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Courses: Rhetorical Criticism, Composition, Environmental Communication

Objectives: This unit activity, for which students view a documentary to identify and evaluate persuasive ethos and then create their own rhetorical messages for reducing food waste, serves as a platform for teaching both the critique and practice of rhetoric, as well as familiarizing students with the complexities of the global food system and food waste.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):248-253

Though the scope of Aristotle's Rhetoric is at once broader and more limited than Bacon's theory, the Englishman owes most of his primary rhetorical doctrines to his predecessor. The two philosophers agree on the nature and general function of rhetoric, its place among the arts and sciences, its psychological basis, and the use to which it puts logical, ethical, and pathetic proofs. Some of Aristotle's hints are expanded by Bacon, mainly those regarding the philosophical style, and Bacon often corrects what he takes to be inconsistencies and errors in Aristotle's work. Moreover, because he looks to the past only for material to change and augment, Bacon does original and important new things to Aristotle as he re‐works him for a new English rhetoric.  相似文献   


Amid rising controversy around the alleged distinctions between merit and excellence lies a familiar refrain, scarcity. The narrative of academic scarcity, proclaiming the insufficient numbers of scholars and academics of color, permeates conversations in higher education. We suggest that the academic scarcity narrative, a remnant of stagnant logics of diversity, circulates as a contemporary mechanism of what we name disciplinary containment. Extending disciplinary conversations around rhetorical containment, we argue that disciplinary containment perpetuates whiteness.  相似文献   


This essay analyzes certain aspects of the music of Bruce Springsteen to determine the impact of rhetorical strategies of continuity and change on musical artists’ appeal over time. Three general observations emerged from this analysis. First, Bruce Springsteen's musical stories and styles have undergone several disjunctive shifts during the course of his career. In making these shifts, Springsteen has remained true to himself as a maturing adult without sacrificing listener appeal. Second, musical score strongly impacts the ultimate message conveyed depending on whether it emotionally reinforces or contradicts the lyrical message. Finally, other musical performers should be mindful of the effect of their rhetorical choices regarding (a) the intensity and release patterns they use within a musical score and (b) why, when, and where they might allow their stories or styles to shift, and what effect those shifts are likely to have on the integrated messages they are attempting to communicate.  相似文献   


Brydon offers a rhetorical analysis and evaluation of Jimmy Carter's debating in two elections. He concludes that Carter reversed his strategies between the two elections, attacking in 1976 but relying upon his incumbency in 1980. The findings indicate that presidential debates are ill‐suited to strategies which rely upon symbols of incumbency.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):287-295

Attempts to circumscribe “the Burkean method” of rhetorical criticism can be frustrating. Critics more profitably might use Burke as an example and a prod, appropriating—as was done in this study—whichever of Burke's concepts, methods, and metaphors seem applicable to a given rhetorical event. Burke's “chart‐prayer‐dream” trilogy, together with his understanding of “strategies,” was employed to examine Morley's “Home Rule” speech before the Oxford Union in 1888. Morley's reply to Randolph Churchill abandoned propositional argument in favor of reviv‐alistic‐exhortation early in the speech; his strategies of form, argument, labelling, style, and mimesis are best understood as those of the High Priest seeking a confessional and an act of expiation from his auditors.  相似文献   


This essay adopts a critical rhetorical perspective attuned to affect to investigate white nationalist rhetoric on Stormfront, a popular white nationalist message board. My analysis illuminates how Stormfront attempts to appeal to mainstream white audiences by resisting normative expectations and affects articulated with white supremacy and (re)constructing white nationalism as a formation of white racial consciousness articulated with communal belonging, common sense, and pride. On Stormfront, affect is mobilized discursively to challenge colorblindness, construct rhetorical distance between white nationalism and white supremacy, and strategically negotiate white (dis)comfort with direct discourse on race to compel affective investments in white nationalism.  相似文献   


Ronald Reagan's address to the nation on February 5, 1981, concerning the state of the economy is a contemporary secular version of the jeremiad, a rhetorical form that has persisted in America since colonial times. Reagan skillfully utilizes the elements of the jeremiad genre to motivate citizen and congressional response to what he views as an economic crisis. He is adept in lamenting ills and faults, vividly depicting potential calamity, exhorting repentance and reform, and declaring optimism.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):318-339

Among historians in America, Carl Becker attained fame for style in discourse. Although his stylistic prowess was evinced in scholarly works which brought him eminence in his profession, epigrammatic style also was prominent in his writing of popular history, first in a polemic essay called “Kansas” which led to his role as propagandist in World War One, and then—and of particular interest to those interested in mass persuasion—an eminently successful high school textbook, Modern History. The objective of historiography herein is to establish causal relationships between epigrammatic style in those popular works and resultant, rhetorical effects upon Becker's readers mainly in the general public over a span of several decades. Primary source evidence of effectiveness is in letters to Becker, and other correspondence, that indicate which concepts and precise sentences in Modern History were salient and persuasive for a mass readership largely because of the epigrammatic style with which they were phrased.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):190-221

With an 1890 book called The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, Alfred Thayer Mahan had a profound and far‐reaching impact upon subsequent world events. In large measure, Mahan's effectiveness was derived from his style in discourse. Evidence for this assumption is found in the reactions of Mahan's readers, in their correspondence to him or about him. Analysis and synthesis of those situationally bound responses to discourse account for a rhetorical function of style in language as para‐message conducing to ethos.  相似文献   


While cheating has been studied in a variety of academic fields little to no research has been done in the field of communication studies and more specifically in the basic public speaking classroom. This may be due in part to a false sense of security public speaking instructors feel when they observe and evaluate a student as he or she stands and delivers a speech. Instructors may assume that since the student delivers the speech the student also researched and wrote the speech. However, the results of this study indicate that students self‐report cheating on speeches and do not seem to have a clear‐cut idea about what constitutes cheating in a public speaking class.  相似文献   


This article offers a distinctively rhetorical perspective on civil society that critically evaluates the relevant communication networks and informal associations in terms of their ability to mediate citizen understandings of public issues and facilitate effective public advocacy and rhetorical action. Particularly important is the role of rhetorical invention. By providing the space in which citizens collaborate, deliberate on issues of public importance, and plan courses of action, civil society acts as a type of incubator for rhetorical invention. The Highlander Folk School serves as an exemplar of how associations of civil society facilitate political awareness and democratic action. The conclusion considers potential advantages of studying civil society from a rhetorical perspective, using the Highlander case and its contributions to the civil rights movement as a starting point from which to address the interrelationships among civil society, democratic action, and rhetorical invention.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):250-264

Students of public address have long admired the rhetorical works of two of the leading ministers of the eighteenth century—Hugh Blair and George Campbell. Little has been said, however, about the rhetorical theory of another eighteenth‐century preacher, John Wesley. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Wesley's views on rhetoric and belles lettres. Since most of the subjects covered by Blair in his Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres were also discussed by Wesley in his Journal, Letters, and essays, Blair's pattern of organization is followed here. Hence the study considers Wesley's precepts on taste, genius, style, the speaker's content and organization, delivery, poetry, and historical and philosophical writing.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):260-265

The Examiner papers, the Conduct of the Allies, the History of the Four Last Years of the Queen, and the other productions which Jonathan Swift composed during his years as chief publicist for the Tory administration of Harley and St. John (1710–1714) are among the most effective examples of persuasive discourse in the history of British political pamphleteering. Much of this effectiveness is attributable to the skill with which Swift‐steadily aware of the prejudices and demands of his predominantly rural and conservative audience—manipulated such specific rhetorical devices as imagery, anecdote, analogy, historical example, allegory, insinuation, and other such items from the vast catalogue available to the polemicist.  相似文献   


Racial rhetorical criticism is a scholarly project that maps the rhetoricity of race and whiteness. Emerging in and through the intellectual labor of rhetorical scholars invested in critical explorations of race, racial rhetorical criticism is necessarily nimble, attentive to the ever-shifting yet always fixed parameters of race and whiteness. In this reflection, I advance two commitments of racial rhetorical criticism that emerge across the forum: critical vulnerability and obstinate intersectionality. Together, these two intellectual practices interrupt the static force of the canon as they produce transformative inclusion.  相似文献   


Few Americans are familiar with the structure and myriad junctions of the EBU; one of the most important organizations concerned with the broadcasting in the world. Mr. Barber, a doctoral candidate at Northwestern University, is currently in Europe as the guest of the EBU while on a special data‐collecting grant from The Danforth Foundation.  相似文献   


Although the study of Roman oratory persistently has occupied the interests of classical rhetoricians, little research has been done to try to understand the speeches as they were actually delivered and the influence which listeners had upon speakers. Focusing on Cicero, this study investigates his views and relationship with listeners who frequently filled the Forum to evaluate rhetorical skills. The results of this research indicate that the audience became such a dominant force that many orators, in an effort to gain recognition, were encouraged to stress histrionics and the appearance of virtue over the realities of a sincere moral commitment to a cause. Consequently, individuals such as Cicero were strongly tempted to concentrate on the appearance of a virtuous public image and not the morality which it implied.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):215-228

The rhetorical foundations of social change may be found, not only in polemical discourse but in popular literary discourse as well. A case in point is that of the concept of the evolutionary sublime, an amalgam of the rhetorical/aesthetic theory of the sublime and scientific evolutionary theory, which had significant implications for personal morality and social policy. This reservoir of concepts was transmitted to its readership, the American middle class of the nineteenth century, through the popular literature of natural history; it subsequently served as a basis for the persuasive arguments of the conservation movement. This study traces the emergence of rhetorical argument from bases in popular literary and intellectual culture.  相似文献   


The rhetoric of psychotherapy is largely overlooked by scholars. The author explores the relationship between psychotherapy, religion, and rhetoric. Rhetoric is defined, pertinent literature is reviewed, and psychotherapy is viewed as a response to a rhetorical situation by using three rhetorical strategies.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):262-265

Courses: Public Speaking, Rhetorical Criticism, Persuasion, Political Communication, and Media Communication.

Objectives: By the end of this activity, students should be able to: explain the key components of Lloyd Bitzer’s rhetorical situation; assess and navigate various conditions affecting various speaking situations; conduct audience analysis as it relates to given speaking situations; and adapt messages to cater to specific rhetorical situations.  相似文献   

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