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何静 《科学学研究》2005,23(5):577-581
在当代认识论中,信任在科学中的作用,已经不存在实质性的争议。问题只在于:这种在科学中对他人的信任应该建立在先验原则基础上,还是经验基础上?本文正是通过对这个问题的探讨以求揭示科学中信任问题的实质。  相似文献   

<正>地方学会在各地的经济建设中,都曾起到非常重要的促进作用,成为一支不可或缺的有生力量。今天,随着科技的进步、产业结构的调整和升级换代,如何搞好学会工作,使其继续朝着可持续发展  相似文献   

柯林斯和埃文斯的专长研究为技术决策中延伸问题的解决开辟了新路径。具体而言,通过区分两类专长的本质差异来为科学专家与公众划界,并论证了技术决策中公众参与无限延伸的非合理性及互动专家如何在公众参与科学的“技术阶段”发挥“帮助”作用;此外,仅就理论方面来看,专长研究相关成就的阐发有利于缓和科学家与人文社会学者之间的矛盾,也能在公众理解科学方面产生积极效应。这启示我们有必要深入发掘专长研究的成果,将它们运用于公众对科学与科学家的理解和科学家和人文社会学者之间信任关系的重建。  相似文献   

本文详细阐述了舆论的含义及分类 ,提出了舆论在科技政策制定过程中的作用方式和途径 ,指出我们应该充分重视舆论在科技政策制定中的作用 ,而且这也是以往科技政策制定中被忽视的方面 ,因而加强对舆论的研究对我国科技政策的制定具有重大的现实意义  相似文献   

科学基金制度是一个国家为了有效推动科学发展而制定的战略性举措。探讨中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)制度的历史演进过程,追溯其申请制度、评审制度、复审制度等制度创新的演变发展脉络。NSFC的制度创新具有深刻的文化意义,它塑造了独特的文化体系,形成了文化积淀,促进了文化传播,已然成为科学文化建设与传承的重要驱动力。  相似文献   

Greek historical accounts of ancient eclipses were an important, if peculiar, focus of scientific attention in the nineteenth century. Victorian-era astronomers tried to correct the classical histories using scientific methods, then used those histories as data with which to calibrate their lunar theories, then rejected the histories as having any relevance at all. The specific dating of these eclipses--apparently a simple exercise in celestial mechanics--became bound up with tensions between scientific and humanistic approaches to the past as well as with wider social debates over the power and authority of science in general. The major figures discussed here, including G. B. Airy, Simon Newcomb, and T. H. Huxley, argued that the critical question was whether science could speak authoritatively about the past. To them, the ability of science to talk about the past indicated its power to talk about the future; it was also the fulcrum of fierce boundary disputes among science, history, and religion.  相似文献   

公共科技基础条件平台建设与政策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝立勤  赖于民 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z1):103-107
文章论述了公共科技基础条件平台的内函,设计了云南省公共科技基础条件平台的建设构架,分析了平台建设的现状及问题;提出了“十一五”期间云南省科技基础条件平台建设的思路、主要任务及实施重点和布局;并提出了加快平台建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

In the late 1970s, the U.S. Congress was debating a number of different proposals to provide monetary compensation to residents of Utah and Nevada who had been exposed to radioactive fallout from government nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s. Yet scientists and government officials expressed concern that such a program would end up compensating many people for cancers that were not caused by the fallout. Thus, after much debate, Congress directed the National Institutes of Health to produce a set of statistical tables--the radioepidemiologic tables--to target compensation awards to "deserving" individuals. Advocates of the tables, notably Senator Orrin Hatch, argued that reliance on scientific data would provide compensation decisions with predictability and evenhandedness. Yet in the end, the effort to employ the tables failed. The substantial scientific uncertainties in the tables and in their application to individual claims failed to deliver the authority they promised. Additionally, the goal of fairness and objectivity could not be convincingly met because of persistent controversy and mistrust surrounding the government's role in the study of health effects of low-level radiation.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised that the growing emphasis on the commercial value of academic research may have negative, unintended consequences, notably that it may have a deleterious effect on the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge or on the open-ended nature of public science. These concerns have catalyzed an expanding set of empirical studies, the evidence from which is vast and mixed. We review this body of investigative work, teasing out some preliminary conclusions regarding the broader implications of academic enterprise and promising avenues for further research.  相似文献   

针对目前学术界普遍认为财政科技投入的理论依据是科技活动领域的市场失灵,并认为我国财政科技投入存在的主要问题是投入量不足、投入结构不合理、投入方式不科学和投入管理不健全等,进行梳理和简要评论。  相似文献   

尚虎平  叶杰  赵盼盼 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1476-1487,1475
由公共财政支持的科研项目必须承担公共受托责任,保证财政效率。我们依照科学程序选取了各29项以"政府"为研究对象的国家社科基金与自然科学基金项目,通过对结项成果的"论文数量"、"论文丰满度"、"他引频次"、"复合影响因子"和"下载频次"等5个指标财政效率的测算,发现科研项目是消耗公共资金的"巨兽",存在"边际效率递减"的和"低效、无效与挥霍"的不良现象。这启示我们:我国公共财政资助的科研经费利用水平低,相关部门对项目经费缺乏有效监管,科研资助单位之间缺乏必要的竞争与公共资金追责机制,科研资助的制度设计对"道德人"期望过高。要解决这些问题,需要改变"课题拜物教",树立结果导向的基本理念;实行成果公开,经费去向公示制度;改变政府既当"赞助商"、又当"裁判员"的现状,并成立科研项目评价事务所等。  相似文献   

为更好地开展我院的科普工作,院科普领导小组办公室(简称科普办)继2004年科技周期间成功地举办了首届“北京公众科学日”后,于2005年科技周期间又举办了“中国科学院公众科学日”大型公益科普活动。这次活动的特点如下:(1)活动内容丰富多彩,形式新颖多样。在本次活动中,我院有60个研究所向社会公众开放,21名院士亲临现场,100余名科学家现场讲解,500余名工作人员和300余名科普志愿者参与,接待了全国各地的公众近12万人次。集中展示了我院知识创新工程的创新成就,让社会公众和青少年走进研究所,走近科学,了解和亲身感受科学研究的现状和成果。…  相似文献   

The technology acceptance model (TAM) has proven to be one of the most powerful theories to explain user's technology adoption. Among many external variables incorporated into TAM, trust is considered to be an important factor that influences the user's online behavior, especially in the e-commerce context. This study conducts a meta-analysis based on the previous TAM studies in an attempt to make well-grounded statements on the role of trust. Furthermore, the paper examines those TAM studies by considering moderating effects of subject type (students or non-students) and context type (commercial or non-commercial). Results indicate a significant influence of trust on TAM constructs. Moderating effects are found for most pair-wise relationships. The findings yield implications for both researchers and service providers.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104867
Technical progress increasingly relies on the use of scientific knowledge. But if much of this knowledge is in the public domain, can it be a source of private value? We find that average private returns to using public science are small, especially in crowded technical fields. This is consistent with the view that the expected profit from an input that competitors can easily access is low. However, private value is higher when a firm is the first to use science, partly because it can secure broader patents relative to later users. Corporate participation in scientific research is a strong predictor of first use, consistent with the view that participation in science raises familiarity with relevant scientific advances.  相似文献   

解学芳 《科学学研究》2010,28(12):1820-1831
从长期来看,科学技术发展与文化产业管理制度建构间形成了互动和谐的逻辑关系:但在短期视域内,文化产业管理制度与科学技术进步之间往往存在时滞性,是一种反逻辑的演进轨迹,特别是技术反文化特性与管理主体利益初衷导致两者存在明显的"时间差"问题。总体观之,科技进步与文化产业管理制度建构间的逻辑可以回归到共性规律上。因而,基于科学技术发展所导向的文化产业管理制度的建构应以和谐互动逻辑作为出发点,以"制度塑造产业"为诉求,以预见性、预警性的文化产业管理制度来缩短与科技发展间的"时间差",推动文化产业健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

Governments and public agencies are increasingly keen to support the translation of scientific discoveries into commercial and societal applications through science valorisation funding, as a way to enhance progress and inclusive growth. In this paper, we use grant-level data from the European Research Council Proof-of-Concept (PoC) programme, in order to assess the impact of public funding on a broad set of science valorisation outcomes, including licensing, spinoff formation, R&D collaborations, consulting and access to follow-on funding. We employ an instrumental variable approach to compare the valorisation outcomes of projects that obtained an ERC PoC grant to a group of projects that applied to the PoC scheme but were not funded. We find that the programme was effective in fostering the early valorisation of scientific discoveries by all measures of success that we employed. Overall, thus, our findings speak in favour of this type of policy instrument as a catalyst to accelerate the transition of scientific breakthroughs towards practical applications.  相似文献   

刘立  王耀德 《科学学研究》2003,21(4):428-432
定量考察公共科学对技术创新的贡献大小 ,可以为政府支持基础研究提供有用的论据。专利引文分析 ,是测度基础研究对技术创新的贡献的一个重要方法论。通过对专利引证的科学论文的计量研究 ,发现 :工业技术与公共科学的联系不断加强 ,公共科学在技术创新中起着重要的作用。其政策意义在于 ,政府应该继续支持基础研究 ,而企业应该加强对外部知识资源的“吸收能力”的建设。  相似文献   

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