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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):121-155

Instant messaging (IM) reference is gaining in popularity but still faces resistance. Some librarians agree with some researchers in the field of computer-mediated communications (CMC) that it can never approach the complexity of face-to-face communication, and is therefore an unsuitable medium for reference. Librarians in face-to-face reference use nonverbal communication skills such as a welcoming expression and an interested tone of voice to encourage patrons to approach the desk and discuss their topic; they also interpret the nonverbal cues of patrons. This analysis of online reference conversations shows how online skills can substitute for many of these nonverbal cues. Some skills are unique to computer-mediated communication while others involve written language skills to encourage exploration of the topic, increase clarity, demonstrate approachability and empathy, and instruct. The study illustrates communication problems and solutions using actual conversations, giving particular attention to the reference interview.  相似文献   

档案文化传播必须要考虑到不同社会主体的接受能力与理解能力,面向学术研究时要做到"内容为王"与"形式灵活"相结合的策略;面向社会普通公众时要做到传统方法与新型手段相结合的策略;面向社会弱势群体时要做到敦促政府的法律法规支持、强化志愿者力量以及提升传播质量等相结合的策略。  相似文献   

论信息传播中的问题与管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述信息交流、信息传递和信息传播的不同涵义与意义,指出信息交流与传递过程中存在的几个主要问题,并探讨解决这些问题的策略。  相似文献   

胡琼华  张敏 《编辑之友》2017,(12):38-43
在信息过载、受众碎片化以及受众信息接触习惯变化等因素的推动下,出版社在认识到微信平台具有的社交价值与媒介价值的前提下,基于自身发展需要,纷纷开展微信营销传播.为解决出版社微信营销传播存在的问题,文章建议从明确定位与传播路径、设立差异化识别系统、丰富内容主题与实行多样化表达、建立综合性效果评价体系等方面进行策略优化.  相似文献   

出镜记者有声语言的表达策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张超  钟新 《编辑之友》2015,(9):81-84
出镜记者的传播方式是人格化、全息化传播,在该传播系统中,有声语言表达是出镜记者的立身之本,具有风格的独有性、语体的口语化和叙述的贴近性等特点.基于电视媒介的线性传播、拟人际传播特征,出镜记者的有声语言表达在策略上需兼顾三种关系:表达准确与恰当使用模糊语言的统一、语言简练与适当信息冗余的统一、有声语言与非言语传播的统一,以此提升出镜报道的有声语言传播效果.  相似文献   

在分析博硕士学位论文公开现状的基础上,文章指出学位论文公开存在法律支持不完善、非法公开、公开数量和范围有限、公开时间不当等问题,提出针对性对策,包括完善有关法律制度、完善作者公开授权、加强公开过程控制、多渠道免费公开等,以促进学位论文合理公开传播.  相似文献   

Through this study I attempt to extend cocultural theory toward a dominant group theory. I offer an exploratory account of the many ways dominant group members have responded to the concerns of cocultural group members. That is, dominant group members tend to engage in strategies that produce four themes: (a) using dominant group membership for reinforcement of privilege, (b) coming to a dominant group awareness, (c) using dominant group membership for support of cocultural groups, and (d) using dominant group membership for disrupting practices of oppression. When taken together, cocultural theory and a dominant group theory afford researchers, teachers, and practitioners another tool to explore intersectional communication.  相似文献   

全球化,是基于经济变革、社会进化、媒介变迁等因素分阶段进行并逐渐加速加剧的.在不同的阶段,占主导地位的文化碰撞、交流、影响和传播方式会有所侧重.在中西文化碰撞与文化交流中,主要会有对立与冲突、对话或对流、趋同或融合等几种主要的方式.本文通过对新世纪以来中国电影大片探索的分析考察,认为中国电影应该尊重市场规律、顺应全球化态势和国际化环境,整合多种意识形态,传播并建构社会核心性价值体系.在永无止境的对话、对流、顺应、同化、融合中探索进一步走向世界的途径.  相似文献   

杨斌 《编辑之友》2015,(8):69-72
文章以国画艺术微信公众号为样本,通过对其信息推送的相关指标进行数据分析,总结了目前艺术传播领域艺术组织微信公众号的传播现状,论述了微信对于传统艺术传播的重要意义,认为传统艺术与社交媒体密切结合,加强形象传播、信息传播和公众沟通三个层面的传播策略,能够有效推动传统艺术的传播与发展,使其达到传播效果最大化.  相似文献   

This study investigated the communication strategies used by divorced individuals who did not wish their marriages to end (non-initiators). Participants were 270 divorced persons drawn from divorce recovery and support groups as well as network sampling. An adaptation of Buss's (1988 Buss , D. M. ( 1988 ). From vigilance to violence: Tactics of mate retention in American undergraduates . Ethology and Sociobiology , 9 , 291317 . [CROSSREF] [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) taxonomy of partner retention tactics served to capture the communication strategies of non-initiators during marital dissolution. A factor analysis revealed that four disengagement resistance strategies—commitment, alignment, negativity, and harm—are used by non-initiators during the process of marital dissolution.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):49-54
Courses: Advertising Account Planning, Research Methods, Health Communication

Objective: In this unit activity, students learn about conducting observational research, segmenting audiences for communication campaigns, and the importance of sharing the thinking behind their research—explaining how they operate as problem solvers.  相似文献   

书法国际传播方兴未艾,书法国际出版已经成为传播中国文化的重要途径.文章梳理了当下华人参与撰写的国内外书法出版物,发现其在国际传播中存在着国际受众定位单一、文化地域划分模糊、对外翻译发展滞后、传播媒介更新迟缓四大问题.溯源造成上述困境的文化成因,文章提出构建书法国际出版创新系统,以市场创新、地域创新、知识创新、技术创新等创新方式,推动书法国际出版深入发展.  相似文献   

目前,工业社会正在向信息社会过渡,传播环境发生着剧烈变迁.传统广告是工业社会的产物,身上带有不可消除的“原罪”,在信息环境下,传统广告发展缓慢,甚至出现倒退.“连接”是互联网的基本要义,社交媒体的出现是互联网发展的分水岭,它将物的网络推进到人与人之间的网络,社交广告是基于社交网络的一种信息传播模式,与传统广告具有本质的区别.社交广告应在认知层面、关系层面和传播层面建构其传播策略.  相似文献   

网络媒体尤其移动媒体的发展对传统出版业带来很大的冲击,通过社交媒体进行品牌传播树立与提升出版社的品牌形象已经成为其发展的必由之路。本文将研究对象集中于大学出版社微博,采用内容分析法与回归分析法探究其微博传播的现状以及传播内容的类型、丰富程度、互动性、微博发布数量以及出版社自身的实力等因素对其粉丝量与好友数的影响,最后基于以上视角提出大学出版社的发展策略。  相似文献   

First-time freshmen completed communication skills questionnaires at the beginning of a fall semester. Approximately 6 weeks later they completed another questionnaire regarding friendship formation strategies and the perceived availability of resources from their new social network. Results suggest that different profiles of communication skills predicted how much freshmen reported using group involvement, online social networking, disclosure, responsiveness, and invitations as friendship formation strategies. Communication skills and friendship formation strategies were also associated with the perceived availability of social, personal, and instrumental resources. Implications for freshmen's social integration into a new university environment are discussed.  相似文献   

随着传媒技术的发展,网络传播环境进入WebX.0时代.在新的媒体传播环境下,消费者的媒体接触习惯和消费行为都产生变化.本文探讨了福建品牌特步在新的媒体环境下使用网络广告传播其品牌内涵"时尚运动"的策略.  相似文献   

本文从个人、部门、全馆三个层面入手,分别论述了每个层面可以采取的策略,并通过个案分析,引入了沟通审计的内容,最终目的,从而发现组织内部沟通中存在的问题,改善整体沟通氛围和效果,提高员工的工作满意度,构建和谐的工作环境.  相似文献   

This study utilized social exchange constructs to examine communication strategies used by self-defined ideal relational partners when initiating dating relationships. Two hundred forty-four participants generated 1183 communication strategies they would use to initiate relationships if they believed themselves to be ideal partners. A content analysis revealed 15 categories of communication strategies enacted by ideal relational partners. These categories included initiation, emotional disclosure, direct inquiry, impression management, shared activities, supportive behaviors, information gathering, gift giving, compliments, other-initiated behaviors, assistance from others, self-acceptance, pickup lines, bragging, and use of humor. Implications for interpersonal communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

科学交流载体的演变、开放获取运动的推动及学术出版模式的创新,使预印本逐步成为备受关注的科学交流模式。在相关主体的联合推进下,学术界逐渐接受和认可预印本的学术交流价值。本文梳理了预印本学术交流模式演化历程,将预印本学术交流的发展分为四个阶段:小型学术团体驱动的探索实验期(1990年前)、学科与技术驱动的初创时期(1991—2012年)、多主体驱动的极速扩张时期(2013—2019年)和疫情影响下的加速发展时期(2020年至今)。从平台类型、出版融合、技术创新、学术社区团体、成果认可和运营经费等方面出发,总结归纳预印本学术交流模式的发展特征,并对我国预印本学术交流体系的发展提出对策和建议:(1)加强预印本著作权认可,保障预印本首发权认定;(2)促进预印本和期刊协同发展,形成统一的开放学术出版流程;(3)构建预印本论文开放评议机制,化解“以刊评文”难题;(4)营造预印本学术交流氛围,培育中国预印本文化;(5)开放互联形成集群效应,提升预印本平台的国际影响力。图1。参考文献44。  相似文献   

This experiment study used a 2 × 3 between-subjects design to assess two factors in crisis communication and reputation management—prior corporate reputation (good and bad) and crisis response strategies (apology, sympathy, and compensation)—on an organization facing high crisis responsibility. Results indicate that stakeholders prefer apology to compensation response strategies. Organizations with a prior good reputation have better postcrisis reviews that those with a prior bad reputation. Crisis managers facing crises that generate high attribution of crisis responsibility and anger are advised to rely on apology rather than compensation strategy. It would also be advantageous for an organization with prior good reputation to highlight its past achievements when responding to a crisis.  相似文献   

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