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The relationship between intelligence, language, and learning is a challenging field of study. One way to study how this relationship occurs and works is to investigate the perceptions of advanced language learners. Therefore, this paper reports a study that was conducted to explore 160 pre-service English language teachers' perceptions about which type(s) of multiple intelligence(s) play a role in foreign language learning. The findings of the study indicated that virtually all participants (97%) agreed on making use of all intelligence types in the process of foreign language learning and linguistic intelligence alone does not guarantee success in learning a foreign language. The results of the study also illustrate that multiple intelligences and foreign language learning have an ongoing, complex, and interactive relationship. Finally, a foreign language learning discipline MI profile is suggested.  相似文献   

论移情及其在外语学习中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述什么是移情,移情与文化休克的关系,移情在文化差异敏感性中的地位.并详细探讨了移情在英汉两种语言的语音、词汇、语法、语义各个层次上的对比,提出了移情的双向原则和一些培养方法.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - The rich multimedia-enhanced language content offered by modern commercial off-the-shelf games and students’ interest in playing such games...  相似文献   

外语学习动机备受研究者和教育工作者关注和研究,但有关二外俄语学习动机研究较少。本文对二外俄语学习动机类型、动机现状及影响学生动机因素进行分析,得出如下结论:外在和内在因素使学生二外俄语学习动机明显缺失。笔者建议,社会、学校、教师和学生应该积极配合,采取相关措施,强化学生学习动机,落实双语教学。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the differences between science students' and teachers' perceptions of laboratory environments. More than 1000 junior high school students and their science teachers in Taiwan were surveyed. The students showed much more dissatisfaction with approaches to laboratory activities than their teachers. They preferred a much more student-cohesive, open-ended, integrated and rule-clear laboratory environment than their teachers expected or preferred. However, the teachers sampled showed higher preferences for better equipment and material environments for laboratory work than did their students. Data from follow-up interviews with participant teachers suggested that epistemological views about science might be one of the important factors causing differences in perceptions between students and teachers of laboratory learning environments.  相似文献   

现代技术交流环境改变了人们的认知模式,传统的外语课堂单模态语篇设计已经被不同符号模态编码设计所取代,其中系统功能理论对不同视觉、听觉和动觉/触觉模态编码的信息交换起着重要的理论支撑作用。以《高级英语》为例,探讨外语课堂多模态语篇设计,以及相关的系统功能理据。  相似文献   

The author adopted an empirical quantitative method by employing Horwitz’s Teacher Foreign Language Anxiety Scale(TFLAS)to determine the anxiety level of ninety teacher participants from Tianjin Foreign Studies University.SPSS11.5was used for data analysis and the results showed that no one experienced high level’s anxiety and student teachers were commonly more anxious than in-service teachers.  相似文献   

学习者所处语言环境对外语学习效果有着重要的影响,中国学生虽然从小学到大学接近十年一直不间断学习外语,但收效并不明显,主要是学生缺乏很好的语言环境。本文主要从分析学生外语学习中的语言环境因素,并将这一原理应用于外语学习与教学当中,以提高学生外语学习效率。  相似文献   

作者将对外汉语写字课定位为与基础汉语匹配的复练课,在教学内容统一的条件下,弥补了基础汉语字义解释、偏旁分析、汉字音形义联系上的不足。确定了对外汉语汉字课教学"由小到大,以小见大"的主要思路,结合组合拆分、情感因素、游戏教学法在课堂上的导入和应用,通过教学实践验证了以上方法的可行性,使对外汉语汉字课变得更加有趣。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,各国贸易日渐频繁,国家之间的关系随之密切,外语教学的地位显著提升。我国各高校都开设有第二外语专业,且历史悠久、经验丰富。在第二外语的学习过程中,语言迁移的影响很大。德语是我国很重视的第二外语,随着语言学的发展和教育水平的提高,德语教学取得了前所未有的成绩,但还存在一些问题。因此,如何有效利用语言迁移策略提高德语教学的质量是外语教育者思考的重要课题。本文对迁移的概念和内涵进行了阐述,指出了德语中语言迁移想象的体现,分析了语言迁移对于德语教学的重要意义,提出了借助语言迁移理论指导德语教学的有效措施。  相似文献   

As more and more educational institutions are providing online courses, it is necessary to design effective teaching methods integrated with technologies to benefit both teachers and students. The researcher in this study designed innovative online teaching methods of team-based learning (TBL) and co-regulated learning (CRL) to improve students' computing skills. The participants in this study were 124 undergraduates from three classes taking a compulsory course titled “Applied Information Technology: Data Processing.” There were three blended classes involved in this empirical study. The first group (EG1), which received the treatment of online TBL and CRL, and the second group (EG2), which received the treatment of online TBL only, were the experimental groups. The last group, which received the traditional teaching method, served as the control group. Before the experiment started, the author conducted a pretest to confirm that the differences of students' computing skills among the three groups were not significant at the beginning of the course. Based on the analysis of the post-test, the results indicate that students who received the intervention of online CRL had significantly better computing skills for using Excel by semester-end than those without. However, the intervention of online TBL did not contribute to better learning effects in this study. Based on the findings in this study, the author points out implications for teachers, schools, and educators, particularly for those responsible for courses focusing on solving ill-structured problems and those students who have typically received traditional didactic pedagogy for many years.  相似文献   

文章运用定量研究的方法,调查了来自宁夏四所高校非英语专业学生的学习策略使用情瓦和学习策略与学习成绩的相关关系,并就此提出了一些教学措施与建议。  相似文献   

在过去15年中,笔者带领团队实践了高校外语教师专业学习的三种不同模式,其中包括短期专题研修班、专业学习共同体和虚拟专业学习共同体。本文比较这三种模式的优劣势,旨在优化我国外语教师专业学习路径。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨中国学生对于英语母语变体的态度和偏好,研究者用问卷调查和采访的方式对来自高中和大学的四十名学生进行了数据收集。结果发现,高中生更加偏好英式英语;大学生对于英式和美式两种母语变体的偏好基本持平。在偏好英式英语的学生当中,教师影响因素占有较大比重;而偏好美式英语的学生多受到美国文化的影响。  相似文献   

大一新生英语学习策略培养体系的建立是以学习者的策略使用情况的整体评估为基础的,本研究关注的大一新生英语语言策略运用的整体面貌和特征以及语言学习策略与学习者高考成绩的相关性。基于对最终调查数据的整理分析,提炼结论,进而为形成大学新生的语言学习策略培养方向和培训子项目提供依据。  相似文献   

Exploring students' learning challenges in environmental education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing recognition of the significance of learning within debates about sustainable development. Within the field of environmental education research, however, there has been insufficient attention given to questions of learners and learning. In the light of this situation, this paper reports findings from two studies (one in England, the other in Sweden) that focused specifically on learners' experiences of and responses to environmental curricula in secondary school and higher education. Three kinds of learning challenges that can be experienced by students on environmental education courses are outlined and discussed. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight the complexity of the learning experience within environmental education and to draw attention to the need for improved research‐based understandings of environmental learning processes.  相似文献   

针对高校外语专业学生,使用Oxford设计的“语言学习策略量表”调查其语言学习策略使用情形,探讨其“就读年级”和“外文程度”两变量对学习策略的影响。结果显示,外语专业学生使用语言学习策略之频率整体而言为中等程度,其策略使用范畴排序则为情意、社会、补偿、元认知、认知和记忆策略。“就读年级”和“外文程度”两个变数中只有“外文程度”对整体语言学习策略使用具有显著性的差异,而“就读年级”和“外文程度”对于个别策略范畴则有不同程度的影响。最后讨论如何在课堂上训练学生使用语言学习策略。  相似文献   

大学教师教学观与大学生学习风格的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的教学观和大学生学习风格是教学研究中非常重要的课题。本文主要运用笔者自编的“大学生学习方式量袈’以及在对国外几个有关教学观调查量表基础上设计的“教师教学观量表”,调查了西安交通大学2003级504名本科生的学习风格以及他们感知的教师的教学观的基本情况,在此基础上,从学生的视角探讨了教师教学观与学生学习风格之间的关系。研究表明:教师的教学观可以分为两类,即信息传递的教学观和促进学习的教学观;教师的教学观对学生的学习风格具有显著影响。当教师持信息传递的教学观,认为教学仅仅是以传递知识为目的时,学生更可能采用再现导向的学习方式,这将不利于学生学习成绩的提高;当教师持促进学习的教学观,认为教学的目的在于帮助学生发展并改变自己的观念时,学生就会倾向于采用意义导向和情景导向的学习方式,这将有利于学生学习成绩的提高。  相似文献   

This study reports on student teachers' views of portfolios as a learning tool when they are combined with a weekly test conducted at the end of each lesson to help student teachers self‐evaluate. Student teachers' written reflections during the process provided data for the study. Analysis of the data showed that a majority of student teachers initially felt that compiling a portfolio would be time‐consuming and an extra burden added to their already busy schedule. However, later on they all found that the process was a useful learning experience. Moreover, the portfolio process – especially combining self‐reflection with weekly tests – encouraged students to study regularly, increased retention and made learning more enjoyable. Suggestions for the successful portfolio implementation include the following: guiding students both at the beginning of and during the process, providing continuous and prompt feedback during the process and making self‐reflection – especially guided by reflection prompts – an essential part of the process.  相似文献   

Facebook use among students is almost ubiquitous; however, its use for formal academic purposes remains contested. Through an online survey monitoring student use of module Facebook pages and focus groups, this study explores students’ current academic uses of Facebook and their views on using Facebook within university modules. Students reported using Facebook for academic purposes, notably peer–peer communication around group work and assessment – a use not always conceptualised by students as learning. Focus groups revealed that students are not ready or equipped for the collaborative style of learning envisaged by the tutor and see Facebook as their personal domain, within which they will discuss academic topics where they see a strong relevance and purpose, notably in connection with assessment. Students use Facebook for their own mutually defined purposes and a change in student mind- and skill-sets is required to appropriate the collaborative learning benefits of Facebook in formal educational contexts.  相似文献   

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