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The Color Purple for the first time not only reveals the racial and sexual discrimination but also tells those oppressed black women the way to solve it. The paper is trying to analyze the work from the heroines (their main experiences and connections with each other), the linguistic arts and the motifs, etc.  相似文献   

The fairytales of Oscar Wilde could well speak the secret of this great Aesthete, if read between the lines. The hidden mosex ality-related metaphor in his longest fairytale, The Fisherman and His Soul, is analyzed and explained in this p i cordance with personal experience of the writer.  相似文献   

纳撒尼尔·霍桑受清教主义影响颇深,而《红字》正是这方面的代表著作,该作品中体现了霍桑复杂的清教主义思想。本论文试图通过对白兰与珍珠的分析,揭示隐藏在行文之间的霍桑对清教主义未来的期望。  相似文献   

Interest has always been an important topic in education. Based on the interpretation of Dewey's view of interest, this study makes an analysis of the characteristics of interest and gives an answer to the question of how to make proper use of interest in the process of education. Dewey's view of interest has important implications to contemporary Chinese education.  相似文献   

母亲的光辉形象无需赘言。母爱是世界上最伟大的爱,这一观点于林语堂这样一位学贯中西的大作家也不例外。通过他作品中形形色色的母亲角色,林语堂表达了他对母亲的看法,进而阐明了他对于女性的看法。文章以《京华烟云》为原本,透过《京华烟云》中的母亲角色分析林语堂的女性观。  相似文献   

“十一五规划”提出了建设社会主义新农村的伟大构想,并将其作为现代化进程中的一项重大而又深远的战略任务。新农村的建设既要强调外生力量的促进,更应注重内生力量的培育。在和谐社会的思想内蕴与精神旨趣下,以“十一五”规划的精神解读为视角,以农村义务教育的价值分析为进路,通过阐述农村义务教育与新农村建构的辨证关系,进一步提出发展和完善农村义务教育的理性对策,为社会主义新农村的建构提供有益思索。  相似文献   

傅恒的长篇小说《天地平民》改变了以往反腐败小说的套路,紧紧把握人物的命运和灵魂,直击当下人在社会的处境,把反腐败题材的小说提升到一个哲学人类学的高度。从写作本身来说,强化了写作的难度,大大提升了小说、特别是反腐败题材文学作品的艺术水准;从文学经验上来说,扩展了反腐败作品的边界;从叙事的方式来说,为小说叙事提供了一种全新的表达方式。  相似文献   

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