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This selective annotated bibliography is a guide to scholarly articles about use of the State Secrets Privilege during the War on Terror. Use of the privilege became controversial during the presidential administration of George W. Bush, resulting in a scholarly debate over the privilege and the propriety of its use in litigation concerning measures taken by the United States government in the years following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. This bibliography is intended to provide an overview of the scholarly literature to lawyers, scholars, and students.  相似文献   

王韬与富兰克林的报刊活动,首先基于谋生获利的需要,因此,他们的报刊实践有其商业逻辑。但由于不同的社会场域,王韬办报有其干预政治的现实考量,富兰克林则力图在商业与政治之间保持微妙的平衡,这也是中美早期新闻业的基本写照。以此为出发点,本文试图从源头上分析,中国的新闻业缘何素来与政治亦步亦趋,而美国的新闻传统虽然诸多反复,但商业化作为一个基本的线索始终存在。  相似文献   

文章概括了数字时代图书馆发展中面临的各种著作权维护与保护问题,并就争取图书馆在著作权法中的权利平衡中介地位进行了探讨.  相似文献   


Small academic libraries must produce Web-based subject guides despite limited budgets. This practical communication describes how one such library in Australia used freely available wiki software and third-party hosting to create a set of Web-based subject guides. A subsequent redesign was then based around typical student tasks. This case demonstrates that it is possible to produce high-quality guides that meet student needs with minimal costs.  相似文献   

As part of an exploratory research study, museum professionals were asked to share their stories about pivotal learning experiences in museums. Several offered personal narratives of how they first became interested in museums and started down the path toward careers in museum work, or had their imaginations opened to the possibility of broader life horizons. This group of stories seemed to be grounded in particularly vivid memories and frequently elicited strong emotions in the telling. The narratives are evidence of the impact of early museum experiences on people who later found their way into museum careers, and suggest avenues for further study of the roots of museum careers as well as other ways museums profoundly affect people's lives. The stories can also reveal to the teller, as well as to researchers and others, what stands out in their memories and the importance they assign to those memories. By attending to the thematic and emotional content of these narratives, both narrator and colleagues can find clues about where their beliefs and values really lie and, therefore, where their and the profession's time and resources might be most productively invested.  相似文献   


Prototyping is an incremental process that facilitates those looking to make changes in products, services, or resources. Originating in industrial fabrication process, prototyping can be adapted by librarians to examine changes made to library services, amenities, and resources. They offer a cost-effective way of trying something new and needed, to ensure that patron needs are met. This article modifies prototyping into a five-step process and reviews five examples where the Lee Library used prototyping to inform library decisions to inform the development of library services, amenities, processes, and resources to better serve its patrons.  相似文献   

This article explores the relative placement of listening competence within other implicit theories used to form judgments of interlocutor competence. Two studies explore the relations among communicative competence, social skills, and listening competence and various attributes that are purportedly implied by each. Study 1 reveals that very few attributes are uniquely related to any one implicit theory. Study 2 demonstrates that listening competence is located subordinately to communicative competence. The discussion focuses on what these studies add to the competency literature and how future research can continue to explore implicit competency theories.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):246-255
More research is needed that examines textbooks intended for the entry level college classroom. This study offers valuable information to academics that adopt a public speaking textbook for instruction as well as objective feedback to the collective authors. Readability levels of 22 nationally published textbooks, based on McGlaughlin's (1969) SMOG readability index, are reported. The mean readability level for all textbooks combined equated to a (M= 15.66) grade level with a SD (.71) less than one grade level of difficulty and a range of 2.83 grade levels. It should be noted that the SMOG index is based on 100% reader comprehension and tends to rate difficulty two grade levels higher than comparable measures. An ANOVA and corresponding t-tests indicate significant differences with respect to the readability among texts. Implications of findings, limitations of this study, recommendations for teachers, and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

儿童图书馆及相关技术、产品、服务不断发展的今天,忽视儿童权利、漠视儿童话语权的现象仍层出不穷,严重影响图书馆儿童用户体验。因此,本文提出让儿童成为自己图书馆的评价主体,从话语分析角度揭示成年意志主导对儿童权利的影响,并收集发展心理学与相关研究证据证实当前儿童作为评价主体的理论可行性;随后,通过政策保障、产品与服务设计、既有的儿童视角评价实践三个方面证实了这一主张的实践可行性。传统方法与专门针对儿童开发的研究方法,可以指导儿童成为自己图书馆评价主体的具体实施,具有理论和实践层面上的价值。表1。参考文献69。  相似文献   

The Association of Southeastern Research Libraries has instituted a distributed print archive program to share the costs and effort of long-term retention of print journals. Beginning with a review of the history of the project, the authors address the voluntary nature of participation in the program, methodologies for identifying journals to be retained, as well as methodologies for tagging retained journals so that an accurate record of current decisions is maintained over the 25-year length of the commitment. Policies and procedures continue to evolve as participation increases and lessons are learned with each step.  相似文献   


The business world has been using corporate branding and relationship marketing to build customer loyalty and satisfaction. In recent decades, individuals have applied the tenets of branding to themselves to create the idea of personal branding—marketing yourself as your own brand. By thinking in terms of personal branding and relationship marketing, distance education librarians can more effectively reach out to remote students and build long term relationships that are beneficial to both students and librarians.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 50, Issues 5–6, pages 628–637, 2010. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2010.488928.  相似文献   


This paper explores how news organizations visualize crises in a digital media ecology shaped by citizen witnessing and widespread image circulation on social media. Empirically, the paper draws on the events of 7 April 2017 in Stockholm when a hijacked truck plowed into crowds, killing five and injuring several others. The study is informed by theoretical perspectives and research on citizen photojournalism and witnessing, and examines the function of visual citizen contributions, degrees of explicitness in visual coverage and the impact of proximity on visualizations of crises. Qualitative analyses of visual content and text in digital and print editions of four Swedish newspapers showed both enhancing and featured positioning of visual eyewitness contributions from the public, few examples of explicit imagery, and journalistic commentary foregrounding ethical dimensions of showing and seeing. Based on the findings, the author considers journalism’s civic response as a strategy for staking a claim to credibility and ethics at a moment when the journalistic gatekeeping position is called into question.  相似文献   

Student success units, like Writing Centers, are logical partners for academic libraries. It is not uncommon to find tutoring or academic support services located in library Learning Commons spaces. At Oregon State University, we recently launched a Research and Writing Studio that takes these partnerships to the next level. This column examines the relevance of a service design approach to collaborative space planning. It further examines the challenging process of applying idealized or general models and theories to the reality of our daily work and local contexts.  相似文献   

Librarianship is at a critical juncture. Technological changes have reshaped the information landscape, but libraries as social institutions have not been able to transform themselves to keep pace. This is the challenge of Library and Information Science Education. As we look to a future professional education for librarians, we need to acknowledge the need to reinvent our educational goals and methods so our graduates can lead in this new emerging environment. A relevant education for the information sectors will include a synthesis of global, technical, and critical perspectives to encourage librarians to understand the changes they need to enact to ensure relevance for the future.  相似文献   

网络时代图书馆的读者服务工作   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文根据近几年的工作实践经验,提出了在网络时代图书馆应采取的读者服务新措施,比如传统服务的拓展,建立电子阅览室,实施学科馆员制度,向社会提供信息服务等。  相似文献   

Drawing on the “predator” model of entrepreneurship put forward by Villette and Vuillermot in their 2009 book “From Predators to Icons,” this article argues that challenging economic times reveal that self-funded, collaborative information literacy models have in many cases unsustainably overstretched staff and budgets. In such circumstances, it is necessary for librarians to shift to an entrepreneurial approach that seeks profitable opportunities funded by parties other than the library in order to build capital for current and future instructional services. Following Villette and Vuillermot, the article seeks to refute a cultural myth that sees the entrepreneur as someone who is first and foremost a “do-gooder” or marketer of helpful products, and it also advocates that librarians adopt a view of the entrepreneur as one who preys on unexploited, low-cost/high-profit opportunities to leverage “other people's money” to build capital for later innovation. The article considers the economics of information literacy and library instruction programs, provides historical context for what has come to be known as the “collaborative imperative,” points to the economic shortsightedness of many collaborative and “embedded librarian” partnerships, and details six examples from information literacy programs that model successful entrepreneurship of the sort argued for.  相似文献   

Recent dissent research indicates that employees report using several different strategies for expressing their dissent to management and supervisors (i.e., upward dissent). The purpose of this study was to compare previously recognized upward dissent strategies in terms of perceived competence. Employees completed a survey instrument that asked them to assess the competence of different upward dissent strategies. Results indicate that employees perceived solution presentation to be the most competent upward dissent strategy, followed by direct-factual appeal, repetition, and circumvention. Threatening resignation was perceived as the least competent upward dissent strategy.  相似文献   

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