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教材是师生课堂教学活动中的典型范例。在小学语文课堂教学中,教师不单要让学生理解文章内容,明确作者的写作思路和写作意图,更重要的是要通过对课文的教学,使学生在阅读、分析、理解课文的过程中掌握阅读方法,提高他们的读书水平,培养他们自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

教材是师生课堂教学活动中的典型范例。在小学语文课堂教学中,教师不单要让学生理解文章内容,明确作者的写作思路和写作意图,更重要的是要通过对课文的教学,使学生在阅读、分析、理解课文的过程中掌握阅读方法,提高他们的读书水平,培养他们自主学习的能力。这就要求我们教师在教学中活用教材,点击方法,  相似文献   

廖利娟 《生活教育》2014,(12):25-26
语用预设作为语用推理的一种重要形式,有助于学生在阅读中准确地把握文章整体意义和理解作者的写作意图。在英语阅读教学中传授适当的语用预设知识将促进学生进一步提高阅读理解能力。本文结合实例分析了语用预设在阅读教学中的应用以及对英语阅读教学的启示,以期为阅读教学提供积极有效的思路和方法。  相似文献   

尽管阅读不光为“读懂作者” ,还为了“读出自己” ,但解读文本的第一要义 ,无疑需要理解作品 ,了解作者的写作意图。倘若连作品的含义、行文的思路、作者的意图都不甚了了 ,你也就无法观照作者来评价自己的观点 ,你的阅读收获也就可想而知了。如何解读作者的意图 ?最基本的方法就是从感知入手 ,探求作者的思路历程 ,理解作者从中表达的思想感情———这实际上就是一个从感性认识到理性认识的过程。参与这个过程 ,一个很好的办法是 ,按照文意为作者画出构思图。阅读朱自清的《荷塘月色》 ,同学们无不为文中流露的“淡淡的喜悦”和“淡淡的哀…  相似文献   

课堂设想通过梳理论证思路、反思论证过程、回到历史语境、探究经典价值使学生形成史论文的思辨性阅读策略。教学过程共两课时,第一课时重在把握作者分析六国破灭原因的思路结构;从论据的真实性和论据对论点的支撑作用,反思文章的论证过程。第二课时结合历史背景,理解《六国论》借古鉴今的写作意图,感受苏洵对北宋对外妥协退让的深沉叹惋之情;比较阅读苏辙、李桢、苏轼三人的同题文章《六国论》,理解史论反思历史的现实针对性。  相似文献   

英美小说的阅读是一个欣赏和评论的过程,这个过程主要分为浅层阅读和深蕴阅读两个层次,浅层阅读主要是了解所读作品的大致内容,深蕴阅读则是要对小说的环境,人物、情节,主题以及写作手段进行分析并作评论,从美学角度探讨作的写作意图,语言和写作风格,本主要从深蕴阅读方面探了英美学作品的阅读。  相似文献   

正近些年来,在国内外各类考试中,阅读理解所占的比重在不断增加。语言学习者在阅读方面所受局限主要在词汇量、语法、语感和语言知识。英语学习者该如何提高阅读能力,采用科学的阅读方法与技巧很关键。一、理解作者的写作意图阅读的内容广泛,体裁多样。学习者在阅读不同类别的文章时应理解作者的写作意图,弄清文章体裁,确定作者是在介绍事物,讲故事还是说明观点,并采取相应的阅读方法。  相似文献   

阅读理解是高中英语教学的侧重点.是各单元教学的核心。其目的是使学生学会在阅读过程中有目的地用英语来预测、思考和获取信息。并对获取的信息进行分析、推理和判断。领悟文章的内涵和作者的意图。然而我们却常常见到这种情况:学生在阅读一篇字面上几乎无生词的文章时,却不能真正理解文章的思想内容和作者的写作意图。那么,如何阅读才能达到最佳效果?按图式理论认为,导致学生理解失败的原因是学生头脑中没有可用来推测出所读课文的各种信息的图式。因此,教英语阅读课程的教师的任务之一.就是向学生提供相关的背景信息.帮助学生建立正确的图式。以最大限度地降低阅读难度.最有效地提高学生阅读理解率。高中阶段.学生大脑中已储存了一定的背景知识.有助于理解文章内容及做出正确判断,  相似文献   

<正>散文是中考阅读中一种常见的文体,它篇幅短小,取材广泛,形式自由,表达含蓄,意境深远,语言优美凝练。由于散文在选材、形式、写法、表达效果上的多样化,所以散文的阅读成为中考阅读的难点。掌握散文考查的要点及思路从以下着手:【考点透视】1.整体感知⑴主要考查学生对文章的主要内容、写作意图、作者的写作思路的把握。归纳为三点:文章写什么,为什么写,怎样写。  相似文献   

许梅英 《天中学刊》2002,17(6):119-120
阅读理解过程是一个复杂的心理语言过程,读者不仅要理解文学符号的表层结构,更重要的是能够对读物所传递的信息进行分析加工,联想,并作出合理推论,理解语意的深层结构和读物的暗含意义。因此,推论在阅读理解过程中起着举足轻重的作用。 语言理解在很大程度上是依靠推论的进行而进行的,推论不仅在读物的不同成分之间构成联系,而在读物的内容与读者的已有知识之间发生整合作用。具体的说,推论在阅读理解中有以下作用。 一、推论是对思维的连接 作者在撰写文章时,由于受语篇的简洁性的制约和写作意图的支配,不一定把所有的信息都一…  相似文献   

The study is situated at the interface between reading comprehension and critical thinking research. Its purpose was to examine the influence of reading goals and argument quality on the comprehension and critical evaluation of argumentative texts. Young adult readers read to comprehend or evaluate texts on two different controversial issues. Argument quality was varied across text versions on the basis of the hasty generalization fallacy. Text versions varied with respect to the quality of the arguments included, but not in terms of argument content. Measures of comprehension included main claim recall, overall recall and inferences in recall. Text evaluation was measured with a rating task. The sample’s familiarity with the text topics was low, and prior beliefs were relatively neutral. The results indicated that an evaluation goal had a consistent positive effect on main claim and text recall when compared to comprehension goal. Argument quality, however, had no main or interactive effects on text evaluation. The findings indicate that reading to evaluate argumentative text facilitates the representation of its content and critical argument elements, such as the claim it promotes. However, this representation is not sufficient for analyzing and critically evaluating the text’s argument line. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to current efforts to promote critical-analytic thinking skills in the context of reading and writing.  相似文献   

A contrast is proposed between the two literacy constructs of reading comprehension and locating information in text. A pragmatic approach to identifying important classes of literacy tasks reveals that locating information is prevalent in school and work. This process is a form of strategic reading that differs from reading comprehension or recall of prose by being more goal directed, more selective in the use of text, and less dependent on declarative knowledge. The process of locating text information requires: formulation of a goal, selection of a category of text for inspection, extraction of relevant details, and recycling to obtain solutions. Relationships of locating information in text to models of problem solving, studying, and reading comprehension are discussed and research implications are suggested.  相似文献   

从语言学的角度讲,学生写作文就是在建构语篇。作为语篇的作文必须具有明显的语篇特征,即它表达一个整体意义,各个部分是连贯的。以往对学习者语篇连贯的研究多侧重于对文章中衔接手段这一表层特征的研究,具有很大的局限性。这里从语篇分析的角度出发,在语篇自身的连贯性及读者对语篇理解的连贯性两个深层次的界面上建立框架,并在此框架下对大学生英语写作的连贯性进行分析,可以增强学生对连贯理论的认识,并在写作中自觉实践。  相似文献   

Text-signaling devices and their effects on reading and memory processes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Signals are writing devices that emphasize aspects of a text's content or structure without adding to the content of the the text. Findings are reviewed for studies of several different types of signaling devices, including: titles, headings, previews, overviews, summaries, typographical cues, recall sentences, number signals, importance indicators, and summary indicators. Most investigations have examined how the presence of signals in a text affects subsequent memory for the text. Virtually all types of signals produce better memory for information they cue in a text, whereas memory for unsignaled information often is unaffected. Less attention has been directed to signaling effects on other cognitive processes, such as attention, basic reading processes, and comprehension. It is argued that an understanding of how signals influence these processes will contribute to the application of signaling research to reading and writing instruction and to our general understanding of reading.  相似文献   

从语言学的角度讲,学生写作文就是在建构语篇.作为语篇的作文必须具有明显的语篇特征,即它表达一个整体意义,各个部分是连贯的.以往对学习者语篇连贯的研究多侧重于对文章中衔接手段这一表层特征的研究,具有很大的局限性.这里从语篇分析的角度出发,在语篇自身的连贯性及读者对语篇理解的连贯性两个深层次的界面上建立框架,并在此框架下对大学生英语写作的连贯性进行分析,可以增强学生对连贯理论的认识,并在写作中自觉实践.  相似文献   

随着素质教育的全面推广和新课程理念的日渐深入人心,我国的语文教学正在由传统的"授——受"关系变成"你——我"即互动关系。新颁布的《语文课程标准》明确指出:"语文教学应在师生平等对话的过程中进行。"而编演课本剧这种较为传统的教学活动作为一种话剧表演形式,它对培养学生的创新精神和参与能力,提高他们理解、感悟、掌握课文内容的自主创造力有着不可替代的作用。以编演课本剧为切入点,把课堂教学与编演课本剧的教学实践结合起来,为语文教学的形式重塑了一朵奇葩。  相似文献   

语文课程的阅读教学要从语文课程的总体目标出发,立足文本,着力提高学生的语言运用能力。在阅读教学中要把握好文本感悟与人文提升、文本价值与学生独特体验、文本内容与拓展延伸之间的辨证关系。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of adding collaborative modeling of text structure as an additional component of self-regulated strategy development for elementary school 6th-grade students learning English as a second language (ESL). In this study, 34 students receiving a ‘Self-regulated strategy development plus collaborative modeling of text structure’ intervention were compared with 36 students receiving a ‘collaborative modeling of text structure only’ intervention, 38 students receiving a ‘self-regulated strategy development only’ intervention, and 36 students receiving traditional instruction. Several measures (i.e., content comprehension, summarization of main ideas, and essay writing) were administered after the one-month intervention. Results revealed that, compared to traditional instruction, self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure respectively resulted in better comprehension levels and writing performance. The combination of self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure was particularly effective in increasing primary school students’ content comprehension and writing quality. These findings highlight the benefit of coupling self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure for elementary school ESL classroom instruction.  相似文献   

对外宣传的目的是让译文受众明确无误地理解译文所传递的信息。要达到这一目的,译者就应该在准确理解原文的基础上,以目的语为归宿,综合运用各种语言手段,全面、准确、客观地表达原文的含义。文章通过对一外宣文本英译稿的剖析,指出其中存在的问题,分析导致问题的原因,并提出了相应的修改建议。  相似文献   

The traditional specific skills approach to comprehension instruction is no longer considered useful since research has demonstrated that comprehension is a holistic process. However, one must break down the process in some way in order to teach it. Three models of comprehension instruction that attempt to break down the process are described. Strengths and weaknesses of each of the three models: text-based instruction, explicit comprehension instruction, and a combined model, are discussed. Techniques which are exemplars of each of the models are described in relation to their use with reading-disabled children. The combined model of comprehension instruction is recommended because it joins the goal of understanding the text with helping children learn how to learn.  相似文献   

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