,从而写胸中丘壑、心中意向等。中国的山水画。是在寻求艺术的真谛。寻求创造的活泼与生气。  相似文献   

The paper reports on part of a large-scale study aimed at examining students’ perceptions of teacher–student interactions. This paper will report on a study utilising mixed methodology in 12 Queensland primary classrooms. After the students’ perceptions were established, the teachers, through a consultative process, developed strategies to change the students’ perceptions of their classroom over a 3 month period. The paper reports on what strategies these teachers utilised and what changes in students’ perceptions resulted. The classroom teachers were interviewed about the change in students’ perceptions, what changes they had sought to promote in their classrooms, and what they felt had been achieved in their classrooms. The study found that students were able to articulate what changes the teacher had implemented, what their reaction was to these changes and their perception of the classroom environment as a result of these implemented strategies.  相似文献   

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