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Innovation speed: Transferring university technology to market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study extends innovation speed theory by empirically linking the antecedents and outcomes of technology commercialization at universities. Assessing university technology transfer offices (UTTOs) in the U.S., we found that the faster UTTOs can commercialize patent-protected technologies, the greater their licensing revenues streams and the more new ventures they spin off. Furthermore, using commercialization time as a surrogate for innovation speed, we identify several determinants of speed. That is, UTTO resources and the competency in identifying licensees are related to commercialization time. Also, the participation of faculty-inventors in the licensing process is a critical determinant of commercialization time. Illustrating that innovation speed is an antecedent of performance as well as a desired outcome in and of itself, provides support for innovation speed theory.  相似文献   

基于文献研究,从技术吸纳视角,研究多维距离对企业技术转移的影响,并探究行业类型、企业规模和企业性质等异质性因素对多维距离与企业技术吸纳关系的影响。采用杭州技术交易市场技术吸纳数据分析,研究发现:(1)地理、经济、技术和社会距离均对企业技术吸纳有显著影响,其中技术距离对企业技术吸纳影响最大,其次是地理距离和社会距离,最后是经济距离;(2)技术距离对小规模企业技术吸纳影响最大,而社会距离对大规模企业技术吸纳影响最大;(3)技术距离对非高新技术企业技术吸纳影响最大,而社会距离对高新技术企业技术吸纳影响最大。  相似文献   

This paper considers the question of whether the resource endowments of science-based entrepreneurial firms are influenced by the way technology transfer is organised at the parent organisation. We studied one public research organisation in detail (IMEC, Belgium), by questioning all managers involved in technology transfer and the founders of all science-based entrepreneurial firms set up between 1986 and 2002. This research identifies three generations of companies at IMEC, mirroring the organisational changes in technology transfer policies and displaying distinct resource characteristics. Establishing an incubator structure for spin-offs seems to be a learning process during which little decision making can be exerted over senior management's social network in the financial and business community for securing the financial, technological and human resources for the science-based entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   

The transfer of scientific and technological know-how into valuable economic activity has become a high priority on many policy agendas. Industry Science Links (ISLs) are an important dimension of this policy orientation. Over the last decades, multiple insights have been gained (both theoretical and empirical) as to how “effective” ISLs can be fostered through the design and the development of university-based technology transfer organizations (TTOs). In this paper, we document and analyze the evolution of “effective” university-based technology transfer mechanisms. We describe how decentralized organizational approaches and incentives that stimulate the active involvement of the research groups in the exploitation of their research findings might be combined with specialized central services offering intellectual property management and spin-off support. More particularly, we analyze how the creation of:
an appropriate balance between centralization and decentralization within academia;
the design of appropriate incentive structures for academic research groups;
the implementation of appropriate decision and monitoring processes within the TTO
has brought about critical elements in fostering an “effective” commercialization of the academic science base.  相似文献   

软技术转移对操作效率影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王剑敏  颜亮 《科学学研究》2005,23(2):169-172
软技术作为一种限制操作者行为的规则体系,对操作效率产生了影响。本文认为在无经验转移、有经验转移、软技术转移三种条件下,操作效率变化是不同的;并给出了变化曲线。同时,还通过实验测试了有经验转移、软技术转移两种情况下,软技术对操作效率的影响。本文认为,在软技术的作用下,操作者提高了效率,操作稳定性也增加了。  相似文献   

由于信息非对称的影响,选择优质的合作伙伴是技术转移活动的关键。结合技术转移特征,引入专用性资产,构建技术转移信号博弈模型,识别并验证专用性资产作为信号传递的可行性、有效性和清晰性。研究表明,专用性资产在技术转移选择阶段作为传递信号可以弥补信息非对称的不利影响,提高技术转移的发生率,提升技术转移的质量。  相似文献   

技术转移服务平台已发展成为技术交易前期工作首选的信息渠道,具有沟通便利、服务快捷、信息集中等特点.文章探讨和分析中国绿城技术转移网(www.nnjssc.com)所提供的线上公益性科技信息服务与线下技术转移服务相结合的运营模式、服务效果.  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual framework and presents empirical evidence to examine technology transfer from foreign direct investment (FDI) to host regions, from a systemic perspective that integrates micro- (the firm) and meso (the region)-level analyses. This approach helps identify four different levels at which technology transfer may occur. Comprehensive fieldwork in Mexico was undertaken to collect evidence of an FDI-led, large industry (electronics) in two regions. The empirical evidence collected in this research shows that technology transfer derived from FDI may impact diverse actors of the host region (local firms, universities, research centres, industry associations), but also that its occurrence is neither automatic nor homogenous across regions.  相似文献   

We extend debates about the sources of university capabilities at research commercialization. Drawing upon quantitative data for a panel of 89 research-intensive US universities and interview data from two academic licensing offices, we model the relationship between technology transfer experience, embeddedness in biotechnology industry networks, basic science quality and capacity, and citation impact measures of university life science patents. Technology licensing officers draw upon the expertise of corporate partners to evaluate the potential impact of invention disclosures. The information gleaned through network ties to industry enables well-connected institutions to develop higher impact patent portfolios. Reaping the benefits of such connections, however, requires experience in balancing academic and corporate priorities to avoid the danger of ‘capture’ by industrial interests as overly tight connections limit patent impact. This pattern of diminishing returns to connectivity is robust across multiple citation measures of patent quality.  相似文献   

对高校技术转让过程中的交易费用进行规范研究后发现,机会主义行为、高校技术的不确定性和企业专用性投资所产生的高交易费用是我国高校技术转让率低下的根源。因此,科技政策的效果取决于能否降低交易费用。在此基础上把科技政策划分为引导型、中介型和制度型三类进行政策效果对比分析,最后对科技政策设计的总体目标以及所应遵循的思路进行讨论。  相似文献   

孟浩  周立  何建坤 《科学学研究》2007,25(5):978-985
 研究型大学如何有效服务国家自主创新战略,是政府、专家、学者近期关注的热点问题。本文在探讨了研究型大学技术转移与创新能力转移的基础上,提出研究型大学创新能力转移的新概念,阐述了创新能力转移过程中创新参与主体及其关系,然后从公共选择的视角分析目前我国研究型大学技术转移与创新能力转移, 这为进一步的产学研合作研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

程曦 《科技管理研究》2020,40(2):163-170
上海石墨烯产业技术功能型平台是国内正兴起的新建石墨烯技术转化和产业培育平台风潮中的代表,选择此平台进行案例研究以期为其他技术转化平台兴建提供参考,同时为石墨烯等其他前沿领域产业化提供借鉴。上海石墨烯产业技术功能型平台在服务科研机构、高校或企业的科技成果转化过程中,从已成熟但不具备商业化的技术阶段开始介入,帮助具有商业价值的产品阶段和发挥产业化效应的下游产品应用阶段,采取这种介入阶段和方式对科技成果的商业价值产生较大的影响,而对其技术价值的影响较小;同时协调当前我国石墨烯产业化面临的主要问题之一——石墨烯制备和石墨烯应用局面失衡,拓展原有服务范围,将新材料技术成熟度等级划分阶段中的技术阶段服务后移。最后研究提出石墨烯产业技术功能型平台服务科技成果转化的介入阶段能否前移的思考,尤其是高端应用领域,以覆盖实验室阶段至产业化阶段等更多的阶段。  相似文献   

基于"专利价值分析指标体系"的优化模型开展专利价值评分,利用帕累托法则进行价值度的划分,为专利分级分类管理提供依据。在此基础上,从技术转移转化过程增值管理角度提出两点建议:(1)以评价的高价值专利为中心实施专利组合管理;(2)围绕潜在高价值专利实施优先关键专利布局策略。实证分析表明优化模型对于专利价值评估具有良好的可靠性,依据评价结果实施专利组合管理与优先布局策略有利于促进技术专利转化过程中的价值增值。  相似文献   

Academic entrepreneurship arose from internal as well as external impetuses. The entrepreneurial university is a result of the working out of an “inner logic” of academic development that previously expanded the academic enterprise from a focus on teaching to research. The internal organization of the Research University consists of a series of research groups that have firm-like qualities, especially under conditions in which research funding is awarded on a competitive basis. Thus, the Research University shares homologous qualities with a start-up firm even before it directly engages in entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

沈慧君  徐戈  黄灿 《科学学研究》2019,37(6):1033-1042
基于我国高校与企业间的专利许可数据,本文研究技术成熟度、校企之间的地理距离和校企合作经验如何影响高校采取排他性许可的倾向。当商业化高校的技术伴随着高风险时,企业承诺投入必要资源的意愿降低。本研究认为,合理的许可合同设计是高校解决该问题的方式之一。排他性许可作为高校创造共同承诺的机制,能够减轻技术不成熟、地理距离劣势和缺少合作经验给企业带来的风险,激励企业投入互补性资产,促进高校科技成果产业化。实证结果表明,技术成熟度越低,高校与企业的合作经验越少,高校采用排他性许可的倾向越高。同时,随着地理距离增加,技术成熟度减少高校进行排他性许可倾向的关系会被削弱。  相似文献   

The concept of regional technology spill-overs created by university research is one of the most enduring theories within the economic geography and innovation management fields. This article introduces an alternative perspective on academic commercialization, arguing that the quality of a university's regional environment can significantly impact a university's success in commercializing science. Recent research on university technology transfer stresses the importance of personal contacts between academic and industry scientists in driving commercialization. The social structure of the regional economy in which a university is embedded will strongly influence the density of contacts linking university scientists with individuals in industry, and through doing so, impact the density of networks through which university knowledge can be commercialized. Social network analysis is used to examine the quality of social ties linking industry and university scientists within the San Francisco and Los Angeles California biotechnology industries over the 1980–2005 period. Results support the theory that the existence of strong social networks linking inventors heightens university commercialization output. Despite similar university research endowments, universities in San Francisco have dramatically commercialization outputs than San Francisco, which is correlated with the existence of cohesive inventor networks linking industry and university scientists in this region, but not Los Angeles. Moreover, longitudinal analysis shows that the commercialization output of San Francisco universities increased substantially starting in the early 1990s, the time period in which cohesive inventor networks emerged in the region.  相似文献   

分析新技术应用型创新创业教育理念,并在此基础上构建新技术应用型创新创业生态系统模型,探讨该创新创业生态系统的基本要素构成和各构成要素之间的相互关系;最后以温州职业技术学院为个案,归纳总结新技术应用为导向的创新创业实践成效,并从专业集群、课程体系、管理机制、社团活动、全球化战略和竞赛体系等六方面提出思考与建议.  相似文献   

张红兵  张素平 《科学学研究》2013,31(7):1041-1049
为揭开技术联盟知识转移大量存在的"有转移行为,无转移效果"的管理决策"黑箱",尝试从知识、联盟企业和情境三个层面出发,在回顾现有相关研究文献的基础上,构建出技术联盟知识转移有效性影响因素的理论模型。通过问卷调查的方法收集国内201家企业的有效数据,选取统计分析软件SPSS16.0进行数据的信度、效度检验,采用基于最大似然估计法的结构方程建模软件LISEREL8.70进行理论假设的检验。实证研究结果表明,基础知识的关联性、专业知识的差异性、发送方的知识转移能力、接收方的知识吸收能力、联盟企业间的承诺皆对知识转移有效性具有显著的正向影响;联盟企业间的信任并不对知识转移有效性产生直接效应,而是通过承诺间接地对知识转移有效性产生正向影响。  相似文献   

Characterizing the technology firm: An exploratory study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technology firms occupy a central position in modern economies. They drive economic growth, productivity gains and have created new industries and innovative products.Many will agree that technology firms are distinguished from others in their emphasis on technological activities. Since this observation is too general, researchers suggested a variety of specific criteria and definitions. A number of definitions of technology firms appear in the literature but many are arbitrary and simplistic and none gained wide acceptance. Similarly, the number of characteristics suggested is large, reflecting a variety of perspectives and interests. In this case too no agreement exists as to which are the important ones. Also, many seem to be interrelated capturing different aspects of the same underlying concepts.This paper is concerned with the issue of definition and classification of technology firms. We demonstrate the usefulness of a different approach to the definition and classification problem. We rely on executives’ evaluations of their firms’ technology profile and level. An analysis of these evaluations reveals the underlying dimensions the executives used in making their judgments. We regard the dimensions we uncover as capturing the essence of technology firms and use them to classify the firms we study. The specific characteristics the executives used to evaluate their firms were derived from a systematic scan of the literature. Thus, the list represents the set of characteristics early researchers viewed as describing and defining technology firms. The connection to early work enhances our findings’ validity and lends some credence to our belief that the three dimensions we uncover (R&D activities which are closely associated with a set of organizational elements and market conditions, product strategy, and corporate culture) can be used by others to define technology firms and classify firms according to their technology level. In our study we use these three dimensions to classify the firms studied. We show that the commonly used practice of classifying firms as high and low technology according to the industry to which they belong is flawed.Our goal in this study is not to offer a “new” or “better” definition and characterization of technology firms or to offer the “best” approach to the generation of the classification criteria. Rather, we demonstrate here the usefulness of a different approach to the problem. While our approach does suffer from limitations it has important advantages. We hope future studies will confirm not only the usefulness of our approach but also the general applicability of the specific criteria we identify in this study.  相似文献   

基于技术转移中心的区域技术创新体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
屠建飞 《科技与管理》2008,10(2):102-104
通过技术转移对技术创新支持作用的分析,论述了基于技术转移中心的区域技术创新体系的构成,提出了作为核心的技术转移中心所必须具有的职能,包括技术信息的集散地、技术交易的市场、产业孵化、推广与展示、人才培训等等,并对技术转移中心建设的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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