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When the Grundskola was started in 1962 research was carried out in the town of Gävle (where the author of this article is working) to ascertain the needs for audio-visual aids in the new compulsory schools. The provision of audio-visual aids in the new compulsory schools. The provision of audio-visual aids in these newly-built schools was made according to the principle of a 50 percent state subsidy, with a maximum of 2000 Swedish kronors for each classroom or subject room.  相似文献   

It is the task of the Institute to produce audio-visual aids for all kinds of schools, youth and adult education and to develop educational equipment for the introduction of these aids. This task makes it essential that information reaches the public. To be able to plan the production in such a way that it meets the demands of the schools, youth and adult education establishments, the Institute needs a flow of information from the public. To convert the information thus obtained into production, it has to be collated in the Institute.  相似文献   

历史教学中运用直观教具 ,可以增加学生对不可再现的历史的感性认识 ,是知识上升为理性认识的捷径。通过教具教学培养学生能力的作用也不可忽视。直观教具是教师教学过程中的好帮手 ,如何用好是个值得深思的问题。  相似文献   

电化教育只注重媒体技术的运用,缺少教学与学过程的设计、实施与评价,难以适应现代教育的要求,应加大改革的力度。面对教育的国际化,电化教育向现代教育技术过渡是历史的必然。  相似文献   

本文通过分析电化教育在教育中能发挥其规模性,全面性及创造性的优势,阐明电化教育能促进素质教育的发展,同时,也指出了电化教育为适宜新的教育机制,自身发展所亟待解决的问题  相似文献   

概述了电化教学的特点及功用,明确指出在职业技术教育过程中通过采用电化教学可以使教学思想、教学内容、教学方法发生巨大变化,提高职业技术学校的教学水平。同时介绍了职业技术教学与电化教学结合现状,展望了电化教育与现代职业技术教育的发展远景。  相似文献   

电化教学是教育现代化的需要,是实现教学最优化的手段。为了达到教学最优化的效果,学校教育一定要转变观念,发展、推广、运用电化教学。  相似文献   

以教育技术理论为基本理论依据,以先进院校电化教育发展为参照,充分考虑我院实际情况的前提下,提出了深入开展电化教育的几点建议,从而提高教学质量和教学效率。  相似文献   

现代教育技术的发展,为教育形式、教育思想、教育内容的改革,创造了良好的条件。而担当培养中小学合格教师的师范院校,其电教工作的开展,对中小学教育工作的改革尤为重要。师范院校首先要认清电化教育在中小学实施素质教育中的作用,了解当地中小学电化教育的实际情况,在此基础上去改革自身的电教工作,才能培养出具有一定电教能力的,适合中小学实施素质教育的合格人才。  相似文献   

深入探索了电教媒体运用于语教学中的方法与奇效。  相似文献   

初中语文教材有着丰富的美育资源。教师在语文教学中,要运用多媒体,让学生感知美;要通过朗读,让学生体验美;要创设情境,让学生鉴赏美;要通过想象,让学生创造美。  相似文献   

本文论述了电化教育在优化教学过程、提高教学效率、改善教师素质和解决技能训练中的重要作用。  相似文献   

视听手段在外语教学中起重要作用,从外语的听、说、翻译、阅读四方面阐述了视听手段所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated girls’ attitudes towards science in Kenya. It was carried out with 120 girls from four secondary schools in the Eastern province of Kenya. These were an urban single-sex (SS) and co-educational (Co-Ed) school and a rural SS and Co-Ed school. Different schools were chosen in order to explore whether there are any differences in attitudes in SS and Co-Ed schools and in schools in rural and urban areas. The methodology included the use of both questionnaires and focus group interviews. The main aim was to gain insight into the extent and depth of students’ attitudes towards science. The findings of the study showed that the majority of Kenyan girls who participated in the study have a favourable attitude towards science. Girls in SS schools were found to have a more favourable attitude than those in Co-Ed schools, while girls in rural area schools were found to find science more relevant than those in urban schools. It emerged from this study that the attitudes of Kenyan girls are influenced by their perceptions of the relevance of science, enjoyment of studying science, perceptions of the suitability of science for a career, and their perceptions of subject difficulty.  相似文献   

The importance of reading literacy as a foundation for academic success is widely acknowledged. What is less well understood is why gender patterns in reading literacy emerge so early and continue throughout learners’ educational careers. This paper adds to this literature by investigating the gender patterns of reading literacy (why girls outperform boys) in South African primary schools and whether changes in the schooling system can result in favourable changes in this gender reading gap. Compatible with international trends, girls in primary schools were significantly better readers than boys during the period of investigation. We found strong links between material and human resources and achievement in reading. The link between increased resource availability and improved educational outcomes was stronger for girls than for boys and therefore increased the female academic advantage. This finding remained consistent across socioeconomic levels. The implication is that either the school resources available in South African primary schools are more suitable for teaching girls how to read or that girls appear to be able to make use of the available resources more effectively to improve reading. Policy interpretations are discussed in the context of improved resourcing of schools.  相似文献   

This paper is mainly concerned with the usage of teaching aids in junior English from three aspects : the visual aids, the audio - visual means, the body language and tone. By this means, it can give the students a comparatively real circumstances, attract the students‘ attention, enhance the students‘ interest in English and improve their consciousness of competition.  相似文献   

本对电化教育的作用,教师教育观念的转变,以及由此教育的发展等三方面谈了自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

A number of elite boys’ schools in England have admitted girls for over 30 years, some thereby becoming mixed schools. In other schools, girls remain a very small minority. This paper focuses upon prospectuses from the latter type of school, arguing that prospectuses are particularly valuable as a basis for judging schools’ policies and practices in their own terms. The researchers ask questions about the nature of this form of ‘co-education’, particularly as it affects girls’ educational and social opportunities. On balance, the prospectuses paint a picture of boys’ schools which happen to have girls in them rather than of schools whose policies and practices have become genuinely co-educational.  相似文献   

This paper explores the work and effects of gender reform in schools through the use of feminist post‐structuralist theory. Focusing on the discourses designed to enhance girls’ post‐school options, it examines the ways in which teachers and students, particularly girls, write, read and rewrite these discourses and on the basis of this suggests some new directions for researching, theorising and practicing gender reform in schools. In particular, it raises questions about the ways in which feminist pedagogies in schools deal with the female body, difference, pleasure and pain.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether first-grade boys' use of retrieval and first-grade girls' use of manipulatives reflected gender differences in their abilities to use these strategies or gender differences in preferences for strategy use. Eighty-four first-grade students, 42 boys and 42 girls, from two suburban elementary schools participated in this study. The children solved basic arithmetic problems under two conditions: a free-choice condition in which they were allowed to solve the problems any way they preferred and a game condition in which the children's strategy use was constrained so that all children used the same strategies on the same arithmetic problems. Strategy use during the free-choice session replicated the findings of earlier research indicating that girls tend to use strategies utilizing manipulatives and boys tend to use retrieval. During the game condition, when we controlled the types of strategies children used on different problems we found that boys were as able as girls to calculate solutions using manipulatives. Girls, however, were not as capable as boys in their retrieval of answers to arithmetic problems from memory. No differences were found in error rates or speed of retrieval. Gender differences were found in the variability of correct retrieval, with boys being significantly more variable than girls.  相似文献   

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