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宋爽 《编辑学报》2023,(3):284-287
插图的编校是科技论文规范出版的重要环节之一。根据实践经验与实例分析,提出了科技论文插图“三聚焦”高效编辑校对方法,即:聚焦“步骤”,增强逻辑性;聚焦“问题”,保持敏感性;聚焦“标准”,提升规范统一性。以期为编辑同人高质量和高效率地处理插图、正确传播科技信息提供帮助。  相似文献   

蔡田田 《新闻传播》2022,(15):83-85
为了使科技期刊插图更规范美观,探讨科技论文插图内容及分图的对齐方式。应用常用的科技期刊插图编绘软件CorelDRAW,分析其自带的对齐功能,对科技期刊不同插图采取不同的对齐操作,使插图更快速有效地达到理想效果,从而提高科技期刊插图质量。  相似文献   

计算机制作科技期刊插图的技术及其发展   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
介绍计算机制作科技期刊插图的几个基本概念,对目前不同的制图方法进行比较研究,详细说明利用Photoshop、CorelDRAW、AutoCAD、Word及方正Wits等几种主流软件制作插图的优缺点,并指出利用计算机制作插图存在的主要问题及其发展方向。  相似文献   

杨捷 《现代出版》2002,(3):51-52
经济学是一门科学,是一门有假设、有模型、有数据、有推理并且可通过实验对理论进行检验或修正的科学。正因为如此,经济学教材特别是一些纯理论性教材就不可避免地会配有很多插图作为理论阐释的一部分,从而更有效地对理论展开讨论。下面就插图编排谈几点建议。一、插图不要太小气,大小要适当插图是经济学教材中不可缺少的形象化语言,是经济学理论的重要组成部分。插图非常重要,比如像中级微观经济学这类的教材,插图往往是精华所在,凝聚了理论创立者的心血。插图不但要起到对理论的解释阐明功能,在版面上还要给读者赏心悦目的享受。…  相似文献   

科技书刊插图的一般原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术的发展 ,越来越多的科技书刊插图采用计算机绘制 ,这对于提高其插图的质量 ,具有十分积极的意义。计算机绘制插图有手工绘制不可比拟的优点 ,如对称图形的镜像完成、相同图形的多次拷贝、相似图形的任意级缩放、绘图和文字标注一次完成、可多次修改等。但目前由于可用于绘图的软件较多 ,非专业绘图人员较多 ,制作的插图或多或少地存在这样那样的问题。对于科技书刊来说 ,插图要形象、直观、准确地表现作者难以用文字表述的科学思想和技术知识 ,所以要求插图必须是意义完整明确 ,示意清楚 ,符合一定的专业规范。笔者从事图书插…  相似文献   

政府电子文件管理规范体系的构建对政府信息公开、信息资源开发利用与共建共享具有重要的意义。澳大利亚政府构建了科学、完善的电子文件管理规范体系,其电子文件管理水平居于世界领先。本文将在简述澳大利亚政府电子文件管理规范建设概况基础上分析规范体系的特点。  相似文献   

科技书刊黑白插图的计算机处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张昆 《编辑学报》1994,6(4):242-245
科技书刊黑白插图的计算机处理张昆科技书刊常借助大量插图来形象地表达科学思想、技术知识、科研成果。插图可使某些内容的描述简洁、清晰,具有文字描述难以替代的作用,而且插图还具有美化、活跃版面的功能。历来,插图的编排是一项繁杂的工作,从制图、剪辑、缩放、植...  相似文献   

利用Visio2003完成科技期刊插图的制作   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对目前科技期刊编辑部制作插图工作过程繁杂的现状,通过对多种绘图软件的功能分析、比较与操作实践,并结合科技期刊插图的特点,提出了仅利用Visio2003这一种软件就可完成科技期刊插图制作全过程的方法.该方法简单易学,并且利用该软件生成的Tif图可方便地与方正书版9.0结合,实现图文混排与图文一体化输出.  相似文献   

科技期刊插图的编辑加工︽石油大学学报︾(自然科学版)编辑部刘艳荣陈淑娴在科技论文中,插图是不可缺少的形象化语言,是科技论文中的重要组成部分。在对科技论文插图进行编辑加工时,必须使这些形象化的语言和自然语言有机地结合起来,构成和谐而统一的整体,从而达到...  相似文献   

熊水斌 《编辑学报》2011,23(2):166-168
为高质量地将作者提供的插图转换为科技期刊排版系统(方正书版)支持的格式,利用PDF虚拟打印机,将插图转换为PDF文档,再在Photoshop中读取PDF文档,将插图转换为tif等方正排版系统支持的图形格式,从而实现基于Photo-shop的科技期刊插图处理,满足科技期刊高质量图文混排的要求。  相似文献   

何婷婷 《大观周刊》2012,(16):161-161,163
随着现代艺术的不断更新与发展,在商业插图方面,除了追求国际性的融合趋势以及现代性的文化革新之外,应该更多的强调地域性和民族文化特征,将民族图形与商业插图表现形式相结合,使商业插图的艺术表现有更多施展空间,艺术发展更加多元化。  相似文献   

郝拉娣  冯颖  张冬冬 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):593-594
鉴于目前大多数科技期刊纸质版尚不能达到全彩印刷的现状,以及Microsoft Office Excel 2007软件缺少黑白点线图形填充功能的情况,为了将来稿中的Excel 2007彩色柱形图或灰度柱形图更改为黑白点线填充柱形图,需借助PatternUI.xlam插件,仅需安装一次此插件,即可使Excel 2007软件增加黑白点线图形填充功能,编辑人员就可方便地在Word 2007稿件中点击Excel 2007柱形图完成对它的修改.采用此方法可促进编辑人员省时、高效地完成科技期刊中图形的编辑加工.  相似文献   

Librarians at the Arnold Bernhard Library of Quinnipiac University were at a crossroads with electronic reference books. At first they had added the titles to the library's web page, generated records to individual titles in the online catalog, and even established links to their content using the link resolver in the online catalog. It was still felt that the collection was not living up to its potential. In 2007, the automation librarian began a project to add one more level of access to these titles – a graphic interface that simulated the process of walking into a reference room and picking out a title – all of this done with no programming beyond basic HTML. Early usage reports beginning in the Fall of 2007 prove that the concept has found an audience.  相似文献   


Librarians at the Arnold Bernhard Library of Quinnipiac University were concerned with the usage levels of their electronic reference titles. They added the titles to the library's Web page, made individual records in the online catalog, and even established links between an OPAC keyword search and a search through electronic reference titles. It was still felt that the collection was underutilized. In 2007, the Automation Librarian began a project to add one more level of access to these titles—a graphic interface that simulated the process of walking into a reference room and picking out a title. A preliminary version was loaded in the Fall of 2007, and early results indicate that it has found an audience.  相似文献   

李敏 《大观周刊》2012,(40):69-69
随着电子计算机的普及、办公自动化的深入发展,过去用纸墨、照相形成和传递的公文、图纸、图形、影像、文献资料、科技情报、商业信息等都可用电子计算机进行,由此产生了大量的电子文件和电子档案。电子档案是信息社会发展的产物,加强对电子档案管理的研究,是目前档案工作者的一项紧迫任务。  相似文献   

Internet workshops and other classes involving online tools can be made more effective through the use of presentation graphics software. Such software allows presenters to snapshot and modify screens of computer information. They can then highlight the information paths and techniques they want the audience to be aware of and, during the presentation, can click through the captured screens without having to worry about typing errors, slow response time, or other computer glitches. Presentation software is ideal for presentations using computer projectors, but can also be helpful in other contexts. This article discusses the creation of a presentation about the Internet using Freelance Graphics and lists other presentation software programs.  相似文献   

朱俊波 《图书情报工作》2011,55(5):60-63,59
受制于MARC及其ISO2709元数据编码局限以及元数据制作成本和制作效率,图书馆馆藏元数据中,很多不具备图书的目次信息描述。在借助图形扫描设备和OCR识别技术、或手工录入等方式,将图书的目次信息数字化后,可以采用传统的MARC的856字段实现简单的目次图片文件的挂接,甚至可以扩展MARC字段或子字段,提供更多的目次信息表达;而利用新兴的DC元数据的原则和XML元数据编码,更能高效、低成本地实现图书书目著录对象与图书目次著录对象的清晰区分以及目次信息的层次表达。  相似文献   

This paper gives suggestions to librarians on how to get started with electronic mail. It discusses the cost- and time-saving advantages of using electronic mail rather than TWX, United States mail, or telephones for communicating ILL requests and messages. For instance, preliminary cost data show that electronic mail is often half as expensive as TWX and costs no more than a 22 stamp. Key management concerns that must be considered when setting up electronic mail are discussed, including the need for subscribers to agree on one system. Also covered are the types of equipment that can be used with electronic mail, including print terminals.  相似文献   


Uncertainty is defined as affective symptoms of stress, anxiety, and frustration when faced with an information need. Traditional face-to-face instruction allows sender and receiver to fulfill information needs using multiple sources, which can be visual, auditory, tactile, or verbal. Distance learners may experience high levels of uncertainty when most or all of the communication and interaction takes place in an electronic environment that does not allow for these multiple information sources. Research on face-to-face communication and uncertainty suggests that people attempt to reduce uncertainty by acquiring more information and also by using structured or familiar information resources. This paper suggests that many of our behavioral motivations in face-to-face activities would also apply in the online environment. By creating online tutorials that combine structured hierarchical instructions with familiar modes of communication, we may be able to reduce symptoms of uncertainty in the library search process.  相似文献   

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