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美国1999与2000年最佳免费参考网站评介   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据美国图书馆协会下属机构1999和2000年最佳免费网站的评选结果,择优推荐介绍其中部分与我国图书馆的信息检索工作密切相关、对网络信息检索教学有实用意义的网站。  相似文献   

中美图书馆制度资源比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国的图书馆事业在全世界处于领先地位,一方面得益于发达的社会经济与先进的技术手段,另一方面完备的图书馆制度体系也起到了极大的推动作用。我国的图书馆事业相对落后,影响因素较多,其中制度缺位是要害因素之一。美国的图书馆制度中,联邦及州政府的法律法规就有一百余种,还有相当丰富的美国图书馆协会规则。相比之下,我国图书馆制度资源相对贫乏,总体上制度供给尚不能满足新形势下的制度需求。然而,我国具有比美国更为科学的宪法基础,更有利于立法,如果能充分发挥制度的约束与激励作用,我国图书馆制度供给的效果一定会更好。  相似文献   

我国台湾地区图书馆法制化、标准化建设及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全面回顾台湾地区图书馆法制化、标准化建设历程的基础上,分析了台湾地区图书馆法制化、标准化建设的特点,进而讨论了台湾地区图书馆法制化、标准化建设经验对大陆地区图书馆法制化与标准化建设的启示。  相似文献   

影响数字保存系统质量的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先介绍数字保存系统相关理论,然后主要从数字保存系统本身、数字资源生产与保存机构、用户以及信息技术支撑等方面来分析影响数字保存系统质量的因素,最后探讨了数字保存系统质量保证体系建设的问题。  相似文献   

<正>眼前是一片大树参天、芳草茵茵的绿地,其间喷泉飞溅、雕塑矗立,还有小鹿、松鼠等动物不时出没;草坪上有嬉戏的少男少女奔跑追逐,林荫下有年迈的老人悠然漫步;一对妙龄青年正在亲友的簇拥下举行婚礼,洁白的婚纱衬映着两张容光焕发的甜蜜笑脸;不远处,成片的别墅群影姿绰约、迤逦起伏……的确,倘若不是事先得知,谁又能想到呢,我们所看到的这一切竟然是美国的墓地。  相似文献   

美国研究型图书馆人力资源管理实践研究   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
简要分析图书馆加强人力资源管理研究,建设一流人才队伍的重要性,介绍美国图书馆在人力资源建设方面的做法和有益经验,概述图书馆一流人才队伍的特征、管理机制、发展趋势,为我国图书馆人力资源管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The tendency for individuals to perceive a greater impact ofmedia messages on others than on the self, Davison (1983) argues,has led to a number of policy decisions in which éliteshave exercised control of mass media messages in order to ‘protect’vulnerable others. The third-person effect has been well-documentedin experimental research with little attention to its theoreticalunderpinnings, or its antecedents or consequences. This articleargues that the third-person effect can be understood throughattribution theory, especially through the concepts of self-servingbias and effectance motivation. Second, it demonstrates thatthe third-person effect is influenced by certain social structuralfactors, media use patterns, and perceived harm of content.Finally, while perceptions of harm are related to perceptionsof influence, influence does not play a role in predicting supportfor external control of media content, while perceived harmhas a significant impact.  相似文献   

流行于台湾地区的文献分类法主要有《中国图书分类法》、《中国图书十进分类法》、《佛教图书分类法》3种,这些分类法或由台湾本土发明,或经台湾数次修订,经过近50年发展,分类法厘订之道已渐具台湾特色,研究并归纳这些特色,不仅有助于全面了解台湾地区文献分类法的发展源流,兼且可资大陆地区文献分类法修订时借鉴。  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆的特色   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
台湾地区大学图书馆的特色主要表现在:建筑形体与风格、空间布局与陈设、文献收藏与荐介都突出传统文化的张扬;建筑功能及营运、业务开展及服务模式、文献资源建设与利用、管理现代化等方面又十分重视与西方图书馆管理理念的融合;在环境营造、管理运行方面更充满人文精神,较好地实现了现代图书馆各要素间的协调、和谐。这些都可以为高校图书馆的建设与发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The capacity of the mass media to cover issues as well as thecapacity of recipients to be concerned about issues is limited.The coverage on and the concern about new issues will consequentlyremove old issues from the agenda of both the mass media andthe general public. The present study investigates two modelsof this process of issue competition. The equal-displacementmodel assumes that a rise of one issue in the media by a givennumber of stories is matched by an equal fall in all other issuessumming up to a similar number of issues. The restructuringmodel assumes that unexpected, surprising or otherwise newsworthyevents create killer issues that move several other issues completelyoff the agenda and leave others untouched. A content analysisof all news shows of the two major TV stations in Germany and53 weekly surveys regarding 16 different issues covering thewhole year 1986 shows that—within the media agenda—therewere no killer issues affecting the coverage of the TV stations.In the public agenda, however, some killer issues could be identified.Coverage of these issues increased public concern about themand decreased concerns about other issues. Consequences of theseresults for agenda-setting theory and for politics are discussed.  相似文献   

对现行的《本科生专业目录》、《研究生专业目录》、《学科分类代码》、《中国图书馆分类法》以及《社科院目录》的学科分类进行了比较分析,并对照国外主要的学科分类体系的设置情况,找出国内现行人文社会科学学科分类体系存在的主要问题,由此阐明目前采用的人文社会科学学科分类目录及其分类标准亟待修正与调整。  相似文献   

This article assesses the potential for US news coverage offoreign affairs to influence US public opinion about foreigncountries during the latter part of 1989 and early 1990, a timeof dramatic changes in central Europe. The study draws on twosources of data: content analysis of US network news and wireservice coverage of nine countries (West Germany, East Germany,the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, France, Japan,and Israel) over a six month period, and a nationally representativesurvey of 1,117 US adults which measured opinions about thesecountries, conducted in early 1990. The study shows that thereis an important relationship between the visibility of foreigncountries in TV news and US public opinion about these countries.TV is more important than newspapers for influencing publicopinion about foreign countries. And attention to foreign affairsnews, rather than simple exposure to news, best predicts generalliking of a country. Finally, attention to television news coveragehad a positive and significant influence on sympathy with Westand East Germany in 1990, even if one had German friends, relativesor ancestors, or had visited Europe.  相似文献   

美国高校的信息素质教育及其启示   总被引:164,自引:1,他引:164  
介绍了美国有关信息素质教育的定义、研究发展经过、美国高等教育中关于素质能力的标准以及美国高校图书馆在信息素质教育中的一些做法,从中得出了一些启示。  相似文献   

This study analyzes actual and perceived support for the PersianGulf War in the United States. Data were collected from 292residents of New Castle County, Delaware, during the 1991 GulfWar. Results show that support for the war was not the strongconsensus reported in mainstream media. In fact, 53.1 percentof the respondents fell within the neutral, disagree, or stronglydisagree ranges of a support for the war scale. Only 6.6 percentof the respondents were in the strong support range. However,responses were significantly higher on an item measuring perceivedsupport for the war. Consistent with Noelle-Neumann's spiralof silence theory, perceived public support for the war wasa significant predictor of support for the war even after 13variables were controlled. The alternative explanation thatsubjects were ‘projecting’ their own perceptionsonto the public, is discounted by the finding that liberals,moderates and conservatives did not differ in their perceptionsof public support.  相似文献   

大学图书馆馆藏中文图书复本的配置   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
馆藏文献复本的合理配置重新成为高校图书馆采访工作的重要内容,在对影响高校图书馆中文图书复本因素分析的基础上,提出复本配置的基本思路。  相似文献   

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