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Peer counselling schemes have been developed in some secondary schools to combat bullying. Research supports the need for bullied victims to speak with their peers. Such schemes need regular monitoring and modification to suit the school's particular pastoral needs. This paper explores the management issues surrounding the provision of peer counselling in one service, managed by a school counsellor. The service is outlined to show that appointment setting requires careful planning and ongoing management. This paper discusses four central issues, which are the role of a peer counselling service; the selected model; the most suitable room location; and the most appropriate time for counselling to take place in secondary school.  相似文献   

There is an increasing body of evidence demonstrating the psychological and social challenges that afflict school-age children in sub-Saharan Africa. In spite of widespread calls to provide counselling and guidance services in schools, efforts at expanding these services remain fragmented and under-resourced. Grounded in both empirical and theoretical literature, this article calls for integration of counselling and guidance through a whole-school approach. Utilizing critical aspects of child and adolescent developmental theory, we summarize the current state of counselling and guidance in the region, evaluate attempts at integration, and propose adoption of a comprehensive guidance and counselling model into school curricula.  相似文献   

2004年以来,以国家基础教育课程改革为平台,不少实验区对突破招生和考试评价制度这个素质教育推进的"瓶颈"问题进行了探索.尤其是在中考改革试点方面取得了突破性进展,以等级制代替百分制,增加综合素质评价,将学生成长记录纳入评价范围等做法,为义务教育阶段实施素质教育创造了条件.然而,综合素质评价还没有十分成熟时就遭遇到了被应付的尴尬.笔者试图以国家级基础教育课程改革实验区--重庆市北碚区在实施学生综合素质评价方面的做法,谈一谈对综合素质评价的认识.  相似文献   

朋辈心理辅导对提高大学新生适应能力的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对大学新生开展朋辈心理辅导活动的探索和实践发现:对大学新生开展朋辈心理辅导不仅是促进大学新生顺利完成从中学到大学转变的好方法,而且还培养锻炼了一支由高年级学生组成的心理辅导员队伍,在某种程度上缓解了当前心理辅导教师短缺的矛盾.  相似文献   

探索适合专业学位研究生的培养模式是新时期我国研究生教育改革的重要内容。在分析石河子大学农业推广硕士(农村与区域发展领域)的综合改革及其成效的基础上,从转变观念、创新课程体系、优化导师队伍、加强实践基地建设、改善培养条件等方面,就如何进一步创新农业推广硕士培养模式进行了思考和总结,为今后做好专业学位研究生教育工作理清了思路。  相似文献   

This article reports an evaluation of a peer mediation scheme in a special school for students with moderate learning difficulties. The evaluation of the project focused on two aspects: the effectiveness of the training of the mediators and the effect of the project on the school community. The author concluded that pupils with moderate learning difficulties have the ability to mediate successfully; that the process can develop their social skills and emotional literacy; and can play a notable part in increasing cooperation between pupils within the school environment.  相似文献   

This is a study of deaf children in Bhimavaram, West Godavari district Andhra pradesh. Physical disability hampers personality development of the child, because of the social stigma that such disability conditions carry. Children with hearing disability cannot speak also as they are deprived of learning and imitating sounds in the environment. Because of the disability of hearing and speaking they are segregated from the rest of world due to the lack of communication. Due to its invisible nature, the disability does not evoke the necessary response from the public. Compared to other human positions, hearing is next to mind itself, mans most important assistant for an integrated and satisfying social existence. It can isolate a person from his/her family, peers and community. Those who do not understand this disability may subject the victim to extremely negative attitudes.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors report on the evaluation of an anti-bullying programme, the cool school programme (CSP), conducted in a secondary school in Ireland. The study explored how participation in the anti-bullying programme affected students and teachers in one second-level school. The programme focused on students' faith in the teachers' ability to deal with bullying effectively, their willingness and confidence in telling a teacher about bullying and whether they felt safe in school. Teacher confidence and behaviour with regard to bullying were also explored. The study found that 91 per cent of students felt that teachers took bullying seriously. Eighty-nine per cent thought that teachers knew how to deal with bullying and 75 per cent felt able to tell a teacher if they were bullied. Eighty-seven per cent said there was a better atmosphere in their class. Ninety-three per cent of students felt safe in school. Seventy-two per cent of teachers reported greater confidence in their ability to manage bullying and 84% reported increased vigilance. Ninety-four per cent thought that students felt safer in the school. Sixty-nine per cent said there was a better atmosphere in the school. Most felt that the programme was now part of the school culture (94%) and would continue in the school (97%). The authors acknowledge that relying on reported levels of bullying may not give a complete picture of the impact of an anti-bullying intervention. They argue that researchers may need to take into consideration teacher approachability, challenging the culture of silence, responding appropriately and ensuring student safety in school when evaluating programmes.  相似文献   

成为社会舆论关注热点的"雷人校规",受到了诸多的批判和挖苦,一直背负着不义的罪名。校规是否"雷人"不是舆论说了算,而是从学校本身的实际与人的未来发展为标准来判定。校规之所以"雷人"是舆论、社会、教育思想观念的碰撞与磨合,对其不应只是批判,更重要的是反思其背后的真问题,还要还教育以自由。  相似文献   

一、中学生课外阅读现状令人担忧据调查,当前城市中有超过半数的中学生基本没有课外阅读,少数学生能读点课外读物,但以流行读物、娱乐快餐式读物为主,涉足严肃读物或经典著作的微乎其微。笔者曾对刚进高中的四个班239名学生作了问卷调查,结果令人吃惊。古今中外经典名著或伟人传记中较适宜中学生阅读的作品,如《红楼梦》、《三国演义》、《简爱》、《老人与海》、《鲁迅传记》、《秋雨散文》等,全部读过的没有一个人,部分读过的不到60%,均没有读过的竟超过40%。为语文课本配编的课外读物《语文读本》,竟然也有超过65%的学生没认真读过。此种…  相似文献   

A detailed account of a part‐time action research based course in ‘School Counselling and Guidance’ for teachers is provided, including its underlying principles and an examination of the major problems and dilemmas it has posed for both tutors and course members.  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程作为本次课改的一大亮点,重在强调学生的自主探究与主动实践.与传统的以书本、教室、教师讲解为中心的学科课程相比,它是落实素质教育,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,增强其社会责任感的有效途径.为保证实效,必须从观念、培训、师资、管理、评价等方面采取措施,促进综合实践活动课程价值的落实.  相似文献   

改革开放二十多年来,音乐教育事业在国家以及相关部门的大力关注和支持下,取得了可喜的成就。但是,当我们在感受音乐教育事业取得一定成就的同时,也应该认真客观地思考高中音乐课程教学中存在的问题,特别是深受高考影响的农村高中音乐教育中出现的种种状况。文章对广大农村高中音乐校本教育严重滞后的忧人现实进行了深刻思考,并提出了自己的看法和对策。  相似文献   

学校是实施素质教育的主场所,它有责任、有义务在整个德育大系统中发挥引领作用。家庭德育是学校德育的重要补充,也是德育体系架构中的重要支撑。  相似文献   

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