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This paper describes an approach to intervention that aims to foster the skill of young children with autistic spectrum disorder to share social attention and action to promote socially meaningful communication. It applies principles derived from research into pre‐linguistic development. The efficacy of the approach was evaluated through both a formal research project and within a clinical setting of a Portage scheme with groups of three to five year olds with a severe delay in their ability to communicate/autistic spectrum disorder. Outcome measures showed significantly accelerated levels of participation in social games and associated development of communication skills.  相似文献   

This study used an ABAB design to investigate the effectiveness of social stories as an intervention with five school children who were experiencing difficulties at school lunchtime related to independently entering the dining hall. Measurements of general behaviour using the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale‐Revised (CTRS‐R:L): Long Version and social cognition were also taken. The results showed an increase in targeted behaviour when social stories were used for three of the five children. The profile of results from the CTRS‐R and social cognitive tasks indicated that social stories were an effective intervention for children who had poor social skills and difficulties understanding the perspective of others.  相似文献   

社会故事作为一种应用于自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会能力训练的教学方法,目前得到广泛的推广与应用。本文试图从国外自闭症谱系社会故事干预的研究文献中梳理现有的社会故事干预有效性研究的开展情况,试图总结研究中存在的问题,并为今后社会故事干预的有效性研究提供思路。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系儿童语言干预中的"视觉支持"策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自闭症谱系障碍儿童的语言理解和运用在很大程度上可能涉及到视觉能力的参与."视觉支持"是根据这一认知加工特点而设计的干预策略.从种类上说,视觉支持工具包括视觉流程表、信息分享栏、组织图等.这些视觉工具既能够单独使用,又能够整合到相关的教育干预方案(如图片兑换沟通系统、结构化教学、社会故事方案)之中.视觉支持策略能够有效提高自闭症谱系障碍的社会交往能力和语言能力,是一种值得提倡和推广的语言干预策略.  相似文献   

本实验比较了12位自闭症谱系儿童和12位年龄及非语言智商匹配的聋童、12位年龄及语言智商匹配的智力障碍儿童手势模仿能力.研究发现:(1)自闭症谱系儿童手部模仿能力明显落后于聋童,略高于智力障碍儿童;(2)身体部位定向的困难可能是自闭症谱系儿童无意义手势模仿的主要障碍;(3)运用自我一他人投射理论可以有效地解释自闭症谱系儿童的模仿缺陷和特异性的错误类型.  相似文献   

社会故事法在儿童自闭症干预中的应用研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会故事法是1991年由Gray C提出的自闭症干预方法.它以心理理论为主要理论依据,强调通过提高患者对社会情境和社会行为规则的理解来促进患者社会能力的发展.十几年来的一系列实验研究已经初步证明,社会故事法独立使用或与其他干预方法配合使用都能有效减少患者的不适当社会行为,增加适当社会行为,而且疗效能够保持,应用情境也比较广泛.但相对而言,社会故事法在具有良好阅读能力的轻度自闭症患者身上取得的干预效果会更好些.  相似文献   

This study takes the form of an action research project. The focus is on the aggressive playground behaviour demonstrated by a class of 10 7‐8 year old boys in a special school for children with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. An overview of the central issues is presented and potential strategies for behaviour improvement are identified. These strategies are evaluated and the most appropriate are identified for implementation in an attempt to remedy the aggressive playground behaviour. A non‐participant observation procedure is adopted and initial observations on the varying frequencies and levels of individual children's involvement in aggressive incidents are recorded. These findings are then analysed in order to identify the main types of aggressive actions and the children's individual roles within the incidents. The most appropriate strategies are then implemented, after which a second set of recordings of playground behaviour is taken. These show a marked decrease in the frequency of aggressive behaviours. Finally, the main findings are evaluated and a summary of procedures and central issues is offered.  相似文献   

Abstract Seven primary school children with behaviour difficulties showed low levels of on‐task writing behaviour, high levels of off‐task disruptive behaviour and a low number of words written during regular classroom story writing sessions. Introduction of self‐recording of work behaviours during story writing for the whole class of 34 children was associated with increased on‐task, decreased off‐task disruptive behaviour and an increased number of words written for target children. There was also an increased number of words written by six other children for whom story writing data was collected. Introduction of say‐do correspondence training for five of the target children showed further increases in independent story writing behaviour and reductions in off‐task behaviours that disrupted the written language sessions.  相似文献   

In response to international concerns about scientific literacy and students’ waning interest in school science, this study investigated the effects of a science‐writing project about the socioscientific issue (SSI) of biosecurity on the development of students’ scientific literacy. Students generated two BioStories each that merged scientific information with the narrative storylines in the project. The study was conducted in two phases. In the exploratory phase, a qualitative case study of a sixth‐grade class involving classroom observations and interviews informed the design of the second, confirmatory phase of the study, which was conducted at a different school. This phase involved a mixed methods approach featuring a quasi‐experimental design with two classes of Australian middle school students (i.e., sixth grade, 11 years of age, n = 55). The results support the argument that writing the sequence of stories helped the students become more familiar with biosecurity issues, develop a deeper understanding of related biological concepts, and improve their interest in science. On the basis of these findings, teachers should be encouraged to engage their students in the practice of writing about SSI in a way that integrates scientific information into narrative storylines. Extending the practice to older students and exploring additional issues related to writing about SSI are recommended for further research.  相似文献   

This report presents a data‐based intervention designed t o increase the social interactions between an autistic boy and his nondisabled peers. A “loose training” prompting tactic was used to teach the child to initiate to the peers. After several training sessions the autistic child increased his spontaneous interactions (a) with the training peers in non‐training, generalizationsessions and (b) with non‐training peersin the generalization sessions. The results show promise for the discovery and implementation of generalization tactics that promote the social integration of disabled and nondisabled children.  相似文献   

The theory of the multiple intelligences are discussed in relation to working with young children and young children with disabilities. A rationale for the use of the multiple intelligences is discussed as well as practical suggestions on how they can be incorporated into early childhood programs.  相似文献   

本实验采用混合设计的方法,以听觉输入刺激中的词序和词义为自变量,动作反应类型和反应时为因变量,对12名自闭症谱系障碍学生和以性别和生理年龄匹配的弱智学生进行了关于词序和词义在汉语简单句理解中的作用及相互关系的比较研究.实验结果显示:(1)自闭症学生汉语简单句理解中,词序和词义都产生显著作用,且两者存在交互作用;(2)自闭症学生和弱智学生完成本实验任务的反应类型和反应时均无显著差异;(3)部分自闭症学生在实验反应中表现出明显的固着性行为特征.  相似文献   

在普通儿童语言发展的早期阶段就具有将新异词语与所指事物进行“快速映射”的词语习得能力,但有明显语言发展障碍的自闭症谱系障碍儿童是否也存在这种“快速映射”能力呢?本文回顾并评析过去15年间国外关于自闭症谱系障碍儿童在基本映射条件下、社会性映射条件下和非社会性映射条件下词语习得能力的相关研究,发现自闭症谱系障碍儿童不能像普通儿童一样灵活自如地运用各种线索、技能或策略来学习词语.  相似文献   

本研究采用文献研究、问卷调查等方法,基于贵阳市内的社会大众,进行了自闭症儿童认知的随机抽样实地调查,对特殊教师及自闭症家长进行了深度访谈。试图在对当今社会对自闭症儿童认知调查的基础上,去分析当今社会普遍对自闭症儿童缺乏认知存在的不足及原因,从而探索出解决途径及措施;通过以贵阳市市民对自闭症儿童认知的研究,以适当弥补关于此方面理论研究的空白。  相似文献   

研究采用单一被试跨行为多基线设计,分别对“打招呼”“情绪控制”和“眼神交替”三个目标行为建立基线,共进行了为期3周的音乐社会故事干预。研究结果显示,音乐社会故事干预能够有效地增进自闭症障碍儿童以上三种社会互动技能,并有着较好的维持效果。并提出了重视音乐的疗育功能、编制有针对性的故事材料、强化故事材料的复习、搭配学生的熟悉曲调呈现等实施建议。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍儿童综合评估模式之建构与检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童是一个日益引起关注的群体,对其进行心理测评是一项极为艰巨和重要的课题,研发一套行之有效的综合评估工具时不我待.本文着重阐述建构ASD儿童心理综合评估模式的设想及内容,该模式兼具"会聚性"和"层次性".与此同时,通过对67名有自闭倾向儿童的综合评估,初步验证了该模式在用于筛查ASD儿童中的有效性.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in Israel, examined the social and emotional difficulties of gifted children, in comparison with nongifted children. The gifted children were further compared in two educational settings: segregated classes and pull-out programs. The 974 participants were from the fifth to twelfth grades. The dependent variables included loneliness, social competence, empathy, and self-concept. The results indicated that gifted children score higher on need fulfillment, empathy, academic self-concept, and lack of emotional anxiety and lower on self-disclosure and physical self-concept. Few differences were found between the two settings for gifted children. The conclusion is that gifted children differ from nongifted children only on some of the social–emotional variables examined, mainly for the better.  相似文献   

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