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Mixing examples of different categories (interleaving) has been shown to promote inductive learning as compared with presenting examples of the same category together (massing). In three studies, we tested whether the advantage of interleaving is exclusively due to the mixing of examples from different categories or to the temporal gap introduced between presentations. In addition, we also tested the role of working memory capacity (WMC). Results showed that the mixing of examples might be the key component that determines improved induction. WMC might also be involved in the interleaving effect: participants with high spans seemed to profit more than participants with low spans from interleaved presentations. Our findings have relevant implications for education. Practice schedules should be individually customised so society as a whole can profit from differences between learners.  相似文献   

现代认知心理学目前已经涉及到情绪与各种认知过程、尤其是情绪与记忆关系问题的探讨。对于记忆和情绪的双向关系问题,目前的研究热点是内隐记忆中诸情绪的记忆效应问题。其中,正常人与心理症患者或非正常的心理状态中的情绪的记忆效应构成了两个研究方向。前者集中探讨了心境与记忆的关系,发现记忆的心境依赖效应、记忆的心境一致性效应和资源分配效应,主张内隐记忆可能会负载某种心境的变化,进而可以通过某种先验情绪体验或情绪活动的变量集合来揭示内隐记忆的一些特征。后者从神经症患者的临床表现、机能性遗忘症、遗忘症与催眠情绪诱发、内隐知觉中的“纯粹接触效应”以及分离与去同步化等五个领域出发,系统界定了情绪记忆的内隐机能,认为与情绪反应相连的广泛的精神病症候变量均可反映内隐记忆。沿循上述思路与方法,现代认知心理学必将获得一种整合心理动力学的理论框架与手段,进一步探究认知、情绪和动机过程乃至身心交互作用等根本性问题。  相似文献   

道德记忆是人类道德生活经历在其脑海中留下的印记或印象。道德记忆使人类在"过去"拥有过的道德风俗和习惯、道德原则和规范、道德思想和精神、道德实践和行为成为可以回顾的东西。道德记忆可以区分为个体道德记忆和集体道德记忆。个体道德记忆是关于个人道德生活经历的记忆,它是在记忆的个体框架内发生的记忆。集体道德记忆是在集体层面展开的,它展现的是一个集体性道德记忆框架,可以通过家庭、种族、宗教、组织、团体、军队、阶级、国家等等"集体"形式表现出来。道德记忆是人类道德思维的一个必要组成部分,能够为人类在"现在"和"未来"追求道德和践行道德提供重要依据,能够推动人类对其"过去"承担道德责任。  相似文献   

情绪调节和记忆的关系是近几年逐渐兴起的一个研究领域,对于进一步认识情绪与认知的关系、形成有效的情绪调节策略、提高教学和学习效率、促进儿童青少年的健康发展具有重要意义。文中介绍了情绪调节类型,对其与记忆的关系的理论和实证研究进行了评述,最后讨论了情绪调节与记忆关系的研究方向。  相似文献   

This article reviews some selected literature, drawn from the last 10 years, suggesting that learning-disabled (LD) readers have functionallyindependent visual and verbal coding systems. The review focuses on studies where it has been shown that learning-disabled readers fail to effectively establish visual and verbal coding interconnections, which in turn impairs their episodic memory for visual information. It is hypothesized that this faulty interconnection is manifested by verbal codes failing to adequately provide an additive component to enhance the recall of visual information. The article reviews some data supporting this hypothesis, as well as extending the hypothesis by suggesting that a deficient lexical system may contribute to disabled readers' independent coding operations on a picture-naming task. The research is organized within a tentative model which assumes that there are at least three distinct information-processing stages (modality-specific, semantic, and lexical processing) that play an important role in disabled readers' processing of visual information.  相似文献   

抑郁个体心境一致性记忆的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭红秀 《宜春学院学报》2004,26(6):116-120,124
本研究以抑郁大学生为被试,采用最新的研究方法——加工分离程序的扩展模型,更科学地区分了意识和无意识的独立作用,避免了两者的相互感染.研究结果表明:(1)抑郁个体既存在外显的MCM,也存在内隐的MCM;(2)抑郁个体的认知是以“不愉快”为主题、与不被喜欢和被抛弃相联系的。  相似文献   

记忆老化:基于记忆理论的综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
记忆老化是选择性的,订发生在工作记忆和情书记忆方面,编码或提取信息所需韵精细加工愈多,年龄差异就愈大。许多与年龄相关的记忆差异能够用简单的认知机制如知觉速度来解释,切不能归因于非认知变量。  相似文献   

Developmental studies assessing the impact of domain-specific knowledge on memory are discussed. In the first section of the review, different ways through which domain-specific knowledge relates to strategy use in memory tasks are briefly summarized. Empirical evidence indicating nonstrategic effects of the knowledge base are discussed next. In particular, findings based on the expert-novice paradigm are used to compare the knowledge structure and memory performance of experts and novices of different ages, and to explore how individual differences relate to the acquisition and use of domain-specific knowledge. The review shows that domain-specific knowledge permits children to process and remember domain-related information more efficiently, apply strategies more effectively, and integrate novel information more easily than domains for which they have less detailed knowledge. If the knowledge base is particularly rich, it exerts a greater influence than other sources of memory development (i.e., memory capacity, strategies, and metamemory) combined.  相似文献   

对课堂教学中学生个体差异的研究主要有两种方法:一是类型化研究,二是差异变量分析。其中差异变量分析是全面动态把握学生个体差异的较好方法。从影响学生学习的主体因素角度来分析,课堂教学中学生的个体差异主要包括基础性差异、动力性差异、操作性差异和方向性差异等四个方面,它们共同构成了课堂教学中学生个体差异变量的分析框架,为我们全面检视课堂教学中学生个体差异的真实状况提供了有效的检视工具。  相似文献   

认知神经学家从不同角度研究了情绪记忆增强效应的神经机制,文章从情绪记忆编码和情绪记忆提取两个方面综述了该效应的神经机制。脑成像证据表明:情绪刺激的唤醒度影响杏仁核和内侧颞叶,这是基本的、直接的神经机制;效价影响前额皮质,这是间接的神经机制。情绪对记忆影响的脑机制还与社会因素有关,表现出人格差异、性别差异、年龄差异。  相似文献   

青州检察院为传承、发扬优秀司法经验,使青年干警快速成长成才,探索试行青年干警培养导师制度并取得初步成效,但仍需要通过建立完善激励保障机制,探索实行反向导师制,适当拓宽导师制适用范围等措施使导师制作用得到进一步发挥。  相似文献   

动态分配、回收内存是C/C++编程语言一个最强的特点,但是最强的同时也可能是最弱的,在内存处理出错的地方通常就是BUGS产生的地方。一个最敏感和难检测的BUGS就是内存泄漏——没有把前边分配的内存成功释放,一个小的内存泄漏可能不会引起人的注意,但是程序泄漏大块内存,将可能引起复杂的内存耗尽错误。  相似文献   

中学生工作记忆资源分配策略的研究结果表明:(1)随着问题难度的增加,首次内部思考时间也在增加.在解决简单问题时,学优生与学困生的首次内部思考时间没有显著差异,但是在解决中等题和难题时,学优生与学困生的首次内部思考时间存在显著差异.(2)学优生使用外部策略的总频数呈现随着数学问题难度的增大而增加的趋势,而学困生使用外部策略的频数呈下降的趋势.这说明,较学困生而言,学优生能够较合理地利用工作记忆资源.  相似文献   

为学好一门外语,词汇的掌握是非常必要的.但是令每个学生都感到头疼的是记不住生词,生词记住后容易忘记.掌握一些记忆策略,可以帮助学生更好地记住生词.  相似文献   

工作记忆:人类高级认知活动的核心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工作记忆是个体在执行认知任务过程中,对信息暂时保持与操作的能力。近年来的诸多研究指出,工作记忆在人类智力、学习、推理、创造力等高级认知活动中起重要的作用。潜变量分析揭示了工作记忆的中央执行系统与高级认知活动之间存在着密切关系;而脑成像研究显示,工作记忆与高级认知活动的共享脑机制可能是两者关系紧密的主要原因;通过对个体工作记忆能力的训练,提升其阅读能力、智力水平等高级认知能力的干预研究,则进一步证明了工作记忆在人类高级认知活动中的核心影响。  相似文献   

Theories of grounded and embodied cognition posit that situated actions are central constituents in cognitive processes. We investigate whether grounding actions influence reasoning, and how pedagogical language influences the action–cognition relationship. Undergraduate students (N = 120) generated proofs for two mathematical tasks after performing either grounding or non-grounding actions. Grounding actions facilitated key mathematical insights for both tasks, but did not lead to superior proofs. Pedagogical language in the form of prompts (prospective statements) and hints (retrospective statements) accompanying grounding actions enhanced proof performance on one task but not the other. Results from transfer tasks suggested that participants learned to apply their mathematical insights to new contexts. The findings suggest that relations between action and cognition are reciprocal: actions facilitate insight, while pedagogical language strengthens the influence of task-relevant actions for proof production. Pedagogically supported grounding actions offer alternative ways of fostering mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

This article considers the practice of learning poems and the value of poetry in the memory, and emerges from the Cambridge Poetry Teaching Project, a small-scale research study co-ordinated through the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge. Drawing on the subset of findings in relation to learning and memory, the essay locates the practice within broader cultural and educational contexts and examines it in relation to some theories of memory and cognition, especially the work of Iain McGilchrist on the divided brain, and to personal experience. The article argues that there is a largely forgotten value in learning poetry and posits five ways in which it may contribute both to our experience and understanding of the poem and to our engagement with the world. Finally, the author considers the learning process itself and suggests a strategy in accordance with the proposed theorisation.  相似文献   

在记忆的生存优势效应中,错误记忆的表现同样至关重要。其表现出与正确记忆率同时增加的现象,显示了生存情景中错误记忆的特殊性,也从某种程度上证明了错误记忆的适应性价值。此外,文章还阐述了适应性记忆中错误记忆的主要类型和特点。  相似文献   

阅读是一个自下而上加工与自上而下加工的结合的过程,即材料驱动与概念驱动的有机结合的过程,而在二语阅读中这两种过程是相互作用的。通过中英文阅读的测试对比发现母语的阅读能力与二语的阅读能力具有一定的相关性,学生已有的母语知识经验的内隐记忆与概念驱动对二语阅读起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

概括现代心理学关于记忆的研究成果,在信息论、系统论和控制论的基础上,提出控制记忆过程,提高记忆效率的一些方法。  相似文献   

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