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This article concerns the social and cultural aspects which affect teachers’, parents’ and children’s communication in situations where multilingual children are struggling to cope with learning literacy in a language which is not the main one they use at home. In particular, the article explores some issues associated with multilingualism and dyslexia. It makes reference to research reported at the British Dyslexia Association’s first international conference on this topic which took place in June 1999 (Schwartz 1999; BDA/Peer in press). It also draws upon some of the early pioneering research on teaching principles for children with specific learning difficulties (Strauss, Werner and Lehtinen, 1947; Cruickshank, 1961) in order to synthesise broad guidelines and provide a framework of questions for today’s teachers of multilingual children who are struggling with literacy learning. The questions are designed to facilitate a collaborative approach between teachers, parents and children through raising awareness of multilingual issues and exchanging information. In this way the broad framework may assist in preparing the ground for closer diagnostic assessment and supportive teaching.  相似文献   

采用结构意识识字教学干预,对小学一、二年级的学生(实验班23人/27人,控制班19人/30人)进行为期一个半月的现场教学干预,研究结构意识识字教学对于不同识字水平儿童的识字成绩以及结构意识的影响。结果表明:(1)实验班的识字成绩明显好于控制班,其中实验班的识字困难儿童的成绩提高更为显著;(2)教学干预对于结构意识中形旁意识的作用尤为明显,对于声旁意识作用不明显。由此推论,在小学低年级的识字教学中,强调汉字构成规则的结构意识识字教学相对于常规的识字教学更有利于提高学生的识字能力。  相似文献   

This single-case meta-analysis is the first to provide a quantitative synthesis of the published literature on mathematics word problem-solving intervention studies for English learners with learning disabilities and mathematics difficulties. A total of ten single-subject studies were included for analysis. The current study investigated the magnitude of the effect of mathematics interventions targeting the improvement of students’ mathematics word problem-solving performance, and analyzed variables that moderated this effect. Results indicate a moderate overall effect size of 0.81 (95% CI [0.71, 0.90]) on word problem-solving performance for English learners with learning disabilities and mathematics difficulties. Moderator variables such as the implementer of the interventions, instructional focus, and word problem-solving content significantly moderated the mathematics intervention effects.  相似文献   

本研究对PISA2015科学素养测试数据进行二次分析,探索题目难度与题目背景、知识、素养、形式以及认知需求的关系。结果发现:1)题目所测的素养和题目背景对题目难度的预测作用不显著;2)题目形式、知识类型与认知需求对题目难度的预测作用显著;3)涉及高认知需求和认知性知识的人工评分开放型题目的难度显著高于其他题目。研究题目难度与题目属性的关系,可以提升题目命制的有效性。  相似文献   

Lyn Layton, a teacher of pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties (dyslexia), and Karen Deeny, a speech/language therapist, are currently researching the phonological awareness of pre-readers. They consider how initial teacher training might include more attention to the skills which underpin reading and spelling, with a view to giving appropriate support to pupils with literacy difficulties. They argue that, thus prepared, primary teachers will be better placed to prevent such difficulties and to enhance written language skills in all children.  相似文献   

科学素养与物理课程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学素养的培养已成为物理教育的基本目标,物理课程是实现这一目标的重要基础,因此物理课程设计应以全面的科学素养观为指导,课程目标的确定、课程内容的选取和组织都应该渗透科学方法、科学精神和科学价值观.  相似文献   

Current legislation requires educational practices be informed by science. The effort to establish educational practices supported by science has, to date, emphasized experiments with large numbers of participants who are randomly assigned to an intervention or control condition. A potential limitation of such an emphasis at the expense of other research methods is that evidence-based practices in education will derive only from science in the hypothetico-deductive tradition. Such a process omits practices originating from and tested through an inductive approach to understanding phenomena. Single-case experimental designs, developed by experimental and applied behavior analysts, offer an inductive process to identify and alter the lawful relations between the behavior of individual organisms and the environmental variables that are causally related to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the behavior. Such designs have been essential in the development of effective instructional practices for students with disabilities and have much to offer the broader educational population as well. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an overview of single-case research methodology and the process by which this methodology can contribute to the identification of evidence-based instructional practices.  相似文献   

We report findings from multiple baseline design studies examining the effects of a program (“Data Mountain”) to improve the oral reading fluency (ORF) performance of 12 third-grade students with significant reading difficulties. The Data Mountain program guided students through self-monitoring, goal setting, and motivation training related to their reading performance. In the pilot study, these components were introduced across two experimental phases (self-monitoring and goal setting, followed by motivation training) to observe potential additive effects. In the replication study, the full Data Mountain program was introduced in one experimental phase. Between-case standardized mean difference effect sizes yielded moderate effects across studies (ES = 0.53, 0.63). Visual analyses of data revealed that students demonstrated increased levels of words read correctly per minute (wpm). In the pilot study, students’ fluency increased to an average of 22 wpm in the self-monitoring and goal-setting phase, and to a further 9 wpm in the motivation training phase. In the replication study, students increased an average of 18 wpm with the Data Mountain program. These results provide evidence to suggest that self-determination and motivation training have the potential to support the ORF performance of students with significant reading difficulties in the elementary grades.  相似文献   

信息技术赋予了远程教学资源许多崭新的特征,为远程教育提供了更大的发展契机,同时也对远程教育的设计提出了更高的质量要求。教师媒体素养在教学资源设计中发挥的关键作用将成为远程教育质量保障的要素之一。  相似文献   

机构运动简图测绘实验是机械类和近机械类专业的必修实验课,实验可以提高学生分析问题解决问题的能力。以实验教学中常用的模型为例,分析实验教学难点,并针对问题提出相应对策,使学生通过分析能透过机构实物认识到每一个活动构件的本质属性。  相似文献   

本研究以北京市某小学一例一年级识字困难儿童为研究对象,每周实施两次课程本位测量,持续10周。在此期间,根据课程本位测量信息调整教师干预策略。结果表明,干预后,被试的识字流畅性和正确率均有明显提高,说明课程本位测量是评估识字困难儿童和指导教师制定教学策略的有效工具。  相似文献   

社会对大学生科学素养提出了很高的要求。实验教学的全过程对于巩固大学生科学知识,培养科学研究方法,提高科研能力,形成科学品质,弘扬科学精神起着理论教学不可替代的作用。为了全面提升大学生科学素养,培养创新人才,高校必须不断深化实验教学改革,强化综合性、设计性、研究创新性实验在培养人才中的作用,探索开放式实验教学模式,逐步实现实验教学的全面开放。  相似文献   

This article illustrates the potential of a single-case research design as a method for demonstrating supervisor accountability. A supervisor in training employed a multiple baseline design to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief supervisory intervention. The targeted counselor behaviors were a decrease in the use of questions and an increase in reflections of feelings. The intervention consisted of counselor self-monitoring and supervisor reinforcement. The data showed marked decreases in counselor questioning, accompanied by increases in reflections of feeling. Concomitant changes in client behavior included more active participation in the session and more frequent discussion of feelings. The decrease in counselor questions was stable over a follow-up period. The process and decisions involved in using a single-case design to evaluate supervisor effectiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a preschool emergent literacy enrichment curriculum. Participants were 126 Head Start children, their teachers, and their parents. Matched centers were assigned to 1 of 3 conditions: experimental literacy, experimental math, or control. Teachers in both experimental groups implemented either literacy or math instruction in small groups on a daily basis, and parents and children completed supplementary learning activities at home. The control classroom implemented the ongoing Head Start curriculum. Children in the literacy condition showed the largest gains in phonemic awareness and emergent writing skills; they also made greater gains on emergent reading than did children in the math condition. There were no group differences on expressive vocabulary. Results are discussed in terms of curriculum design and practical issues involved in supporting preschools in the implementation of research-based instructional programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a preschool emergent literacy enrichment curriculum. Participants were 126 Head Start children, their teachers, and their parents. Matched centers were assigned to 1 of 3 conditions: experimental literacy, experimental math, or control. Teachers in both experimental groups implemented either literacy or math instruction in small groups on a daily basis, and parents and children completed supplementary learning activities at home. The control classroom implemented the ongoing Head Start curriculum. Children in the literacy condition showed the largest gains in phonemic awareness and emergent writing skills; they also made greater gains on emergent reading than did children in the math condition. There were no group differences on expressive vocabulary. Results are discussed in terms of curriculum design and practical issues involved in supporting preschools in the implementation of research-based instructional programs.  相似文献   

近年来,随着信息技术的发展,美术设计类院校的信息素养教育取得了长足的发展,但还有很多方面需要完善和提高。论文从美术设计类高校信息素养教育的重要性和现状等方面来探讨如何进一步开展信息素养教育。  相似文献   

David Vincent 《Interchange》2003,34(2-3):341-357
The paper argues that the term ‘literacy’ has become attached to too many disparate practices, and that renewed attention needs to be paid to how the acquisition and use of skills of written communication are conditioned by the core structures of the home, the classroom, and the state. It reviews the current usages of literacy and examines the agenda for further research in the central areas of reading and particularly writing. Attention is drawn to the contemporary engagement with literacy as a basic skill, and to the recent implementation in England of the “National Literacy Strategy.” The close parallels between the 19th and early 21st century literacy strategies are noted. If historians wish to apply their research to an interrogation of contemporary ideology and practice, greater attention should be paid to domestic instruction and to the role of government over time.  相似文献   

The authors used Monte Carlo methods to examine the Type I error rates for randomization tests applied to single-case data arising from ABAB designs involving random, systematic, or response-guided assignment of interventions. Six randomization tests were examined (permuting blocks of 1, 2, 3, or 5 observations, and randomly selecting intervention triplets so that each phase has at least 3 or 5 observations). When the design included randomization, the Type I error rate was controlled. When the design was systematic or guided by the absolute value of the slope, the tests permuting blocks tended to be liberal with positive autocorrelation, whereas those based on the random selection of intervention triplets tended to be conservative across levels of autocorrelation.  相似文献   

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