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This essay critically considers two corporate executive positions: the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) and the Chief Learning Officer (CLO). I argue that these positions are key instantiations of noopower, or power over thoughts, perceptions, and memories. Theorized by Deleuze, Arquila and Ronfeldt, and Lazzarato, noopower is an assemblage of older forms of power such as sovereign and disciplinary power into a new form that is prevalent in a time where knowledge, perceptions, and images are the hegemonic forms of value. This essay traces the CKO and CLO literatures' theorization and suggested deployment of this form of power in global corporations.  相似文献   

This article examines the widespread popularity and criticism of American Pickers, a show that transforms commodity fetishism into televisual fare. The show presents the pickers as model consumers through three types of images-of-affection: action-images where exchange is presented as reality, affection-images that portray positive affection as spiritual possibility, and impulse-images that naturalize production as a source of value. Such representations have generated significant criticism for exploitation. I argue that these criticisms, although instructive about resistance in control society, remain limited because they consider Pickers a representation of reality rather than an active engineering of it. Instead, Pickers should be envisioned as an expression of control society, a business strategy that circulates images in order to generate feedback that can then be tracked, targeted, and channeled. Such strategies enable Pickers to control markets by transforming products and directing access. Focusing criticism on the representations misses these mechanisms and thus lacks efficacy. Instead, Pickers’ representations, despite exposing rather than concealing commodity fetishism, serve to create a second fetish, one that masks strategies for controlling markets and creating unequal access.  相似文献   

After considering how surveillance practices discipline the objects of the monitoring gaze, I argue for a focus on the discipline of watching. An era of reflexive skepticism and generalized risk puts a premium on the ability to see through public façades by relying on strategies of detection and verification facilitated by interactive communication technologies that allow users to monitor one another. Interactive communication technologies allow for peer-to-peer surveillance of friends, significant others, and family members. If, in commercial and state contexts, the promise of interactivity serves as a ruse for asymmetrical and nontransparent forms of monitoring, this model of interactivity has also infiltrated the deployment of interactive technologies in personal relationships.  相似文献   

A wide variety of Chinese reference books is now getting in increasing number and it is necessary to apply bibliographic control to them so as to bring about the strategic targets for resource development and resource sharing of reference books.A study of 3 problems is emphasized by the author:the history of guides to the Chinese reference books and the achievements made;investigation and analysis of the present situation of how the refenrence books are used in China and the studies and suggestions concerning the compilation of the guides to reference books of China. 7 refs.  相似文献   

文章以科学与艺术数字博物馆为侧,对信息技术在数字博物馆的应用进行讨论。文章主要从用户界面设计、多媒体制作、基于Web标准的页面制作对科学与艺术数字博物馆(DMSA)建设中信息技术的使用进行讨论,然后对DMSA的未来进行探讨。  相似文献   

The institutional creation of the Bureau of Motion Pictures and Exhibits, a division of the Industrial Department of the International Committee of the YMCA, is examined to assess why the YMCA turned to film as a mode of public address in its social welfare programs. The archival history supports the claim that the “attraction effect” of film transformed it into a cultural technology for shaping the conduct of industrial workers. The essay concludes by arguing how film contributed to liberalism's modernization of pastoral power by coupling immigrant workers with the pedagogical voice of the YMCA secretary.  相似文献   


This article describes an “on-the-road” usability study and explains the study's methodological challenges, solutions, and recommendations. The study concerned a library-consortium website, which is a communication and educational tool for librarians who are physically dispersed throughout the state, and an intranet for remote users. Rather than traveling to numerous locations or attempting a remote usability evaluation of the website, the lab took a mobile laboratory to a professional conference where a large number of website users were gathered. Four doctoral students used the talk-aloud protocol to interview 14 conference participants. The interviews were recorded with Morae software on laptop computers, and participants were asked to complete 13 tasks. Although there proved to be difficulties in mobile usability testing, the conference provided a space to describe the project and recruit participants. While the optimal place to conduct usability testing is in either the lab or the participant's natural environment, advantages in taking it to a conference include access to a diverse range of users and the ability to generate interest in the project among users.  相似文献   

通过移动端推送博物馆展览是博物馆信息化的重要内容,但不少博物馆面临数字化应用无法实现服务质量和用户体验的预期,导致下载量和使用量较低的处境。本文以“故宫展览”数字化项目为例,通过对开发数字产品观念意识、展示设计能力的分析,总结出在设计数字产品中结合博物馆需求与观众需求,结合观众心理习惯与博物馆特色,构建以“物”为核心的展示内容,兼顾知识性与趣味性的展示形式,应用分众化传播策略等方法,探讨借助移动端数字应用对博物馆以教育为目标的传播属性起到的积极作用。  相似文献   

What sorts of images and narratives of cosmopolitanism are circulating in our cultural discourse? Stories and ideas based on experiences of migration, travel, and exile are considered in relation to the Italian city of Naples, to propose an example of “South-centric” cosmopolitanism. Two different journeys in the Mediterranean, as narrated by Moroccan writer Tahar Ben Jelloun and by Neapolitan film director Vincenzo Marra, engage with the experience of travel through stories that in opposite directions—the first from North Africa to Naples, and the second from Naples to North Africa—cross territories and lines of logic of Northern and Southern boundaries and deal with notions of belonging and homecoming.  相似文献   

现实权力关系的建构性呈现——新闻定义的再辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依托于英国学者斯图尔特·霍尔的呈现说,本文对新闻定义进行了再辨析。本文认为,霍尔的理论不仅使得在我国具有代表性的新闻定义报道说和信息说的短板顿现,也使得新定义的提出成为可能。在探讨霍尔认为的建构派呈现理论的代表性学者(索绪尔、巴特和福柯)观点的基础上,本文认为,新闻可以被定义为现实权力关系新近变动的建构性呈现。  相似文献   

美国新闻式电视批评在媒介组织体系中,扮演着联袂聚焦的权力角色。电视媒体因而视其为一种营销途径,水门事件以后,新闻式批评有意识地反抗这种角色,张扬专业主义批评精神。国内的新闻式批评,还没有发挥其应有的产业作用和文化影响,但仍然值得关注,这对于媒介研究本身及理解当下的文化现实,都是极有意义的。  相似文献   

本文从双起事件入手,探讨了公权力组织及公权力人物与媒介的关系,并就公权力人物主张私权利成立要件进行了分析。同时,作者从起诉行为的社会评价角度,说明了评论和评价都源自公权力的赋予者——社会公众。公权力组织和个人起诉主张自身的私权利这一行为并没有错,但其中需要注意起诉的条件。我国要成为法制国家,追求以法治国,必须成为一个宪政中国,尊重并保护公民的权利。  相似文献   

This essay examines an important icon of American nuclear modernity, the operator at the interface control panel, to show how the logic of nuclear legitimation in the Cold War has perdured into the contemporary world, and that nuclear terrorists and bomb-wielding “rogue states” can function as inventions that rationalize America's claim to nuclear hegemony. Through a critical account of the “competent” gestures of the state-sanctioned nuclear operator at the interface, and the “incompetent” gestures of the state-repudiated nuclear terrorist, we argue that that the rationalization of nuclear weapons, in a psychoanalytic sense, has depended on rationalization in the Weberian sense.  相似文献   

Book Studies is an emerging field, which encompasses Book History and Book Arts. Because of this duality it is not always clear whether it is a free-standing discipline or merely an interdisciplinary academic program. This article attempts to investigates its disciplinary identity through an in-depth analysis of Book Studies' history, discursive field, major stakeholders, and scholarly communications. In addition, the article identifies and explores a few major academic programs in Book Studies in the United States and abroad. Based on the evidence gathered from the syllabi of the academic programs and the scholarly communication of the participants, some of the implications of the article are: the discursive field of Book Studies is developing around two very different centers, Book History and Book Arts; Book Studies’ acquired dual disciplinary identity is not a “birth defect” but rather a goal of including sociocultural, historic and aesthetic aspects of the book. The potential future of Book Studies as a field is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the usability testing of a responsively redesigned library Web site. Responsive design provides a unified user experience regardless of the device used to view a site. The study's aim is twofold: to determine if the responsively designed site and its external online services support users’ information seeking needs, and to discover if there is a singular experience across different devices. A cognitive walkthrough was the main testing instrument used in gathering input. Over two rounds of testing, students of various class years and technological skill from the New York City of Technology (City Tech), CUNY participated in the study. The first round of testing for this usability study on the library Web site was previously documented (Tidal 2015 Tidal, J. (2015) “One Site to Rule Them All: Usability Testing of a Responsively Designed Library Web Site.” In Creating Sustainable Community: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2015 Conference, edited by D. Mueller. Paper presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries, Portland, OR, 25–28 March (pp. 593–604). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. [Google Scholar]). This article presents the findings and comparisons between the first and second round of usability testing. The study found not only numerous improvements that could enhance the library Web site, but also the lack of a unified experience between tablet, smartphone, and desktop users, despite using a responsive design. Smartphone users were at a disadvantage in utilizing library resources. The study also found there was a significant usability impact in using a mobile-optimized discovery tool among users in comparison to its Web OPAC predecessor.  相似文献   

地方特色档案资源整合与开发应主动融入区域文化软实力建设当中,并以其作为整合与开发的导向。整合与开发地方特色档案资源有助于增强文化凝聚力、提升文化传播力、发展文化生产力和扩大文化影响力,注重多部门协同开发、多出档案文化精品、走数字开发之路是其主要的实现路径。  相似文献   

科学仪器史的兴起是过去数十年科学史领域中一个令人瞩目的现象,很大程度上得益于博物馆藏品和博物馆从业人员对科学史研究的介入。这一研究趋势在国内仍未见波澜。清华大学科学博物馆自2018年筹建以来已经做出了一些尝试,在仪器和发明复原、科学仪器史等方向做出了探索,回应了自20世纪80年代以来国外科学史领域对科学仪器以及科学物质文化的关注,同时积极将自身的馆藏与科学的历史、清华的历史甚至中国的历史相联系。对相关研究的缘起和成果进行了分析总结,反思了既有工作,同时对国内科技类博物馆开展科学仪器史研究的相关方法论做了初步探索和展望。  相似文献   

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