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论文以近十年来存储技术的发展及其在数字图书馆建设中的应用为视角,在全面分析的基础上,对未来数字图书馆的发展方向进行了理论上的探讨,并且提出了一些现实可行的解决办法。  相似文献   

报纸、广播、电视之后,网络、手机等新媒介形式陆续出现,给处于新闻第一线的记者的采写工作带来了巨大变化,记者可以从各类新媒介中获得新闻线索、更容易接触采访对象、发掘新闻热点。新媒介环境也对记者提出了更高要求,要求记者粗通各类报道手段,做出不同于传统报道形式的新闻,同时对记者的专业素养和职业操守提出了更高要求。记者要在适应新媒体的过程中更新和提高自己的传媒观。  相似文献   

Public visual spaces, populated by a blend of community murals, unauthorised street art, and historic painted mercantile signs, are often the mark of an urban environment that is both progressive and eclectic. Changes in the aesthetic and cultural value of these urban mural forms have led to an increase in the appreciation and, in some instances, promotion of their artistic merit and cultural significance as examples of public art. However, examining the significance of these works, with a view to implementing a conservation approach is problematic. This is due to a number of practical and theoretical considerations that are primarily a result of the ephemeral existence of urban murals outside conventional exhibition spaces, and issues associated with their often fragmented ownership and uncertain authorship. Consequently, larger thinking on the interpretation, conservation assessment, and advocacy for the conservation of urban murals are required. Key to defining and implementing such strategies is contextualising the public visual spaces that these murals occupy and, as part of this, the local and wider communities’ perception of these murals as culturally significant objects as well as fostering awareness and understanding of appropriate measures aimed at their conservation. This paper examines the role of citizen science, or crowd-sourcing, of local community members in establishing a conservation dialogue and generating conservation- relevant data on urban murals. It looks specifically at a project involving a collection of in situ historic painted mercantile signs — also known as ghost signs — in the City of Port Phillip, Melbourne, Australia. The project fostered the establishment of an informed and open dialogue between conservation specialists and participants from the local community on the significance of local ghost signs whilst transferring knowledge on conservation processes and assessment methods. Working directly with community members, a programme was designed in which conservation and community knowledge of these urban art forms, could be collected and exchanged across digital platforms. This enabled researchers to examine how citizen science can be utilised as a research tool as well as a means to advocate for the conservation of collections of urban murals. It created the opportunity to consider the role of non-specialists and shared authorities in the collection and collation of conservation- relevant data and how information generated from what we call citizen conservation projects, can inform the way in which conservators evaluate and prioritize the conservation of urban cultural heritage. The data gathered and interpreted proved to be the most effective means of ‘conserving’ these often ephemeral forms of cultural material.  相似文献   

以1978年底召开的党的十一届三中全会为界,新中国前后30年的新闻业有着巨大的差异。后30年中国新闻业发生意义深远、成果显著的巨大变化。前后30年中国新闻业带有根本性的变化是从前30年的宣传本位转向后30年的新闻本位。正是这一带根本性的变化推动了其它一系列变化。  相似文献   

本文运用历史语义学方法,考察了媒介这一传播学关键词在古代中国的意义变迁过程,发现其最早见于西晋杜预的《春秋经传集解》,而非国内传播学教材中普遍认为的《旧唐书》。它最早的意思是媒人和引荐者,该词义在历史文献中一直延续下来,反映了古代中国人在人际传播中对于仪式感的重视。到晚清,媒介的词义发生变化:一是增加了动词的词性,并开始指代更宽泛意义的介绍人;二是超越了指代人的范畴,开始指代起连接、交流作用的事物。这种变化反映了人们传播观念的变化,其原因主要是封建社会的解体和外来文化的进入,这也导致了现代意义中的媒介概念在近代文献中的出现。  相似文献   

In this article the author presents and explains in detail the elements, including the pros and cons, of two contrasting schools of thought in one of the key debates which the author introduced as a teaching tool at the UNESCO Training-the-Trainers (TTT) Workshop that took place in Granada, Spain, 27–29 October, 2008. That debate, briefly stated, is whether or not Information Literacy (IL) and Media Literacy (ML), to be truly effective, should be pursued as complementary concepts, not in some way opposing concepts. One side in this debate argues that the two concepts have mutually inter-dependent goals, and therefore should be ideally learned and pursued together, and, most effectively, learned and pursued in the context of Social Networking and Web 2.0 tools and applications. The other side of the debate disagrees, and concedes that while the two concepts are indeed inter-related, they should be pursued largely independently, with only an occasional cross-reference. The debate is directly related to the role which Information Literacy and Media Literacy play in helping students become literate in a digital, networking-based society.

Without necessarily taking sides in the debate, although expressing a preference for complementarity, the author contends that it is absolutely essential that all persons (not just students) learn to become both Information Literate and Media Literate in this digital world in which we now find ourselves. Additionally, the author contends that Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools, such as Facebook, Tuenti (in Spanish context), MySpace and Twitter, including the rich portfolio of applications they encompass, can substantially assist people in achieving that goal.

The author presents a number of case examples to support her thesis, drawn largely from Spanish libraries and Spanish educational institutions that already are using Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools extensively to train people to become digitally competent. The ideas presented in this article, both the theories and best practices, are current insofar as the Spanish context is concerned, but the original arguments and supporting evidence put forth by the author at the aforementioned Granada UNESCO 2008 TTT workshop have been updated because of new developments and ideas that have occurred since the workshop took place. However, the original materials which were presented to and debated by the participants and the expert-presenters, including the author, at the workshop, can be easily accessed at the public domain virtual space of the University of Granada website Universidad de Granada, 2008.

Two UNESCO TTT workshops, not just one, were actually organized at Granada. One was a traditional type held on-campus at the Library of Andalusia, and the other was an online, or a virtual workshop. During the on-campus workshop, as well as during the online workshop that preceded it, an interesting discussion took place between and among the participants and the expert-presenters concerning the necessity to redefine IL from its current, largely Web 1.0 focus and orientation, to the newer Web 2.0 focus, with emphasis on Social Networking. This article tries to capture, amplify and hopefully clarify the key points of this debate as it was presented by the author and then debated in the participant discussions which ensued (see http://www.slideshare.net/nievesglez/taller-alfin-unesco-sesion-paralela-alfin-20-presentation).  相似文献   


Definitions of the term digital humanities vary, and its place in the academic library is still being explored. Yet exploration is indeed taking place, at large research institutions as well as, increasingly, at smaller colleges and undergraduate libraries. This article details an innovative digital humanities project carried out at an institution of 2,300 undergraduates, where a creative institutional partnership was the key to its success. The project has provided an outstanding opportunity to address the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, while embracing the growing trend on many campuses to showcase student research.  相似文献   

数字图书馆评估研究从不同角度确立了大量的评估指标,但是评估指标的多元化也造成了共识性缺乏的弊端,削弱了评估成果的应用价值和应用绩效;特别是关于数字图书馆交互功能评估的研究,仍处于成果短缺、零散的状态。基于此,本研究以用户与数字图书馆的交互模型为理论基础,采用实验研究方法,探索用户与数字图书馆的交互过程,分析不同的交互维度、子维度及其相关指标对于数字图书馆交互功能评估的作用,最终获得数字图书馆交互功能评估的预测性子维度与关联性子维度,并据此构建了数字图书馆交互功能评估模型,为数字图书馆交互评估提供了理论框架,同时也为提升数字图书馆交互功能的设计提供借鉴。图1。表12。参考文献39。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):425-451
The Occupy movement is said to represent a new generation of post-Seattle protests, driven by social networking, and breaking from organizing practices in previous eras. This study analyzes the Occupy Wellington protest to shed light on the role of protests in an era of digital media ubiquity. Based on the participant observation as well as 76 brief interviews, the study explores how activists used digital media, and examines the broader institutional logics that shaped organizing dynamics at the protest. The analysis discusses digital media saturation and the multiple institutional logics that activists drew from in their organizing, including collective action, connective action, aggregation, and networking. We argue that digital ubiquity marks the onset of a profound hybridity rather than an abrupt change in activist organizing practices.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):150-175
Despite their popularity, few studies have systematically investigated the content of romantic comedy movies or the effects they may have on viewers. We conducted two studies to address this gap. The first study was a content analysis of the romantic ideals embedded in the top 52 highest grossing romantic comedies from the last 10 years. Results demonstrated that romantic ideals and challenges are prevalent in these films. The second study was a large-scale survey of 335 undergraduate students, who were asked to report on their romantic comedy movie viewing and beliefs about romance. Results showed that individuals who watched these films in order to learn reported stronger endorsement of romantic ideal beliefs than those who did not watch to learn.  相似文献   

Utah State University is home to a Digital Commons repository and an instance of the Digital Measures activity-reporting tool. The prospect of linking these two systems, such that content is automatically harvested from Digital Measures for upload into the Digital Commons, is alluring. Our initial efforts were abandoned due to lack of faculty permissions and low-quality metadata. However, with the passage of an Institutional Open Access Policy, we resumed investigation. We found that the process of harvesting from Digital Measures and uploading to Digital Commons could be streamlined, if not fully automated. Our initial harvest revealed that human-mediation is desirable.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the development and evolution of secondary school libraries into Media Resource Libraries (MRLs) in Singapore after the Second World War and the rationale to have mandatory school library standards. It is an historical survey analysing published data about the linkages of libraries and librarianship, school library standards, education and school reforms in Singapore. It analyses historical and current documents on the roles played by stakeholders like the Library Association of Singapore (LAS) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the introduction and development of school library standards. The need for school libraries standards was first discussed when the Malayan Library Group (MLG) organised the first course on librarianship for school teachers in 1955, but, with no follow through. The need for school libraries standards was also mentioned by the LAS in 1962 in a memorandum to the Commission of Enquiry into Education to train teacher librarians and adopt school library standards. However, this was left out in the final report of the Commission published in 1964. The need for school library standards was discussed in a school library seminar for 150 teacher librarians in 1970. The first Recommended Minimum Standards for Secondary School Libraries was published two years later by the Standing Committee on Libraries set up by the MOE, but it was not mandatory for schools to adopt the standards. In 1997 the MOE launched its “Thinking School Learning Nation” vision to teach thinking skills. Students were expected to do multidisciplinary project work and be independent users of information. The MOE began to convert school libraries into Media Resource Libraries (MRLs) with print and non-print materials. However, a survey conducted in 2001 on the roles and competencies of 112 Library Coordinators (LCs) or teacher librarians revealed that they lack the skills and knowledge to manage MRLs effectively. This is because subsequent school library standards published in 1983 and 2002 did not require trained and full-time teacher librarians to manage the MRLs. Furthermore, it is essential for the standards to be periodically updated with regards to professional staff, collection development, facilities, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure and school library programs. Otherwise, MRLs risk being “hollow shells still considered on the periphery of core educational requirements, and are run by teachers not professionally prepared to do the work” (Hart, 2001, p. 25). The national standards published in the United States from 1918 to 2008 are well researched and provide substantive guidelines to develop school libraries. Therefore, it is essential for the MOE to formulate MRL standards by doing comparative studies of school library standards in other countries. These standards have to be mandatory and fully adopted by the schools. It provides opportunities for stakeholders like the LAS, National Library Board (NLB), the National Institute of Education (NIE), and the Singapore Teachers’ Union, to collaborate in the formulation of these standards and take collective ownership to implement them.  相似文献   

With a central focus on thecultural contexts of Pacific island societies,this essay examines the entanglement ofcolonial power relations in local recordkeepingpractices. These cultural contexts include theon-going exchange between oral and literatecultures, the aftermath of colonialdisempowerment and reassertion of indigenousrights and identities, the difficulty ofmaintaining full archival systems in isolated,resource-poor micro-states, and the drivinginfluence of development theory. The essayopens with a discussion of concepts ofexploration and evangelism in cross-culturalanalysis as metaphors for archival endeavour. It then explores the cultural exchanges betweenoral memory and written records, orality, andliteracy, as means of keeping evidence andremembering. After discussing the relation ofrecords to processes of political and economicdisempowerment, and the reclaiming of rightsand identities, it returns to the patterns ofarchival development in the Pacific region toconsider how archives can better integrate intotheir cultural and political contexts, with theaim of becoming more valued parts of theircommunities.  相似文献   

This paper explores a recent interdisciplinary project which brought together a visualization expert, an art historian, and an architectural historian, to study the ruins of Saint George of the Greeks Cathedral in Famagusta, eastern Cyprus, then create a virtual three-dimensional reconstruction of it. The motivation for this work, funded by Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, was to apply existing knowledge and expertise to a difficult, and very particular, heritage question on this Eastern Mediterranean Island. The creation of such a model could, it was felt, not only reiterate the academic value of thorough archival work married to state of the art technology, but also have very practical reverberations in terms of future heritage welfare and education via this ‘borderless’ domain.  相似文献   

This article describes the complex media environment of urban Zambia based on qualitative interviews with 42 active ICT and social media users in Lusaka. After a contextual discussion of media censorship and Internet freedom, the article draws upon interview data to delineate four circumvention practices: (1) platform jumping; (2) anonymity; (3) self-censorship; and (4) negotiation of legal challenges. Rather than approach circumvention as a set of techniques disseminated from the information capitals of the world to those in the “global south,” this study approaches it as a set of cultural practices that emerges within particular sociohistorical conditions and platforms of communication.  相似文献   


During 2002 the Russian publishing industry and news media were under intense scrutiny, sometimes verging on assault, by government and pro-government groups. A new 20% value-added tax was an additional blow, although it was reduced to 10% in the middle of the year. Russian publishing appears to be healthy in spite of those problems, although statistics from the Russian Book Chamber (Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata) are notoriously unreliable. Statistics on books carried by Russian Press Service give an approximate picture of scholarly book publishing.  相似文献   

This article reviews post-1974 scholarly literature on women’s leadership in academic libraries, with the emphasis on the United States. The purpose of this synthesis is to highlight research areas and themes that have significantly expanded the profession’s knowledge about gender and its impact at the top administrative level. The article starts with a brief overview of theories of gender and leadership before tracing scholarship on the gendered career patterns singled out in Schiller’s work (1974). The article then focuses on additional issues related to gender and library administration, including leadership styles, perceptions of differences between male and female leaders, and the lack of diversity among academic library women directors.  相似文献   

The library profession needs to improve its ability to critically examine advocacy research and statistical studies. More proactive evaluations of claims made in advocacy campaigns and research reports will help improve the overall quality of library advocacy and fortify the institutional standing of libraries. As an illustration, this paper provides an in‐depth assessment of a measurement scheme used in the OCLC study From Awareness to Funding (2008).  相似文献   

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