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(A)吸烟有害健康,人人皆知。戒烟不易,故须体谅他人的戒烟苦楚。N on-sm okers just don t understand.I don t need to be told sm okingis bad for m e.I know that.But its like being in love w ith a m an who s nogood.Y ou know you re a fool,but you just can t help  相似文献   

Apples and Pears     
M um:If you haveone pear,and I giveyou tw o,how m anypearsdo you have?Jim:I don’t know.W e use apples for m ath(数学)in school.注释:m ath[m覸夼]n.数学Apples and Pears~~  相似文献   

Ⅰ 重点词汇检测 . 根据句意或首字母提示 写出句中所缺单词A 雪 , 。1.D on t ’ m e熏please.I don t know the ’ way either.2.W hat do you have for d every day芽3.I often send p to m y teachers on Teachers’D ay.4.Please give m e a c at eight in the evening.                                          The shop at eight in the m orning.2.C an you help m e 芽 Can you 芽3.W ould you like to eat som ething芽…  相似文献   

H i。 Everyone, m y nam e isTracy.I love sports very m uch, suchas sw im m ing, roller-skating, table tennis andbadm inton. But do you know w hat is m y favoritesport? Let m e tell you, it’s table tennis. Y ou m ust besurprised, “A girl’s favorite sport is table tennis? That’sstrange。” There’s no strange at all. I learned playing tabletennis from m y elder brother w hen I w as 10years old.I’m notvery good at it, but I still love to play it. W hen I am tired ofstudying at hom e, I …  相似文献   

根据句意及所给的首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词,使句意完整、语法正确。U nit11.H e is an h boy,he can thave told such a lie.2.—W hatis he like?—H.3.H e is h for his pen everyw here.4.M y dictionary can t be s with you.I don t like som eone else touse it.5.The w hole country was in deep s at his death.6.Y ou re l,you know lies can tcover facts.7.H e is good atspeaking,he has m ade m any fam ous s.8.I stillrem em ber m y a on thatlonely island.9.Please take your n with you to take notes.10.The …  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。共5小题,计5分B.听句子,选择正确的答语。共5小题,计5分6.A.It’s three.B.It’s four.C.It’s eight.D.It’s ten.7.A.I am Li H ua.B.It’s I.C.It’s m e.D.H e is Li H ua.8.A.Thank you.B.That’s all right.C.That’s right.D.Y ou are welcom e.9.A.H er nam e is Li Ping.B.H is nam e is M ickey.C.H e is in G rade2.D.She is in G rade2.10.A.N o I wouldn’t.B.Sorry I don’t know.C.Y es I don’t like it.D.N o thanks.C.听对话,选出…  相似文献   

想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow com e?怎么回事,怎么搞的?例句:H ow com e he didn’t find out?他怎么会没有发现呢?D on’t push m e.别逼我。例句:I’m not pushing you,if you don’tw ant the job,don’t take it.我不想勉强你,如果你不想做这份工作,就不要接受。H e pushed her into m …  相似文献   

1. B ut I don’t know how to use it yet.穴L 77雪 上句中的宾语由 “疑问词 how 动词不定式”构成。疑问词如 where,what熏w hen 等都有类似用法。这种形式相当于一个从句,但如果句子中的宾语由“疑问词 动词不定式”充当,则该句是简单句,如果句子中的宾语由一个句子充当,则该句是含宾语从句的复合句。例如: Can you tell m e how to get to the post of鄄fice芽 = C an you tell m e how I can get to thepost office芽 你能告诉我邮局怎么走吗? I don’t know w hat to say.= I don’t knowwhat I should say. 我不知道该说什…  相似文献   

D ear editorI’m sorry to trouble youM y nam e is Y in X in.I’m sixteen.W hen I was twelve I suddenly got badlysick.I don’t know the reason for this kindof illness.From then on I have had tostay at hom e and can’t go to school tostudy with all the other children.I amvery sad.B ut I have been fighting againstthe illness hard since three year ago.A l-though the doctor told m e that I wouldkeep the illness all of m y life and I lostthe chance of going to school to study withother student…  相似文献   

It's evening. A cock is sitting in a big tree.A fox is standing under the tree. He is looking up at the cock.“Hello, Mr. Cock. My name is Fox. I have good news for you.” “O h,what is it?” “A ll the anim als are good friends now. Please com e down and play with m e.”“That’s very good. O h, I see som e dogs over there. They are com ing this w ay.” “W hat?D ogs?W ell,I m ust go now.” “D on’t run aw ay,M r.Fox.The dogs are your friends now.”“Y es,but m aybe they don’t know…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。1.I often write articles and s themto m agazines and new spapers.2.The teacher is funny.H e often m akesus l in class.3.A re there any d between thetwo pictures?4.Y ou can’t m oil w ith water.5.If you a2to98,you will get100.6.—H ow was your school t?—It was great.W e visited som ebeautiful places.7.Liu M ei w the first prize inyesterday’s singing com petition.8.—W hat did you do yesterday?—I helped G randpa W ang l nextdoor to m e.9.—W hy…  相似文献   

上一期说到两只蝴蝶在春光明媚的日子里翩翩起舞,是为什么呢?犤犦会话茶屋人物简介:●Bambi—小鹿●Owl—(学识渊博的)猫头鹰●Thumper—兔子(Bambi的朋友)●Flower—鼬鼠(Bambi的朋友)(BforBambi,OforOwl,TforThumper,FforFlower)B:W ell,w hat’s the m atter w ith them?T:W hy are they acting that w ay?O:W hy?D on’t you know?They’re tw at-pated.B&T&F:T w at-pated?Q:Y es,nearly everybody get tw at-pated in the spring tim e.For exam ple.Y ou w alk alone,m inding your ow n business,you look neither to t…  相似文献   

1.—M ay I go surfing alone this afternoon,D ad?—N o,you .It is dangerous.A .m ay not B .can t C .needn t D .don t2.—Im terribly sorry to step on your foot.— .A .D on tsay that B .N ever m indC.Y ou re welcom e D .Thats right3.—I felloffm y bike and hurtm yself yesterday.— .Y ou d better be m ore careful.A .Congratulations B .Thats funnyC.A ll right D .Im sorry to hear that4.—Id like to take tw o weeks holiday.— .W e have too m uch work to do.A .D on tw orry B .Pardon m eC.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 共 30小题 每小题 1分 共计 30 ( , ,分 )1. M ay I go sw im m ing now芽— N o熏you .Y ou m ust finish your—hom ework first.A .m ustn t B.m ay not ’C.couldn t D .needn t ’ ’2.There are so m any shops on side ofthe street.A .all B .either C .both D .every3.They don t know if it tom orrow.If it ’ 熏they will not go to the park.A .will rain鸦will rain B .rains rains ;C.rains鸦w…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H e is short.B.H e is very tall.C.She doesn’t feel well.D.She is very young.7.A.No,you aren’t.B.Yes,you are.C.That’s all right.D.N o,you don’t.8.A.No,I don’t want.B.Yes,please.C.Yes,give m e.D.Yes,I want.9.A.You’re welcom e.B.Please don’t.C.There is no trouble.D.No,thanks.10.A.W ho are you?B.A re you Tom?C.Please tell m e who you are.D.W ho’s that?C.听对话,…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇运用。A)根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.For the sam e r熏I like C hineseaction m ovies.2.I usually s at hom e on weekends.3.The action m ovie is very e.4.It’s such a s m ovie that w e allclose our eyes.5.I like blue very m uch.It’s m y fcolor.6.A re you brave enough芽Let’s go to at.7.I want to see a c(喜剧).8.I don’t like basketball熏because it’sb.9.—A lot of people know his hom e.—Y es熏he’s very f.10.Jack doesn’t like thrillers.H e likesa(动作片)m ovies.B雪用括号中所给…  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(略)第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳答案。21.—D o you know Jim quarreled with hisbrother?—I don’t know,.A.so I don’t careB.nor do I careC.I don’t care neitherD.I don’t care also22.I w as  相似文献   

H i,I am probably at hom e.I’m just avoid-ing som eone I don’t like.Leave m e a m essage,and ifI don’tcallback,it’s you.嗨,我可能在家里,但我不想给我讨厌的人回电话。请留言吧。如果我没有给您回电话,那么您就是我讨厌的那个人。Please leave a m essage.H ow-ever,you have the rightto rem ainsilent.If you give up the right,ev-erything you say w ill be recordedand w illbe used by us.请您留言。当然,您有权保持沉默。如果您放弃这个权利,那么您说的每句话都将被记录在案,并且将被我们所利用。Thank you for ca…  相似文献   

本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006高考江苏卷。(1-20听力题)省略。单项选择21.—I think I’ll give Bob a ring.—Y ou_______.Y ou haven’t been in touch w ith him for ages.A.w ill B.m ay C.have to D.should22.M y m ost fam ous relative of all,_______w ho really left his m ark onA m erica,w as R eb Sussel,m y great-grandfather.A.one B.the one C.he D.som eone23.—I don’t suppose the police know w ho did it.—W ell,surprisingly they do.A m an has been arrested a…  相似文献   

Sam comes to see the doctor. Doctor:What’s wrong with you? Sam:I have pain in my left foot. The doctor examines Sam’s foot.But the foot is OK. Doctor:I’m sorry.But I don’t know why you have pain  相似文献   

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