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Funny Vacation     
Sunny Saturday 2007, Oct. 3rd1 It is2 sunny and hot. I went to a beautiful place-Great Wall3 with my friends. We went there at 10:00 by a bus4. We had great fun playing on it. In the afternoon we comed5 back with happy heart(心情).  相似文献   

(A) Yesterday evening,when I went to town 1my mother,we met a strange old man. It was raining 2and we had no umbrella.We were trying to3a taxi when he came up to us.He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give 4for only a pound.He had forgotten his wallet.He said he needed taxi to go back home.My mother didn't believe what he had said at first,and5 him a lot of questions.But she finally believed the man and gave him the pound.She was happy to6 a good umbrella for so little.However,the old man didn't get into a taxi.We walked7 him and found he went into a pub and bought himself a glass of 8with the pound.After he drank it,he 9~his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one.  相似文献   

A Wonderful Trip     
I went to Nanjing with my parents during the Spring Festival.I had a wonderful time there.There were lots of things to see and to do in Nanjing.The best part was visiting the Confucius Temple.We learnt a lot about Chinese history there.And we also took a boat trip along Qinhuai River.During the trip,we listened to Kun Opera.It was amazing!The next day,we climbed Zijin Mountain.It was great to enjoy natural beauty on top of the mountain.I felt tired but excited.  相似文献   

I was born and brought up in the small town of Pineville, which I left at the age of sixteen. Twenty years 1 found myself back on a visit. I went to see my old friend Tom Clark, who, 2 as ever, was chairman of the local 3 . He was busy preparing to welcome a well-known writer, who had been invited to come to 4 a talk on modern literature in the public library 5 evening. Since I happened to have read a book or two 6 the famous writer, when Tom invited me to go with him I 7 accepted. Tom was going to 8 the guest speaker to the audience. Therefore we went to the library a little early  相似文献   

(续上期)8、 I won't go to the Great (Walltomorrow). It will rain.9、 she left school in 1990. Later she studiedFrench at college.10、 He is over fifty years old. He studiesEnglish very hard.五、选择题,圈出正确答案1, John is—— university student.a an b a c /2、 Today we went to—— middle school. Atfirst we had—— meeting with——teachers.Then we went to—— school factory.a the, a, /,the b a, a, /, the c a, a,the, the  相似文献   

Last summer I went to Dalian with my parents for our summer holiday, and we had a very good time there.Dalian is a city by the sea. It is in North China, and lots of people go there to spend their holiday.  相似文献   

Look at the following sentences. (1) If you are very embarrassed you go red. (2) It's a grey day if the sun doesn't shine. (3) He had a nasty shock and went white with fright. (4) The general became extremely angry and went purple with rage.  相似文献   

1.—How many times you to Beijing this year?—Three tim es.A.have;been B.had;beenC.have;gone D.had;gone2.—to the U nited States?—N o,never,but I to C anada a few years ago.A.H ave you been;went B.H ave you gone;w entC.D id you go;went D.W illyou go;had gone3.—Lucy,you your ticket?—N otyet.A.did;find B.have;foundC.has;found D.do;find4.—you to the radio?—N o,you can turn itoff.A.D id;listen B.H ave;listenedC.D o;listen D.A re;listening5.—W hen him the good news?—I willtellhi…  相似文献   

我们先看几道高考题: 1. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise .(2005年北京卷) A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 2.two exams to worry about, have to work really hard this weekend. (2004 年北京卷) A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 3.It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished.(2004年福建卷) A.for B.with C.from D.of 4.production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 年全国卷)  相似文献   

1. The Milkmaid and Her Pail A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk with a pail on her head.As she went along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk."I'll buy a new dress, and when I go to the ball, all the …  相似文献   

Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the river where we used to swim in. When we got there, to our surprise, the river had been polluted seriously.Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the river where we used to swim in. When we got there, to our surprise, the river had been polluted seriously. I n my memory, the water in the river was clean and clear. But now it is very dirty. There is a lot of rubbish floating on the river. How terrible it is! I observed carefully around the river, I fo…  相似文献   

Mr.Robinson never went to a dentist because he was afraid,but thenhis teeth began hurting a lot.and he had to go to a dentist.The dentist did alot of work in his mouth for a long time.On the last day Mr.Robinson said to  相似文献   

(A) When we were small, my mother used to dress us in the same clothes. That was bad enough. But when we went on our first camping trip she went on better. We were only ten or so. And while all the other boys settled down for the night in their sleeping bags, we were very shamed when we had to snuggle inside a special double sleeping bag my mother had made for us out of two blankets.  相似文献   

Getting Ready for the Reef Needless to say,the trip to the Great Barrier Reef is a great experience. Day one began early at a dive shop in Cairns.It took a few hours to get to the first 1)reef,so we had a chance to 2)soak in the sun and meet the people we'd be hanging out with.  相似文献   

A man went out of prison after twentyyears.He decided to go back to the neighbout-hood where he had lived.When he got there hecouldn’t recognize(认出)the place.Everythinghad changed a lot.The places he used to visit  相似文献   

My Sunday     
Sunday,March10,2005FineWe went to East Hill Park plant(1)trees today.We met at the school gate in the morning at7:00(2).A nd then we took a bus to(3)there.A ssoon as we arrived,we began to work.W ewere busy planting trees the w hole m orn-ing.A ll of w e(4)worked very hard.A tabout1:30,we had lunch.A fter lunch wehad a rest and(5)w e clim bed up the hill.It w as very nice to be in theopen air.A t4:00w e w ent hom e by a(6)bus.W e were all tired,but wefeltvery happy.点评:本文是一篇学生日记…  相似文献   

A Tofalar Tale托发拉尔传说 This happened a long,long time ago.when the cedar.the fir,and the pine still had needles that yellowed and dropped in the fall instead of staying green all winter. Once in those olden times a TofaJar went out into the woods to hunt. He walked and walked.and he came farther than any hunter had ever dared to go.He saw a  相似文献   

An Uncommon Trip     
<正>Summer holiday began and Richard left California and went traveling in Africa(1). Helost his wallet in a hotel and he had a little money left. He had to go to a city where one ofhis friends worked. There he was going to borrow some money so that he could fly back tohis country. He got on a bus and the conductor held out to him a yellow ticket.  相似文献   

任奋皿阅侧比谙阅谁下口自胜J匕,报拐共内书卜J匕月跳J粗后月卜月吸.儿”1 great fun they didn The went to a beautiful beaeh 0n Monday pl叮ing in the water.In the afternoon,t .really elljoy it. A with they his伍ends.Itwas脚nny and hot.50 thcy had went shoPping.But the shoPs were erowded,50 nextd盯it was rainy,50 they went to a museum.It was boring.儿m found a small boy cry Ing In had no the eomer.The boy was 10st.He helPed the boy find his father.E万m~ moncy for ata劝.50 he had to walk bae…  相似文献   

I took a trip to Beijing with my parents during the seven-day holiday.We all had a happy time.On the first day,we went to the Wangfujing Street.It’s a busy shopping street.We went into many stores.I didn’t buy any clothes but bought two books in the Wangfujing Bookstore.On the second day,we climbed the Great Wall.The wall looks like the tail of a huge dragon.While I was climbing,I thought of the saying"One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero."Later in  相似文献   

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