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This study investigates the effects on learning‐disabled students of embedding a drill and practice task within an arcade game‐like context. We identified 30 learning‐disabled and 30 nondisabled students who had conceptual understanding of addition but had not achieved automaticity in addition facts. We trained students on either a drill‐and‐practice game or an unadorned, straightforward drill (i.e., “plain vanilla") program. We assessed automaticity in three modes of responding—oral, computer keyboard, and written response. There was a significant interaction effect indicating that the learning‐disabled students were relatively disadvantaged by repeated practice in the game format. We infer learning‐disabled students' lower performance is attributed to attentional difficulties, particularly selective attention problems, when potentially distracting elements of a game environment are present.  相似文献   

在准备高中生物的基因内容时,教师要有以下的心理准备:学生对基因的基本结构和概念的理解是不太清晰的。既然学生对基因的基本结构和概念只有有限的认识,他们很难对遗传这一课题有深入的理解,教师可用遗传学符号、遗传图表、庞氏表来解答单基因遗传问题,通过携带自己的基因活动学习遗传的基本知识。  相似文献   

The effects of signal duration when choosing between signaled and unsignaled response-independent reinforcers were examined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, albino rats were given a choice between signaled and unsignaled food delivered on variable-time 60-sec schedules using a 20-sec signal. All subjects preferred the signaled schedule at a level comparable to that reported in an earlier study using a 5-sec signal. Experiment 2 presented six rats with a direct choice between a 5-sec and a 20-sec signal condition, and three rats with a choice between a 1.5-sec and a 5-sec signal duration. Subjects preferred the 20-sec signal over the 5-sec signal, but no pReference was found with the 1.5-sec vs. a 5-sec signal. Current theoretical views, such as delay reduction and behavioral competition, are considered.  相似文献   

在纪念“一二·九”运动70周年之际,一部记载“一二·九”运动重要领导人之一、我国青年运动的杰出领导人和马克思主义教育家蒋南翔光辉一生的《蒋南翔传》问世了。这是继《蒋南翔纪念文集》、《蒋南翔文集》、《蒋南翔教育思想研究》出版后,又一部反映蒋南翔一生事迹的重要著作。这对于继承发扬我国青年运动的光荣传统,继承发扬蒋南翔教育思想,继承发扬清华大学的优良传统和作风,都有着重要的历史意义和现实意义。自“一二·九”运动起,历经抗日战争、解放战争至解放初期,蒋南翔同志一直站在我国青年运动的前列。“一二·九”运动中他在由…  相似文献   

保险合同中违反如实告知义务的构成要件是:违反如实告知义务的主体是投保人或被保险人;违反告知义务的范围仅限于保险人询问的范围;过失违反告知义务的事实应当是重要事实;投保人、被保险人违反告知义务是出于主观上的故意或过失。  相似文献   

研究性学习主要着眼于学生的学习方式,基础型课程则特别关注学生的学习内容.纳入“时间“之维的考虑,基础教育阶段的“基础型课程“在发展变化着,学生的学习方式则必须相应地发生转变.为此,认真分析研究性学习与基础型课程的意义蕴涵及其整合的前提条件,努力探索两者整合的现实途径,积极开展两者整合的实践尝试,深刻反思两者整合的问题成因,必将使“基础型课程“教学与“研究性学习“活动相得益彰.  相似文献   

This paper examines research on learning styles as related to online learning for adult learners. There is much disagreement regarding the definition of learning style. This paper defines it as an individual's preferred way of learning. The focus is on the extent to which learning styles are able to predict student success (e.g., grades, attitudes). The paper discusses nine different instruments that were used in various studies. Curry's model, which uses the metaphor of the layers of an onion, is used to categorize the instruments by theme for the sake of comparison. Criticisms of learning style research include: the vagueness of the construct “learning style”; the fact that the instruments are self‐assessments; mixed results from research that searched for a relationship with online learning; and the difficulty of comparing different studies when online learning can include many different methods and technologies. Finally, I reach a conclusion regarding the suitability of studying the relationship of learning styles and success in online courses.  相似文献   

This birth story illustrates one woman's view of the importance of the type of birthing care she received and the involvement of her existing child in a second birth. The value of the mother's vision and her ability to participate in fully informed choices are emphasized.  相似文献   

Research and classroom experience (Bormuth et al., 1970; Nichols, 1980) support the idea that middle and secondary students often have difficulty understanding relationships within and between sentences. Knowledge gleaned from discourse analysis concepts can assist teachers in providing useful instructional strategies to help students comprehend progressively larger units of meaning. We want to encourage teachers to try some of the instructional strategies we have provided and also to experiment with additional ideas drawn from the information presented here. We hope other teachers will further explore this potentially rich area of comprehension instruction.  相似文献   

维持性学习到创新性学习是一个连续体,没有不可愈越的鸿沟,而学习策略的灵活运用,则是维持性学习通向创新性学习的重要门户。  相似文献   

The inability to develop, strengthen, and access associations in memory that allow for the rapid and accurate retrieval of answers to basic addition problems is a distinguishing characteristic of a mathematics learning difficulty. The ‘two-factor theory of math fact learning’ (Robinson, Menchetti, & Torgesen, 2002) proposes that a weakness in semantic or phonological processing relating to number underlies such difficulty. The empirical support for this theory has been limited. In this study the basic addition performance of five adolescent students still reliant on counting was examined. A regression analysis of reaction times to counting trials revealed counting-speed to be an important factor in helping to explain why practice had not led to retrieval. The findings are discussed in terms of advancing the two-factor theory of math fact learning and implications for instruction are considered.  相似文献   

西方发达国家比现在的中国富裕是历史形成的,中国的贫困、屈辱正是帝国主义侵略和封建主义、官僚资本主义剥削的恶果。中国现在还存在着许多矛盾和困难,但西方发达资本主义国家也问题成堆。实践表明,建设中国特色社会主义的道路能够运用社会主义和市场经济两种优势集成的合力,借鉴、吸收发达国家先进的经验,发挥后发优势,以跨越式的发展在一定历史时期内赶上去。  相似文献   

周本宽 西南交通大学校长、教授、博士生导师 ,1 946年生 ,福建长汀人。 1 970年毕业于华东水利学院 (今河海大学 )水港系 ,1 978年考取西南交通大学工程力学专业研究生 ,1 980年 9月赴德国达姆施塔特理工大学继续研究生学习 ,1 983年获工学硕士学位 ,并回国任教 ,历任西南交通大学工程科学研究院副院长、院长 ,校长助理、副校长 ,1 998年 1月任校长 ;兼任国际计算力学协会会员、国际《薄壁结构》杂志编委、中国《工程力学》杂志编委、中国铁道学会理事、四川省力学学会名誉理事长等职。周本宽教授长期从事计算力学和计算结构力学的科学研…  相似文献   


Information discernment has become a much needed twenty-first century skill and an essential outcome for university education. Technology has enabled more organisations to gain access to effective mass media to disseminate both accurate information and disinformation. As information sources have proliferated, information users are confronted by a plethora of superficially credible, contradictory ‘facts’ and opinions. A curriculum redesign project at an Australian university provided an opportunity to embed information discernment into a first-year unit, and to strengthen students’ capacity to engage critically with contradictory sources and competing worldviews. The review found that: (1) it was necessary to explain the importance of information discernment, (2) a restriction of information sources was helpful to the initial development of discernment, (3) the purposes of (university) education required explicit discussion, (4) it was useful to discuss the relationship between research and personal experience, and (5) later modules must consolidate and extend information literacy learning.  相似文献   

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