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Recent years have seen a productive dialogue develop between political-economic and cultural approaches to media studies. In this spirit, this article draws on the analytic tools of political economy to produce a textual analysis of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In particular, we argue that Rowling has woven throughout the Potter series a set of contradictory discourses related to class and consumerism. Yet out of this heteroglossia, AOL Time Warner—the holder of the series’ film and merchandising rights—has activated a narrow reading of Harry Potter that subordinates Rowling's critique of social inequality and materialism while amplifying those moments in the texts that celebrate the “magic” of commodity consumption. Our conclusion discusses the role such corporate activations might play in the struggle over how commodity production and consumption will be understood in the wider social field.  相似文献   

以往对传播政治经济学与文化研究诸种分歧的讨论多停留在表象的差异。本文提出,要理解这些差异,需要从根源上把握哲学观的差异。而实现两者整合的可能途径,则可以从中间温和立场的交叉地带寻求共识。柯伦和莫利、莫斯可以及巴伯等人的一系列新作都是这种整合合作的重要成果。对这两个学派关系的再度反思,亦对中国语境下的传播研究提供了方法和理论的借鉴。  相似文献   

Regulatory distinctions between “problem” and “recreational” gambling have contributed to the neglect of important discursive and cultural practices at the intersection of finance and gambling. This intersection is now sufficiently formative of everyday life and popular culture to warrant closer scrutiny within cultural studies research. Through a range of examples, I elaborate the concept of “finopower” as a specific kind of governmentality through which individuals negotiate the mutual imbrications of gambling and finance. The final part of the article draws on theories of “post-disciplinary” societies to explore social and political implications of cultural distinctions between skill and chance-based games.  相似文献   

"传播"一直"构连"在文化研究发生、发展的过程中。这种"构连"既体现为"传播"在文化研究生成语境中的结构性影响,也反映在文化研究不同阶段代表人物的研究主题和研究方式中。通过运用人物图片式扫描的方法,经过对"传播"与文化研究学术渊源、文化研究经典阶段以及后续发展阶段"构连"方式的详细分析,实现对"传播"在文化研究发生发展史中历史地位的考察。  相似文献   

本文认为,法兰克福学派的文化工业概念在20世纪70年代被法国学者重新阐释为复数意义的文化产业。这一概念转型从产业经济学的角度丰富了传播政治经济学的内容,有助于我们从技术和社会之间的互动关系来认识和把握信息资本主义的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Using a critical intercultural communication perspective and cultural studies interviewing method, this study traces individuals’ subjective sense-makings of diversity through the trope of “race.” Such sense-makings represent the key (and taken-for-granted) locus of the structural and personal where social actors live out the constructions of diversity and race in deeply felt ways. Our study reveals how individuals articulate and understand race via raceless diversity encodings (whereby race is seemingly stripped of its power inequalities, and all racial/ethnic groups are made equal) and racial pivoting (whereby participants both discursively pull away from and move toward race to suit their individual experiences).  相似文献   

媒介的“下沉”与奠基——媒介化社会的政治经济学批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨馨 《新闻界》2020,(2):60-68
在媒介化社会逐渐成为现实的今天,媒介化理论的重要性日益突显。夏瓦将媒介化视为基于媒介制度的社会结构化转型,库尔德利则将媒介化视为媒介成为人类社会"元资本"的实践化进程,但他们的理论或是面临着坠入结构功能主义窠臼的风险,或是面临着"意识形态批判"的指责。在媒介已经下沉为一种经济基础的今天,只有对"媒介化社会"进行政治经济学批判,才能更好地理解媒介化力量对人类社会生活的奠基与形塑。  相似文献   

本文以国外传播理论教材的译介作为视角,考察了欧美传播理论话语在中国的诠释和变异,研究了西方客观经验主义的大众传播理论如何被潜移默化地等同于传播学的过程,同时以《传播理论导引:分析与应用》为例,对我国目前传播学的教学与研究中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,提出应该进一步开阔视野、注重研究范式、重新思考传播理论的教学与应用。  相似文献   

随着大众传媒与社会生活的关系日益紧密,旨在为观察、分析、阐释错综复杂的媒介现象提供理论与方法的传播学分支学科——媒介批评——的重要性正日益凸显。然而,目前我国的媒介批评学科体系中存在着包罗万象、还原主义和重理论轻实践的三种倾向,制约着媒介批评学科的发展。本文认为,媒介批评学科体系的建构需在文化、权力分配与多元性的框架内展开,赋予该学科以真正的批评力量,切实推动社会变迁。  相似文献   

This article looks at the emergence and potentials of a Balkan cultural studies. I argue that the productivity of a Balkan cultural studies lies in its willingness to engage with popular culture as a very real political force in the revolutionary transformations from the 1980s on. Some recent cultural developments are presented here to show how the mix of culture and cultural studies contributes to the political relevance and academic vibrancy of Balkan cultural studies, which captures the imagination of students in the region precisely because of its engaged character and its contemporary relevance.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):181-199
This work investigates the influence of geographical proximity on the cultivation effect in the context of cultural imperialism. A content analysis of prime-time programming (n=63 hours) is used to compose questions about the prevalence of different occupations in the USA and Israel. A sample of 655 students answered these questions. Viewing of American programming was significantly correlated with a tendency to hold a biased estimation of the prevalence of certain occupations in America in a manner that resembles the world of TV content. Viewing of Israeli programs had no such impact on the estimation of occupation prevalence in Israel. General viewing had no influence on the estimations made about any of the countries.  相似文献   

传播政治经济学诞生于20世纪40年代末,对上个世纪初以来的媒体改革运动的关注和主张是传播政治经济学社会实践性的表征,表明传播政治经济学非一般性的学术自足性研究。面对新的实践背景,需要对传播政治经济学的社会实践性做出评价。  相似文献   

传播政治经济学与另类媒介——以韩国与委内瑞拉为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
另类媒介的兴起、运作条件与脉络,以及其成就与局限的评估,具有重要的理论与实践意义,传播政治经济学重视人的动能、强调历史变迁与学术介入,本文因此引述与讨论韩国及委内瑞拉的另类传播现象,舍弃互联网而专注于研讨传统媒介的另类空间。  相似文献   

本研究在全球政经大变革的背景下,选择以中国和印度两个第三世界国家对社会冲突的媒体再现为例,结合内容分析和话语分析的方法,考察在不同的媒介体制下,政治制度和市场驱动如何错综复杂地影响媒介产制和媒介内容。  相似文献   

第三人效果是一种受众认为媒体对其他人的影响大于对他们自己影响的现象。本研究旨在探索不同年龄阶段的受访者对广告负面影响是否存在第三人效果认知,并探索年龄和社会距离与第三人效果认知之间的关系。对447名学生调查发现:初中、高中和大学各年龄阶段的受访者都存在显著的第三人效果认知;受访者认为小生学最容易受到广告的影响,其次为同龄其他人,最小为中老年人;第三人效果认知并没有随着受访者的年龄增大而增强。本研究结果意味着年龄可能并非是受访者判断自己与他人差距的标准,而可能是专业知识或社会经验。  相似文献   

与传统上将大众传媒作为国家对外传播载体的认知有所不同,笔者基于国家对外传播=国家(对外)行为+解释国家(对外)行为这一框架,将国家对外传播的载体定义为国家的政治外交、军事外交、文化外交、经济外交、能源外交、体育外交及舆论外交等。本文讨论的正是其在国家对外传播中的载体功能。  相似文献   

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