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我国知识产权法律制度逐步与世界接轨的历程反映出统一化的特点。加入 WTO之后 ,TRIPS协议对我国的知识产权制度提出了新的要求。《专利法》《商标法》《著作权法》又一次修正使我国知识产权法律制度更加合理与科学  相似文献   

Introduction What's Driving Your Instructional Cost? Faculty Compensation Faculty Productivity Financial Commitment to Tenure Summary Are There Cost Savings in Academic Libraries? Acquisition Costs Technology Impact on Academic Libraries Outsourcing in Academic Libraries Summary Can Plant Operations and Facilities Continue to Be Ignored? Deferred Maintenance Outsourcing Energy Management Summary Is Research a Facilitator or Barrier to Cost Containment? Sponsored Research University-Sponsored Research Direct and Indirect Cost Factors Summary Can University Student Services Remain Viable with an Increasing Cost Structure? Student Aid Administration Student Activities Supplemental Educational Services Summary External Cost Factors: Are States' Policies for Higher Education Institutions Helping or Hindering Cost Containment Opportunities? Assessment and Accountability Performance Funding and Budgeting Restructuring Summary Conclusion and Recommendations Summary of Chapter Issues (Were the Questions Answered?) Final Comments Notes  相似文献   

Defining Institutional Diversity Aspects of Institutional Diversity Diversity Versus Diversification Versus Differentiation Interactions With the Environment Overview of the Monograph Historical Context of Institutional Diversity Growth During the Colonial Period Establishing American Higher Education Failure of the National University Idea Institution Building The Changing Curriculum Rise of the Research University Transition From Elite to Mass Higher Education The Postwar Period Conclusion Theoretical Contexts Population Ecology Resource Dependency Theory Institutional Theory Conclusion Benefits of Institutional Diversity Meeting the Needs of All Types of Students Increased Institutional Effectiveness Provide Models Support Reform Through Competition Serve the Political Needs of Interest Groups Protecting Academic Freedom and Autonomy Support Elite and Mass Higher Education Improve Social Mobility Minority-Serving Institutions Conclusion Causes of Homogenization Academic Drift Prestige-Maximizing Activities Statewide Coordination Conclusion The Future of Institutional Diversity Research and Practice Market Smart and Mission Centered Policymakers Campus Leaders and Administrators Faculty Students Conclusion References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

合理使用制度是著作权法中的核心问题之一,在作者、作品传播者、社会公众之间起着重要的利益调整和平衡作用。对于“合理”的界定,是合理使用制度的关键所在。我国著作权法对合理使用制度的规定虽已与国际社会接轨,但仍存在主体界定不清、具体使用方式不明确等若干不足,在实践中不利于维护著作权人的合法利益,应进行相应的修改和完善,以期更好地发挥该制度的作用。  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Women's Status in Higher Education: Background and Significance Guiding Assumptions and Questions Historical Context Legislative and Policy Initiatives Women in the Curriculum Scholarship Organization of this Monograph Framing Women's Status Through Multiple Lenses Why Theory? Why Feminist Theory? Multiple Frames Summary Examining Women's Status: Access and Representation as Key Equity Indicators Women's Access to Postsecondary Education Representation of Women Students in Higher Education Cocurricular Representation Graduate Students Faculty Women Staff in Higher Education Women and Governing Boards Summary Examining Women's Status: Campus Climate and Gender Equity Classroom Climate Climate Beyond the Classroom Climate for Women Staff, Faculty, and Administrators Salary Equity Summary Advancing Women's Status: Analyzing Predominant Change Strategies Organizing Schemes Enhancing Gender Equity Summary Implications and Recommendations Recommendations for Further Research Implications Recommendations for Practice Summing Up References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary Academy Defining Academic Entrepreneurialism Whence Academic Entrepreneurialism? Overview of the Volume Theoretical Traditions of Entrepreneurship Theorizing Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, Individuals, and the Environment Summary The New Economy and the Entrepreneurial Academy An Overview of the Entrepreneurial Economy Higher Education in the New Economy Academic Capitalism and Entrepreneurship Critiques of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Summary Contemporary Issues in the Entrepreneurial Academy Resource Constraints and Dependencies: Research Universities Beyond Research Universities Beyond Profit Seeking: Social Entrepreneurship Beyond Research: Entrepreneurship and the Teaching Mission Summary Entrepreneurship Education The Emergence and Expansion of Entrepreneurship Education Activities and Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Summary Professional Implications and Future Research Directions Public Policymakers Institutional Administrators Faculty Students References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Overview Defining Interdisciplinarity The Disciplines, Interdisciplinarity, and the University Interdisciplinarity, Learning, and Cognition Interdisciplinarity and the Practice of Research Faculty and Institutional Structure: The Conflict of Interdisciplinarity Best Practices Related to Interdisciplinary Education Implications for Practice and the Future of Interdisciplinarity Defining Interdisciplinarity Conceptualizing the Disciplines Conceptualizing Interdisciplinary Knowledge Conclusion The Disciplines, Interdisciplinarity, and the University The Historical Influence of the Disciplines on Teaching and Learning Interdisciplinary Initiatives in Twentieth-Century American Higher Education Conclusion Interdisciplinarity, Learning, and Cognition The Disciplinary Basis of College Student Learning Defining Interdisciplinary Curricula in Higher Education Conclusion Interdisciplinarity and the Practice of Research Challenges to the Practice of Interdisciplinary Research Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education Conclusion Faculty and Institutional Structure: The Conflict of Interdisciplinarity Interdisciplinarity, Faculty, and Change in Higher Education Achieving Institutional Goals and Interdisciplinary Faculty Engagement Fostering Faculty Connections Across Institutional Boundaries Modifying Activity Systems to Encourage Interdisciplinarity Conclusion Best Practices Related to Interdisciplinary Education Dedicated Organizational and Physical Space Student-Centered Pedagogy Focus on Problem- or Theme-Based Learning Curriculum Shaped Through a Variety of Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences Culminating Capstone Project or Student Portfolio Focus on Collaborative Learning Rather Than Mastery of a Particular Content Use of Independent Study, Internships, and Experiential Learning Goal of Preparing Students for a Complex, Modern Interdisciplinary Future Conclusion References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Introduction Trends in University Governance Challenges to University Governance Structures Governance Structures in Historical Perspective Governance, Management, and Leadership Depicting Institutional Structure Shared Governance AAUP Versus AGB Perceptions Accountability and Program Review Structural and Cultural Elements of Governance Organizational Culture Trustees' Perspectives Organizational Culture and Governance Competing Perspectives and Expectations Expectations of Faculty, Administrators, and Trustees Facing the Fundamental Challenges Governance from a Presidential Perspective Evolving Issues in the Twenty-First-Century University A Port for Every Pillow Organizational Learning, Leadership, and Change The George Mason Case The Case of the Institutes of Business at the University of the West Indies Governance: State and Campus Surveys Toward a More Effective System Governance: Attitudes and Perceptions Emphases Emerging from the Literature Governance and Teaching and Learning The Environmental Context for Education Organizational Culture and Learning Governance, Information Technology, and Distance Education The Impact of Information Technologies New Models of Higher Education Governance Structures and Educational Technologies E-Learning: Policy Issues and Impact Resource Allocation and Governance Responsibility-Centered Management Performance-Based Program Budgeting: The Basic Questions Caveats and Adjustments to Responsibility-Centered Management A Revised Model of Governance Structure in the Twenty-First-Century University Appendix A: Public and Private University Enrollments, 1998 Appendix B: Survey of University Governance Appendix C: Organizational Culture and Governance References Name Index Subject Index  相似文献   

知识产权作为一种合法的排他权,其设立的宗旨是为了促进创新并以此推进社会进步。但任何权利都有被滥用的可能性,知识产权也不例外。当权利人滥用知识产权、阻碍创新、破坏竞争秩序时就应当受到法律的规制。建立完善的规制知识产权滥用体系,既需要反垄断法强有力的外部规制,也离不开知识产权制度和民法基本原则的内部规制。  相似文献   

实定法并没有排除试题获得著作权法的保护。试题符合知识性、独创性和可复制性的特征,是著作权法上的作品。但是,从国家机关或法律法规授权组织的职能角度看,国家考试试题不宜获得著作权的保护。  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments Dedications Introduction, Context, and Overview The Importance of Workforce Diversity in Higher and Postsecondary Education Literature and the Integrated Review Chapter Overviews Status of Ethnic and Racial Diversity in College and University Administration Academic Leaders Student Affairs Administrators Conclusion Barriers Encountered by Administrators of Color in Higher and Postsecondary Education Legal and Conceptual Frameworks Established Barriers for Administrators of Color The “Double Burden”: A Barrier Specific to Women of Color Conclusion Factors Influencing Engagement, Retention, and Advancement for Administrators of Color Employment Challenges Success in Corporate America: Lessons for Higher Education Role of Leadership Programs The Importance of Mentoring What Universities Can Do What Individual Administrators Can Do An Emerging Model Conclusion Concluding Remarks Regarding the Importance of a Racially Diverse Administrative Workforce Emergent and Aggregate Challenges for Administrators of Color Directions for Future Research Implications for Practice Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

一起涉及海峡两岸的计算机软件侵权纠纷历时3年多才得以判决,从中体现了我国软件产权保护的诸多问题.依靠著作权法实施对软件的保护存在相当大的误区.由专利法、商标法、合同法和反不正当竞争法等共同组成多层次的保护体系,可以使权利人针对不同性质的软件和不同程度的侵权保护有更多的选择,然而这种做法也仅仅是权宜之计.制定专门法或把软件置于工业产权与版权的双重保护之下,或许是一种更为合理的做法.  相似文献   

Introduction, Context, and Overview Definitions and Conceptual Framework Major Theoretical Perspectives on Student Success in College Sociological Perspectives Organizational Perspectives Psychological Perspectives Cultural Perspectives Economic Perspectives Summary The Foundation for Student Success: Student Background Characteristics, Precollege Experiences, and Enrollment Patterns Student Demographics Family and Peer Support Academic Preparation and Motivation to Learn Enrollment Choices and Patterns Summary Student Behaviors, Activities, and Experiences Associated with Student Success College Activities A Closer Look at Engagement in Effective Educational Practices Student Characteristics Summary Notes Institutional Conditions Associated with Student Success Structural and Organizational Characteristics Programs and Practices Summary Propositions and Recommendations for Student Success in Postsecondary Education Propositions and Recommendations Needed Research A Final Word Appendix A: Note on Research Methods Appendix B: Indicators of Student Success in Postsecondary Education References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

The Status of Diversity Enrollment The Role of Student Characteristics The Challenge of Involvement Theories of Involvement Cultural Pluralism Intergroup Relations Demography Summary Institutional Responses to Diversity Approaches of Successful Institutions Summary Implications: An Expanded Focus Organizing for Diversity: Fundamental Issues Diversification of Faculty and Staff Mission and Values Dealing with Conflict The Quality of Interaction on Campus Educating for Diversity The Perceived Conflict Between Access and Quality The Changing Climate Assessment and Implications Institutional Assessment Research Coordination Among Sectors National Issues Costs and Commitment Leadership Conclusion Appendix: Institutional Characteristics References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Contemporary Contexts for Service: The Engaged Campus The Many Meanings of Service Forces Shaping Contemporary Calls for Engagement Engagement as a Response to these Challenges and Trends The Role of Service in Engagement The Legacy of Service in Higher Education The Colonial College (1636–1770) The Denominational College (1770–1860) The Research University (1860–1945) Mass Education (1945–1975) The Contemporary Era (1975–present) Conclusion Internal Service: Faculty at Work as Institutional and Disciplinary Citizens Service to the Campus Service to the Discipline Service to Students The Difference That Difference Makes Conclusion External Service: Faculty at Work Meeting Societal Needs A Word About Nomenclature Extension Consulting Service-Learning Community-Based Action Research Community and Civic Service The Difference That Difference Makes Linking Service to Scholarship Definitions of Scholarship Scholarship of Engagement Assessment and the Scholarship of Engagement Faculty Motivation and the Scholarship of Engagement Scholarship of Engagement in Practice An Integrated View of Faculty Work Moving Toward Engagement: Policy Questions and Their Responses Recommendations for Research and Practice  相似文献   

The Need for Intercultural Competency Development in Classrooms The Call for Intercultural Skills Engaging Diversity for Intercultural Outcomes The Promise and Challenge of Diverse Classrooms Goals of the Monograph Lessons of the Past Tensions and Misconceptions The Challenge of and Need for Integration Student Voices: Reflections on Engaging Diversity in Different Disciplines Next Steps Understanding Intercultural Competence and Its Development Importance of Foundational Knowledge Core Premises of Intercultural Competence Building Blocks of Intercultural Competence The Process of Intercultural Development Outcomes of Intercultural Competence Development Conclusion Developing a Pedagogy That Supports Intercultural Competence Institutional Context Beyond Content and Content-Based Pedagogy The Challenge of Intercultural Pedagogy An Integrated Framework for Intercultural Learning Intercultural Pedagogical Principles Developing Intercultural Pedagogy—A Continuous Process That Happens Over Time Classrooms as Privileged Spaces Conclusion Engaging Diversity Through Course Design and Preparation Incorporating Intercultural Pedagogical Principles into Course Design Conclusion Practicing a Pedagogy That Engages Diversity Applying Intercultural Pedagogical Principles to Classroom Facilitation Conclusion Summary: Conclusions and Recommendations Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Considering the Third Sector: The New Prominence of For-Profit Higher Education Why Now? Taking Aim The Target Organization of the Volume From the Beginning: Development of For-Profit Higher Education in the United States Eras of For-Profit Higher Education The For-Profit Sector Today Institutional Diversity: Classification of the For-Profit Sector A New Classification Elements of the Classification Types of For-Profit Institutions Continuing Difficulties with Classification Shareholder Owners: Defining an Era History of Shareholder Institutions Current Owners Implications of the Wall Street Era Measure of Success: Students in the For-Profit Sector Historical Perspectives National Datasets Current Trends Student Outcomes Student Motivation, Experiences, and Campus Life Remaining Questions The Academic Mission: Teaching and Learning in the For-Profit Sector Curriculum Faculty Do Students Learn? External Approval: Accrediting the For-Profit Sector Background on Accreditation History Regional Accreditation For-Profit Accrediting Agencies Regional Accreditation of National Institutions Creating the Playing Field: State and Federal Regulation State Oversight Federal Oversight Diploma Mills Current Regulatory Issues Reflections and Future Direction Research Agenda Conclusion Notes References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

Diversity in Higher Education: Perceptions, Opinions, and Views Purpose and Organization of the Monograph The Diversity Rationale in Higher Education Public Perceptions of Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education Faculty, Student, and Administrator Perceptions of Diversity Summary Diversity, Leadership, and Organizational Culture in Higher Education Changing Organizational Culture Leadership in Higher Education Diversity and Organizational Culture The Substance of Diversity Leadership in Higher Education Summary Diversity and Organizational Leadership in Higher Education Leadership Models and Frameworks in Higher Education Leadership as Contested Terrain in Higher Education The Nexus for Diversity Leadership Strategies Summary Practicing Diversity Leadership in Higher Education Higher Education's Response to Diversity Initiatives Management, Leadership, and Diversity Diversity Readiness and Awareness Developing Capacity for Diversity Leadership Cultural Proficiency and Practicing Diversity Leadership Summary References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Overview A Profile of Community College Faculty Full-Time Faculty Part-Time Faculty Conclusion Faculty Work in the Context of the Community College The Community College's Missions and Students Role Expectations for Full-Time Faculty Members Role Expectations for Part-Time Faculty In-Service Training and Professional Development Job Satisfaction Conclusion Dimensions of the Community College Faculty Career Preparation to Become a Community College Faculty Member Entry Requirements The Search Process Career Stages Conclusion Institutional Factors Affecting Community College Faculty Work Life Background Collective Bargaining Faculty Involvement in Shared Governance Other Institutional Factors Extrainstitutional Factors Affecting Work Life: Legislative Actions Conclusion Looking to the Future: The Status of Community College Teaching as a Profession Characteristics of a Profession and Professionalization Is Community College Teaching a Profession? Possible Future Influences on Faculty Professionalization Conclusion A Fresh Look at Community College Faculty Challenges in Understanding Community College Faculty Conclusions Note References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

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