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[重点1] Today is Thursday, September10th,Teachers’Day.[考点透视]名词所有格的构成规律为:①以字母s结尾的复数名词,直接在字母s后加’构成所有格。如Teachers’Day教师节;②不以s结尾的复数名词及名词单数构成所有格时,直接加’S。如:Women’S Day妇女节。(有下划线者为正确答案)  相似文献   

1.我将在下星期天去北京。[误]I’m going to Beijing on next Sunday.[正]I’m going to Beijing next Sunday.[析]英语中表示时间的名词前如有next,last, this,that,every等修饰时,介词on,in或 at常省略。2。树上有只非常漂亮的鸟。[误] There is a very beautiful bird on the tree.[正]There is a very beautiful bird in the tree.[析]指树木本身生长出来的花、果、叶等东西在树上,介词应用on;指树外之物,如人、鸟等在树上,介词才用in。  相似文献   

This is Teachers’Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers.So give your best wishes and appreciation to those great people!时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。那就对他们说些祝福和感  相似文献   

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.David and his classmatesare talking about what they should do for their mothers.明天是母亲节,大卫和同学们正在谈论为妈妈做些什么。Part One(for Grades 1-3)——低年级  相似文献   

1.[eit]They——apples yesterday.2.[aint]——Wang’S books——in the box.3.[blu:]He had to put on his——coat because the wind——hard.4.[bai]I’m going to——a book——bike.5.[f :]He bought——pencils——his son yesterday.6.[’fa: ]Her——is too tired to walk——.7.[hi ]I——he will come——tomorrow.8.[hai]——,Lucy!Can you see the——mountain?  相似文献   

尊师重教是我国的优良传统,每年的9月10日就是我国的教师节。为什么把这天定为教师节呢?Sept.1is the first day ofschool.新学期新气象!一开学就是教师节,不仅让老师们心情放个假,还能让我们在新学期一开始就学会尊敬他们。When did we start to celebrate this day asTeachers’Day?It was in1985.快算算,到今年我们共庆祝了多少个教师节?我国历史上出了不少有名的教育家,其中最有名的莫过于孔子老先生了。在孔子之前,学校都是官府兴办的。只有当官的或者是有钱人的孩子才能上学。Kids from poorfamilies couldn’t go to school.Confucius wasthe first person to open a school in China.教师是一个神圣的职业,在各个国家都受到很高的尊重。Many countries have a dayfor teachers,but the dates of the Teachers’Day are all different.各国教师节的庆祝活动五花八门,一起...  相似文献   

Teachers’Day is coming.On this day,大家打算怎样表达自己对teachers的感谢呢?我一向是不提倡花父母的money买东西送给teachers的。我觉得能够自己动手做件小礼物送给teachers,才更能表达自己的心意哦。马上来学做一张“教师节立体小卡片”吧!  相似文献   

World Earth Day     
Dialogue(对话)问号狗:what is World Earth Day?大眼兔:It is earth’s birthday,on April 22 every year.  相似文献   

马晓辉 《班主任》2013,(7):59-59
那是我担任班主任的第二年。教师节前夕,有个成绩十分优异的学生在作业本上写道:“I will give you a box on the Teachers’Day.Can you guess what's inside?(教师节我要给您一个盒子,您猜里面是什么)”我的回复是:“I guess there will be a picture of yours.(我想一定是一张你的照片)”  相似文献   

近日,我参加了无锡市举办的“创新课”评比活动。教学内容为《牛津小学英语》6A Unit7AtChristm as的第二课时。重点是“W ho is it/are theyfrom?It’s/They’re from…Open it/m ine for m e,please.Can you open m ine?You’re welcom e.”等日常交际用语。案例一:上课伊始,教师与学生进行口语交流,然后直接切入圣诞节的话题,对有关圣诞节的一些内容进行交流讨论。T:W hen’s Christm as Day?S:It’s on the25th ofDecem ber.T:W hatdo you usually do on Christm as Day?S:Iusually…T:Christm as Day is the m ostim portan…  相似文献   

1.〔要点〕Today is Thursday,September10 th,Teachers'Day.今天是星期四 ,九月十日 ,是教师节。〔考点〕 (1) September 10 th is inChina.A.Teacher's DayB.Teachers'DayC.Teacher DayD.Teachers Day(2 ) March 8is Day.A.Woman's  B.Womens'C.Woman's D.Women's〔解析〕规则名词复数的所有格是在其后加“’”,切忌将名词写成单数再加“’s”。不规则名词复数的所有格则在其后加“’s”。所以答案为 (1) B(2 ) D。2 .〔要点〕We'd better go too.我们也最好去。〔考点〕 (1) It's getting dark.We'd bettera bus home.A.t…  相似文献   

1.这就是我父亲昨天给我买的自行车[误]This is the bike which my father bought it for me yesterday.[正]This is the bike which my father bought for me yesterday.[析]在定语从句中,关系代词which已经是谓语动词bought的宾语,如再出现it,则意思重复,故把it去掉。例如: The book which I put on the desk is lost。我放在桌子上的书不见了。2.怀特先生住的房子很大。  相似文献   

Golden autumn comes,Hot summer went away,Howfine it is today!We are happyand gay!Let’s goand say,Happy,HappyTeachers’Day!Happy Teachers`Day炎炎夏日已过去,金色秋天已来临。今天的天气多晴朗,我们欢快又舒畅。让我们快对老师说,节日愉快心情爽!快乐教师节Our teac  相似文献   

black board黑板刷eraser橡皮chalk粉笔desk桌子clock闹钟light灯chair椅子student学生teacher老师platform讲台英语小知识:Labor’s Da(y劳动节)Labor’s Day is on M ay1st.Labor’s Day is an international(国际的)day for workers.W orking isglorious(光荣的),and we shouldrespec(t尊敬)workers.教室里有什么@LUCY…  相似文献   

小朋友,9月10日是我们国家的教师节。可你知道吗,并不是所有国家的教师节都在9月10日。那它们是在哪天呢?快到文章中找答案吧。 Many countries have Teachers' Day, and Portugal(葡萄牙) was the first country to have it. In 1890, many graduates(毕业生) gave the colorful ribbons(彩带) to their teachers on May 18th. From then on(从那时起), the teachers have a holiday on each May 18th. In 1971,the USA established (建立)the date Sept. 28th as Teachers'Day. Jan. 16th is the Teachers'Day in Th…  相似文献   

April Fool’s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others,send people on fool’s errands(差事;差使),and fool the un- suspecting.No one knows how this holi- day began but it was thought to have origi- nated in France.  相似文献   

Canada:Instead of clearing away snow.The Canadians pile snow around theirhouses on New Year’s Day to keep away evils.新年那天,加拿大人不但不把雪清除掉,反而在房屋四周堆上雪,以防止邪魔入侵。France:People drink all the wine on New Year’s Eve,therefore,many Frenchpeople spend the New Year’s Day in toxication.人们在新年前夜喝光家中所有的酒,因此许多法国人酩酊大醉过新年。Switzerland:Swiss people go to snow-covered mountains in groups on NewYear’s Day.They hold that playing in ice and snow …  相似文献   

1.我的书在桌上。[误]There is my book ib the desk.[正]My book is on the desk.[析]there be句型表示“某地有某物”,它只表示“存在”,是泛指,而不强调某物属于某人所有。因此,there be句型中的主语不能用the、my、this、these等表示特指的词修饰。  相似文献   

L=Lucy S=SusanL:Do you know something about the origin of Valentine’S Day? 你知道情人节的来历吗?S:Yeah.Valentine’S Day is named for Sain Valentine.He was an early Christianchurchman who reportedly helped young lovers.Valentine was executed for hisChristian belief on February 14th more than 1,700 years ago.  相似文献   

1.我不能肯定他是否在度假。[错误]I am not sure whether he is for holiday or not.[正确]I am not sure whether he is on holiday or not.[分析]holiday是一个可数名词,意为“假日,节日”。如:Sunday is a holiday.(星期天是一个假日。)They are going out for a holiday.(  相似文献   

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