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We examined the extent to which and why early career transitions have led to women being underrepresented among faculty in the life sciences. We followed the careers of 6,336 scientists from the post-doctoral fellowship stage to becoming a principal investigator (PI) – a critical transition in the academic life sciences. Using a unique dataset that connects individuals’ National Institutes of Health funding histories to their publication records, we found that a large portion of the overall gender gap in the life sciences emerges at this transition. Women become PIs at a 20% lower rate than men. Differences in “productivity” (publication records) can explain about 60% of this differential. The remaining portion appears to stem from gender differences in the returns to similar publication records, with women receiving less credit for their citations.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1647-1665
This study investigates how research group characteristics relate to the early career success of PhD candidates who are trained in the group. In particular, I study how the citation impact of early-career PhDs is related to the staff composition and funding of the group. Using data on a cohort of Swedish doctoral graduates in science, engineering, mathematics and medicine, two sets of findings are obtained. First, students who were trained in groups with a lower number of PhD students perform better in terms of academic productivity. From the perspective of research policy, this finding suggests a decreasing return to funding additional PhD student positions allocated to professors who are already maintaining larger research groups. Second, PhD students trained in groups with funding for PhD research that is conditioned by funder influence over the topic of thesis research are more likely to stay in academia. Controlling for career destination, however, PhDs from such groups have lower than average scientific productivity and citation impact. These results suggest that funders of PhD studies face a trade-off between the two different funding objectives of “getting what they want” in terms of research content and fostering successful scholars.  相似文献   

在企业员工的职业生涯管理中,将员工的职业生涯划分为三个阶段。在不同的职业生涯阶段,企业可以采取不同的管理策略,以有效促进员工顺利完成生涯计划,实现员工自我价值和组织目标。  相似文献   

基于大学生职业决策所持续的时间对决策中相关因素的影响效应的不同,提出线性决策和堆状决策的职业决策情境概念.并在详细总结和分析已有研究文献和研究成果的基础上,针对不同的职业决策情境,提出我国大学生进行职业决策的有效应对策略.  相似文献   

员工职业生涯路径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析传统生涯发展路径的局限性,并针对人力资源管理模式的变化,将推动职业生涯路径的发展,同时提出构建以职业锚为核心的职业生涯路径,并通过找寻和发现职业锚来为员工设置职业生涯通道,最终实现人-岗的匹配。  相似文献   

本文围绕技术人员职业倾向与职业满意、组织忠诚的关系展开实证研究,发现技术人员呈现多样化职业倾向,并不是以技能型及其相关的职业倾向为主导;同时发现技术人员的一些个人因素会影响其职业倾向和职业满意、组织忠诚,一些不同的职业倾向会影响职业满意与组织忠诚。论文依据技术人员职业倾向及其对职业满意、组织忠诚影响的特点,提出保留和激励技术人员的建议。  相似文献   

鲁晓  李正风 《科学学研究》2018,36(2):202-210
本文从“究竟什么因素影响中国高水平大学研究型教师岗位的就职”这样具有现实意义的研究问题出发,考察普遍规范和特殊因素如何影响高校教师的学术入职。通过对就职前科研成果、博士毕业院系、导师声望、海外经历、留校任教等因素的定量研究,本文发现体现普遍规范的学术产出的影响具有学科差异,反映社会文化等影响的特殊因素对高校教师入职有显著作用。文章具体分析了中国的文化背景、社会结构、学术劳动力市场对于高校教师学术任职的特殊作用。  相似文献   

王刚 《科技与管理》2012,14(3):104-107,116
中国高等院校大学生的就业压力对高校的就业指导工作提出了新的挑战,为更好地帮助在校大学生规划职业生涯,提高高等院校就业指导的效果,提出四阶段就业指导模式。在分析高等院校目前就业指导模式局限性的基础上,结合大学生不同年级的学习特征,运用系统思考的方法构建以认识自己、职业探索、做出决策和付诸行动4个阶段为主导的就业指导模式。提出大学生就业指导是系统工程,应在职业生涯规划的基础上对大学生实施全过程的指导和帮助,并根据不同学习阶段的特征,开设有针对性的就业指导课程,使学生循序渐进地学习和掌握相关知识和技能,规划与管理自己的职业生涯,从而实现顺利就业。  相似文献   

Although zinc has been known for some three thousand years in the form of brass, its alloy with copper, the preparation of the metal itself, is of comparatively recent origin. The main reason is that if the ore is smelted in a simple furnace the metal simply escapes in a gas and is promptly oxidized: as with mercury, a condensation process is necessary. This article describes the early history of zinc, with special reference to ancient Indian smelting works at Zawar.  相似文献   

高校辅导员职业生涯规划浅探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文探讨辅导员职业生涯困境,把职业生涯规划理念引入高校辅导员队伍建设,搭建满足高等教育发展要求的职业化、专业化的辅导员培养体系。  相似文献   

职业生涯不同阶段的规划与管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
段炜  张光旭 《科技与管理》2006,8(1):133-136
以美国著名人力资源管理专家加里.德斯勒(GaryDessler)提出的职业生涯发展理论为基点,重新划分了职业生涯发展阶段,并结合各阶段心理契约的特点及我国具体国情,对组织在各阶段应采取的职业生涯规划与管理策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

芮小兰 《中国科技信息》2013,(7):179+183-179,183
本文分析了当前我国独立学院职业生涯教育中存在的问题,通过借鉴美国职业生涯教育的优秀经验,对完善我国独立学院职业生涯教育的应对策略进行剖析。  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to measure the effectiveness of a career development system implemented at a research and technology organization at satisfying the context requirements of a decree issued by the Basque Country government. Through in-depth surveying of 80 R&D professionals over the five years, the authors aimed to determine whether a career development system, when it is linked to context requirements and researchers’ contributions, could offer researchers feedback about their career aims and increase their job satisfaction. During the five years of the study, the researchers’ capacity to meet career requirements improved by 20%, and job satisfaction, although it declined at first, increased substantially in the last two years, reaching a historic high for the employee satisfaction survey.  相似文献   

The recent acquisition by the Science Museum, London, of fragments of Early Byzantine gearing prompts a reassessment of the history of mechanisms which employ toothed wheels to transmit motions in precise ratios. A tradition of making such devices was active in the first century BC. It was almost certainly associated with the tradition of making other kinds of relatively small automata. Both traditions may be seen to be transmitted to the Islamic world and later to emerge in the Latin West, where they are found together in the mechanical clocks of the Middle Ages.  相似文献   

高鹏  杨晓 《中国科技信息》2007,(19):171-172
近年来,随着高校的扩招,高等教育毕业生逐渐增多,毕业生就业体制改革和毕业生人数大幅度增加给高校就业带来了机遇和挑战,促使其就业指导逐步向职业指导转换。好的职业生涯设计能够在一定程度上避免"就业错位",使得毕业生的人才效益、社会效益得以彰显。用正确的大学生职业生涯设计来指导就业,选择的不仅是一种职业,更重要的是正确选择自己的未来。  相似文献   

韦景佳 《大众科技》2012,(7):263-264,266
工作是自己的选择甚至是抉择,这个选择或抉择一定要与自己的职业生涯规划相匹配.不明晰自己的职业生涯就没法判断公司的好坏.  相似文献   

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