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Cognizant of the evolving academic discipline of ecological communication (EC), I offer this essay as a follow-up to my previous publication—a critical exegesis of Niklas Luhmann's Ecological Communication (1989)—in this journal. Hoping to throw more light on Luhmann's formulations, I introduce and interpret those writings of Gregory Bateson that apparently influenced the former—and/or attempted to link ecology with communication. While I do not necessarily advocate either of these two thinkers' overall philosophical frameworks, I believe that they deserve attention—at the least insofar as they provide a measure of contrast to the contemporary academic discourse of EC (which remains shallow, intellectually parochial, and nonrigorous). That aside, many specific ideas developed by these two thinkers will interest a wide range of constituencies—especially those devoted to the study of information, communication, and ecology.  相似文献   


The #MeToo movement, which engulfed much of India's news and entertainment industry in October 2018, was projected by many as a watershed moment for Indian journalism. Driven largely through social media activism, it created significant public discourse and outcry, leading to the “outing” and resignation of many journalists. This paper explores the perception of #MeTooIndia in regional and national newsrooms. Drawing on Manuel Castells's ideas of networked social movement, we consider the origins of #MeTooIndia, including its mediation on private and social networks. We then draw on 257 semi-structured interviews with journalists working in 14 languages across India to explore the “cause” of the campaign—the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual violence in workspaces—before turning our attention to the impact, or potential for impact, that journalists saw in it. We find most journalists felt the movement was “good”, but did not think it influenced their environment or newswork in any meaningful manner. Regional journalists expressed more pessimism about the #MeTooIndia, men more so than women.  相似文献   

As interest in engaged communication scholarship grows, so does the need for concrete examples of how such research is done. In this essay, we articulate an example of the how by presenting the work of the Purdue Peace Project, a locally led peacebuilding initiative based at Purdue University. We do so by (a) explicating the communicative choices in our approach to engaged scholarship and (b) relating these choices to the impacts that our approach has had on preventing political violence related to a chieftaincy dispute in Keperman (pseudonym), Ghana. Based on qualitative data from multiple time points, we unpack our communicative choices, relate these choices to the realization of engagement goals and setbacks, and reveal multi-level, interdependent, and communicative indicators of impacts. We present what we term the relationally attentive approach to engaged communication scholarship and discuss implications and recommendations for those doing engaged scholarship.  相似文献   


This essay addresses Stuart Hall and discourse theory, focusing on his essay “Signification, representation, ideology.” Reflecting upon recent events involving representation and identity—US legalization of gay marriage, murders at a gay nightclub, removal of the “Rebel Flag” from the South Carolina state capitol, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign—I attempt to destabilize the counterproductive dualism of material/discourse in Hall’s critique of poststructural discourse theory. Finding amenability between Hall and Foucaultian discourse theory, I describe Hall’s utility for discourse scholars, such as his perspectives on ideological practices and generation of new discourses as an interventionist act.  相似文献   

When Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in the throes of territorial demise, laid claim to the deadliest mass shooting in US history, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, pundits declared it a sign of desperation. This paper begins from a different premise: that the case simultaneously exposes how ISIS regularly appropriates rather than inspires violence and the limits of this tactic. An analysis of ISIS propaganda and three ISIS-attributed incidents reveals that the group’s ability to claim violence depends not on tactically rerouting media discourse, representation, or practice, but on taking these to their expected end, telling “us” exactly what we want to hear.  相似文献   

Jews have lived in comparative peace with their neighbors in North Africa for millennia. In the last century, however, political forces have altered an ancient live‐and‐let‐live ethos. A Peace Corps volunteer who began work at the Museum of Moroccan Judaism—the only Jewish museum in the Arab world—just before the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York describes the shock waves engulfing her small museum and the Jewish communities whose artifacts it shelters.  相似文献   

This essay demonstrates how two U.S. zines produced from 1990 to 1999 by and for gay men with HIV/AIDS—Diseased Pariah News (DPN) and Infected Faggot Perspectives (IFP)—constitute counterpublics. I demonstrate how DPN and IFP constitute counterpublics through thematization of two important forms of difference—blood status (HIV-positive or HIV-negative), and political ideology. I then specify and elaborate primary modes of corporeal expressivity in the zines—the erotic/sexual and the grotesque—to demonstrate the work that each mode does for the counterpublics.  相似文献   

The discourses constructing the coming-out of Ellen DeGeneres/Ellen Morgan, star of and lead character in the ABC television sitcom Ellen, were permeated with implications of authenticity and liberation, illustrating the continuing power of the confessional ritual described by Michele Foucault in The History of Sexuality. In contrast to the popular interpretation of the coming-out as an escape from repression, media treatment of the Ellen phenomenon was productive, in Foucault's sense, constructing a regulatory discourse that constrained the implications of gay visibility on commercial television by channeling it through a narrative of psychological autonomy, through television norms for representing homosexuality, and through an overarching strategy of personalization. I conclude with a discussion of the problems of “poster-child politics” as exemplified by the Ellen discourse.  相似文献   

M.D. Fagan, A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: National Service in War and Peace, 1925-1975 (Bell Laboratories, - Whippany Rd., Whippany, N.J. 07981—$15.00).

Daniel M. Costigan Electronic Delivery of Documents and Graphics (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978—$21.95)

Konrad K. Kalba, Electronic Message Systems: The Technological, Market and Regulatory Prospects (Cambridge, Mass.: Kalba Bowen Associates, 1978—$30.00, paper),

Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff, The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1978—$29.50/17.50)

Robert Johansen, Jacques Vallee and Kathleen Spangler, Electronic Meetings: Technical Alternatives and Social Choices (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1979—$15.95)  相似文献   

This paper discusses a phenomenon that has become popular in mainland China in recent years, “mosheng ren communication,” focusing specifically on an application known as Momo, a social discovery and dating platform that is widely used in China. It first outlines the context of post-Mao China, which has produced urbanism, individualization, and a sexual revolution. Thereafter, it turns to the theories of the stranger and cosmopolitanism, which are used to analyze mosheng ren communication. This paper adopts cultural discourse analysis as the analytical procedure to present the findings of online and offline interviews conducted in both Beijing and Shanghai to examine how Momo users in urban metropolises make use of this app in order to analyze the cultural radiants in their communication practices. Based on the data obtained, this paper analyzes mosheng ren communication in the Chinese context and describes how Momo is designed to facilitate it. Momo users can enter into sexual relations based on the use of authentic photos on their profiles; alternatively, they can communicate anonymously. They are also “in-between” traditional Chinese values and new values. Momo users contribute a Chinese form of cosmopolitanism through cultivation of insensitivity to mosheng ren, while their engagement in mosheng ren communication implies that the members of are more open to others.  相似文献   

This study explores how young women's definitions of empowerment relate to their reception of The Girls Next Door, a popular reality show that documents the life and fun times of Hugh Hefner's three sexy, live-in girlfriends. Specifically, we examine whether young women's general attraction to reality television relates to their endorsement of different views of women and empowerment, how these endorsements relate to the women's own sexual permissiveness, and finally how these views relate to perceptions of The Girls Next Door. Results suggest that reality television preferences relate to greater endorsement of sexual empowerment and traditional feminine roles. However, sexual permissiveness is elevated only when sexual empowerment is endorsed, and perceptions of the show appear to be most positive only when sexual permissiveness is elevated.  相似文献   

This research investigates the impact of 3 personality traits—trait anxiety, sensation seeking, and psychoticism—on cultivation effects regarding perceptions of violence. A survey measuring violence prevalence estimates, personality traits, television consumption, and genre preferences was completed by 427 undergraduates. Results indicate that low trait–anxious individuals, and to a lesser extent high sensation seekers, are more susceptible to cultivation regarding personal vulnerability to crime whereas those low in psychoticism are susceptible to cultivation regarding societal violence perceptions. The worldview offered by these traits, as opposed to TV genre consumption or resonance, seems to best explain these effects.  相似文献   

Karikaturisten‐Lexikon / CARTOONISTS'DICTIONARY by Kurt Fleming (München: Saur 1993—DM 198, ISBN 3–598–10932–6,325 pp)

Allensbacher Jahrbuch der Demoskopie 9: 1984–1992 / ALLENSBACH YEARBOOK OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH, Vol. 9: 1984–1992 edited by Elisabeth Noelle‐Neumann and Renate Kocher (München: Saur; Allensbach: Verlag fur Demoskopie 1993—DM 380, ISBN 3–598–20718–2, 1,207 pp.)

Der Befragte Leser: Buch und Demoskopie / THE POLLED READER: BOOK AND PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH Edited by Ludwig Muth (Munchen: Saur 1993—DM 128, ISBN 3–598–11131–2, 220 pp.)

Die Wiener Tageszeitungen: Eine Dokumentation. 3: 1918–1938I THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF VIENNA: A DOCUMENTATION, Vol. 3: 1918–1938 edited by Gabriele Melischek and Josef Seethaler. (Frankfurt: Lang 1992— DM 74,‐ ISBN 3–631 ‐44409–5, 263 pp.)

Zeitungsland Nordrhein‐Westfalen: Geschichte. Profil. Struktur / NEWSPAPER COUNTRY NORTH RHINE‐WESTPHALIA: HISTORY, PROFILE, STRUCTURE edited by Bernhard Boll et. al. (ZV Zeitungs‐Verlag Service, Riemenschneiderstra_e 10, D‐53175 Bonn—DM 49,80, ISBN 3–929122–02–2, 692 pp.)

Deutsche Programmpresse 1923 bis 1941/ GERMAN PROGRAM JOURNALS 1923 TO 1941 by Thomas Bauer (München: Saur 1993—DM 98, ISBN 3–598–21575–4, 454 pp.)

Amerikanische Zeitschriften in deutscher Sprache: 1945–1952 / AMERICAN JOURNALS IN GERMAN: 1945–1952 by Birgit Bödeker. (Frankfurt: Lang 1993—DM 98,‐ ISBN 3–631 ‐45443–0, 378 pp.)

Die Volkskorrespondentenbewegung der SED‐Bezirkspresse/ THE PEOPLE'S CORRESPONDENTS MOVEMENTOFTHE REGIONAL PRESS OFTHE SOCIALIST UNITY PARTY by Sigrun Richter (Frankfurt: Lang 1993— DM 168,‐ ISBN 3–631–45456–2, 803 pp.)

Leserbriefe in Tageszeitungen der DDR/ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR IN DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THE GDR by Ellen Bos (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1993—DM 54, ISBN 3–531–12376–9, 311 pp.)

Für Deutschland und Europa: Der Deutschlandfunk / FOR GERMANY AND EUROPE: THE DEUTSCHLANDFUNK by Frank Capellan (München: Saur 1993—DM 98, ISBN 3–598–21576–2, 492 pp.)

Europas Fernsehen im Wandel: Probleme einer Europäisierung vonOrdnungspolitik und Programmen/EUROPE'S TELEVISION IN CHANGE: PROBLEMS OF EUROPEANIZATION OF POLITICS AND PROGRAMS by Jochen Zimmer (Frankfurt: Lang, 1993— DM 89, ISBN 3–631 ‐45642–5, 373 pp.)

Amerikanische Einstellung: Deutsches Fernsehen und US‐amerikanische Produktionen / AMERICAN ANGLE: GERMAN TELEVISION AND US‐AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS edited by Irmela Schneider. (Heidelberg: Winter, 1992—DM 150, ISBN 3–533–04555–2, 327 pp.)

Aneignungen: Ausländisches Fernsehen und nationale Kultur / ACQUISITIONS: FOREIGN TV AND NATIONAL CULTURE by Barbara Gentikow (Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 1993— no price given, ISBN 87–7288–408–8, 346 pp.)

Fernsehen und Angstbewältigung: Zur Typologie des Zuschauerverhaltens / TELEVISION AND THE MASTERING OF ANXIETY: TOWARDS A TOPOLOGY OF VIEWER BEHAVIOR by Peter Vitouch (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verl., 1993— DM 44, ISBN 3–531–12287–8, 221 pp.)

Fernsehwanderungen: Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Zapping / TELEVISION WALKING: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF ZAPPING by Michael Jäckel (München: R. Fischer, 1993—DM 28, ISBN 3–88927–123–5, 108 pp)

Geschichte des deutschen Films /HISTORY OF GERMAN FILM edited by Wolfgang Jacobsen, et. al. (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1993— DM 58, ISBN 3–476–00883–5, 596 pp.)

Kritik der medienethischen Vernunft: Die ethische Diskussion uberden Film in Deutschlandim 20.Jahrhundert/CRITIQUE OF MEDIA ETHICAL REASONING: ETHICAL DIMENSIONS OF 20TH CENTURY GERMAN FILM by Thomas Hausmanninger (Munchen: Fink, 1993—DM 98, ISBN 3–7705–2805–0, 647 pp.)

Sehsucht: Das Panorama als Massenunterhaltung des 19. Jahrhunderts / ADDICTION TO LOOK: THE PANORAMA AS ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE MASSES IN THE 19TH CENTURY edited by Kunst‐ und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Frankfurt: Verlag Stroemfeld/ Roter Stern, 1993—DM 59, ISBN 3–87877–408–7, 367 pp.)

Medienrechtliche Entscheidungen: Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zum Presse‐ und Rundfunkrecht / LEGAL DECISIONS ON MEDIA: SUPREME COURT JURISDICTION ON PRESS AND BROADCAST LA W edited by Klaus Berg et. al. (Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz, 1992—DM 228, ISBN 3–87940–2,962 pp.)

Verfassungsrecht und Rundfunk: Die 7 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: 1961 ‐1991 / CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND BROADCASTING: THE SEVEN DECISIONS OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL COURT: 1961–1991 edited by Friedrich‐Wilhelm von Sell (Berlin: Vistas Verlag, 1992— DM 48, ISBN 3–89158–074–6, 311 pp.)

Existenzgrundlagen öffentlich‐rechtlicher und privater Rundfunkveranstalter nach dem Rundfunkstaatsvertrag / BASICS OF EXISTENCE OF BROADCASTING STATIONS UNDER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LAW ACCORDING TO THE BROADCASTING TREATY by Udo Becker (Baden‐Baden: Nomos Verlag., 1992—DM 68, ISBN 3–7890–2611–5, 307 pp.)

Die Rundfunkordnung in den netien Bundesländern / THE ORDER OF BROADCASTING IN THE NEW FEDERAL STATES by Hermann Kresse (Stuttgart: Schäffer‐Pöschel, 1992—DM 89, ISBN 3–8202–0832–1,295 pp.)

Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Presse: Eine länderübergreifende Untersuchung / VOLUNTARY SELF‐CONTROL OF THE PRESS: AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY by Verena Wedemann (Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1992—DM 12, ISBN 3–89204–056–7, 270 pp.)  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamite at the 1886 Haymarket Square bombing trial and in the courtroom address of accused bomb conspirator August Spies. The analysis focuses on the crucial object of the Haymarket events—the dynamite bomb—as much as it focuses on Spies's words. I argue that the material presence of dynamite interacted with polysemy and paradox when Spies preached dynamite. Spies delved into the polysemy of the term dynamite by drawing attention to the word's multiple meanings, and he constructed turnaround arguments warranted by dynamite to reverse the accusation of conspiring to commit violence back onto the state.  相似文献   


In October 2017, #metoo 2.0 reinforces the gendered sexual violence in the creative sector [Marghitu, 2018 Marghitu, Stefania. 2018. “It’s Just art: Auteur Apologism in the Post-Weinstein era.” Feminist Media Studies 18 (93): 491494. doi: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1456158[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. “It’s Just art: Auteur Apologism in the Post-Weinstein era”, Feminist Media Studies, 18(93): 491–494] Building on this movement, on 11 November that year, 2912 women “testified about the situation in the Swedish music industry”, signing an open letter condemning sexual violence [Nyheter, 2017. “2192 Women in the Swedish Music Industry Behind Appeal Against Sexism.” Dagens Nyheter, November 17. https://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/2192-women-in-the-swedish-music-industry-behind-appeal-against-sexism/]. After the Swedish initiative, on 12 December 2017, the #meNOmore hashtag was established by 1000 women who signed an open letter to the Australian music industry speaking out against similar behaviour [Whyte, 2017a Whyte, Sarah. 2017a. “Artists Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment in the Music Industry.” AM – ABC Radio, December 13. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/am/sexual-harassment-in-the-music-industry/9253956. [Google Scholar]. “Artists Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment in the Music Industry.” AM – ABC Radio, December 13. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/am/sexual-harassment-in-the-music-industry/9253956]. Using a content analysis framework, this study examines the media framing of 26 stories about #meNOmore by the Western press from 22 November 2017 (height of the Swedish campaign) to 21 December 2017 (a week after the hashtag surfaced in Australia). Research from journalism studies and musicology highlights that sexual violence is historically engrained in the media and music industries. However, findings from our study of the first month’s coverage of the #meNOmore content analysis in 2017 reveal that media reports about women and sexual violence were framed around addressing gender inequality and systemic structural issues in the music industry. This raises the question, has the media has turned a corner when covering sexual violence in the post #metoo era?  相似文献   

Celebrities in recent years have taken on a more active role in communicating global humanitarian crises to the American public. This role at times shifts between journalist, advocate, philanthropist, and personal publicist. This article evaluates how three of the most well-known celebrities in this genre in the United States—Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, and Bono—differ in their method of speaking about these issues, focusing on how their public discourse adds to, or detracts from, citizens' abilities to understand, discuss, and respond to the issues presented in the public sphere. Through critical discourse analysis, similarities and differences are teased out and placed within the context of previous research on celebrity diplomacy and humanitarian crises, in order to evaluate the usefulness of such performances for the U.S. public as democratic citizens and for the victims of foreign suffering the celebrities purport to represent.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):318-339

Among historians in America, Carl Becker attained fame for style in discourse. Although his stylistic prowess was evinced in scholarly works which brought him eminence in his profession, epigrammatic style also was prominent in his writing of popular history, first in a polemic essay called “Kansas” which led to his role as propagandist in World War One, and then—and of particular interest to those interested in mass persuasion—an eminently successful high school textbook, Modern History. The objective of historiography herein is to establish causal relationships between epigrammatic style in those popular works and resultant, rhetorical effects upon Becker's readers mainly in the general public over a span of several decades. Primary source evidence of effectiveness is in letters to Becker, and other correspondence, that indicate which concepts and precise sentences in Modern History were salient and persuasive for a mass readership largely because of the epigrammatic style with which they were phrased.  相似文献   

This study examines violence in prime-time broadcast network television programs aired between 1967 and 2015. The data show that violence has been a consistent and central part of programming, although levels vary by genre. Violence decreased in the 1990s, due mostly to the greater prominence of sitcoms and crime-related procedurals (such as Law & Order and CSI), which feature fewer explicit acts of violence. However, violence is making a serious comeback on prime time, with four of the five measures we examined reaching historically high levels in the 2010s. The percentage of characters involved in violence remains lower than in earlier years. Despite some ebbs and flows over the years, and dramatic institutional and technological changes, even at its lowest points violence on television is never far from the scene and remains difficult for the heavy viewer to avoid.  相似文献   

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