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The persistence of white privilege and escalating racism in the United States challenges religious educators to analyze the roots and destructive potential of both. This article draws on historical and contemporary analyses in dialogue with personal reflection and the oral histories of two leaders who seek to recognize and live beyond their own privilege. The purpose of the study is to describe the landscape of white privilege and analyze the intersections of public and personal dynamics. The analysis reveals the educational potential of personal narratives and structural analysis in understanding and transforming white privilege into humble work for justice.  相似文献   

自我意识情绪具有社会性,而文化对于自我意识情绪的重要性便是由其社会性决定的。作为典型的自我意识情绪如内疚、羞耻,其跨文化研究已逐渐引起国内外学者关注。我们从跨文化的一致性和差异性两个维度分别进行阐述,从内疚、羞耻的产生、功能以及其与心理健康的关系等领域说明其具有跨文化一致性,同时内疚、羞耻情绪也会受到文化因素的影响导致其存在文化差异。以上述分析为基础,为自我意识情绪在跨文化研究中存在的不足提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

如何运用负面情感来促进人们积极的行为对社会发展具有重要的作用。基于国内外学者对罪恶感和羞耻感的相关研究,罪恶感和羞耻感在概念以及结果方面存在异同点。运用情境模拟法、自我报告法、整体形容词核表法三种研究方法,进行负面情绪的广告诉求,企业可以根据不同情绪有针对性地制定营销策略。但罪恶感和羞耻感作为两种相似的情感,其中细微的差别,仍有待发掘。  相似文献   

威廉斯认为现代道德哲学中的罪责概念会使我们误解自己的生活,只有引入对羞耻的理解,才能使人良性地生活.这种构建虽然使"羞耻"进入伦理学的评估范畴,并让基于理性主义假设的各种道德理论关注人的情感经验,但威廉斯为了构建羞耻这一道德情感,将羞耻与罪责强制性地分开,在事实层面上忽略了罪责与羞耻相关的情况,也忽视了两者需要统一理解的价值诉求.  相似文献   

日本的文化被称为“耻文化”,它的根源是弥生时代稻作文化所必需的共同体意识、儒教思想、多神教等因素,并且给日本社会以深远的影响。同时“耻文化”在日语表现形式方面也充分体现出来,通过对语言的了解,可以加深理解日本的“耻文化”,以便与“罪文化”区别开来。  相似文献   

耻,是中国古代传统道德中关涉的基本内容之一。中国传统道德体系中具有的丰厚的耻观念,在道德理性、道德规范、道德践行等层面,都全面地渗入、深刻地积淀和濡养了中国古代道德,形成了独特的中国古代耻文化,并继续对近现代以及当代中国道德建设产生广泛和深远的影响。  相似文献   


College students experience a myriad of stressors in their daily lives. These stressors are associated with negative outcomes for students, both to their academics and well-being. Healthy, effective coping strategies may support students in navigating personal distress. One of the primary aspects of counselling is to help clients develop and apply such strategies. This study aimed to identify intrapersonal factors that predict types of coping strategies. Participants (N?=?416) identified as undergraduate college students attending a large public university in the southwestern United States. Results indicated that a problem-focused engagement coping strategy was associated with maladaptive factors such as shame and personal distress. Additionally, a problem-focused engagement coping strategy was predicted by potentially more helpful intrapersonal characteristics including guilt (as a motivator) and two dimensions of empathy. Finally, mean comparisons indicated statistically significant differences between identified gender and coping strategies. Implications for college counsellors are discussed.


尽管很多人对社会转型以来道德滑坡的因为提出了不少与事实相符的看法,但耻感文化由羞恶到羞输再到羞失的蜕变无论如何是非常重要的一条.此种情况的出现不仅与历史的迁延,而且与今人行为的失当有着紧密的关联,因此,为使这一问题得到较好的解决,最终有俾于和谐社会的建设,人们无疑应采取各种具针对性的措施.  相似文献   

随着中日两国经济合作、文化交流的加深,仅具有日语能力的人才已不能满足企业的要求。本文首先指出课堂中讲授商务日语的必要性,进一步论述了商务日语教育与文化背景相结合的注意点,最后提出了商务日语教育课程的总体规划。  相似文献   

Language is a key component part of culture. It reflects culture. As a variety of British English, American English,especially American words reflect American culture, including their custom, their view of value, their character traits. Being amelting pot, American words melt a lot of loanwords. The exaggerated use of words shows Americans are self-confidence.They also use beautified words to show their wish to life, to future. They can use common words, usually slang to express spe-cial ideas. By doing so, they create something new and original. Learning American English, especially studying Americanwords, we can see some typical traits of American culture.  相似文献   


Social workers often feel ill-prepared to effectively engage parents in conversations about guilt, shame, and blame related to their children’s mental health or substance use challenges. To address that problem, we suggest that specific content should be integrated into social work courses to teach students how to acknowledge and sensitively manage these issues in their practice with families across cultures and family forms. Content, activities, and assignments are offered, built around three learning strategies (enhanced lecture, case-based learning, and experiential learning) to help students build therapeutic relationships based on a deep appreciation of parents’ emotional experiences.  相似文献   

日本女大学生羞耻观之分析——以京都女子大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"耻感文化"作为日本文化的根源所在,广泛地深入日本人之心;羞耻型文化是日本传统社会道德的重要组成部分。本文通过对京都女子大学女大学生进行问卷调查,探讨日本大学生的羞耻观。调查结果使用统计分析软件SPSS14(日文版本)进行了单纯统计分析,描述统计分析和交叉表分析。  相似文献   

美国文化与美国成人教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是文化发展的一种衍生物,成人教育从根本上来说是一种文化现象,考察成人教育的发展情况必须从文化源头的探究做起。本文以文化为切入点,从美国文化的视野分析了美国成人教育的特点,以期对我国成人教育的发展有所启示。  相似文献   

This study explored the role of guilt and shame in early prosocial behavior by extending previous findings that guilt‐ and shame‐like responses can be distinguished in toddlers and, for the first time, examining their associations with helping. Toddlers (n = 32; Mage = 28.9 months) were led to believe they broke an adult's toy, after which they exhibited either a guilt‐like response that included frequently confessing their behavior and trying to repair the toy; or a shame‐like response that included frequently avoiding the adult and seldom confessing or attempting to repair the toy. In subsequent prosocial tasks, children showing a guilt‐like response helped an adult in emotional distress significantly faster and more frequently than did children showing a shame‐like response.  相似文献   

中国传统耻感文化作为中国传统文化的一部分,有着深厚的文化底蕴和思想积淀。中国的古人向来把"知耻"作为重要的个人修养和自身的道德规范。中国传统耻感文化对人们的言行具有强大的约束力。无论是积极的还是消极的,耻感文化都潜移默化地影响着人们的言行。除了对个人产生作用之外,耻感文化还深刻地影响着整个国家和民族的精神风貌,甚至已经内化为一些民族文化最基本的规范与原则。在构建社会主义核心价值体系的过程中,对于精华与糟粕并存的耻感文化,我们要辩证地、批判地去继承它,发掘它的思想价值,使之为我们今天进行荣辱观教育、构建和谐社会及"以德治国"服务。  相似文献   

以美、日两国企业的质量管理运动为借鉴,探索质量文化的形成过程和发展路径,结合当代中国的现实,比较造成中、日、美三国企业质量文化区别的深层次原因,并从多方面探讨培育中国企业优秀质量文化的发展路径。  相似文献   

风俗之美在于养民知耻。羞耻感是中国传统道德教育的重要基石,是人之为人的伦理道德底线,对个人修身和社会文明进步都有着重要意义。面对当前我国社会剧烈转型所面临的伦理困境,其根本在于对全民进行羞耻感道德教育实属必要,并最终才能在国际上重塑文明礼仪之邦的大国风范形象。  相似文献   

耻感文化是中国传统文化的一个重要组成部分,是中华伦理文化的重要范畴,已经根深蒂固地融入了人们的道德实践之中。加强知耻教育,培养知耻意识,批判继承中国传统耻感文化的精华及合理成分,对于弘扬中华民族的优秀传统,加强新时期社会主义道德建设,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

服饰文化与琉球社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化是一定社会政治、经济的反映,服饰作为文化的载体,展现了一个国家和地区的社会面貌。琉球,与我国一衣带水,其服饰反映了该国的政治状况、经济水平、生活习俗及自然环境。透过服饰文化分析琉球社会的面貌是研究一个社会概况的全新尝试。  相似文献   

中国传统耻感文化与公民道德建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
耻感在人类的思想和行为中发挥着非常重要的、其他情感所不能替代的作用。加强知耻教育,培养知耻意识,批判继承中国传统耻感文化的精华及合理成分,对于弘扬中华民族的优秀传统,加强新时期社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德建设,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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