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团队性绩效考核对知识共享的影响模型研究/FONT   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
常涛  廖建桥 《科研管理》2011,32(1):111-121
    摘要:在文献研究的基础上,本文提出了团队性绩效考核对知识共享的影响模型,并通过234个工作团队的813名成员的有效调查问卷进行了实证检验。结果表明,团队性绩效考核不会直接促进知识共享,而是通过团队成员的分配公平感、人际信任、团队承诺间接地正向影响知识共享;任务相互依赖性、团队成员能力梯度、团队效能感等团队特征因素以及程序公平感、互动公平感在该影响过程中起到了调节作用。最后,进一步对如何有效实施团队性绩效考核提出了对策建议。    相似文献   

运动心理学的重要研究领域是竞技心理和锻炼心理。竞技心理的核心问题是追求卓越,即如何帮助运动员在高水平竞赛中通过心理调节获得优异运动成绩,并谋求长期的更好的自我发展;锻炼心理的核心问题是保持健康,即如何帮助人们参与锻炼活动,养成运动习惯,感受运动乐趣,以促进身心健康。本文介绍了运动心理学在运动知觉与决策、机能优化与简化、发挥失常与最佳状态、心理疲劳、心理训练、锻炼动机、锻炼心理效益等方面的研究成果,分析了通过体育活动提升人的生命质量的可能性。  相似文献   


At present, the politics of digital tools are predominantly discussed in terms of the data they collect, analyze, and circulate. Through my analysis of electronic ankle monitors’ visual characteristics, I widen the scope of investigation to consider how the visuality of digital tools’ form factor – the size and shape of computing hardware – also contributes to their politics. I discuss five major impacts the visuality of electronic ankle monitors’ physical form has upon their wearers’ lives: (1) lack of differentiation in the aesthetics of monitors across different types of wearers (spanning from criminal justice to immigration detention) leads wearers to be considered “dangerous criminals,” by default; (2) monitors limit wearers’ ability to “pass” in society; (3) monitors expand the set of surveillors beyond government officials to also include the public; (4) monitors compromise wearers’ privacy; (5) monitors associate wearers with older practices of visually marking people normative society has labeled dangerous. Based on this analysis, I argue two points. First, that the visuality of electronic ankle monitors’ form factor expands the harms wearers experience beyond those engendered by the device’s primary use as a remote geo-temporal tracking tool used by government organizations. Second, the case study of electronic ankle monitors evidences the need to develop laws and policies that seek to regulate the visual properties of digital tools as well as the data they generate.  相似文献   

Insects which turn and look   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The compound eyes of insects and crustaceans are not uniform: regions which look in different directions become specialized for different functions. Some regions have larger facets and smaller angles between adjacent visual axes. Larger facets allow greater resolution for individual ommatidia of the eye; smaller angles between their axes allow a greater density of sampling stations. Many insects have one or more foveas, together with specialized visual habits, but even without a fovea, turning to look is probably a basic part of insect behaviour. Accurate alignment of the head axis then allows the estimation of distance without necessity for stereopsis. The form of the eye in many insects strongly suggests that they measure range over long distances by parallax rather than by binocular overlap.  相似文献   

张瑛 《科教文汇》2011,(3):195-196
建设高素质的纪检监察干部队伍,树立新时期纪检监察干部形象,是深入推进党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的客观要求,是纪检监察部门全面履行党章赋予的职责和任务的重要保证。所以,纪检监察干部要适应经济发展方式转变新要求,在政治上把握住正确方向,工作能力上提高办事本领,使纪检监察干部队伍更好地完成反腐倡廉的建设任务,为实现"十二五"时期奋斗目标提供有力保障。本文从六个方面就如何加强和提高纪检监察干部队伍的综合素质进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the contribution that Prometheus has made over the past 20 years to the literature on innovation, innovation policy and technological change. I offer first a necessarily subjective view of how the research literatures of innovation and innovation policy have developed in recent decades. I then compare that account with an interpretation of the emphases and trends in the corresponding areas in Prometheus. The research literatures involved are vast, located in many specific discipline areas and cross many discipline boundaries. While my ‘home’ discipline is economics I believe much can still be learned from the flexible and imaginative use of economics to frame research inquiry in the innovation area.  相似文献   

姜利英 《科教文汇》2014,(34):188-189
高校学生管理工作是高校教育的一个重要组成部分,同时学生管理也是一门艺术,是一门值得研究的应用科学。大学作为国家人才的培养基地,高效科学的学生管理机制,其意义是不言而喻的。本文将从分析传统模式的弊端到新模式的转变带来的新的挑战,以及如何提高以辅导员为主导的管理者队伍自身建设的素质要求做了详细的论述,积极探索适应时代要求的学生管理方式。  相似文献   

In the following essay, I will discuss D.Johnson's argument in her ETHICOMP99 KeynoteSpeech (Johnson 1999) regarding the possiblefuture disappearance of computer ethics as anautonomous discipline, and I will analyze somelikely objections to Johnson's view.In the future, there are two ways in whichcomputer ethics might disappear: (1) therejection of computer ethics as an aspect ofapplied ethics, or (2) the rejection ofcomputer ethics as an autonomous discipline.The first path, it seems to me, would lead tothe death of the entire field of appliedethics, while the second path would lead onlyto the death of computer ethics as a separatesubject. Computer technology is becoming very pervasive,and each scientific field includes somediscipline-specific computing. For the likelyforeseeable future, disciplines such asbioethics and engineering ethics will have todeal with ethical issues involving the role ofcomputers. I will argue that computer ethics inthis sense is unlikely to disappear, even ifcomputer ethics ceases to be considered as aseparate discipline.In order to understand which path will befollowed by computer ethics, I will compareJohnson's argument with ideas of earlierthinkers like N. Wiener (1950) and B. Russell(1932). Although Russell did not specificallyconsider computer technology, he had somegood intuitions about the development ofsocieties by means of technology.My conclusion will be two-fold: (1) thatapplied ethics will not die, but it may make nosense in the future to talk about computerethics as a separate field; and (2) thatcomputer ethics will not simply become``ordinary ethics', contrary to Johnson's view.  相似文献   

杨继缘 《科教文汇》2014,(36):169-171
盲生视力损伤,视觉经验多半缺失,给英语词汇教学带来了较大的困难,尤其是词汇的记忆和运用。通过在教学中利用直观教具和关注情感体验,调动盲生的多维感知来实现视觉缺陷补偿和潜能开发,以提高词汇教学效率。  相似文献   

周辉 《科教文汇》2012,(18):72-72,102
焊接工艺是一种先进的制造技术,现已发展成为现代科技多学科互相交融的新学科,成为一种综合的工程技术。焊接技术已广泛地应用于工业生产的各个部门,在推动工业的发展和产品的技术进步以及促进国民经济的发展都发挥着重要作用。培养适应社会需要的高技能焊接专业人才是我们职业教育的一个重要任务。本文浅谈教学中应从对专业课进行兴趣教学,利用多媒体课件教学,理论知识与实践相结合教学等方面入手,使学生对老师讲的专业知识感兴趣,形成"我要学习"的良好教学和学习效果。  相似文献   

袁红  王奥 《现代情报》2019,39(4):59-68
[目的/意义]随性休闲搜索具有与工作任务情境下以结果为导向的搜索行为不同的规律,探索休闲情境中的搜索行为特征对于信息系统功能的优化,从而为用户日常信息搜索提供更有效的支持具有重要的意义。[方法/过程]论文以采莓模型为基础,采用基于观察实验的日记研究法,招募23位实验参与者进行了为期一周的视频搜索实验,通过文本分析和数据建模,从查询变化、思考、信息/文档、结束4个方面分析了随性休闲搜索行为的特征。[结果/结论]随性休闲搜索中用户需求及其变化带来了查询改变;用户对信息保持着开放选择,从自身情感体验进行搜索评价。随性休闲搜索是一个顺其自然的信息接受和利用过程,也是一项带来快乐体验的休闲活动。  相似文献   

张洁梅  王昊 《科研管理》2022,43(8):90-99
随着数字化技术的蓬勃发展,越来越多的企业运用社交媒体吸引顾客参与企业社会责任,虚拟企业社会责任共创已成为企业履行社会责任的重要形式。本研究以顾客心理授权(选择权、知情权、影响力)为中介变量,探讨企业社会责任感知(利益感知、情感感知、期望一致性)对参与意愿的作用机理,并由实证分析得出利益感知通过选择权、知情权、影响力对参与意愿有显著正向影响;情感感知通过选择权、知情权对参与意愿有显著正向影响;期望一致性通过选择权、知情权、影响力对参与意愿有显著正向影响;企业声誉在利益感知与选择权、知情权中起到正向调节的作用;企业声誉仅在情感感知与选择权中起到正向调节的作用;企业声誉在期望一致性与选择权、知情权、影响力中起到正向调节的作用。本研究拓展了顾客心理授权理论的应用范围,进一步探索了企业社会责任感知到参与意愿的“黑箱”,并为虚拟企业社会责任共创的有效开展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

张立春 《科教文汇》2011,(13):33-34,107
随着社会经济的发展,影视艺术教育在拥有艺术类专业的高校中成为了不可或缺的一部分,影视类课程在艺术类专业中所占的比重也越来越大。针对影视类专业的专业特点和现阶段的教学现状,如何提高课程的教学质量成了重中之重。在此,本文把影视制作课程中的重要环节所涉及的几个类型的教学方法作一研究和分析。  相似文献   

以1559篇科技金融文献和1975篇科技型中小企业文献为研究对象,运用文献计量、描述统计与"CiteSpaceⅢ"可视化文献分析软件相结合的"数—形"分析方法,以交叉学科为研究视角,打破以往对单一研究领域可视化分析的范式。通过对文献的计量分析、学科及核心期刊分布网络的量化分析、高产作者及研究机构合作网络的共现分析及研究前沿热点的趋势分析,揭示了我国科技金融与科技型中小企业协同发展演进的规律,构建了科技金融服务科技型中小企业的运行机制,以期对我国科技金融未来发展方向及科技型中小企业融资发展研究提供有益启示。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金与科学道德学风问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了国家自然科学基金工作中出现的不端行为及其成因,探讨科 学基金中发生的科学道德和学风问题的表现形式及其特征,评价科学不端行为对科学基金工 作的影响,研究提出加强科学道德和学风建设、改进科技政策、优化我国科技发展环境的政 策建议。  相似文献   

李玉文 《科教文汇》2012,(12):118-119
教学不仅是一门科学,而且是一种艺术。成功的教学,本身就是一种艺术的创造,化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,利用演示实验加强直观教学;让学生多做"想象实验",组织分组实验,培养动手能力;布置实验作业,培养理解能力等,以此来培养初中学生的化学学习兴趣。  相似文献   

李燮慧 《大众科技》2013,(12):230-232,236
针对物联网技术对图书馆的发展产生的影响进行了分析和探讨,总结了在信息时代图书馆中信息服务发展的趋势和特点,深入研究了引入物联网技术之后,对图书馆的应用发展所带来的革命性的变化,总结了物联网技术环境下对信息的感知能力、信息的交换能力以及信息服务过程中角色转换等方面所带来的发展机遇,与此同时,也提出物联网技术在图书馆领域应用过程中所面临的一些问题,主要包括传感器节点的感知能力、传感器与物联网的成本控制、传感器节点的功耗控制,以及整个物联网的稳定性等问题。  相似文献   

庞爱平  杨靖 《科教文汇》2021,(10):88-89,92
该文从控制科学的产生与发展历程,分析了控制科学与工程的学科特色和未来发展,以及其在人类工业进程中的重要作用。在新时代背景下,控制科学与工程在面临新机遇的同时也给基础教学带来了新挑战,作者以现代控制理论的教学为例,反思在教学中如何聚焦前沿,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时做到夯实学科基础,传达学科理念,培养学生的控制思维模式和终身学习的能力。  相似文献   

王泽丰 《科教文汇》2014,(19):93-94
教学大纲是一门学科的教学指导性文件,教学质量与教学大纲相辅相成,共同提升教学效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, I approach the question of mobiles in Asian countries by considering the case of Australia. I do so by way of a preliminary inquiry that seeks to explore the intersection between the emergence of mobiles in Australia with transformations in that country's sense of its relationship with Asia. First I discuss the history of the mobile phone in Australia, noting some important uses and representations that formed part of its social shaping. Second, I explore mobiles and the paradoxes of multiculturalism, and also how digital technologies became central to political culture and identity debates in Australia in the early to-mid 1990s. Third, I look at some important moments in the social shaping of text messaging, in which questions of cultural difference were decisive. Finally, I offer concluding remarks about future research on mobiles in Australia and how they are tied into Asian identities.  相似文献   

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