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Recent research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. The objective of this study is to evaluate the presentation of the Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr models of the atom in general physics textbooks based on criteria derived from history and philosophy of science. Forty-one general physics textbooks (all published in the United States) were evaluated on two criteria based on Thomson's work, three on Rutherford's work, and three on Bohr's work. Results obtained show that general physics textbooks do not systematically include a history and philosophy of science perspective. Most textbooks present an inductivist perspective in which experimental details are considered to be paramount. On the contrary, a historical reconstruction of the experimental details inevitably includes: the context in which an experiment is conducted, the theoretical framework that guides the scientist, and alternative interpretations of data that lead to conflicts and controversies. Examples are provided to show how historical reconstructions of atomic models can provide students an opportunity to appreciate how scientists work and science progresses. It is plausible to suggest that textbook presentations based on a history and philosophy of science perspective can perhaps arouse students' interest in the subject and hence lead to greater conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

通过文献计量法和内容分析法,以CSSCI来源期刊20年来发表的学术论文为研究对象,探究2001年以来我国物理教科书研究的热点与发展趋势,分析发现:师范院校教师和相关学术期刊引领物理教科书研究的发展;历史发展和学习活动是物理教科书研究的热点;中等教育成为重点关注的学段;研究方法以内容分析法为主;高被引文献数量不足。未来的物理教科书研究应注意以下几点:挖掘教科书使用与评价等接受导向的研究以拓展研究领域;开展深层的话语分析以提升教科书研究的深层意义;激活学术共同体的研究生命力以开展持续深入研究;建立系统的教科书研究方法论以提升研究的规范性。  相似文献   

本文讨论一种基于最小二乘原理求取最大公约数的数值方法,它是处理密立根油滴实验数据较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

考察人教版高中物理新教科书(必修),就科学本质观而言,科学知识的本质突出了"暂时性与持久性并存";科学探索的本质突出了"逻辑与想象结合";科学事业的本质突出了"科学与社会互动"。就科学价值观而言,科学的外在价值表现为阐明两面效应和转变思维观念;科学的内在价值表现为满足好奇天性、倡导尊重事实、鼓励质疑批判、增进科学情感和培养审美情趣。  相似文献   

银强 《科教导刊》2021,(1):176-177
文章结合当前的初中物理展开分析,结合建构主义、人本主义以及多元智能理论来实现趣味小实验的打造,建立在学生的实际需求上,以趣味性、多变性、开放性作为趣味实验构造的基础原则.并且结合课本中既有的实验体系,落实创新实验方法,以期通过文章论述,能够为当前的初中物理教学提供有效的改进方向.  相似文献   

国内外学者对中学理科教材中科学史的内容设计进行了大量研究,该领域的研究在历史与背景、研究视角、研究对象等方面存在明显差异。据此,建议国内学者今后应该以HPCS教育观指导研究、扩大研究对象范围、追求研究方法和工具的精细化和本土化、加强教材编写与课程标准、教学实施的动态衔接研究。  相似文献   

开放式大学物理实验教学模式,不仅仅是简单的实验室空间和时间的开放,而是给学生提供多元化的开放式学习平台。通过建立本科生导师团队制、搭建虚拟网络系统、利用实验室废旧资源、参观实验仪器制造企业,以及学生结合日常生活自行设计有趣的物理实验等等,可以很好的挖掘学生探索能力和创新能力,同时培养学生学以致用的良好意识。  相似文献   

劳丹通过对一些历史实例的分析表明,以所谓"均变论者"的眼光来看待方法论史,认为科学哲学的过去与现在处于同样的若干因素影响之下,那么将无法获得对于科学哲学和方法论的历史性认识。劳丹主张,应当回到科学史、从科学思想的变化中寻求方法论和科学哲学的变化,不应当一味从哲学史和认识论史中寻找科学哲学变化的源头。方法论史并不仅仅是认识论史的一个分支。  相似文献   

该文针对新时期实验教学的要求,介绍了大学物理实验的分层次教学,培养大学生实践创新能力.  相似文献   

该文针对新时期实验教学的要求,介绍了大学物理实验的分层次教学,培养大学生实践创新能力。  相似文献   

Research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. Given this perspective, the study was designed to develop a framework for examining the way in which chemistry textbooks describe the kinetic theory and related issues. The framework was developed by a rational reconstruction of the kinetic molecular theory of gases based primarily on the interpretations of Maxwell and Boltzmann, by historians and philosophers of science. Another aspect of the framework was based on an analysis of freshman chemistry students' performance on gas problems that required the use of algorithms or conceptual understanding. Subsequently, 22 textbooks were evaluated using a framework consisting of six criteria. Results obtained showed that most textbooks lacked a history and philosophy of science framework and did not deal adequately with the following aspects: (1) Postulates of the kinetic theory were speculative and played the role of simplifying assumptions, considered to be the rule in science rather than being the exceptions; (2) Based on these simplifying assumptions, the theorists built a series of tentative models that progressively incorporated the behavior of real gases; (3) Similar to other research programs in the history of science, Maxwell's was based on inconsistent foundations; (4) Development of the kinetic theory had to compete with chemical thermodynamics, a rival research program; (5) Maxwell and Boltzmann facilitated our understanding of gas behavior beyond the observable hydrodynamical laws, by explaining the internal properties (e.g., molecular collisions).  相似文献   

高师物理实验教学应根据基础教育对师资的要求改革实验教育的模式,重在明确物理教学中实验与理论的关系,将验证式实验改造成探究性实验,从而凸显实验在教学中本有的功能.这需要高师教师不断学习,提高实验教学水平和技能,并不断探究与创新,推进实验教学向前发展.  相似文献   

开放型大学物理实验教学模式探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 从大学物理实验教学的实际出发,提出了基于计算机网络技术的开放型的大学物理实验教学模式。新的教学模式主要包括:双循环的实验教学方法、数字化的物理实验室、虚拟物理实验的研究、多样化的实验考核方法。实践表明新的教学模式有利于节约教学资源,提高学生的学〉--j兴趣和探索能力。  相似文献   

高职物理实验教学改革的探讨与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理实验是高职院校工程技术专业开设的一门重要的实验课程,重视和加强物理实验教学是高职教育中一个不容忽视的问题。两年的教学实践告诉我们,高职物理实验课一要侧重技术实用性。二要注重学生的能力培养,三要培养独立工作能力,四要突出能力考核。  相似文献   

Research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. Given this perspective, it is important to analyze how general chemistry textbooks interpret Millikan's oil drop experiment. This study has the following objectives: (a) elaboration of a history and philosophy of science framework based on a rational reconstruction of experimental observations that led to the Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy; (b) formulation of six criteria based on the framework, which could be useful in the evaluation of chemistry textbooks; and (c) evaluation of 31 chemistry textbooks based on the criteria. Results obtained showed that most textbooks lacked a history and philosophy of science framework and did not deal adequately with the following aspects. (a) The Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy can open a new window for students, demonstrating how two well‐trained scientists can interpret the same set of data in two different ways. (b) Millikan's perseverance with his guiding assumption shows how scientists can overcome difficulties with anomalous data. (c) Millikan's methodology illustrates what modern philosophers of science consider important issues of falsification, confirmation, and suspension of disbelief. (d) The experiment is difficult to perform even today, owing to the incidence of a series of variables. (e) Millikan's major contribution consists of discovering the experiment to provide confirmation for the elementary electrical charge. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach, 37: 480–508, 2000.  相似文献   

基于现代教育理论的综合性设计性大学物理实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据现代教育理论基础,提出了开设综合性设计性大学物理实验的必要性,论述了开设综合性设计性大学物理实验应凸现其综合性与创造性,对具体教学的实施过程中的的各种组织形式及评价方式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The ‘community of inquiry’ as formulated by C. S. Peirce is grounded in the notion of communities of discipline‐based inquiry engaged in the construction of knowledge. The phrase ‘transforming the classroom into a community of inquiry’ is commonly understood as a pedagogical activity with a philosophical focus to guide classroom discussion. But it has a broader application. Integral to the method of the community of inquiry is the ability of the classroom teacher to actively engage in the theories and practices of discipline‐based communities of inquiry so as to become informed by the norms of the disciplines, not only to aspire to competence within the disciplines, but also to develop habits of self‐correction for reconstructing those same norms when faced with novel problems and solutions, including those in the classroom. This has implications for science education and the role of educational philosophy in developing students' ability to think scientifically. But it also has broader implications for thinking critically within all key learning areas. Here we concentrate on science education. We present the parallels between philosophical inquiry and scientific inquiry that need to be realised to promote and engage with scientific inquiry in the classroom. We also discuss the conflicts between philosophical inquiry and the way inquiry science in the classroom is portrayed in the education literature. Based on philosophical and historical perceptions of science as inquiry, a practical approach to implementation of scientific inquiry in the science classroom is presented.  相似文献   

人文社会科学与科学技术进步--以广西科技发展为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人文社会科学是科技进步的前提。广西科技发展取得了较大成就:科学研究与技术开发取得新成果;科研机构和科技人员保持一定的数量;形成了以南宁、桂林、柳州、北海为主的高新技术开发区;政府制定了一系列相关的法规政策。但广西的创新发展模式仍比较落后。要使广西科技快速进步,就必须更新观念,以科学发展观为指导,加快发展哲学社会科学,促使科学与人文两种文化协调共进。  相似文献   

当代课程与教学论:新内容体系与教材结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从文化哲学观的视角看,课程与教学论学科作为特殊精神文化,实质上是人们进行课程与教学研究的特殊生命存在及其优化活动的知识与经验形态。当代课程与教学论的新内容体系,包括“课程与教学概论”“课程与教学系统”“课程与教学过程”“课程与教学管理及领导”以及“课程与教学美学”等五个相互联系的领域。基于“学习为本”价值观.当代课程与教学论需建构“学程式”新教材结构.以强化其实作性并促进有效教学。新教材的章节组织和结构特征,遵循教育心理学规律和教学法原则并依托互联网,应当从“激发学习动机”“丰富教学环境”“提供练习机会”以及“开发网络资源”等方面设计出丰富多彩的表现形式。  相似文献   

“实践与综合应用”实验效果好;对教师和学生的发展都有良好的促进作用;在农村和城市的实验效果无显著差异;新老实验教师对“实践与综合应用”反应差异显著;分散安排与集中安排的“实践与综合应用”可操作性差异显著.  相似文献   

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