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一、Warm up/Revision 1. Sing a song "Hokey Pokey". 2. Answer questions. But don't use yes or no. eg: T: Are you happy? S: I am happy. T: Can you sweep the floor? S: I can sweep the floor.  相似文献   

教学步骤: Step 1. Sing a song "What are you going to do?"  相似文献   

[课堂实录] Step 1. Warming-up 1. Sing an English song " Good morning to you! " T: Now, listen to the music, clap your hands and sing an English song. OK?  相似文献   

[课堂实录] 1 T:Let's have a rest. Sing a song“Twinkle ,twinkle ,little star”.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up1.Greet Ss.Show the picture"Welcome to our English class".2.Show a cartoon of the song"Ten little Indian boys"and make Ss familiar with the numbers.T:Let’s enjoy a song together.3.Review numbers.T:What can we learn from the song?The students say the twelve  相似文献   

教学流程Step 1.Greeting(略)Step 2.Song time T:What day is it today?What’s the weather like today?Is it a sunny day?I like the sunny days.So I want to share a song with you."(A sunny day")1.Listen to the song.2.Do you like this song?Let’s sing after the music.3.Can you sing this song?Please sing by yourselves.(跟伴奏  相似文献   

T:It’s a puppet.(教授单词puppet)T:Let’s sing a song“Fruit Song”with Joy,OK?(设计意图:教师将小木偶作为一位新朋友介绍给同学们,开门见山地教授了新单词“puppet”,让孩子们在动画人物的带领下快乐地学习英语。“水果歌”一方面可以活跃课堂气氛,另一方面又为本节课的句in English?  相似文献   

课前准备: 食品、饮料、服装、扇子、生词卡片、课件等; 教学过程:Step 1.Warming up 1.Sing a song“If you are happy”(利用课件呈现画面,学生边唱边做动作)2.Free talk T:Hello,boys and girls.How are you?[第一段]  相似文献   

教学过程:Step 1.Warming—up activities;1.Free-talk;2.Sing a song:What would you like?[通过两个活动活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的参与热情,为教学作了铺垫。]Step 2.Presentation activities 1.Watch the cartoon and say the words.T:Amy is a good girl.She often helps her mother with housework.Let’s watch the cartoon.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warm up1.Greeting2.Sing a song"Color song"3.Free talk T:Boys and girls,are you happy?Ss:Yes,I’m happy.T:I’m happy,too.Do you know why?Ss:No.T:I’d like to go shopping now.引出单词"shopping"。  相似文献   

教学步骤(Teaching Steps) Step 1. Warming up 1. Sing a song.“We can singand dance”. T: Hello, boys and girls.Let's enjoy ourselves. I can sing.I can dance, too.  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1:Greetings 1.Say“Hello”to the teachers. 2.Sing a song to welcome the teachers:“How are you?”  相似文献   

教学过程: Step 1. Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Sing an English song"I love you" with the tape.  相似文献   

Step I. Warming up Answer quickly: please answer with"yes" or no . T: Are you a girl/boy? S1:Yes. Are you a teacher? S2:No. Are you in Class 5? S3:Yes. Is it a window? S4:Yes. Is everyone here? S5:No. Is she your classmate? S6:Yes. Are you in Row 2? S7:No. Is your father at home? S8:No. (设计意图:教师让学生用“Yes”或“No”来回答,既培养学生快速思维的能力,调动学习积极性,又达到复习巩固的目的,使学生注意力快速集中,迅速进入学习状态。)  相似文献   

Part I T:Hello,boys and girls! Ss:Hello,Miss Shi! T:Let's sing a song"What did you do?" OK? Ss:OK! (The students sing and act together) T:You sing very well.Now,everyone, What did you do last night? S1:I read a book. S2:I did my homework. S3:I went to Huatian and bought a new sweater. [评析]简单的英语问候,节奏欢快的英 文歌曲,聊天式的英语会话,为孩子们创设 了一个宽松、随意的课堂环境,并为新内容 的出现做好了铺垫。  相似文献   

姜杨 《黑河教育》2013,(3):32-32
1. Warming Up Step 1 show learning aim.复习 Unit4-Unit6 的重点句子,提高听力理解能力。 ( improve listening ability ) Step 2 Free talk T: What's the date today? S: T: How many months are there in a year? S: T: What are they? S: How many season are there in a year? T: What are they? S: T: Which season do you like the best? S: T: Why? S:  相似文献   

ff was a lovely autumn moming. "What a warm sunny day!" Buzz thought. "Let's go outside(外面)!" Her friends are still sleeping, so the small bee set off on her own.* She was very happy and started* humming (哼唱) a song.  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.热身运动(Warm-up)1.Enjoy a song:Old MacDonald(sing and dance after the teacher)2.Daily oral practice Dialogues:(日常会话练习)。T:Hello!What’s your name?S1:My name is…T:Nice to meet you!S2:Nice to meet you.too!T:How are you?S3:Fine,thank you./I’m very well.thanks./I’m 0K.(用“开火车”的方式进行上面的会话练习。每节课用2-3分钟的时间进行不同形式的口语会话练习,通过“滚雪球”的复习方式,使学生的会话能力不断提高。)  相似文献   

Step I. Warm up. 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song. (" I'm listening to the music. ") 3. Review the phrases: listen to music, run fast, jump high, play football …… a. Listen and act. b. Look and say. 【设计意图:课前用英语和学生进行简单的日常会话,可以拉近学生与老师的距离。利用歌曲和TPR活动复习已学的动词词组,为接下来的新课教学打下了良好的基础。】  相似文献   

一、静授 片段一: T: Boys and girls,let's play a game,OK? There are three pictures in my hand. Let's read like this, "skating/ skiing" one by one. We'll see which group is the fastest. Are you ready?  相似文献   

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