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Web协作学习可以消除网络学习的孤独感,发挥群体能动性,提高学习效率.然而,基于交流论坛的协作学习,由于参与者学习行为的独立随意性,不适合协作经验不足和自主学习能力较弱的学习者.而将面对面协作学习远程化的协作学习,由于网络环境下师生数量悬殊过大,不具备推广性和普适性.在缺乏教师实时监督指导的现实前提下,基于工作流技术,笔者提出构建一种适合网络学习者自行实施协作学习的Web协作学习环境.该环境提供学习流以引导学习活动的有序开展,并将协作教学管理经验作为协作学习策略进行存储,监控可能出现的协作困难并提供解决方案.学习者通过遵循Web协作学习环境定义的各项规则,激发学习能动性,提高Web协作学习的有效性.  相似文献   

对基于Web 2.0的学习进行了论述.通过分析Web 2.0的模式和特征,探讨了Web 2.0在教学过程中对于教师和学习者产生的新的教学、学习方式,考察了Web 2.0对于学习资源进行的知识管理,提出了在Web 2.0学习中对学习者生存能力和道德规范的要求.  相似文献   

Web 2.0技术的蓬勃发展及其"个性化、社会性、开放性"的鲜明特性,为基于个人学习环境的学习变革带来前所未有的挑战。从知识共享的视角审视,Web 2.0个人学习环境的学习实质是学习者借助各种Web 2.0工具,经由寻求知识、供给知识、互通知识、享有知识等活动建立起的关联与交互。为顺应国家教育信息化"推进网络学习空间建设"的迫切需求与高等教育信息化"知识开放共享环境建设"的发展目标,本研究旨在探索构建支持知识共享的Web 2.0个人学习环境,尝试依托课程学习深度剖析Web 2.0个人学习环境中知识共享方式与策略,并采用个案研究法对其效果进行评价验证。研究发现,为实现对知识共享的支持,Web 2.0个人学习环境需要从学习者、学习共同体、学习工具、知识库等基本要素出发进行整体构建;交互是支持知识共享的核心机制。由此,促进Web 2.0个人学习环境知识共享的方式与策略主要有三种:连通性交互、传递性交互和认知性交互。个案研究表明,这三种方式与策略对学习者的知识共享文化与态度、知识获取与整理能力、知识表达与传递能力、知识内化能力有着积极的作用与影响。  相似文献   

Web2.0作为双向传播的信息化环境,其传播技术与传播理念带来了更为优化的学习方式,为学习者进行共享的、开放的、互动的、个性化的学习提供了新的平台.理清Web2.0环境中学习方式变革的传播学思路及其价值,对于在此环境下充分利用人与环境的有利因素进行学习方式的改善,将有其重要意义.本文基于施拉姆的循环传播模式,分析了Web2.0环境下的传播理念,以及在此环境中所产生的学习方式变革,包括学习过程中的角色转换、隐性知识的管理和学习共同体的形成.最后,提出了促进知识有效传播的几个有待探讨的问题.  相似文献   

基于web2.0的学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要通过文献研究法,对基于Web2.0学习的本质进行了再认识.文章分析了基于Web2.0学习的去中心化和社会化特征,探讨了Web2.0在提升学习者元认知方面的优势,考察了对Web2.0学习资源进行的知识管理,设计了在Web2.0中开展基于学习共同体的分布式学习的模式,提出了在Web2.0学习中对学习者生存能力和道德规范的要求.  相似文献   

本文以Web2.0技术为学习内容,根据课程教学实施,提出了学习者进行Web2.0技术学习时可能出现的典型问题;进而通过对Web2.0与多媒体技术的比较,对学习者出现这些典型问题的成因进行了分析;同时在对Web2.0技术所支持的学习性质与学习形式分析的基础上,对如何进行Web2.0技术的学习与运用,提出了个人网络场与网络场交流学习环境构建的方法与对策,并对此进行了初步实践与检验。  相似文献   

严晓蓉 《海外英语》2013,(3X):264-265
21世纪信息社会给语言学习者带来海量语言学习资源的同时,也带来了信息负载和网络迷失。Web2.0的出现以及由此衍生出的大量Web2.0工具的使用为解决这个难题提出了可行的方法。利用不同的Web2.0工具获取、加工以及合成信息,通过实践建立起个性化的语言学习环境(PLLE),能有效地提高语言学习的效能,也有助于培养语言学习者的自主学习和终身学习的能力。  相似文献   

WebX.0正由连接信息的简单网页发展为连接人类智慧的愈加复杂和智能的元网络(Meta Web),这对传统的由“教”的一方驱动的网络学习环境设计提出了挑战.对环境整体而言,环境形成良性生态循环有利于维持其可持续发展;对学习者而言,当学习者面对多种网络组成的复杂的、具有高度不确定性的学习环境时,根据自身的需求构建个人学习环境(Personal Learning Environment,PIE)是促进其学习的最有效方式.因此,WebX.0时代的网络学习环境设计应当以创设网络学习生态和利于学习者构建PLE为目标,以学习者的需求为起点,提高“以学习者为中心”、“标准化”、“一体化”、“开放化”的程度,以更好地促进学习者在复杂网络学习环境中通过构建PLE进行的有效学习.  相似文献   

在吸收自主学习和建构主义学习环境思想的基础上,本研究创设了计算机辅助口译自主学习环境,以学生及其口译技能的提高为核心,从学习者和教师两个角度进行构建。文章论述了环境的设计思想,并对环境中的Web录音模块和学习评价模块两个主要模块的实现进行了详细论说。多年的实践表明,该环境的应用取得了好的学习效果。  相似文献   

课堂与Web环境下协作学习组成要素的因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂与Web环境下的协作学习具有很多不同的特征,比如教师的控制性、学习者相聚的时间、学习成就等。当前领域中针对这些差异的研究主要集中在主观分析上,并且缺乏较为深入的探讨。在相关研究中我们已经得到影响协作学习的28个要素项。在此基础上,我们采用因子分析法(Factor Analysis)对这些要素项进行分析,从而得到协作学习在课堂与Web环境中组成要素所存在的差异,并以此作为分析课堂与Web环境下协作学习不同的依据。研究结果证明本文尝试从量的角度对课堂与Web环境下协作学习的差异进行分析是成功的。  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that teaching concepts in high school economics first in a familiar mode or symbol system and then elaborating on them in a second or less familiar mode facilitates classroom learning. In an experimental design, 83 high school seniors were individually assigned at random to three classes, which in turn were randomly assigned to three different classroom instructional treatments, each having a duration of 10 hours and taught by the students' regular economics teachers. It was predicted and found that comprehension of economics is facilitated by a teaching strategy that initially presents the concepts in a familiar verbal mode and then presents them in a more abstract mode using graphs or other instructive imagery. This strategy compared favorably with two alternative procedures, one presenting the same content first in graphs and then verbally (p<0.001), and the other using only one mode of presentation (p<0.01). These results imply that the type and order of presentation of symbol systems influence the learning of concepts in high school economics classes by facilitating or interfering with the generation of relations between prior knowledge and new information. The results imply that presenting economics concepts in two symbol systems, rather than one, facilitates learning, provided, contrary to customary teaching methods, that the teacher uses the familiar verbal presentation first and follows it with an integrative but less familiar graphic presentation.  相似文献   

Goldfish, trained in a shuttlebox with cues and shock controlled by a linear presentation procedure, learned to control prevailing cue states and shock, and thus to discriminatively avoid shock presentation. The linear presentation procedure, adapted for the shuttlebox from the sequence of cue presentation occurring in the Y-maze, utilized three cues on each trial, a trial-start (TS) cue, a shock-paired (S?) cue, and an unpaired (S+) cue. At trial onset (TS cue), the goldfish had 10 sec to respond. The first response produced, via response-contingent programming, either the shock-paired (S?) or unpaired (S+) cue, and subsequent responses produced alternation of S+ and S?. The shock was omitted only if the S+ cue state prevailed 10 sec after trial onset. AU other cue states (TS and S?) were paired with shock. Goldfish learned to respond and control the prevailing cue state so that the S+ cue prevailed at 10 sec posttrial onset for a variety of different color-cue combinations and also learned to reverse their originally learned cue preference when the color cues were reversed. The linear presentation procedure represents an alternative discrimination learning procedure that appears to be free of the interpretational problems encountered in training goldfish in the shuttlebox apparatus with other one- and two-stimulus procedures.  相似文献   

A major source of difficulties in promoting students’ understanding of genetics lies in the presentation of gene concepts and models in an inconsistent and largely ahistorical manner, merely amalgamated in hybrid views, as if they constituted linear developments, instead of being built for different purposes and employed in specific contexts. In this paper, we report the results of a study about how textbooks can provide the grounds for the students’ construction of such hybrid views about genes. These views are a key problem in genetics teaching, because they make it more difficult that students properly understand this central biological concept and strengthen genetic deterministic ideas, which characterize a widespread discourse about genes in the public opinion. We analyzed 18 textbooks using categorical content analysis, employing categories derived from the literature addressing the historical development of gene models and concepts. Our findings indicate that the analyzed textbooks do convey hybrid views about genes, with no correspondence to scientific models related to this biological concept. These views reinforce genetic deterministic discourses and may lead students to serious misunderstandings about the nature of genes and their role in living systems, with consequences to future learning about genetics.  相似文献   

In this paper,a novel hybrid method is presented for finding global optimization of an objective function.Based on the interval computation,this hybrid method combines interval deterministic method and stochastic evolution method.It can find global optimization quickly while ensuring the deterministic and stability of the algorithm.When using interval computation,extra width constraints accuracy of interval computation results.In this paper,a splitting method to reduce the extra width is introduced.This met...  相似文献   

This article examines the author’s interactions with the teaching strategy known as Reciprocal Teaching, sometimes also called Reciprocal Reading, which involves students learning to read collaboratively in small groups. Reciprocal Teaching typically involves students teaching each other by following a rubric of activities that are aimed at primarily improving their comprehension skills. In brief, students read a text in a group and collectively try to understand it, using prescribed procedures. This article scrutinises the original research by Palincsar and Brown which created the strategy and questions some of its claims. While many other investigations into Reciprocal Teaching have aimed to prove or disprove its efficacy, this enquiry studies the discourses which inform the strategy, arguing that there are problems with its presentation in the original article which have affected subsequent representations of Reciprocal Teaching. The article shows how the author, an English teacher in a large secondary school, taught Reciprocal Teaching to teenagers for a year and argues that the presentation of Reciprocal Teaching he read in a well-regarded teaching handbook caused him to deploy Reciprocal Teaching problematically. It was only when he taught Reciprocal Teaching in a more imaginative fashion that he found greater success.  相似文献   

Studies that have investigated differences in examinee performance on items administered in paper-and-pencil form or on a computer screen have produced equivocal results. Certain item administration procedures were hypothesized to be among the most important variables causing differences in item performance and ultimately in test scores obtained from these different administration media. A study where these item administration procedures were made as identical as possible for each presentation medium is described. In addition, a methodology is presented for studying the difficulty and discrimination of items under each presentation medium as a post hoc procedure.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 10-year collaboration between a teacher educator and a high-school science teacher as they investigated different ways to gather student feedback to enhance teacher reflection. Four different procedures were developed during this time: (i) interviews by a teacher educator with students; (ii) learning logs written by students; (iii) observation schedules completed by students; and (iv) a survey completed by students and teachers. Of the four procedures, the most meaningful for teacher reflection was the student interviews because they were the most personal. However, other procedures for gathering student feedback may be more useful to initiate teacher reflection because they are less confronting.  相似文献   

结合多媒体学习理论和认知负荷理论,将网络课程中内容呈现的三种常用形式进行了对比实验,试图探讨它们对学习结果的不同影响。实验结果表明,三个实验组在测验成绩和认知负荷方面未呈现出统计学意义上的显著差异。研究认为,网络课程中以系统步调学习理论性知识时,内容呈现形式与学习结果的相关性不大,"三分屏"的呈现形式并未体现其优势。  相似文献   

While early proponents of mastery learning (ML) provided operational definitions regarding appropriate teaching/learning procedures, they did not provide guidelines for developing specific instructional strategies and activities. This article aims to provide such guidelines based on theories of learning and cognition. Part 1 describes the general instructional procedures developed by early ML proponents. Parts 2–4 provide guidelines for (a) the initial group‐based instruction, including guidelines for teaching to three different types of objectives (informational, conceptual, and procedural) and for varying four different modes of presentation (lecture, dialogue, discussion, and searwork) (b) sequencing; (c) developing correctives; and (d) developing enrichment activities.  相似文献   

This article aims to analyse the disciplinary procedures brought against public schoolteachers in Galicia from 1859 until 1910. The article starts with the presentation of the legal basis for the government inquiries and the administrative framework in which they were implemented. Following is an examination of the evolution of the inquiries, the origin of the complaints, the charges filed against the teachers and the sanctions proposed. Lastly some examples are provided of the most widespread offences, consisting of abandonment of teaching as well as other charges of moral misconduct such as cohabitation and sexual abuse of the children.  相似文献   

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