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This article examines Red Tourism through a case study of Yan’an, China. Drawing upon social/critical scholarship on media and space, the author argues that Red Tourism is better conceived as a social space, both produced and productive. Specifically, from the qualitative data derived from this study and through a spatial analysis of architecture, urban planning, and the museum of Yan’an, the author argues that Red Tourism was created by the state to xuanchuan/propagandize its revolutionary past and attached politico-ideological legitimacy by catering to the postsocialist nostalgia on the one hand, and is producing a dynamic “Red” economy through the commodification of the space on the other. Departing from Henri Lefebvre's powerful thinking around the production of space, this article sheds additional light on the close ties between propaganda and space that have been largely invisible in the field.  相似文献   

文章对公共图书馆旅游服务实践和研究现状进行分析,指出国内公共图书馆的旅游服务存在责任感不强、重点不明确、措施不精准等问题,进而影响了服务效能。公共图书馆可以从地方感理论中获取启发,将增强地方性作为主要方向,以旅游决策者、旅游者、居民和旅游从业者为服务对象,创新性地开展地方性研究咨询交流活动、搭建地方特色文化传承弘扬平台和建设地方旅游信息集散中心等服务措施。  相似文献   

本文通过网络调查了公共和高校图书馆地方旅游文献信息资源的现状,在调查与分析的基础上,提出了地方旅游文献信息资源建设的目标,即:在整合图书馆地方旅游文献信息资源的基础上,建立地方旅游文献信息资源门户网站,并将地方旅游文献信息资源嵌入到用户信息环境中。  相似文献   

This analysis refocuses attention to the relationship between neoliberal government practice and co-conditioning rhetorical consequence through examination of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT). Operating by a plastic card similar to consumer debit cards, EBT opens new possibilities of consumption for those receiving Food Stamps. Rather than simply signaling a disciplining governmentality, electronic food assistance functions as a technology of neoliberalization, proffering the potentiality of social equity while (re)instantiating class boundaries. I appropriate the finance term securitization to specify the disposal of liberalist logics that transform the poor from economic risk to state asset while also leaving the conditions of poverty and food insecurity unchallenged.  相似文献   

本文比较了两部二战时期著名的宣传电影——德国纳粹的《意志的胜利》以及美国政府投资拍摄的《我们为何而战》在传播策略和传播效果方面的差异。进而指出,文本是否具有感性魅惑的特质、受众是否具有鲜明的自我主体意识以及感性还是理性策略的使用成为决定电影宣传效果的三个重要因素。而电影技术无疑是客观中立的,从这个意义上说,技术决定论具有明显的理论缺陷。  相似文献   

以广州城市职业学院旅游休闲特色数据库建设为例,对高职院校旅游休闲特色数据库建设过程中的目标定位、技术方法、框架结构、建库步骤等具体问题进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

The exchange of information and of member preferences are two different avenues for social influence during group discussion with potentially differing implications. The goal of the study was to evaluate the impact of three factors proposed to influence the relative proportion of preference and reason statements during group problem-solving discussion. As hypothesized, groups beginning in consensus discussed relatively more preferences than groups beginning in disagreement. Contrary to expectation, judgmental and intellective tasks did not differ in proportions of preference and reason statements. Opposite of prediction, the opportunity to form a pre-discussion preference resulted in a smaller proportion of preference statements than the absence of this opportunity.  相似文献   

文旅融合发展已成为社会各界关注的焦点,肩负着社会教育职能和使命的公共图书馆也将读万卷书与行万里路结合起来,推出特色研学服务。本文以安徽省图书馆开展的文化旅游融合创新案例——"安图文化研学一日营"为例进行实证研究,通过梳理并提出发展对策,以期为公共图书馆进一步丰富完善研学旅行服务提供参考。  相似文献   

LibGuides是由SpringShare推出的学科导航工具,在国外,已被较多的学科馆员们作为学科服务平台。本文选取了美国8所正在使用该平台的大学图书馆为调研对象,通过比较,了解各馆使用LibGuides的基本情况及主页导航能力的差异,从用户的参与和检索系统的嵌入两方面探讨各馆利用LibGuides功能的情况,并从最受欢迎的导航在收集、管理、组织信息等方面的差异,评价各馆利用此平台的程度和特色,以方便国内用户借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]地方文化档案是地方人文历史和风俗习惯的原始记录,是地方文化的形象名片,对地方旅游业发展具有助推作用。[方法/过程]利用文献调研和实地访谈方法,对陆良县地方文化建档现状进行调研,分析其存在的问题并提出地方文化档案收集的范围。[结果/结论]以陆良县的案例为基础,提出文旅融合背景下地方文化档案资源的价值实现策略:档案馆、图书馆、文化馆与旅游场所寻求积极合作,打造文旅共同体;加强地方文化档案资源的宣传,创建地方文化品牌;积极开发地方文化档案资源,丰富文化旅游项目;档案馆努力创建和开辟旅游休闲新景点。  相似文献   

According to NASA (2018), 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000. In an effort to better understand the political communication of American leaders surrounding this environmental exigency, I systematically examined invocations of climate change in the spoken communications of presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. I identified three discursive approaches that were likely to appear in these communications: a general environmental emphasis, foregrounding, and sidestepping. Results from a content analysis showed these presidents were most likely to employ foregrounding, with a focus on the economy. Democrats were more likely to employ a general environmental emphasis, while the Republicans were more likely to sidestep the issue of climate change. In addition, presidents were more likely to emphasize national security as time passed. Implications are discussed for public understanding about climate change and future policy when presidents focus on economic matters and national security.  相似文献   

游苏宁 《编辑学报》2008,20(2):186-188
通过阅读王栋先生的新作《对话美国顶尖杂志总编》,探寻美国顶尖杂志总编的办刊之道。就编辑和杂志管理者应具备的素质、如何理智地经营杂志、如何打造世界一流的杂志等方面与美国同行的对话值得我们仔细品味。  相似文献   

家庭虚拟图书馆:构建公共文化服务体系的新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆作为信息社会最大的公益性信息服务机构,在加速社会信息化和提高公民文化素质方面起到的作用越来越大.随着信息技术的不断发展和社会文化建设的不断进步,新时期的图书馆正在进行着现代化信息服务方式的不断探索,文章就现代化图书馆信息服务的新形式--家庭虚拟图书馆的应用课题进行了研究并提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):188-215
Research on organ donation suggests a strong association between family discussions about the issue and final organ donor status. However, very few studies have examined the factors that influence individuals’ willingness to talk directly to their family about this topic or the impact of these discussions. This investigation provides a partial test of a newly developed theory of information management to better understand the processes of family discussions about organ donation. Results from two studies generally support the utility of the theory in this context, suggest ways in which organ donation campaigns may improve their effectiveness, and recommend future directions for researchers in this area. Moreover, the data show differences across ethnic groups that support and extend past work in this area.  相似文献   

朱婕  陈雅 《图书情报工作》2016,60(13):40-46
[目的/意义] 借鉴美国CFF计划和巴西“未来学校”项目的主要理念和手段,以推进我国信息素养教育全面发展。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研法和网络调查法搜集资料,使用个案研究法进行描述性研究。[结果/结论] 结合美国CFF计划和巴西“未来学校”项目的成功经验和我国本土情境,认为我国可以从多方合作营造信息环境、建立健全信息素养教育机制、积极落实教育改革、合理高效的成效评估几方面着手,推进信息素养教育;借鉴国外成功经验,提高我国开展信息素养教育的效能;结合我国本土情境,可以因地制宜,解决实际问题。  相似文献   

周佳贵 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):131-140
[目的/意义]对美国YOUmedia数字媒体教育理论及其实践进行分析,为我国公共图书馆开展数字媒体教育活动提供参考。[方法/过程]回顾YOUmedia数字媒体教育理论的产生过程,归纳其具体内容,分析理论的应用模式和教育活动的管理,考察教育活动的实施效果,总结YOUmedia的特色经验及其对我国的启示。[结果/结论]数字媒体对于青少年的成长产生深刻影响,我国公共图书馆可在相关理论的指导下开展数字媒体教育,引导青少年合理使用数字媒体;公共图书馆在教育活动中应广泛与社会组织合作,营造平等、相互尊重、相互学习的氛围,注意利用青少年个体之间的互惠行为,学习内容要以青少年的学业及未来职业为导向。  相似文献   

This essay theorizes the notion of the emplaced vernacular, a type of vernacular expression that is mobilized by the production of aesthetics in particular places. I argue that 1970s graffiti in New York City emerged as an aesthetic rupture in response to the spatial exigencies of postwar urban renewal projects. Analysis of The New York Times coverage of graffiti writers “Kilroy was Here” from WWII and “Taki 183” from the 1970s demonstrates how the force of this emplaced vernacular was disciplined within dominant spatial ideologies, producing an aesthetic that continues to enable and constrain contemporary efforts of vernacular subjectification.  相似文献   

Several waves of Hungarian immigrants arrived in the United States, beginning with the economic immigrants of the late nineteenth century through the interwar period and post-World War II, to the last major refugee crisis after 1956. Hungarian communities preserved their cultural heritage and ethnic identity by creating their own institutions: churches, societies, schools, libraries, etc. The author discusses the relationships between Hungarian and American libraries and librarians in terms of collecting, registering, preserving, and sharing the Hungarian cultural heritage.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]快速发展的数字化社会面临着数据科学专门人才和具备数据素养的其他人才的巨大缺口,而本科教育是培养学生数据意识、锻炼相关技能、培养复合型人才的关键阶段.美国一流大学本科阶段的数据科学教育起步相对较早,对我国具有一定的启示借鉴意义.[方法/过程]通过梳理学校官网信息、美国官方报告和相应文献,对美国多所一流大学实...  相似文献   

Muniments and monuments: the dawn of archives as cultural patrimony   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Around 1800 the “paradigm of patrimony” recognized archives as cultural and national patrimony. That paradigm was, however, not a new revolutionary invention. It had been fostered by a “patrimony consciousness” which had developed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The value of archives as a patrimony to future generations was acknowledged first in the private sphere by families and then by cities—communities of memory becoming communities of archives.
Eric KetelaarEmail:

Eric Ketelaar   is Professor of Archivistics in the Department of Mediastudies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. He is Honorary Professor at Monash University, Melbourne (Faculty of Information Technology). He engages with the social history of archives by researching the history of recordkeeping and the use of records and archives, resulting in articles on thirteenth century Dordrecht, sixteenth century Leiden, the eighteenth century Court of Holland, Dutch public administration 1795–1950, and record creation in the context of systematic management in Dutch enterprise, 1870–1940. He is particularly interested in the relationship between recordkeeping and organizational, professional, and national cultures, past and present. This led him further to study the role of records and archives in times of oppression, war, liberation, and reconciliation.  相似文献   

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