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This paper establishes a 3D numerical model for 15# hydropower house of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) and performs a nonlinear static and dynamic damage analysis. In this numerical model, a coupling model of finite and infinite elements for simulating infinite foundation of hydropower station is adopted. A plastic-damage model based on continuum damage mechanics, which includes the softening and damage behavior under tension is considered for the concrete material. The dynamic equilibrium equations of motion are solved by using the HilberHughes-Taylor (HHT) time integration method. Firstly, the static damage response analysis of the hydropower station is conducted due to high tensile stress resulting from large water head and diameter of an inlet pipe. Then, on the basis of static simulation, the dynamic damage analysis of hydropower house subjected to earthquake motion is simulated. Numerical results show that under large water head and diameter of an inlet pipe of the project, the damages are mainly located near the top of the spiral case from the inlet section to the 0° section; under combined loadings of static loads and earthquake, the damages of the concrete surrounding the spiral case increase insignificantly; however, some damages occur on the side walls of the main powerhouse.  相似文献   

运用实测资料分析研究了三峡工程动工以来葛洲坝水利枢纽至三峡水利枢纽之间河道的冲淤演变情况 ,评价了三峡工程动工对两坝间河床演变的影响。  相似文献   

Floods are both risks and resources. Floodwater utilization is an important part of flood management. Considering the rising shortage of water resources, serious water pollution, and undersupply of electric power, it's imperative to strengthen flood management. In light of the hydrological characteristics of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) on the Yangtze River in P. R. China, we investigated the necessity and feasibility of TGP floodwater utilization, proprosed dynamic control of limited water level during flood season of the reservoir and basin-wide integrated floodwater management as strategies, and identified problems that might occur in practice.  相似文献   

根据葛洲坝水库固定断面资料,分析了三峡工程动工前葛洲坝水库河道演变情况和水库冲淤特性;重点分析了三峡工程动工6年来其河床演变情况。认为,三峡工程动工以来葛洲坝水库冲淤特性保持不变;三峡工程施工对河道的影响,主要集中在两坝之间.以一期工程施工期影响最大,大江截流以后情况好转;6年来,水库累计冲刷量为3616×104m3,主要集中在常年回水区河段,其中两坝间累计冲刷量为2321.1×104m3,1998年特大洪水是水库冲刷的主要原因。  相似文献   

三峡库区外迁移民心理问题及其调适对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡工程的修建,使外迁移民失去世代生活的故土家因而重辟生活空间,这必然引起他们心理上的剧烈动荡。要搞好三峡库区的外迁移民安置工作,必须准确把握住外迁移民的心理活动和心理特性,尤其是心理问题,努力探索影响外迁移民心理的各种因素,并认真做好外迁移民的心理调适工作。  相似文献   

长江三峡是中外闻名的黄金旅游线,具有明显的组合性、团体性、集中性和周期性特征。针对三峡工程二期水位给重庆库区旅游资源、旅游交通、区域关系和游览方式带来的新变化和新问题,从发展目标、战略定位、主要任务、工作重点和开发路径等方面,提出了重庆库区旅游发展的基本思路和在政策扶持、平台构建、开发重点、配套设施、宣传促销、经营管理等方面的对策建议。  相似文献   

作为一门新兴的社会科学交叉学科的社会工程学,当下其必须要做的学术工作中包括对社会工程的性质进行深度的学理分析。对社会工程特质的分析是社会工程理论与方法总体研究中的重要组成部分。社会工程不仅具有社会性、系统性。而且还具有复杂性。正是这三个基本社会属性构成了所有社会工程的行为过程或实践特点。  相似文献   

以丹江口工程冲刷坑地质调查成果为例 ,阐述了岩体特征是影响冲刷形成的内在因素。根据三峡工程冲刷区丰富翔实的地质资料 ,分析了冲刷区岩体结构特征 ,进而与丹江口冲刷坑岩体抗冲性能进行类比分析并作了评价 ,为后续水力学试验和技术设计提供地质依据。  相似文献   

1. Introduction The Three Gorges Region in the Yangtze River Watershed is one of the most famous tourism spots in the world due to its unique and magnificent scenery. It is along the procession of hills dominating the Yangtze River for more than 200 km. The Three Gorges Region comprises many valleys in the western Chongqing and adjoining Hubei and Hunan provinces. The total area of the region is 1 010 936 km2 with mountains occupying 78 % of the land area, hills 18.2 %, and flatlands 3.8…  相似文献   

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