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Educational reform in Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are a number of reform initiatives underway in Turkey but some of these, which are concerned with curricular and structural changes, have encountered serious difficulties. This paper begins with a brief summary of school effectiveness and school improvement research guiding many educational reforms. It then gives some information about school demographics in Turkey, and the country's performance in some international benchmarking studies. It continues with the shifts introduced as a result of recent curricular reorganisation in Turkey and, subsequently, with various issues related to their implications. Finally, the efforts to legislate some structural changes and the major controversies arising are presented.  相似文献   

Isao Suzuki 《Prospects》1990,20(1):21-27
Director General of the Japan Scholarship Foundation. Former Director General of the National INstutute for Educational Research (1985–89). Author of numerous publications on public education and education legislation.  相似文献   

Abdelhag Rharade 《Prospects》1997,27(1):163-179
Conclusion Decisions taken without reference to, detailed research on the interaction between the school and its social environment deny the fact that the education system is more a reflection of the crisis than its cause. In addition, the division in the social fabric caused by socio-economic inequalities is accentuating the dysfunctions of the education system, which is seen as responsible for the difficulties encountered by young people looking for paid employment. The changes that the authorities are making to the system aim to regulate and correct the functioning of the markets from which actual remuneration as well as the rewards of status derive. This type of action is a way by which the authorities can demonstrate that they are not unconcerned by inequalities and is also a way of winning popular support for the social contract. Changes in formal education thus depend both on the history of individual relationships and on the ideology by which they are inspired. The historical development of the education system in Kenya shows that changes sometimes lead to pernicious effects and that the failure of the human capital theory has not led to a change in the view of education. If the objective of the 8.4.4 reform is to adapt the education system to changes in society, it will be difficult for it to reduce the social demand for an improvement in the standard of education. Original language: French Abdelhag Rharade (Morocco) Has carried out field research in Kenya on several occasions since 1993 and is completing a doctoral thesis at the Institute for the Study of Economic and Social Development at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). His research focuses on the socio-educational background of apprentices in workshops producing goods and services in Nairobi.  相似文献   

日本在战败后,发展经济成为重要的国事,发展经济的要求培养人才,日本原有的教育制度,已经不适应当今社会的发展进度,教育改革势在必行。明治政府在普及初等教育的基础上,对发展职业技术教育也十分重视,专科,大学教育,也在明治时代的教育改革中发展起来。经过明治维新,使日本实现了富国强兵的目标,摆脱了欧美列强对日本进行的殖民统治,解决了民主危机。同时也开始把日本引上了侵略他国,对外扩张的军国主义道路。在当今生活环境成为全世界关注的焦点,人与自然的和谐更加成为人们关心的话题,社会尊重每个人的个性发展,每个人也学会尊重自然,热爱自然,与自然的和谐相处共同建设社会。人们渐渐具有终身学习的观念,明确了自己与职业的生活关系。  相似文献   

Even though the sciences may deserve an important and enhanced place in the curriculum, it is crucial that educators situate reforms in science education in the larger social context in which educational reforms are taking place. How and by whom reform is defined and carried out will have a significant impact on who benefits from the process. I argue that education in general has increasingly become dominated by economic interests that can lead not to enhancing equality but to its opposite. There are important ideological shifts that are occurring not only in what education is for, but in the content and control of curriculum and teaching. This has also been accompanied by an attempt to not only increase the influence of economic needs on schools, but to make education itself an economic product like all others. This will have a major impact on science education in particular, because both science and technology are seen as high-status in the transformation of education into solely an economic tool.  相似文献   

针对学生实际和课程的发展,在几何光学教学中,根据教学内容的取舍、数学处理的详略、科学素质的培养和多媒体的使用等进行了研究和实践探索,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

对黄冈师范学院非教育技术专业教育技术学课程的教学改革的实践与思考作了简要介绍,提出该课程教学改革中应该注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

The Holmes Group report, titled Tomorrow's Teachers (1986), and the report of the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, titled A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986), contain major reform proposals that have implications for educational psychologists. To understand the nature of these proposals, we performed a content analysis of the Holmes and Carnegie documents and constructed a 149-item survey instrument. Three separate mailings were conducted to solicit volunteer respondents from the initial Holmes Group, Division 15 of APA, and the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU). A principal components analysis with varimax rotation was performed on data collected from 1039 respondents, and three factors were found to underlie the survey instrument: Incremental Changes, Sweeping Changes, and Financial Changes. A multivariate analysis of variance on the three factor scores revealed that the Holmes Group more strongly supported Incremental and Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU respondents, and that Division 15 members more strongly endorsed Sweeping Changes than did TECSCU. Recommendations are made for involving educational psychologists in the reform process.  相似文献   

Educational psychology and social reform in the Progressive Era   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The essay begins with an account of why Britain introduced a National Curriculum for English and Welsh schools in 1988 in place of its previously more autonomous system. It goes on to analyse the content and aims of the National Curriculum and includes a comparison with Stalin's curriculum for schools in the USSR. An alternative to the National Curriculum is sketched out, centring around the aim of promoting personal autonomy for all. In the last part of the paper recent British experience of greater centralization and vocational orientation of the curriculum is contrasted with recent moves by the USSR State Committee on Education towards the democratization and humanization of the Soviet school system.
Zusammenfassung Die Abhandlung beginnt mit einem Bericht, warum Großbritannien 1988 anstelle seines bis dahin eher autonomen Systems einen nationalen Lehrplan für englische und walisische Schulen einführte. Anschließend analysiert der Verfasser Inhalt und Ziele des nationalen Lehrplans und zieht einen Vergleich zwischen diesem und Stalins Lehrplan für Schulen in der UdSSR. Er umreißt eine Alternative zum nationalen Lehrplan, die im wesentlichen die Förderung der persönlichen Autonomie für alle zum Ziel hat. Im letzten Teil des Artikels werden die jüngsten britischen Erfahrungen einer größeren Zentralisierung und einer beruflichen Orientierung des Curriculums den kürzlich unternommenen Schritten des staatlichen sowjetischen Komitees für Bildung in Richtung Demokratisierung und Humanisierung des sowjetischen Schulwesens gegenübergestellt.

Résumé Le présent article commence par un exposé sur les raisons qui ont poussé la Grande Bretagne à introduire un curriculum national dans les écoles anglaises et galloises, qui a remplacé en 1988 le système plus autonome jusqu'alors en vigueur. On donne ensuite une analyse du contenu et des objectifs de ce programme d'études national qui est comparé à celui établi par Staline pour les écoles soviétiques. On esquisse une solution alternative à ce curriculum national, qui est centrée sur la promotion de l'autonomie personnelle pour tous. Dans la dernière partie de cet article, on compare les expériences faites récemment en Angleterre en matière de plus grande centralisation et de formation professionnelle du curriculum avec les changements introduits depuis peu par le Comité d'Etat de l'Education de l'URSS en vue de la démocratisation et de l'humanisation du système éducatif soviétique.

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