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I would like to use this occasion to ask how thinking about law and human rights would affect the way we do cultural studies, and vice versa. The truth is that the consideration of the effectivity of many different kinds of political mobilizations around issues of rights, from transnational NGOs’ strategies of anti-imperial politics to UN's education to rethink critical legal methods and practices, have not been seriously charted or assessed in cultural studies. I use this occasion to offer a rough outline of a long-term project that tries to look at the intersections of cultural studies, law, and questions of modernity.  相似文献   

"传播"一直"构连"在文化研究发生、发展的过程中。这种"构连"既体现为"传播"在文化研究生成语境中的结构性影响,也反映在文化研究不同阶段代表人物的研究主题和研究方式中。通过运用人物图片式扫描的方法,经过对"传播"与文化研究学术渊源、文化研究经典阶段以及后续发展阶段"构连"方式的详细分析,实现对"传播"在文化研究发生发展史中历史地位的考察。  相似文献   

齐崇文 《出版科学》2016,24(2):10-14
文化产业是表达的产业,表达是文化产业的核心要素。自由的表达可以推动文化产业的发展,但过度的表达又会使文化产业的社会效益受损。文化产业的有序发展需要合理、恰当的表达,需要为表达自由划定一个界限,这个界限就是表达义务。表达义务对文化产品的生产者和传播者提出应当不侵犯他人权益、不损害社会公共利益和不侵害前代人和后代人权益的行为要求。表达义务既是表达自由的限制和界限,也是文化产业的社会效益在法律上的体现。  相似文献   

以往对传播政治经济学与文化研究诸种分歧的讨论多停留在表象的差异。本文提出,要理解这些差异,需要从根源上把握哲学观的差异。而实现两者整合的可能途径,则可以从中间温和立场的交叉地带寻求共识。柯伦和莫利、莫斯可以及巴伯等人的一系列新作都是这种整合合作的重要成果。对这两个学派关系的再度反思,亦对中国语境下的传播研究提供了方法和理论的借鉴。  相似文献   


Isolating certain critical blind spots that one encounters in studying lifeworlds of the global South, this essay calls for: (1) a grasp of the irreducible singularity of each historical formation as an essential aspect of southern Cultural Studies, so that its lessons are not readily erased, dismissed as signs of failure, or bracketed as idiosyncratic exceptions to universalized standards; and (2) the recognition of volatile and illicit forms of popular agency—emerging in friction with the security-obsessed governmentality of the borderlands, the exclusionary institutions of civil society, and the normativities of citizenship—as legitimate heralds of a global political futurity.  相似文献   

国家近期颁布的一系列文化政策,凸显了保障公民文化权利的内涵。保障公民的文化权利已成为我国文化政策的基本价值取向。保障公民的文化权利,也应该成为图书馆核心价值的最高定位。建议图书馆界抓住时机,积极行动,迎接新的发展高潮。  相似文献   

By bringing critical animal studies into conversation with communication, this article completes 3 tasks: First, it complicates the communication discipline’s understanding of the animal rights movement by presenting its oft-ignored tensions and conflicting paradigms; second, it reveals how eugenical rhetoric has been foundational both in defending human/animal exploitation and in developing prototypical animal advocacy practices; third, using a critical public address–inspired approach, it deconstructs vegan abolitionist Gary Francione’s purportedly ultraradical rhetoric, revealing its problematic eugenical underpinnings. This revelation not only complicates Francione’s radical status but also questions the ethical legitimacies of a conventional, Western rights-based paradigm of animal rights.  相似文献   

How can we understand and evaluate the relationship between democracy and recent global protests in response to economic globalization? Criticisms of this type of activism understand democratic communication to be primarily a public process. I argue that instead, we need to develop a more fully cultural understanding of democracy and communication, one which would take into account important characteristics of contemporary democratic practice and experience. That is, as a resonant but unstable compound of meanings, democracy is integrated into individual subjectivities and collective identities through a whole variety of lived experiences, particularly in relation to mediated and symbolic practice.  相似文献   

This article looks at the emergence and potentials of a Balkan cultural studies. I argue that the productivity of a Balkan cultural studies lies in its willingness to engage with popular culture as a very real political force in the revolutionary transformations from the 1980s on. Some recent cultural developments are presented here to show how the mix of culture and cultural studies contributes to the political relevance and academic vibrancy of Balkan cultural studies, which captures the imagination of students in the region precisely because of its engaged character and its contemporary relevance.  相似文献   

文化自觉:对图书馆文化传承与创新行为的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆作为社会文化机构,其文化本质是图书馆的根基。图书馆文化自觉性的丧失会导致漠视图书馆的文化本质、抛弃图书馆的人文精神、不愿在实践中开拓创新。用文化自觉理论指导和反思图书馆的文化传承与创新工作,是图书馆事业可持续发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

信息权利:伦理与法律权利的互动及其意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出信息权利的概念,认为信息权利分为信息伦理权利与信息法律权利两种类型。分析信息伦理权利和信息法律权利的关系。总结信息权利提出的理论与实践意义,即有利于实施信息权利的全面治理;以信息权利保护为中心形成我国信息法律框架体系;以信息权利保护或治理为中心完善我国信息资源管理学科体系。  相似文献   

胡适作为中国现代史上最有影响力的学者之一,他通过创办报刊“谈”政治,从而实现自己作为自由主义知识分子的理想抱负。本文拟从胡适创办的报刊入手,分析他的角色位置和个人意识,虽然他的话语建构带着精英的色彩,人格的独立使他将目光关注到大众,却并未和大众站在一起,但自由宽容的态度以及独立超然的精神却值得我们思考。  相似文献   

“文化偶像”与编辑的文化追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文在对编辑的"文化偶像"进行界定的基础上,从编辑素养、现实需要、人生理想、历史借鉴和文化发展五个方面论证了编辑树立"文化偶像"的必要性,并为编辑树立自己的"文化偶像"提供了一些思路和建议.  相似文献   

英国文化马克思主义与二战后媒介研究的生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗益祥 《新闻大学》2020,(2):69-79,121,122
"媒介研究"是英国文化研究发轫以降的一大核心旨趣,其兴起与二战后英国"丰裕社会"的来临、媒介文化的爆炸以及"新左派"诞生的特定历史情境紧密相关。"文化马克思主义"旨在破除教条主义对"经济基础与上层建筑"理论模式的机械阐释,强调从一种隐喻意义上理解二者之间的复杂交互关系,并且在社会历史总过程中将"文化"重构为一种"日常的"生活方式。霍加特、威廉斯以及青年霍尔的早期研究充分展现了"文化马克思主义"在媒介研究领域的理论特性。  相似文献   

Regulatory distinctions between “problem” and “recreational” gambling have contributed to the neglect of important discursive and cultural practices at the intersection of finance and gambling. This intersection is now sufficiently formative of everyday life and popular culture to warrant closer scrutiny within cultural studies research. Through a range of examples, I elaborate the concept of “finopower” as a specific kind of governmentality through which individuals negotiate the mutual imbrications of gambling and finance. The final part of the article draws on theories of “post-disciplinary” societies to explore social and political implications of cultural distinctions between skill and chance-based games.  相似文献   

本文以自由与平等的冲突根源与内在联系为分析起点,认为作为制度正义的核心命题,二者间存在的内在张力和关联为图书馆权利体系的建构提供了参考。结合图书馆权利体系中自由与平等的具体内容,认为:图书馆作为一种正义的制度安排,在制度建构中必然会提出对自由和平等的主张和安排,这种制度正义性构成了图书馆权利体系中自由与平等统一的基石;图书馆需要通过积极的制度建构,以规范的形式确认自由和平等权利以及国家在实现图书馆自由平等权中的积极角色,使图书馆自由与平等权利从应有权利走向法定权利。  相似文献   

With a focus on the Hindi language superhero comics produced by Raj Comics since the 1980s, this article investigates instances of “modernities in the backyard” and their implications for studying postcolonial popular culture. The graphic narratives in the comic books are neither simply Westernized or transgressive, nor necessarily framed by a mythicized or Orientalised discursive framework. Instead, they register a distinctive heritage combining vernacular and mythic prototypes with hypermodern visions with which to imagine new powers for Indian men and women, even though women may continue to be shaped by the masculinist, desirous gaze and modulated by patriarchal expectations to do with female docility and marriageability. The enquiry provides unique material to chart out the lineaments of postcolonial culture, gender, and power in order to provincialize the scope of cultural studies.  相似文献   

随着大众传媒与社会生活的关系日益紧密,旨在为观察、分析、阐释错综复杂的媒介现象提供理论与方法的传播学分支学科——媒介批评——的重要性正日益凸显。然而,目前我国的媒介批评学科体系中存在着包罗万象、还原主义和重理论轻实践的三种倾向,制约着媒介批评学科的发展。本文认为,媒介批评学科体系的建构需在文化、权力分配与多元性的框架内展开,赋予该学科以真正的批评力量,切实推动社会变迁。  相似文献   

耿达  饶蕊 《图书馆》2021,(2):1-7
随着文旅融合在理论与实践层面的不断推进,公共文化服务的内涵与发展模式也需要进一步拓展与创新。文章以云南丽江推进公共文化服务空间重构提升城市文化消费结构与质量为案例,指出在新时代文旅融合背景下公共文化服务需要把民众“需要的”和“想要的”有效结合起来,通过构建具有地方感与体验性的文化场景,以促进文化消费来连接公共文化服务与文化旅游产业。文章认为具体重构路径在于打造文化综合体、深挖地方性知识、强化整体性治理,另外还要为未来大文化体系预留可操作的空间。  相似文献   

《图书馆权利研究》一书着重从读者公平、自由利用图书馆资源的角度,对图书馆权利进行了阐述,全书结构严谨,内容新颖丰富,基础理论坚实,资料宏富,语言明快。书中首先引证各类国际宣言对图书馆权利给出了中肯的界定,对于图书馆权利的研究,不仅借鉴了国外的案例,而且结合我国现有实际提出了新的构想。  相似文献   

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