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父母的快乐、忧伤与恐惧都是不会向子女显露的.他们不会说出自己的快乐,也不能吐露忧伤和恐惧.子女让他们的辛勤劳动变得甜蜜,但也使他们的不幸更加糟糕:子女让他们对生活愈加关爱,也让他们更加忽视死亡的威胁.  相似文献   

父母的欢乐是隐秘的,他们的悲哀与忧愁亦是如此。他们不能说出自己的欢乐,也不愿吐露自己的悲哀与忧虑。  相似文献   

培根 《大中专文苑》2008,(11):22-22
父母的快乐、忧伤与恐惧都是不会向子女显露的。他们不会说出自己的快乐,也不能吐露忧伤和恐惧。子女让他们的辛勤劳动变得甜蜜,但也使他们的不幸更加糟糕;子女让他们对生活愈加关爱,也让他们更加忽视死亡的威胁。  相似文献   

今天 ,我在《遵义晚报》上看到了两则短文 ,同样也听到了我们同龄人发自心底的呼声。下面请看这两则文字 :(遵义初二学生×× )天下的父母们 ,不要老把眼睛盯着孩子某次成绩的高低 ,应着眼于孩子是否全面发展。不要靠打骂孩子以表示自己的关心 ,要多鼓励多支持多理解 ,成为孩子的朋友  相似文献   

<正>父母的欢乐藏而不露,他们的悲哀与恐惧也是这样。欢乐他们无法说,悲哀与恐惧则不肯说。子女使他们的辛苦变甜,也使他们的不幸更苦;子女增添了生的忧虑,却减轻了死的记怀。传宗接代是动物的通例,而名声、德行和功业则为人类独有。人们一定看到,丰功伟业总是出自无儿无女的人之手,因为这种人力图在他们肉体的形象后继无人的情况下表现他们精神的形象,所以没有后代的人反而最关心  相似文献   

刘墉  刘天纯 《高中生》2010,(28):20-21
有一天我跟几个朋友看电视上播出的探亲专题,报道20年前,台湾的老兵们怎么在身上写着"想家"的大字,走上街头,争取开放回乡探亲。只  相似文献   

代沟永远都是存在的,有人说。我和我的儿子,或者女儿,是无话不谈的朋友。朋友是可能的。但无话不谈,就可疑了。不同的生活是为不同的人而设计的。一代人有一代人的价值观、人生观、审美观、世界观,有各自不同的趣味和兴奋点。许多人对子女的了解。其实是相当的肤浅.常常只是一厢情愿。  相似文献   

在每个人的一生中,都或多或少地受过父母的责备。但责备孩子的确是一个技巧问题,或者说是一种教育艺术。责备孩子的方法,能决定孩子智能的成长,因此,我们作父母的不应该轻视方法。方法对头,事事功倍,方法不对,事倍功半。责备孩子有分寸感,父母语言的模式往往起很大作用,同样意思的话,换一种说法就会起到很好的效果,比如反“命  相似文献   

至今已发现了多种多样人类血型系统,但在临床实用方面,主要是ABO血型系统和RH血型系统。在ABO血型系统中,每个人的细胞中只具有A、B、O三个基因中的两个,分别来自父母方各一个。可能是AO、AA、BO、BB、AB或OO,称基因型。其中A和B基因属显性,O基因属隐性,所以具有AA和AO基因型的人,在临床上都表现为A型。只有当基因型是OO时,在临床上才表观为O  相似文献   

Today more and mere young men say that their parents don’t understand them well. They think their parents are very striet with them and don‘t give them enough space to do their own things which they like to. They even think their parents are out of touch with modern life. So,generally speaking, they don‘ t want to talk with their parents, they don‘ t tell everything, especially their secret to their parents. It seems there is a gap between the parents and their children.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research evidence regarding the personal and social development of children with gay and lesbian parents. Beginning with estimates of the numbers of such children, sociocultural, theoretical, and legal reasons for attention to their development are then outlined. In this context, research studies on sexual identity, personal development, and social relationships among these children are then reviewed. These studies include assessment of possible differences between children with gay or lesbian versus heterosexual parents as well as research on sources of diversity among children of gay and lesbian parents. Research on these topics is relatively new, and many important questions have yet to be addressed. To date, however, there is no evidence that the development of children with lesbian or gay parents is compromised in any significant respect relative to that among children of heterosexual parents in otherwise comparable circumstances. Having begun to respond to heterosexist and homophobic questions posed by psychological theory, judicial opinion, and popular prejudice, child development researchers are now in a position also to explore a broader range of issues raised by the emergence of different kinds of gay and lesbian families.  相似文献   

父母、国家与儿童的教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
父母与国家都对儿童的教育享有权利,但又有所区分.父母教育权的内容既及于家庭教育,也及于学校教育,包括教育选择权和学校参与权.承认并扩大父母的教育权已得到各国、地区及国际法的重视,也亟需我国教育立法的正面回应.  相似文献   

One of the most important responsibilities facing professionals in the educational setting is consultation with parents; few areas are as sensitive as consultation with parents of handicapped children. Various stages of adjustment tend to be experienced by these parents, and these need to be taken into consideration when consulting with them. Professionals should become more cognizant of the emotional factors which may be present in the lives of parents of handicapped youngsters.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基础和细胞。现代社会必须建立在具有现代文明的广大家庭的基础上。在全面建设小康社会的进程中,我国亿万家庭正在以空前的热情致力于自身整体素质的提高,努力学习文化科学知识,创建学习型家庭、学习型社会成为城乡一道亮丽的风景线。关注青少年的精神成长和智力发展,寻求科学的育儿方法和成功的家教经验,对于把家庭幸福的希望寄托于孩子的年轻父母来说,无疑是至为期盼的需求。每年暑期社会上反复出现种类繁多并日趋白热化的“状元热”、“家教热”、“补课热、”培训热“,一方面彰示着为人父母者望子成龙的殷切期望,另一方面也…  相似文献   

浅谈"留守儿童"教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林艳 《现代教育科学》2006,(4):13-14,35
留守儿童已经成为倍受关注的重要课题,我国留守儿童存在学习差,性格缺陷,心理障碍等问题,笔者对问题进行了分析并提出了建议.  相似文献   

攀比孩子是家庭教育出现的较为普遍的不良现象。拿自己的孩子与别人家的孩子比,攀来比去至少有四大负面影响:伤自尊心、破坏亲子关系、压抑个性、损害健康,实在必须摒弃。  相似文献   

The present study examines the achievement attributions of Greek Cypriot students and their parents. Its aim was to investigate the role of parental and child achievement attributions as parameters of the child's actual school achievement and to examine the existing differences between attributions made by children and their parents. A total of 477 Sixth Grade Greek Cypriot students and their parents participated in the study. A structural equation model was constructed and its ability to fit the data was tested. It was found that child attributions of achievement to effort, ability and other internal factors are positively related to actual achievement, while attributions to luck and external factors are negatively related to achievement. This is in line with earlier findings. Parental and child attributions are not strongly and reliably related. Thus, claims that children develop their own attributions on the basis of their parents’ attributions were not supported. Gender differences were found, with females attributing their achievement to effort more than males did. Finally, underachievers tended to attribute their school performance to external factors (luck, role of others such as parents and teachers), while highly achieving students tended to attribute their performance to their own effort and other internal factors.  相似文献   

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