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本文以话语方法对《人民日报》玉树地震报道的国家认同和国家话语进行分析,认为国家话语通过话语在场、话语共存和话语记忆等分别以报道对象、评论、报道语词等强调了党/国、家/国的同构特征;以媒介仪式强化了国家认同的历史记忆。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):139-161
Scholars have devoted considerable attention to the concept of national identity. In a globalizing world, however, identity is increasingly shaped not only by one's own nation but also by foreign nations. With this in mind, this study theorizes international identity as a communicative process. We propose four features of international identity—that it is distinct, relational, contextual, and stratified—and examine these features in one crucial context: the modern American presidency. Our content analysis of every mention of a foreign entity in 74 years worth of presidential discourse—2480 mentions in all—supports our conception of international identity and begins to identify the parameters of this construct in American political communication.  相似文献   

On August 8, 2008, Beijing orchestrated a grand opening ceremony for the Twenty-Ninth Olympic Games. Amid the People's Republic of China's inexorable emergence as a superpower in the world, the ceremony provided a valuable glimpse into contemporary Chinese political and social circumstances. Employing public memory as the conceptual framework to unravel this momentous spectacle, this essay argues that the Chinese government erected a new national identity, through historico-cultural invocations and reconfigurations of Chinese and global memories. Yet such rhetorical exploits also betrayed the Chinese government's intense pursuit of politico-ideological legitimacy in the globalizing world, which has increasingly been challenged by Chinese and global publics.  相似文献   

常媛媛  曾庆香 《新闻界》2020,(2):29-36,79
通过对三大央媒微信、微博报道的文本分析发现,新型主流媒体新闻的身份建构本质上是通过角色展演实现道德规训。一方面,身份建构的表征是角色展演,在角色展演中体现了基本的角色道德。另一方面,身份建构的旨归是形塑角色规范:道德规范、法律规范、伦理规范、技术规范。其中道德规训是新型主流媒体新闻进行身份建构的基本逻辑。为进行道德规训,新型主流媒体主要采取了叙述事件和价值判断相结合的方式。依托身份建构的这一逻辑,新型主流媒体新闻传递社会主流价值观,完成自身的职责和使命。  相似文献   

This study conducted a content analysis to examine how weight and race/ethnicity impacted how people were portrayed in the imagery accompanying broadcast and cable television news stories about obesity compared to stories about health. Five hundred and seven people were analyzed in 135 stories. Results showed that people who were overweight were often shown as an isolated body part, but their portrayal was not entirely stigmatizing. Overweight people were often shown exercising, which combats weight stereotypes. Additionally, race/ethnicity did not make the portrayal more stigmatizing. The results of the content analysis are discussed with an emphasis on the larger implications of the findings.  相似文献   

本研究关注从1949年《华商报》对新闻自由的讨论到1952年上海私营报纸成为改造对象的过程,追索新民主主义理论中辍时期中共新闻政策与新闻界知识分子思想互动的情境。研究发现:新民主主义理论的中辍是中共新闻政策从允许多元讨论阶段进入到进行私营报纸改造阶段的转折点。它一旦被放弃,私营报业的存在就受到质疑并走向消亡。中共新闻政策的制定过程中新闻界知识分子对之的干预和影响的能力随着新民主主义理论的逐渐被替代而减弱,其与中共政策制定者协商的空间也因之缩小。  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that the Bush administration used faulty and false information to justify the 2003 war on Iraq, and that the mainstream media, by not adequately investigating the case for war, assisted with the project. In this paper, I outline the particular strategies employed by the media–military industrial complex to ensure a dominance of pro-war arguments in the public sphere. I conclude by arguing that the failure of the media in the US to meet the democratic needs of this society places enormous responsibility on intellectuals to produce scholarship critical of the new imperialism.  相似文献   

当代新闻传媒业呈现出媒介样态多样化、符号系统复杂化、事实呈现方式多元化等特征,但新闻真实实现的最终归宿依然是新闻收受主体。本文讨论了不同传播时期,由不同媒介形态和符号系统表现出的新闻真实特征,通常包括描述性真实、纪实性真实、过程真实和具象化真实。尤其是依靠新兴媒介技术进行事实表征的新闻样态,在对收受主体多元感官施以多样化符号刺激时,形成不同于传播主体视野下的新闻真实特征,具体表现为经验真实和主观感受真实。  相似文献   

Local television news remains a primary news source for Americans and is a key source of consumer health information. This study explores why local television health journalists cover particular topics and assesses why health journalism newsgathering practices often differ from the normative newsgathering practices of general assignment reporters. Fifteen in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with health journalists from varying geographical regions and media markets. Influence from local hospitals and personal interest in a health topic often determined the health content the journalists produced. Journalists said it was difficult to cover health issues in addition to other newsroom responsibilities.  相似文献   

俄罗斯建设国家数字图书馆(НЭБ)有深刻的社会背景和现实需求,自2003年启动建设以来,НЭБ在数字资源建设与服务方面均取得了进展。2012年“国家社会政策实施措施”总统令的出台开启了НЭБ发展的新阶段,НЭБ研究新的发展构想,建设新门户网站,完善数字资源建设与服务模式。НЭБ建设具有世界水准,担负了重要的社会责任,在数字资源建设与发展方面呈现多馆参与、公众参与、分布式自建与存储、国家政策与资金保障、积极应对版权问题等特点,在数字资源建设方式,解决数字资源版权,建立保障机制等方面的做法值得关注和借鉴。图4。表4。参考文献73。  相似文献   

国家治理增效视角的档案服务建设是指将档案视为国家治理要素,通过档案服务建设,为国家各项治理工作提供档案支撑,以提升国家治理效率。该问题研究有利于明确档案工作服务国家治理大局目标,推进档案事业的发展。提出国家治理增效档案服务建设问题,阐释国家治理内涵,并以抗战档案为案例进行实证研究,探讨档案工作服务国家治理问题。研究结果显示,从国家治理增效视角开展档案服务建设,对树立档案工作服务理念,明确服务目标,创新服务方式,提升档案工作服务国家治理大局能力有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between women’s stereotypes and their perceptions of gendered news stories, specifically about stay-at-home parenthood. A between-subjects experiment with undergraduate women revealed that participants with stereotypes about women thought a news story about a stay-at-home mother was more typical than one about a stay-at-home father. Additionally, participants with stereotypes about women thought the news stories were low in realism, regardless of the story’s gendered content. Notably, participants who read the news story about a stay-at-home father found it more enjoyable than the story about a stay-at-home mother, regardless of their stereotypes.  相似文献   

This paper follows the news routine of the daily evening news broadcasts of the two Israeli commercial TV channels. It is about a very particular and significant moment in national TV news—the making and gatekeeping process of the national TV news filler, also known by the Israeli news people as the shelf item. Based on a thematic analysis of in-depth interviews with several Israeli TV news professionals and a textual analysis of a particular TV news item and its shelf potential, findings provide a glimpse at how and for what reasons news stories are prioritized, how gatekeeping is performed in national TV news, and the ways in which the stories that are kept aside and left for later illustrate the overall production of newsworthiness.  相似文献   

陈琴 《档案与建设》2020,(2):14-17,8
文章以南京大屠杀事件为主要分析对象,主要探讨的是集体语境下的创伤记忆。首先,对创伤记忆国际认同的意义以及国际认同面临的困境加以探讨;其次,指出档案资源在创伤记忆中的建构作用及其作用机理,详尽阐释创伤记忆的延续传承直至国际认同离不开档案资源的建构;最后,从档案的视角探讨促进创伤记忆国际认同的实现路径,将创伤记忆的研究引申至档案学领域,以期在丰富档案学理论的同时让集体创伤记忆得到更大范围的认同。  相似文献   

在社会救助机制不完善的情况下,传媒的越界评判和敦请成为一种“合法的”补偿机制。本文认为,传媒的越界行为得以存在主要原因,在于新闻生产过程中所使用的平民主义话语策略,调动并契合了转型时期中国民众的社会心理。传媒在激烈的竞争中获得某种市场和道德的双重默许。  相似文献   

文章从中国国家图书馆的职能定位、资源和服务现状、国家数字图书馆工程概述、服务创新等方面介绍了国家图书馆坚持公益性办馆,以“国家图书馆二期工程暨国家数字图书馆工程”建设为契机,逐步创新和优化国家图书馆的服务。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第12期本期话题“各国科技信息机构纵览”的文章之一。  相似文献   

学科的知识边界是构建学科认同的必要条件,以《图书馆学季刊》为案例,通过共词分析展示民国图书馆学研究的知识边界;研究发现,民国图书馆学研究主要分类6大领域、2大范式,管理范式的图书馆学研究延续至今,文史范式的图书馆学研究逐渐衰退;文史范畴研究的衰退是导致当代图书馆学学科地位和学科认同不高的主要原因。  相似文献   

文章梳理并总结了国立西南联合大学图书馆在长沙和昆明期间的图书馆馆舍建设、文献资源建设、规章制度建设和组织机构建设等,详细阐述了图书馆同仁坚守岗位,殚精竭虑,想尽一切办法补充图书报刊文献资源,规范图书馆工作流程,坚持不懈开展图书馆建设、图书馆管理、藏书建设、目录索引编制、文献资源保障、读者服务、馆际合作和学术研究等图书馆业务,为国立西南联合大学教学和科研提供了可靠的文献资源保障,其精神风貌和远见卓识令人敬佩。  相似文献   

纪录片具有跨文化、跨种族交流的功能和使命.全球抗疫背景下,我国有效遏制疫情的同时也制作了一批扣人心弦的抗疫主题纪录片,全面、立体刻画了国家在“抗疫”过程中的诸多形象.本文试图以这类纪录片对媒介仪式的构建为切入点,分析其对家国共同体的建构与对身份认同的强化,以及在国际传播语境下的叙事特点,在此基础上剖析这类纪录片对内、对...  相似文献   

In a now-famous article, Robert Putnam traced changes in interpersonal (IP) trust, civic engagement, and political trust in the United States during the past 3 decades. Although trust in government has declined, so have IP trust and civic engagement. Putnam places the blame for the loss of the various components of so-called civic or social capital squarely on television as a medium. We analyze 4 data sets to explain IP trust. Education, newspaper readership, and age are consistent and strong associates of trusting attitudes and behaviors. Reported political talk radio listening and elite electronic news use also are linked to trust. Those high in social trust, however, are not consistently heavier or lighter consumers of television. Putnam's hypothesis, in other words, is not confirmed in these data. Implications, as well as some reasons to continue to entertain the hypothesis, are explored.  相似文献   

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