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In this article I integrate the process of the artist with the practice of mentoring. The acts of listening to inquiry into their lives and research. Particular attention is made to the context of working with graduate students in a faculty of education. I specifically draw on arts‐based educational research methods to explore a poetic way of articulating the connection between the art of mentoring, leadership and art‐making. Highlighted is the relationship between a deep listening to ourselves and to each other as integral to expanding the notion of research to one of including our own lives as art‐works. Connections are made through poetic form to the natural world and the notion of mentoring as an invitation to the art of co‐creating.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to awaken the life of the spirit through the creative imagination. In form and content, the artcile encourages teachers and leaders to recognize and value the poetic and prophetic dimensions of their works as a way of deepening human consciousness. Within this article, creative ways of the spirit are explored through the rich language of poetry. Such language is intended to invite educators to visit their own interior landscapes where the Spirit moves, stirs, and plays. The article begins by attending to the voices of Latin American women whose poetry denounces oppressive silence as a threat to human subjects. Next, it explores poetry as dissent and desire and advances prophecy as the voice and the vision of poetic imagination, then concludes by challenging educators to notice and respond to the poetic and prophetic dimensions of their work as powerful intersections for both disclosing and concealing the Gracious Holy Mystery of God.  相似文献   

惠特曼不愧是倡导诗歌创作开放和相对形式的代表 ,因为他从未视其诗作完美无缺。虽然他希望自己的诗歌与大自然和谐一致 ,但他同时意识到语言抽象概念的局限性。他还认为 ,诗歌具有一种独特奇异的魅力 ,即诗的“合唱”的总体效果。本文拟从形式主义的新视角 :句法结构 ,音韵和意象手段 ,对惠特曼的这一创作思想进行新的评价。  相似文献   

艾略特作为象征主义诗歌最有影响的代表,他以自己的诗歌理论和创作实践与欧美传统学之间形成了一道泾渭分明的分界线。他与象征主义运动的其他作家一样,公开反对浪漫主义在诗歌创作中直抒胸臆的创作方法,主张诗歌要靠“直觉”表现“内心”。他同时又与传统的现实主义包括批判现实主义的创作方法相区别,主张将批评的重点投向社会化领域。在学的表现形式上,他提出并坚持自己独具特色的诗歌创伤方法。《荒原》是他上述诗歌理论主张的重要实践。  相似文献   

理学在宋代兴起繁盛,成为这一时代的主流思潮,它广泛而深刻地影响着宋代社会的各个方面,诗歌领域自不例外,其独特的精神内质使得宋代诗歌理论逐渐丰富,并形成了不同以往的创作理论。  相似文献   

D.H劳伦斯是一位具有原创性思维和表达的小说家。其小说《虹》从思想内容和艺术形式上都与意大利哲学家维柯在《新科学》中表述的诗学理论相呼应。维柯认为诗性是一切人类文化生成的根本。劳伦斯在《虹》中以诗性思维、史诗结构、意象化语言及诗性化人物丰富了小说这一艺术形式,使其成为一部诗性化的文学巨著。  相似文献   

在编撰类书及相互唱和的过程中,宋人形成了崇尚学问的诗学观念;翻阅和熟读类书,则将大量的知识内化于诗人的创作能力系统.宋代著名诗人多有自编类书者,以备学力不到时临文一助.宋代诗人对类书的倚重与运用,是宋诗学问化特征形成的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that poetic inquiry is a valuable method for producing knowledge that complements current research into ‘what works’ in reintegrating young people into secondary education. Researching ‘what works’ and ‘finding effects’ leads to insight into which interventions and tools are the focus of the research, and effectiveness is the goal. In contrast, poetic inquiry shifts the focus from the tools and interventions to the young people and their experience of their situation, the system, and opportunities. The goal is a more general understanding, rather than an assessment of effectiveness. I argue that as a qualitative research method, poetic inquiry can evoke emotion and illuminate the polyvocality of experience, which is important when understanding these young people. By use of poetic examples, the article demonstrates how the young people have pronounced experiences of deficiency, uncertainty, failure, but also of hope, certainty, and belonging.  相似文献   

司空图《二十四诗品》以四言诗的形式描画了中国传统诗学之风格体系,其造境说理之模式显示出一种对诗歌意境追求的自觉。意境说之生成与中唐诗风之转变及禅宗的影响关系甚深,禅宗激发了诗人空灵悠远的诗境追求。《二十四诗品》机锋般的说诗方式也显示禅学理论对司空图诗学的深刻影响,可以说是中国传统儒道释三教融合在诗学理论领域的一大创获。  相似文献   

In this essay I offer a series of autobiographical ruminations and poems for inviting readers to reflect on poetic possibilities for conceiving and fostering the well‐being of teachers. As an educator, I am confronted daily with challenges. In order to sustain my spirit and energy, I turn to poetry, both reading and writing poetry, and I find in poetry a location of wisdom, sustenance and hope. One of my great concerns about teaching is that the demands are so relentless that even the most dedicated teachers often experience burnout, dissatisfaction, ennui, hopelessness and despair. Therefore, I claim that teachers, both beginning and experienced, should learn to know themselves as poets in order to foster living creatively in the pedagogic contexts of classrooms and the larger pedagogic contexts outside classrooms. I invite both new and experienced teachers to consider the significance of a phrase like ‘living poetically’. I seek to contextualize the more practical and pragmatic considerations of teaching in an understanding of pedagogy as a poetic, emotional, personal, spiritual commitment and experience. My claim is simply that transformative learning can be effectively promoted by giving attention to poetry and poetic knowing and poetic living. I am learning to live poetically, and I am learning that the heart of pedagogy is revitalized and sustained by poetic knowing, being and becoming. Poetry engages us with language, nurtures the inner life, acknowledges the particular and local, encourages us to listen to our hearts, fosters flexibility and trust, and invites creativity and creative living.  相似文献   

作为唐初著名的诗文改革家,陈子昂以其鲜明的文学理论和出色的创作实践为中国文学史留下了宝贵遗产。虽然,后人对其诗歌及诗歌理论研究非常详尽,对其散文的研究却寥寥可数,这与其散文创作成就极不相称。本文试图从陈文形式、内容表现及艺术风格方面探讨陈子昂散文的创作特色,以期对其散文研究作些许努力。  相似文献   

“风雨故人来”是大家熟知的佳句,可出处却一直不详。据我们考证,它有一个形成过程,《诗经》中的《郑风.风雨》篇似乎是本源,由南朝民歌、唐宋诗词、元曲直到明清部分相关作品,经递相师法与创新,反复点化而成。清代学者孙星衍集句联“莫放春秋佳日过,最难风雨故人来”可能是定型之作。  相似文献   

在整个明朝文坛,高启应该说是被后世评价最高的一个,对明代诗风有着开启之功,其随事描摹的创作途径、稳健沉着的创作旨趣、灵动洒脱的诗学追求,影响着整个明代诗风。1995——2005年这十年间,关于高启的研究呈现逐渐深化的趋势,这些研究主要涉及了高启生平思想、诗歌风格、诗歌理论、词和散文等四个方面,本文也将从这四个方面对这十年的文章进行梳理和综述。  相似文献   

本文将新时期维吾尔文坛上通过“农民题材”诗歌创作而形成自己独特风格的肉孜·萨依提诗作中所采用的韵脚反复法和古典诗歌创作中采用韵脚反复法做了对比分析,藉此肯定肉孜·萨依提的新时代诗歌创作中的诗歌形式是继承和模仿古典文学的结果,通过实例阐明肉孜·萨依提的诗歌创作具有汲取民间语言、忠实于母语的特点。  相似文献   

维柯与当代文化诗学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代以来,化诗学渐渐进入中国当代学术话语体系。从理论渊源看,它源自意大利历史哲学家维柯的《新科学》。它的核心概念是诗性思维和诗性智慧,诗与科学之间永恒的张力是其立论基础。目前从事这项研究的学人,其学术贡献主要表现在对中国传统化的创造性阐释,但在工具理性日益扩张其描述疆域的当代,诗性则成为一个关于现实批判的寓言。  相似文献   

This article reports the influence of school-integrated teacher education (SITE) courses on student teachers' initial experiences of learning how to teach. We analyse data from five student teachers who reflect back on their experiences of learning to teach through the integrated teaching and learning experiences of SITE courses. The article presents their collective voices in poetic form to capture how they articulated their growth as teachers and their subsequent confidence in the role of teacher. We report insights into how the poem influenced 28 beginning student teachers upon entering SITE courses in their teacher education program. We analyze how this poetic representation of research findings enabled a self-study process to develop for the participants and how the poem passed on a theory of teacher development that reassures and prepares the student teachers who follow.  相似文献   

朱熹是宋代著名理学家中对文学研究有建树者之一。他从理学的视野对文学作了深入的探讨和阐发,形成了其独到的文学思想。朱熹诗歌的美学思想主要体现在:其文道观主张“文道一贯”、“文从道中流出”的审美倾向;其创作本源论强调诗歌的美学脱胎于哲学母体,实践、生活是诗歌创作的本源;其创作风格论推崇凛然正大而又淡泊高洁的人格,诗风上提倡平淡素净之致与苍劲刚正之气相交融的格调;功能论强调“情”与“志”统一,“兴”在诗歌感发性情中的审美教育作用。朱熹诗歌的美学思想对南宋中晚期的诗风产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

本文下篇探索黄遵宪等超前的“诗界革命”理论和创作的文化背景 ,岭东诗派和诗人宋湘等是其精神文化土壤 .在“诗界革命”的背后存在着一个“嘉应现象”,岭东诗人与“诗界革命”有着深刻的联系。  相似文献   

吴直雄 《丽水学院学报》2005,27(1):46-49,74
毛泽东既是诗坛巨擘,也是诗论大家。毛泽东从语言选择、表现形式、主要创作手法等方面对新诗创作方法进行了系统探讨。  相似文献   

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