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As the demand for schools to become more effective and efficient learning communities increases, the need for principals to cultivate broad‐based, skilful participation in the work of leadership is essential. It is important for educational leaders to recognise the significance of their role in technology implementation and utilisation. They should be proficient in the use of technology and then provide leadership in the use of technology for administrative, instructional, and learning functions. Relatively few studies have empirically examined the level of computer use by principals, their perceived computer competence and their leadership style. This paper will report on these issues from an initial analysis of baseline data gathered from 30 secondary school principals in Tehran, a large province in Iran. Findings indicate that school principals spent a few times a week working on their computers and they had moderate levels of information technology competency. This paper also suggests that transformational leadership can help school leaders increase successful use of technology in schools. Hence, policy makers must design professional development programmes, such as leadership studies, in order to teach the components of transformational leadership: idealised influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration to future administrators.  相似文献   

Investments in the select few who already are or will become academic leaders are essential but insufficient. Investments also need to be made in collective leadership because leadership is an activity or function, not merely a person. Both good leaders and collective leadership are needed in the never-ending journey toward selective excellence. A review of the challenges and opportunities manifest in the internal and external environments for higher education supports this claim and five others. First, there are certain non-negotiable strategies. Second, every leadership strategy is an intervention. Third, contingent leadership with multiple strategies is nearly mandatory. Fourth, organizational readiness for change is an enduring priority. Finally, leadership is founded on disciplinary stewardship. To thrive, kinesiology must be both a fortress discipline and an adaptive, connected discipline. Keeping the best of specialization, while combating fragmentation, stewardship must be firmly connected to faculty career identities and structures provided by existing and newly-configured sub-disciplines.  相似文献   

The author, who has spent many years transforming the University of Aalborg, Denmark, into a modern Net-based university, reflects on how the information and communications technologies (ICTs) should be introduced into traditional universities so that the resulting transformations will be irreversible and successful in the broadest possible sense. The introduction of the ICTs and the resulting institutional transformation, she argues, must involve all institutional constituencies. The leadership in each case must be aware of the successes and failures of other institutions in regard to ICT adoption through the information resources of such international organizations as the International Association of University Presidents, the International Association of Universities, UNESCO, etc. Consultants representing such organizations must make an effort to understand the cultural and economic frameworks of the institutions that they advise and assist. The successful adoption of the ICTs in a higher education institution is a complex process.  相似文献   

This paper uses a hybrid leadership framework to examine how formal teacher leaders at the middle management level direct and facilitate staff resources for distributed pedagogical leadership. By conducting qualitative shadowing, involving video observation, field notes and stimulated recall interviews, and abductive analysis, this study demonstrates and discusses how formal teacher leaders step forward as hybrid leaders who integrate leadership into both interaction and their positional capacity. Building upon established leadership categories, the new category of leading knowledge development is discovered. The main finding is that hybrid leadership is illuminated in various leadership actions, which expand the understanding of leadership work. Conclusions drawn from the data and results suggest that hybrid leadership, in its exercise of both positional and distributed leadership, must be considered a move towards a new leadership identity. For policy and practice, this new hybrid leadership opens up a new conceptual space that is crucial to understanding how leaders recognize and contextualize their actions as a result of highly complex and dynamic work practices.  相似文献   

论教师领导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师领导是学校迈向学习型学校的必然,其概念是从教学领导、道德领导、转换领导、平行领导特别是分布式领导和参与式领导等学校领导研究中渐渐明晰的。教师领导的实施过程有利于校长成为"领导者的领导",从而放弃"英雄领导"模式;有利于教师的积极参与和专业成长,从而使教师职业具有魅力;有利于学校学习共同体的形成,从而提升学校创造未来的能力,最终达成学生发展的目的。  相似文献   

我们党领导改革开放已经30年,改革开放还将继续深化、拓展,因此,认真研究改革开放与党的领导的关系十分必要。改革开放是我们党在困境之中依据我国国情和世界范围内时代主题转换所作出的重大决策,是我们党领导中国社会主义建设事业的一大创举。坚持党的领导就必须坚持党对改革开放的领导。对党的领导来说,实行改革开放会有风险,但比较起来,不搞改革开放或改革开放半途而废风险更大。在改革开放中必须坚持党的领导,同样,党的领导也必须在改革开放中不断改善。  相似文献   

面对建设新农村的重任,提出了农村学校图书馆的发展对策:领导重视是关键;广开财源,确保有效的经费支持;文献资源建设应与建设社会主义新农村的实际相适应;建设一支高素质的管理队伍;向社区开放,为农民、为农村服务;加强当地民间文化资源的系统发掘、整理保护;与县、乡、镇图书馆开展协作、协调工作,搞好农村文化建设;建立数字图书馆,向现代化迈进。  相似文献   

在西部大开发的历史机遇中,西部高校图书馆对人力资源的建设与开发、利用是关键,只有从领导观念的更新,管理、人事、分配制度的改革,激励约束机制的建立,待遇的改善、地位的提高,确立时代感、紧迫感、危机感等方面着手建设;采取加强人才的培养和提高,加强在职人员的继续教育,吸纳、引进人才,强化人本理念、优化人力资源结构,走资源共享之路等措施来开发和利用,才能不断深化现代文献信息服务、开创图书馆工作的新局面。  相似文献   

现代学校分布式领导模式的发展与时俱进,注重从行为方式的视角转向关注赋权中的角色分工与协作的过程。在变革传统领导体制和教育教学方式的实践中,以过程为取向的学校分布式领导模式一方面能将学校领导力资源整合为统一的系统,使分布式领导在改进学校管理绩效和提高学生的学业成绩上形成合力;另一方面有利于澄清校长负责制的误区,强化分布式领导理论与实践的密切结合,培育合作性的学校文化。  相似文献   

领导观念决定着领导的决策及后果,进而 影响到领导活动的全过程。领导必须适应新形势、新任务对领导工作的新要求,不断变更领导观念,树立全新的领导观念,以应对新的挑战。  相似文献   

波特认为差异化和成本领先这两个基本战略通常是不相容的,通常企业要在两者中做出选择,否则就会“夹在中间”。文章认为差异化和成本领先并不互相排斥,并讨论了差异化可以成为企业获得成本领先的可能性条件框架,以及在超竞争环境下差异化和成本领先的组合是获取持续的竞争优势的选择。  相似文献   

党对高校的领导,既是历史的必然选择,也是时代的必然要求。坚持党 对高校的正确领导,必须坚持马克思主义在高校的指导地位,坚持把培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人作为高校的根本任务,坚持和完善党委领导下的校长负责制。  相似文献   

Educational leadership discourse has for sometime been the major intellectual pillar of what was once known as the field of educational administration. An examination of the postgraduate coursework programmes available to aspiring principal leaders at every Australian university supports such a contention. While this discourse does shed light on the ubiquitous concept of leadership, it does little to explain the context in which leadership theory is supposed to contribute to the operational environment of schools. This is where Bourdieuian scholarship is particularly helpful. By shedding light on the complex social space in which principal leaders function, Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are particularly helpful thinking tools. For a variety of reasons the economic field has held philosophical dominance for much of the last 30 years. This has impacted significantly on the work space of principal leadership and needs to be understood if the familiar narratives of leadership theory are to be of contextual use. When investigating the social space of contemporary principal leadership, my recent study of two sets of Queensland‐based principals will be used. The emergence of enterprise bargaining into the workspace of these principals will be used as a means by which to demonstrate the cross‐field contagion of the economic field on to the field of schools. The paper contends that the field of educational administration must endeavour to view leadership theory critically and contextually if the complexities associated with contemporary principal leadership practice are to be understood.  相似文献   

目前我国各图书情报馆站之间还没有形成真正意义上的、适应时代需要的资源共建共享。还存在观念落后、条块分割、技术性差等诸多问题。只有及时更新观念、加强领导、加大投入、提高员工素质,才能真正实现广泛的信息资源共建共享。  相似文献   

中国革命和建设的伟大历史,既是中国近现代历史发展的必须,也是中共三代领导核心政治哲学的结晶。中共三代领导核心的政治哲学体现了时代精神的精华。对中共三代领导核心政治哲学相关问题进行研究,有助于我们掌握中共三代领导核心的政治思想之精髓;有助于把握当代中国的历史和逻辑演进;有利于发掘出指导我国革命和建设的理论内核,明晰我国走向21世纪所依赖的核心精神资源。  相似文献   

根据对学校管理行为的问卷调查分析,人事并重型是学校遍采用的领导行为,尊重教师意见是主要的领导方式,在重大问题处理上,领导重视集体决策,要提高领导工作效率,必须扩大学校办学自主权,领导必须由经验领导上升为科学领导。  相似文献   

我国社会主义政治文明经历了一个上升的发展过程,这一过程也向我们证明:要高度重视和切实加强社会主义政治文明建设;坚持和改善中国共产党对政治文明建设的领导;充分认识政治文明建设的长期性,并用法律和制度加以保障和推进;坚持以马克思主义科学理论为指导,在建设的实践中丰富和发展马克思主义。  相似文献   

找准加强党在高校执政能力建设的着力点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加强党的执政能力建设,是一项深谋远虑的历史决策,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。高校应根据党建的特点,在加强领导班子建设和提高干部队伍素质上狠下功夫,在坚持领导体制和创新工作机制上狠下功夫,在加强党的基层组织建设和党员队伍建设上狠下功夫,通过切实有效的措施提高各级党组织和各级领导干部的主政、行政能力,以此来赢得广大师生的高度信任和真心拥护,来造就数以亿计的党的事业的后备军和接班人,巩固党的执政基础,扩大党的执政资源。  相似文献   

强化校内实训基地建设之管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强化实训基地建设是提高高职高专人才培养质量的重要保证。在实践中加强实习基地建设,要充分利用教育系统的内部资源,主动加强与企业单位的联系,实行开放式办学。而做到上述各点,必须有领导支持和制度健全作保证,必须加大投资力度。  相似文献   

教育资源是社会资源的重要组成部分,建设节约型高校,科学利用资源,不仅是学校自身发展的需要,更是高校应承担的社会责任。节约型高校建设的重点在后勤部门,建设节约型后勤,必须切实加强组织领导,建立健全管理机制,强化全体师生的节能意识,推广应用先进的节能技术。  相似文献   

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