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有个知心朋友多好呀!可以一起上学,一起放学,一起学习,一起玩耍,一起做很多很多的事情。你有最要好的朋友吗?  相似文献   

吉姆和金都是我的好朋友。吉姆长得又矮又瘦,他很文静。而金长得高大强壮,但不胖。我和金喜欢踢足球,我们经常去操场踢球。但是吉姆不跟我们一起踢球。他喜欢去图书馆看书。有时他喜欢听音乐。晚上,吉姆经常帮助我和金学习英语。我们一起聊天和谈笑。我们是最好的朋友。  相似文献   

Adolescent Girls' Relationships with Mothers and Best Friends   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study examined factors associated with harmony in adolescent girls' relationships with their mothers and their best friends. A framework was proposed in which relationship harmony was expected to be related to individual characteristics of each partner and the match between the individual characteristics of each partner. 60 adolescent girls, their mothers, and their best friends participated in self-report and observational tasks. Harmonious mother-daughter partners (vs. disharmonious ones) had more similar needs, felt their needs were better met, perceived their partners as more socially skilled, and had more similar interests. Harmonious friends (vs. disharmonious ones) had more similar needs, and target adolescents perceived partners to be more socially skilled and better at meeting their needs. Observational ratings of attunement, positive affect, and power negotiation were greater in harmonious relationships with both mothers and friends. Discussion focuses on the value of a common framework for studying different relationships.  相似文献   

The worldwide decline in frogs and other amphibians (两栖动物) has been well documented, though the reasons for it are less clear. Scientists have suggested many possible factors, including climate change, disease and increased exposure to ultraviolet (紫外线的) ra-  相似文献   

<正>Feeling empowered can be an amazing thing. It’s what makes us feel positive and confident that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Empowerment breeds self-respect and respect for others. The tricky part is how we become empowered. Sometimes it’s a life-changing event  相似文献   

邝群 《中学生英语》2002,(14):21-21
A life without a friend is a life without a sun. This is no doubt a truthful saying. Everybody needs friends. Without a friend,you will feel lonely and sad. Suppose you are in trouble,whom will you turn to for help if you have no friends? So it is necessary for all of us to make friends.  相似文献   

前方路口,你向左,我向右,我们都倔强地没有回头……我们说好的,分手后依然做朋友……分手不等于放手看到堂哥高考落榜后痛不欲生,一蹶不振的消沉样,我心里那道暗伤瞬间清晰,血淋淋的,触目惊心,仿若有根针杂乱无章地在上面飞针走线,痛一波接着一波袭来。是该和莫飞说再见了,我不想在明年这个时刻,看到他变成堂哥这个样子,青春年少,仅十几岁,却像个小糟老头子,整天退休了般把自己关在家里,不停地自责懊恼。  相似文献   

How many friends do you have?我们采学习怎样介绍你身边的朋友吧。  相似文献   


When asked about whether they can go without friends,many people give a negative answer.Indeed,having no friend means you are living on a small island of loneliness in the midst of a vast ocean without blessedness. Although we may come across many people in our life.yet it’s not easy to make true friends.A good friend can share our sadness as well as happiness.A  相似文献   

Making Friends     
诸彦萍:Hi, my name is Sally. I' m 13. I like singing, dancing,swimming, watching TV and playing computer. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher and give children a lot of knowledge. If I could change the world, I would give people a green environment so thal we could live a better life.  相似文献   

Making Friends     
周雨彤:Hi! My Chinese name is Zhou Yutong. My English name IS Amanda. I'm on excellent gid In Ronghu Primary School. There are five people in my family, They are my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother and I. We are happy together and they all love me. Chips is my favoudte food. I like sports. I want to be good friends with everybody.  相似文献   

Fish Friends     

Making Friends     
Hello, everyone! My name is U Yuxiao. I'm a lovely girl. I'm from Jiangsu Province. When I was two years old, I began to study English. I like reading English books very much,  相似文献   

词:MichaeI Kunze 曲:Giorgio Moroder演唱:孙楠李玟创作背景由著名音乐家乔吉奥·莫罗德尔和孔祥东联合创作的2008北京奥运歌曲《Forever Friend》2007年11月29日正式对外发布。  相似文献   

Making Friends     
主持人小语: 英语有50万日阐词汇.另有50万专业技术词汇.而一个受过本科教育的英语母语使用者其词汇量为1万左右。因此,在阅读英文材料的过程中时常遇到生词毫不奇怪。除了利用上下文语境和词根.  相似文献   

Making Friends     

Making Friends     

Making Friends     
找啊找啊找朋友,找到一个好朋友,敬个礼,握握手,你是我的好朋友!  相似文献   

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