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特许学校(Charter Schoo1)是20世纪90年代以来在美国兴起的一种公办民营型的学校类犁。特许学校是指经由州政府立法通过,特别允许教师、家长、教育专业团体或其他非营利机构等私人经营公家负担经费的学校,不受例行性教育行政规定约束。这类学校虽然由政府负担教育经费,但却交给私人经营,除了必须达到双方预定的教育成效之外,不受一般教育行政法规的限制,为例外特别许可的学校,所以称之为“特许”学校。  相似文献   

《行政许可法》第12条第2款规定的特许权可以分为三种情况:第一种是对有限自然资源的开发利用特许所形成的特许权;第二种是对有限公共资源的配置特许所形成的特许权;第三种是对直接关系公共利益的垄断性企业的市场准入特许所形成的特许权。三类特许权的性质是不同的:第一、第二种特许权是一种民事财产权利;第三种权利是一种市场准入资格或能力,一般情况下不允许转让,因此不是一种民事财产权。  相似文献   

特许学校运动是发端于20世纪90年代的一项美国教育改革运动,旨在通过市场机制来促进公立教育改革.特许学校已成为美国联邦政府推进公立教育改革的重要政策抓手.新上任的特朗普总统将包括特许学校在内的学校选择设定为其最优先的教育事项.特许学校在本质上仍然属于公立学校.其关键特征是将公共资金支持和私人管理相结合,通过以"责任"换取"自治",特许学校获得改革创新的空间,从而引发整个公立教育系统形成健康的竞争环境,并最终促成教育的公平与优秀.  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代兴起的一种新型的公立学校形式。它的运行给美国公立教育的改革带来了一种全新的思路。本文以"三角协调模式"为基础,围绕政府、市场、学校三要素之间的关系运动深入剖析特许学校的运行机制。  相似文献   

BOT特许协议是特殊的合同,关于BOT特许协议是国内契约还是国际协议,是民事合同还是行政合同,特许协议中的政府保证是否一般的民事保证都存在较大争议。理清BOT特许协议的性质对于我国吸引外资具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

特许学校:美国公立学校制度变革的新途径   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了美国特许学校的产生、发展与特点,并从制度变革的视角阐释了特许学校对美国公立学校制度的深刻影响.本文认为特许学校的出现并不会导致公立学校的公共性失范,但它促使美国公立学校制度从传统的"公立学校国家垄断制度"开始向"公立学校国家与社会共建制度"转变.  相似文献   

家长合同是目前美国部分特许学校普遍采用的吸引学生家长参与学校教育工作的一个新的方式。家长合同包括订立合同的目的、家长的权限和家长的义务以及违反合同后所应接受的惩罚等项内容。了解合同的内容以及合同的实施状况对研究和改善我们当前的家长参与学校教育工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

特许学校(charter school)是20世纪90年代美国中小学教育领域出现的一种新型学校,体现了美国教育改革的新思路,因而引起了美国上至政府,下至百姓的普遍关注。丈章从特许学校的缘起及其迅速发展的原因、当前面临的问题与挑战等方面进行了论述,以期对我国目前办学形式的多样化提供新的视角和启示。  相似文献   

王佳佳  胡甜 《比较教育研究》2019,41(8):29-34,43
虚拟特许学校是虚拟学校与特许学校的结合体,反映了美国最新的教育改革动向。其办学主体较为多元,需满足特定的办学资质要求并获取相应的授权。而且虚拟特许学校的生源具有门槛较低、来源多样的特点,学生学费主要由政府资助。他们所采取的是市场化的教学运营系统,其课程通常交由第三方公司编制,通过网络平台提供个性化的教学,并对学生的学业状况进行动态监控。虚拟特许学校的评价体系包括质量导向的政府评价、优胜劣汰的市场评价和丰富多样的社会评价等。  相似文献   

本对特许协议的两个法律问题进行研计,在全面审视了国际国内学是对特许协议的不同观点,提出特许协议法律性质是一种国内行政合同。接着阐述了特许协议的法律适宜和的观点,认为特许协议应首先排他地适用东道国的国内法,在国内法缺位的情况下,可以适用现代国际法的基本原则。  相似文献   

以浙江省5个地、市小学为研究对象,发现小学普遍存在学校布局不合理、政府投入不足等问题,这主要归因于地方财政分权和地方政府竞争导致的公共品供给的扭曲。应该合理规划布局学校,实行分等分类管理,加大投入力度,为基础薄弱的小学提供专项资金补助,降低民工子女入学门槛,规范地方政府行为,从而实现基础教育的均等化。  相似文献   

Charter schools are a relatively new phenomenon in American education. Since the first charter school opened in Minnesota in 1991, they have expanded to 42 states and represent 6.2% of all public schools in the country.1 This growth has been attributed to a number of factors, chief among them evidence that charter schools can improve performance (Lamdin and Mintrom, 1997). While there is a substantial evidence for relative performance benefits of charter schooling (e.g. CREDO, 2015) far less research been conducted on the efficiency of charter schools relative to traditional public schools. What research there is has produced both positive (e.g. Wolf et. al., 2014) and negative results (e.g. Carpenter and Noller, 2010). What can account for the disparity in these findings? In this paper, I make the case that differences in charter efficiency may be accounted for by differences in their level of autonomy from the school district. I base this argument on economic theories that the devolution of power to the lowest level possible tends to produce gains in efficiency (Johnson, 1991; Duncombe and Yinger, 1997). Those that are “on the ground” are thought to be more effective at monitoring expenditures, and allocations of resources have to pass through less ‘red tape (Hess 2006).’ In addition, more autonomous charter schools better fit the original purpose of charter schools in devolving power from centralized authorities (Budde, 1996). In order to test this theory, I take advantage of a unique situation that exists in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in which three types of charter schools with varying levels of autonomy operate simultaneously. Using school type as a proxy for autonomy, I find that more independent charter schools are more efficient than traditional public schools and charter schools with less autonomy.  相似文献   


The reform movement embracing charter schools is based largely on the promise that these autonomous schools will out-perform public schools plagued by bureaucratic administration-an expectation reflected in the federal NCLB law. However, the many state-based reports have been mixed, and previous national studies have suffered from serious methodological shortcomings. In a multi-dimensional analysis of a large and comprehensive dataset, we found charter elementary schools performing at a level beneath those of non-charter public schools, even after accounting for differences in student demographics and school location. In view of this and previous studies, the best current estimate of the performance of charter schools is that any academic advantage is negligible, isolated, or even negative relative to achievement in non-charter public schools. Implications regarding the premise of the federal law are considered. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_07  相似文献   


Virtually all state charter school legislation addresses teacher rights and working environment. Relationships with teacher unions are either specified in the law, or approval of the charter requires suitable provisions for employee hiring, firing, grievances, etc. Charter school evaluation almost without exception includes some references to these issues. This study uses an online survey to gather information gauging the effect of the ambient union environment on charter school practices and attitudes related to teacher rights and teacher participation in school administration and governance. In the first phase of a projected national study, three states were selected whose public sector collective bargaining environments are very different. Analysis of attitudes, practices, and demographics showed significant differences in views about teacher involvement in school governance, but little difference in views or practices concerning teacher unions in charter schools. Limited survey response resulted in collection methods which will be corrected in an anticipated national study. The online survey method of data collection is discussed. Implications for public policy and future charter school legislation are explored. Further studies should address variations in the impact of union involvement between public, private, and charter schools.  相似文献   

In our increasingly instrumentalist culture, debates over the privatization of schooling may be beside the point. Whether we hatch some new plan for chartering or funding schools, or retain the traditional model of government‐run schools, the ongoing instrumentalization of education threatens the very possibility of public education. Indeed, in the culture of performativity, not only the public school but public life itself is hollowed out and debased. Qualities are recast as quantities, judgments replaced by rubrics, teaching and learning turned into exchange values. Schools should be central to public life: key locations for the regeneration of values, the cultivation of judgment, and the creation of the conditions for positive freedom. In this article Chris Higgins, drawing on Hannah Arendt and Alasdair MacIntyre, goes beyond typical treatments of the schools as equalizer of individual opportunity to explore three aspects of educational publicity: the school as an object of communal concern, schooling as preparation for public life, and the classroom as public space.  相似文献   

公立学校办学自主权的落实与扩大,关键在于厘清学校与政府之间的关系。厘清学校与政府之间的关系,首先,要科学界分中央与地方的教育行政权力;其次,要调谐好学校与政府之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the competitive effects of charter schools on the efficiency of traditional public schools. The analysis utilizes a statewide school-level longitudinal dataset of Michigan schools from 1994 to 2004. Fixed effect and two alternative estimation methods are employed. Overall, the results suggest that charter competition had a negative impact on student achievement and school efficiency in Michigan's traditional public schools. The effect is small or negligible in the short run, but becomes more substantial in the long run.  相似文献   

Currently, we know very little about the mobility decisions of charter public school teachers and how these compare to the decisions made by traditional public school teachers. In addition, it is unclear whether the teachers who leave charter schools tend to be weaker or stronger than their peers. Using statewide administrative data, I begin to answer these questions by studying the magnitude and nature of teacher turnover in Florida's charter public schools compared with turnover in the state's traditional public schools. It appears that Florida's charter school administrators may be better able to recruit and retain teachers with high academic skills than their traditional counterparts. In addition, the mobility patterns exhibited by Florida's charter school teachers differ from those exhibited by traditional school teachers in important ways, including greater sensitivity to accountability measures and less sensitivity to salary considerations.  相似文献   

近二十年来,择校在美国规模不断扩大,形式日趋多样。除学券计划外,各种税收抵免和教育储蓄账户应运而生,一部分公立学校也打开校门,实施"开放入学"政策。每种择校形式内,又有不同的变式。不过,由于家长和学生的择校标准不同于决策者的假设,各校也想办法选择成绩较优或家庭背景较好的学生,所以择校在某种程度上没有实现预期的效果。它很少服务于最贫困、最需要帮助的学生,在推动公立学校改革方面作用有限。  相似文献   

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