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何威 《国际新闻界》2007,(1):30-33,62
本文选取在新媒介研究领域颇具代表性的国际学术期刊《新媒介与社会,》通过对该刊过去一年时间内6期刊物中刊载的37篇论文的研究方法和研究主题的分析,力求对我国学者了解国际新媒介研究近况、提高我国新媒介研究质量有所帮助。  相似文献   

韩国公民新闻网站OHMYNEWS打出“每个公民都是记者”的旗号并取得成功,在业界和理论界成为典型,作为一个公共新闻媒体的典型,本文试图以OHMYNEWS为个案,简要分析韩国网络公民新闻媒体现状,从韩国的政治、国民性格和相关技术发展的角度纵向浅析网络公民新闻媒体的历史背景和现实意义。  相似文献   

美国总统政治具有社会化表演的特征,随着网络媒介的兴起和"后真相"政治的蔓延,这种特征在当代显得格外突出。本文通过对美国总统政治网络媒介叙述文本的符号叙述学分析,综合媒介情境论、话语理论,明确了相关叙述文本的纪实叙述类型,并对其叙述内容中的"台词设计"进行辨析。同时,本文从否定性、肯定性两个向度出发,对美国总统政治的媒介话语策略及其隐含的权力关系进行分析,并强调作为解释社群的民众对叙述事件的意义解读决定着媒介叙述文本的类型、内容和叙述技巧。由此提出,对"后真相"时代美国总统政治的研究应当以关注其民众的接受状况为基本出发点。  相似文献   

This study examines political and communicative factors predicting trust in mainstream newspapers and television by analyzing a set of survey data collected in South Korea. The results show that supporters of the opposition party are less likely to trust the mainstream news media than supporters of the ruling party. Daily Internet use negatively predicted trust in media only for nonpartisans. However, for supporters of the opposition party, daily Internet use moderated the interaction effect between political discussion and exposure to political news on trust in media.  相似文献   

本文以国外传播理论教材的译介作为视角,考察了欧美传播理论话语在中国的诠释和变异,研究了西方客观经验主义的大众传播理论如何被潜移默化地等同于传播学的过程,同时以《传播理论导引:分析与应用》为例,对我国目前传播学的教学与研究中存在的一些问题进行了探讨,提出应该进一步开阔视野、注重研究范式、重新思考传播理论的教学与应用。  相似文献   

本文以媒体接触时间的“零和游戏”为基础,以权衡需求理论为分析框架,以深圳媒体受众调查数据为例,研究了影响受众选择互联网或者报纸的因素。研究发现,权衡需求在解释新媒体采用时不是独立的自变量,而是受个体差异影响的中间变量。  相似文献   


The theory of planned behavior has received significant attention more recently. This study used a survey to apply the theory of planned behavior to predict the Internet utilization behavior among 214 undergraduate agricultural students in Iran. Coefficient correlations and linear regressions were employed to analyze relationships among constructs. Results revealed that subjective norm and intention were the strongest predictors of the Internet utilization behavior, which explained 57% of the variance. Perceived behavioral control was the most significant predictor of the Internet use intentions. Subjective norms, to a lesser degree also had important influences on intention. Attitude did not surface as an effective direct predictor of the Internet utilization behavior. Finally, the theory of planned behavior was supported as an effective model explaining the Internet utilization behavior. The most prevalent reason to stop using the Internet was that they were experiencing problems getting access to the Internet.  相似文献   

传统广播电视的数字化进程是革命性的。数字新媒体不仅在频道定位、内容形态、赢利模式、产业链等方面改变了广播电视的业态,同时也为广播电视带来了新的传播生态和社会交往方式。广播电视新媒体的发展必须要认清数字媒体对广播电视业态以及媒介生态的影响。决定广播电视新媒体发展方向的不是技术本身,而是民众数字生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

电视会终结吗?这是伴随着新媒体时代到来而浮出水面的一个问题。事实上,新媒体时代可能带来的不是电视媒体自身的终结,而是传统电视传播模式的终结。未来电视的传播将不再是基于频道和栏目(节目)的单向线性传播,而是基于碎片化信息的、由电视媒体及其观众两大主体共同完成的多级传播。  相似文献   

Gender differences in employee perceptions of the social support they received from sources in a multicultural organization are explored using a sample of employees born in Mexico and El Salvador currently working in the United States. Men reported receiving significantly more help with personal problems, praise, and job‐related help than women reported receiving. The relationship between emotional acculturative stress and perceived social support also was explored. Women experienced significantly more emotional acculturative stress than men reported. Intraorganimtional social support was unrelated to the emotional acculturative stress of women. Social support in the form of praise was significantly related to men's emotional acculturative stress.  相似文献   

本文通过对色情网络公共话语实践的分析,检视了中国网络色情文化的变迁史,描摹了作为当代社会意识形态重要症候的色情文化,如何参与到中国政治、经济、文化的社会整体性变迁之中。“色情”在互联网的话语建构中,是信息自由流动、绝对自由市场的象征,是分享文化、兄弟情谊的载体,是被征用成为政治反对的话语工具、互联网新经济发展的欲望引擎,也是形塑支配性男性气质的文化力量。以高知青年男性为代表的新中间阶层既在掌握数字技术的过程中培育了群体意识与媒介表达能力,成为了网络集体行动的重要力量;也沉浸在“信息自由流动”的赛博迷思之中,试图接管文化生产与阐释权的同时摒弃了性别平等的文化政治安排。当被新经济所征用的软色情消费文化蔓延之时、“性别战争”泛起之刻、“裸贷”激发剧烈争议之际,中国社会亟需新的文化政治以促成新的社会共识。  相似文献   

This study examines the radical democratic principles manifest in Indymedia's discursive, technical, and institutional practices. By focusing on a case study of the Seattle Independent Media Center and contextualizing it within theories and critiques of radical democracy, this article fleshes out strengths, weaknesses, and recurring tensions endemic to Indymedia's internet-based activism. These findings have important implications for alternative media making and radical politics in general.  相似文献   


As society has come to equate economic prosperity with the health of our living resources, national science policy has called for the development of a comprehensive digital knowledge base to support informed decision making and wise resource management. The Internet and World Wide Web demonstrate the earliest stages of this evolving virtual library of the natural world, offering an increasing array of high-quality, innovative resources and services in the natural science arena. This article discusses the leading providers of natural science information on the Internet and highlights some of the exemplary resources they are delivering online. The discussion concludes with a brief discussion of the role of the librarian in developing the Web of natural science knowledge online and provides a short Webliography of starting points for further exploration of this subject area.  相似文献   

方兴未艾的数字传播技术革命将有力推动内容服务产业化的步伐。内容服务的本质是版权经济,广告服务的本质是注意力经济。传媒产业的经济本质具有双重内涵:版权经济和注意力经济。  相似文献   

Richard Wallis (OCLC) presented at the NASIG 2014 Conference in Fort Worth, Texas, describing how linked data can make the discoverability of libraries on the web instantaneous and ubiquitous. A technology evangelist, Richard explained how we can use these ideas to make better use of our data—redefining existing cataloging workflows in order to move away from record management to an “Internet of things” that can be recognized and consumed across the web.  相似文献   

This paper explores a recent interdisciplinary project which brought together a visualization expert, an art historian, and an architectural historian, to study the ruins of Saint George of the Greeks Cathedral in Famagusta, eastern Cyprus, then create a virtual three-dimensional reconstruction of it. The motivation for this work, funded by Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, was to apply existing knowledge and expertise to a difficult, and very particular, heritage question on this Eastern Mediterranean Island. The creation of such a model could, it was felt, not only reiterate the academic value of thorough archival work married to state of the art technology, but also have very practical reverberations in terms of future heritage welfare and education via this ‘borderless’ domain.  相似文献   

This research sought answers to twoimportant questions regarding the impact of theInternet on three New Zealand cultural institutions:the National Archives, the National Library and theMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. First, whatimpact has the Internet had on policy development ineach institution? Second, what are the attitudes ofthe professional staff toward the integration of theInternet into the workplace? The findings are comparedto determine the extent to which the experiences ofintegrating the Internet into each institution's corebusiness are similar and different. The resultsrevealed several important findings: 1. policyregarding the Internet has been most extensivelydeveloped at the National Library; 2. the Internet isnot currently as central to the delivery of coreservices at the National Archives or the Museum of NewZealand Te Papa Tongarewa as it is at the NationalLibrary; 3. the majority of the professional staff atall three institutions responded that they were either`very positive' or `somewhat positive' about theintegration of the Internet into their environment,although most felt that their core professional dutieswere not being fundamentally altered. The conclusionsand some recommendations for each institution toconsider in addressing Internet technology developmentare provided.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of Internet pornography on users as compared with traditional forms of pornography, a total of 1688 adolescents in Taiwan were surveyed. Results show that respondents estimated the harms of Internet pornography to exceed that of pornographic materials in print and broadcast media. More importantly, findings show that exposure to Internet pornography resulted in desensitizing effects in that users tended to perceive the harms of Internet pornography as less on self and others. In addition, exposure was found to be negatively related to support for restrictions of Internet pornography, but the perceived harm on self was found to be positively related to support for restrictions. Finally, the joint effects of the first and third-person effect (the second-person effect) were shown as a more reliable predictor of behavioral intention than the third-person perception. Findings help resolve the contradiction in past research that reported the third-person perception as both a significant and non-significant predictor of support for restrictions on pornography.  相似文献   

本文结合通俗文化理论,分析了最近流行于互联网上的恶搞短片问题。文章认为,恶搞短片的出现在于对主流文化形态以及对古典主义美学原则的“抵抗”。它是当代审美文化普遍娱乐化的结果,在一定程度上反映了当代民间影像传播蓬勃兴起的趋势。  相似文献   

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