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{Mo.va。“,,‘:11弓;、l丫犷名心口1肠crbe空In,s仪R已气认花,e试CI口‘‘.E勺l砖k.仁‘L.卜八践一玄de峡C吧二穿!决伟‘知即11乙UnIN‘口丫OUIW】lat does the eTaoh tell vou气Y。竺{竺竺份严“,{w卜。,.,vou,favor:,es‘“001 subiec,“声,口侧,口月‘口︺J州﹃州曰日...月.Numbe, of弓tud.nt:回TuN一N‘一N.Listen to the question. Write down the an,werZ/矛iee.月.J月翩睁.百若r勺1.了AL时IN‘IT OUT. Find out more aboul your elassmates.阵冬1 .Thinlc ofquestions to ask.Your teaeher will writes认questions …  相似文献   

~~《IN THE MIDDLE》(2)UNIT 5  相似文献   

~~《IN THE MIDDLE》(2) UNIT 4  相似文献   

Ms.Goldstein:I'd like you to imagine that it's the year 3000.A team of anthropologists is hunting through the ruins of Kennedy Middle School.They wonder about life here.They wonder about what we were like.  相似文献   

UNIT 8THIS IS OURSTUDENT HANDBOOK! Look at the picture.Listen to the conversation.TUNINGIN.Now listen again.Point to the person who is talking.  相似文献   

即翼暴 秘LE下写(ALL丫OURUNCL【眨习TU材l目‘厄目盖‘一拭切i霍械i翰~暑莽聂器轰弋龚熟葵月不孵豁漱翅毒麦盆l二觅幻石旅公七吸王1 .r蛋!窗口‘t_解UL羁感醒妇咖褂l藕缎瑞渐书言猪齐石‘于忠邻器王烙双民龚靴舀云;茄令火J为WI1at’s your telePhone number? Ask and answer几n月讨盯已rMrs.Park:Are you all waiting tosee me?What's wrong with you,Lori?Lori:I have a headache.Mrs.Park:what's wrong with you,Shelley?Shelley:I have a stomachache.Mrs.Park:And what's wrong with you,Chip?Chip:My foot hurts.·。…  相似文献   

Chip: Hi,Lori! Lori: Hi, Chip! Chip: What are you takingthis semester? Lori: Well, I hope I get ceramics.Juan: Hi. Shelley! Shelley: Hi, Juan!Juan: There's the bell. We have togo to homeroom. Shelley: Who's your homeroomteacher?Juan: Let me check the schedule. Let's see . . . my homeroom teacher is ...  相似文献   


Lori:It's Juan's birthday next week. Let's have a party!Chip:That's a great idea!Where should we have it?Lori:We can have it at my house.I'm sure it'll be OK with my parents.Chip:Great!Who should we invite?Lori:Well let's see.Michelle and Zaida and Leslie.John and David and Tran...Chip:How about Neelam and Tomas?Lori:Definitely.They're really nice.Chip:And how about that new girl.What's her name?Lori:Nancy Bragwell?Well...Ok.  相似文献   

This is Lisa Tanaka reporting live fromKennedy Middle School.This week'ssegment of"Teens Today"will focus ofthe family,Families in the United Statesare changing dramatically.Let's beginwith a look at the statistics.  相似文献   

I LIKE MY MORNING CLASSES!TUNING IN. Look at the picture and the school map. Listen to the conversation Now listen again.Trace Chip's directions on the map.  相似文献   


I'M TAKING ESL!TUNING IN.Look at the picture.Listen to the conversation.Now listen again.Point to the person who is speaking.  相似文献   

The findings of Turiel, Hildebrandt, and Wainryb's study of reasoning and judgement on nonprototypical issues that seem to span domains are discussed. Opinions were obtained from high school and college students on 1-4 nonprototypical issues (abortion, pornography, homosexuality, and incest), and compared with judgments and reasoning on 2-3 moral issues (killing, rape, and theft), and 1-3 personal issues (nudity at a public beach, smoking marijuana, and men wearing makeup). Those evaluating the nonprototypical issues negatively were placed in 1 group, and those positively in another group. The goal was to determine how opposite positions on nonprototypical issues related to judgments and reasonings on moral and personal issues. 5 explanations are given for nonprototypical thought which are based on Turiel and the author's constructs. 1) Issues like abortion and pornography are of a type where moral principles clash and lead to different judgments, and thus, require higher level moral principles. 2) The greater cognitive complexity of these nonprototypical issues yields domain differences which are manifestations of a decalage in judgement. 3) Nonprototypical issues may be ambiguous as to their proper moral, conventional, or personal category. Judgments are predictable once the proper category is made. Categories may be complex or ambiguous. 4)Ambiguity involves rational determinism, where reasoning on nonprototypical issues derives from the reasoner's understanding and interpretation of the situation, "social construals." 5)Complexity involves different supraordinate structures within which , e.g., morality and social convention operate. The results indicate that judgments on nonprototypical issues could not be predicted on moral or personal positions. The importance of this finding about how group and individual differences cannot be explained is in its exploration of the limits of moral theory and the preeminent need to place moral theory in a broader and deeper supraordinate context. Discussion is directed to fundamental organization of moral and social thought within which a developmental progression must operate, and a more comprehensive approach to the development of social thought. The research defines morality in the context of universal, rational, and absolute thought, which appeals to the author.  相似文献   

I LIKE MY AFTERNOON CLASSES, TOO!Look at the map. Listen to the conversation. Now listen again. Trace the route on the school map as Chip give Juan directions.  相似文献   


The use of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in years 9 and 10 classrooms as a tool to support learning or in preparation for senior secondary mathematics is controversial. This paper presents an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of using CAS identified in the literature related to these year levels, along with the perceptions of 12 experienced secondary teachers who were working with years 9 and 10 students. The literature review shows that CAS is valued for calculation and manipulation capabilities, the option of alternative representations, the opportunity for systematic exploration and for prompting rich discussion. However, the technical overhead, initial workload for the teacher and unresolved questions about the perceived relative contribution of machine and by-hand work to learning currently pose obstacles to teaching with CAS in the middle secondary years. The teachers who contributed data to this study perceived that using CAS in their teaching is, on balance, worth the effort. However, they believed that CAS is of most benefit to their high ability students and may present an obstacle to their low ability students’ learning of mathematics.  相似文献   

18提出申请(或要求等) 19提出,想出,提供欢呼起来Get of…更充分地理解一走向;有利于,有助于sth be f.iliar_sb某事被…所知sb bef舰iliar_sth某人知晓某事_ha伽ny_与…和谐相处以……的名义:代equip sb_sth用…装备…激发某人做…in for交换…回溯到…作为回报一大笔钱耗尽  相似文献   

小朋友们,你们都听过"孔融让梨"的故事吧?今天我们要学写的两句《三字经》就提到了这个故事:  相似文献   

【重点点击】挑山工虽然身担重物,走的路程比游人多一倍,但最终还走在游人前面,这是为什么?这揭示了一个什么样的哲理?【解决方案】挑山工虽然走得慢,但他一心向着目标, 步步扎实,一个劲儿往前走;而游人虽然走得快,但是不想目标,一路上总是停下来,东看西看,玩玩闹闹。作者通过描述他与一个挑山工在登山过程中的三次相遇,让我们明白挑山工质朴的话语中蕴含的道理:无论做什么事情,只要坚持不懈地朝着一个目标,脚踏实地地做下去,就一定能达到目的。【疑点揭秘】“这幅画一直挂在我的书桌前,因为我需要它。”“我”需要的究竟是什么?【解决方案…  相似文献   

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